Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Shume popujve e kombeve u jane bere e vazhdojne t'u behne padrejtesi dhe nder ta jemi dhe ne Ne, por me Palestinen ekziston nje sjllje qe te nervozon ne kulm dhe te ben t'i thuash "shko ne djall" cdo gjeje qe pretendon se mbron te drejten.
Padrejtesia ndaj nje kombi te tere reklamohet hapur si nje e drejte qe asgjekundi nuk qendron!

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

ajo çfare israeli kerkon eshte jeruzalemi dhe disa nga rrethinat e tij.nuk jam dakort me ate çfare zoteria kishte shkruar ne ditarin e tij,por ama nuk mund te mohojme qe pjeserisht eshte e vertete;israeli nuk do te eci asnjehere perpara duka pasur fqinje palestinezet.tokat qe israeli kerkon ,historikisht kane qene te vetat dhe palesrinezet i kane shpallur te vetat me pa te drejte.jane aq injorante,aq te trashe,aq te keqinj sa perdorin menyra skandaloze per te mbrojtur diçka qe nuk i perket dhe per te bere faltor israelin ne arene nderkombetare.i ka dhene azil politik,leje qendrimi dhe pune,(pra i ka mbajtur me buke)e ata asnjehere nuk ikane nderprere masakrat kunder tij. :mad:

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!



Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga lilly:
[qb]tokat qe israeli kerkon ,historikisht kane qene te vetat dhe palesrinezet i kane shpallur te vetat me pa te drejte.[/qb]
Dy perla te moralit hebre:

1. Miliarda raste qe nje hebre e ndihmon tjetrin.
2. Ska femije jetim hebre, ska jetimore ne Izrael, ska femije te abandonuar hebre ne bote.

Demagog he? Me duket se ti je demagogu ketu te i imponosh te tjereve injorancen per kulturen. E pse duhet te me vije merak per injorancine qe keni dhe te mos me vije mire, te kem cmire dhe deshire qe moralin hebre ta kete populli im.

Permenda me lart dy perla te moralit hebre.

E dini ju o njerez se Islami ka 73 sekte. Sekti me i dhunshem dhe me i madh eshte Suni. Sekti qe ju jeni tani.
E dini se ne Lindjen e Mesme keta Sunite i rrahin/(ose vrasin kur iu mbushet mendja) te tjeret sepse vijne (kalojne!) para xhamive ku frekuentojne Suni sepse nuk jane Suni.
Xhamite jane te ndara midis sekteve.
Kjo eshte Lindja e mesme e mbushur me plot xhevaire qe ky demagogu (hajduti therret kapeni hajdutin) mundohet te i fsheje dhe mos te e marri vesh kush duke mos e permendur.

Kush jane palestinezet? Ju po deshet besoni median, besoni aliun, besoni kedo. Mua dhe shume te tjereve nuk na behet vone se kujt i besoni, se ke besoni.

Vetem binduni per kete:
Hebrenjte ishin, jane, dhe do jene superior jo si rrace por si komb sepse duke menduar si ata dhe ne mund te behemi superior.

Dy perla te moralit hebre:

1. Miliarda raste qe nje hebre e ndihmon tjetrin.
2. Ska femije jetim hebre, ska jetimore ne Izrael, ska femije te abandonuar hebre ne bote.

Imagjinoni nje komb shqiptar ku cdo shqiptar te ndihmonte dhe donte cdo shqiptar. Ku nuk do kishte femije jetim shqiptar, ku vajzat tona nuk do ishin neper harremet e Lindjes se mesme apo borrdellove e rrugeve te Europes. Imagjinoni nje komb shqiptar kur te tjeret do e urrejne per nga shkelqimi qe ka, nga prosperiteti, nga aftesia per te sfiduar cdo gje, nga krijmtaria dhe zgjuaresia e cdo shqiptari

do imagjinoni nje komb me moralin perfekt hebre. Nje komb qe njerezit jane perfekte.

Ja cfare eshte morali hebre. Do ju urrejne dhe do ju shajne si shajne sot te tjeret hebrenjte. Vetem do keni parasysh se moralin do e keni te paster.

Pyeteni veten nese e doni nje moral te paster te tille?
Pyeteni veten goca nese doni te beheni gruaja e 5te e Bin Laden sepse ai jeton sipas asaj qe u tha nga dikush.
Pyeteni veten nese doni te shkelqeni ne te gjitha fushat dhe si do ju duket injoranca?

Zoti krijoi token, per ju. Te shkelqeni si ai shkelqen.

I thoni jo injorances qe kerkojne te mbjellim disa. Rrini shtrembert dhe flisni drejt.

sa per info: 'Al Xhamia' arabisht perkthehet 'universitet' ne shqip. Cfare term injorues.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

jo mer pallosh jo...

Xhamia eshte istituzioni i pare ne kulturen islame ku besimi dhe njohja e Zotit u mesua rregullisht me mesues e nxenes...nivele e grada.
mesimi per Zotin ne islam nenkupton astronomi,fizike, matematike, mjeksi, juridiksion, psikologji, sociologji, drejtim admisnitrativ, shkenca te edukates, argumentacionit llogjik, filozofi e metafizike.

ma merr mendja se termi universitet...s'permbush per nga vlerat qe dikur jepte xhamia, as gjysmen e idese istruktive dhe edukuese ne nivelet e caktuara te xhamise...po ç'ti bejme, perendimi s'ka fjale tjeter me te bukur.

perveç rreshtit te fundit qe i lexova parafolesit abuziv ( ma kapi syri jo me shume) erdha per te shkruar çka vura re me interes dje. Shizmen perhere e me evidente mes hebrejve ne Izrael dhe ne emigrim. Dje u shan e u bene copash ca teste (di ***** ) calde ndermjet tyre dhe gad lerner. Lobi europian hebre, perveç disa ortodoksve te komuniteteve zyrtare te romes e naj terron tjeter s'ishin aspak dakort dhe kundershtonin politiken aktuale te Israelit, sharonit me shoke. Me shume mundesi...siç u la te kuptohet, lobi hebre i amerikes eshte mbeshtetes i politikes aktuale ne menyre teper te heshtur.

dhe seò u shpetoi aty ketu mbeshtetja strategjike e sekteve te devotshme kristiane evangjeliste qe kane per kredo disa te drejtene eisraelit si popull i bekuar e disa si permbushjen e profetesise se popullimit te tokave rreth tempullit me cifut se shenje e zbritjes se Mbreterise mbi toke te derr derr pak fjale : skllever qe punojne per ta!!!

mu kujtua diskutimi i logosit...interesant. Ai s'eshte katolik, e diç nga kto ide i shpalos bukur.

ti lesh çifutet pa sherr e konflikt te jashtem qe ti bashkoje...ata ahne kokat e njeri tjetrit e shuhen fare. aq sa mund te jene shoke 2 çakej.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga Shadow of Self:
E dini ju o njerez se Islami ka 73 sekte. Sekti me i dhunshem dhe me i madh eshte Suni. Sekti qe ju jeni tani.
E dini se ne Lindjen e Mesme keta Sunite i rrahin/(ose vrasin kur iu mbushet mendja) te tjeret sepse vijne (kalojne!) para xhamive ku frekuentojne Suni sepse nuk jane Suni.
Xhamite jane te ndara midis sekteve.
booo e lexova ...s'mu nejt!!!

he ere percakto se ç'eshte sekti ne Islam dhe me rreshto te 73 sektet...mos fol si "pordhac i vogel dua te jem" !!!

Sunni...nuk eshte sekt djal i vogel me hije, EHli sunna we xhem'a (mos u tremb injorant se e njejta gje me ate qe ke lexuar ti Sunni eshte) perben 90 % te kredos myslimane te botes çka mbetet jane Shia'l alewie ose shiite nje grupim nisur si politik, perçarje qe me pas ka marre metamorfoza kredoje por te rimediueshme QE MEQE JEMI TEK TEMA DHE MORALI I LARTE I POPULLIT çIFUT, KJO PERçARJE ESHTE PERHAPUR NE ISLAM NE VITET PAS VDEKJES SE PORFETIT NGA NJE çIFUT QE PRETENDOI SE U KTHYE MYSLIMAN QE KA VJELL VRER PER SA KA PASUR FRYME. Theniet e Aliut r.a. "Nese s'do te krijone imazh te keq per fene e s'do te sillte trazira e keqinterpretime une do ta kisha vrare ate (personin ne fjale)" e te shume bashkohesve tregojne tolerancen e Islamit ndaj njerezve me te ulet...qe si per ironi kane qene shumica çifute.

Ne lindjen e afert rrihen e priten thua i kalu perballe xhamise tjeter. Patjeter kur imam i Hizbullaheve te sirise te jete nje fare david , nga north dakota e krupet e kurdeve shia te te kene per imam grupi amerikane. Nje miku im me tregoi skena makabre te PKK-istash "kurd" te vrare, te gjithe amerikane....e imamer qe nxisnin xhihadera te pa bere synet(jo myslimane).
dikush perdor injorancen e pastertine e popujve te sinqerte.

Martin Gora

Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Kaq barbare jane arabo-myslimanet e azise saqe edhe fjala "Assasin" eshte me origjine prej andej. Ishte emri i nje sekti mysliman qe predikonte vrasje dhe eleminim fizik ne emer te vullnetit te zotit. I njejti mentalitet qe shpaloset sot nga xhihadistet arabo-evgjit.

Te vjen ndot vetem ti kujtosh keta, le me pastaj te kesh te besh me ta.


Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Zoti paste meshire per shpirtrat tuaj shpifes!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

1-hashashinet...s'jana arabe, ai grupim i fogel ka qene me orogjine iraniane.
2-hashashinet jane nje grupim qe ndiqnin nje te paudhe i cili ne seancat e tij perdorte lirshem hashashin. hashashijn do te thote "te berit" " te hashashosurit"
3-keto nejrez qe atehere kane qene kategorisht jasht islamit.
4-kane qene nje nder deget e shijave te pa pranuar dhe prej tyre.
5- e kane luftuar islamin, te drejten me shume se armiqt e vertete e kane vrare shume koka te drejtimit sunni te botes islame si Sultan Arpaslanin.
6-jane nje grupim politik me reklamizim metafizik qe donin pushtetin me vrasje.
7-kane marre pjese nje here ne nje kryqezate dhe demi qe i kane shkakruar kryqezoreve pushtues ka kallur daten.
8-kryqezoret besonin se tere myslimanet pinin hashash dhe ndaj ishin aq trima ne beteje. Quajten trimerine jashte imagjinates se tyre ne fushe te betejes si hashashijne....dhe thone qe ne perendim emri assasin vjen nga to.
9- dhe mbaje vath ne vesh ti kolopuçi qe sa ke filluar te lexosh kjo mbetet nje teze e pavertetuar e nje orientalisti te pa akredituar qe sot perhere e me teper po gjen terren per tu perhapur nga cytesit e kesaj propagande te ndryre.

u eksitove kur lexove diçka te ndyre eee?


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

...te ndyre, i ndyre, i piset...
Gjate "gjuetise se shtrigave" shume europiane te pafaj kane perfunduar ne turren e druve me akuzen se ...laheshin shume. Per "doktrinen" e atehershme nje i krishtere s'kishte nevoje te lahej, ishte i paster se brendshmi :lol: dhe njerezit pastertore konsideroheshin myslimane te mundshem...

Shkrova kot, se jam ne qejf dhe po keqperdor statusin...
do njeri sapun? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif :wave:


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Palestina dhe palestinezet. Perse te advokohen? Se jane myslimane apo se kane te drejte te jetojne te lire? Interpretimet myslimane shpesh here rrahin ne te njejten domosdoshmeri te asaj te vendeve te shenjta. Myslimaneve nuk i intereson aq shume koncepti i lirise perderisa nuk ngrene zerin per Irlanden e Veriut, Kurdistanin, Transnistrine, Basket, etj. Pra, interesat e tyre jane me hater nga ana e besimit te popullit te caktuar perqafues te islamit. Nuk me duket llogjike mer vellezer, per sa kohe se nuk shikohet cdo popull barazisht, e pa paragjykime.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Eh, Logos, ne teori shumekush ka te drejte...
Meqe u "internacionalizuam" ketu, dje po shihja e neveritur lajmet e ketij vendi pizza-sh: Berlusconi dhe Putin, te perqafuar parakalonin zyrtarisht, klime e ngrohte dhe miqesore. Krimineli i KGB-se, kur e pa se e kishte situaten ne dore, se po i luteshin te bente me shume transaksione ne Euro, se askush nuk beri nje batute te vetme per eliminimin e opozitareve ruse, etj., etj., kaloi ne sulm: "Europa nuk po na mbeshtet sa duhet kunder ceceneve, ketyre terroristeve te pandreqshem..." :idea:
Po mendoja: me kalimin e kohes, nderkohe qe krimineli kthehet ne hero, ai qe ka te drejte (por qe s'eshte Gandhi, se s'ka terrenin social gandhian) c'menyre tjeter ka per tu bere i degjueshem pervec se te marre peng nje teater moskovit, fjala vjen?
/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif Po te rremohet historia (e afert) mund te zbulohet lehte se nuk ka popuj terroriste te lindur, eshte nje escalation ne progres.

Nejse, ne fund Putin i futi edhe nje xhiro ne Vatikan, ku u prononcua pro idese se bashkimit te te gjithe besimtareve kristiane...keto tha, kuptohet lehte ideja e pathenshme qe ka ne mendje...

Nje nga padrejtesite me te medha te te gjitha koherave...BOTA ESHTE RROTE!


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Kur s'ju intereson tema, mos nderhyni, ju lutem!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Ceshtja e Palestines koncidon me interesa te ndryshme te lloj-lloj grupeve. Pika e vetme e shpreses buron nga mirekuptimi, dhe diplomacia. Mirekuptimi nuk mungon kur e kerkon.

Myslimanet po sulmojne nje popull qe eshte i pamundur te asgjesohet. Izraeli nuk mposhtet as nuk dorezohet, asnjehere, per kete te jeni te sigurte. Po kerkojne ta asimilojne, lirine e te drejten e te ekzistuarit t'ja derrmojne. Deshire per te mos e pare kete popull te lire eshte aq sa e madhe aq edhe e pamundur. Pa meshire e sulmojne nga te gjitha anet, dhe e veshtire ka per te qene nese nuk gjykohet situata reciprokisht. Me urrejtje, tmerr, dhune dhe ironi anti-semtiste nuk do kete zgjidhje he per he.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga Logos:

Myslimanet po sulmojne nje popull qe eshte i pamundur te asgjesohet. Izraeli nuk mposhtet as nuk dorezohet, asnjehere, per kete te jeni te sigurte. Po kerkojne ta asimilojne, lirine e te drejten e te ekzistuarit t'ja derrmojne. Deshire per te mos e pare kete popull te lire eshte aq sa e madhe aq edhe e pamundur. Pa meshire e sulmojne nga te gjitha anet, dhe e veshtire ka per te qene nese nuk gjykohet situata reciprokisht. Me urrejtje, tmerr, dhune dhe ironi anti-semtiste nuk do kete zgjidhje he per he. [/QB]
Logos une mendoj krej te kunderten qe ti e thua ne kete tekst,Izraeli eshte ai se mundohet ta asgjesoje nje popull,nuk mund te i mposhte trimat palestinez qe luftojne per ti cliruar teritoret e okupuara nga cionistet jehudij.
Per kete te jeshe me i sigurte se sa qe mendon,sepse e gjithe bota e din se cpo ndodhe ne palestine?,te gjithe femijte e djepit e dine se kush ndaj kujt ben teror?,kush eshte ai i cili vret femije dhe gra?,kush eshte ai qe largon nga vatrat e e tyre?,kush eshte ai i cili prish dhe renon shtepi te te pafajshmive?,andaj zotri mere veten pak me te mire dhe shko laje fytyren me uje te ftohet dhe mendo pak me mend e jo me b.... TURP PER TY TERORIST I PANGOPUR. /pf/images/graemlins/blush.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Lexoji mer toc se kush jane terroristet e vertete, kush sulmon burra, gra e femije te pafajshem parreshtur...

October 15, 2003: Three Americans were killed and one wounded at the Beit Hanoun junction in the Gaza Strip when a massive bomb demolished an armor-plated jeep in a convoy carrying U.S. diplomats and CIA personnel. Both the militant Islamic Jihad and Hamas movements denied responsibility for the attack.

October 4, 2003 Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing at the Maxim restaurant in Haifa killing 20 people and wounding more than 60.

September 26, 2003 -- Eyal Yeberbaum, 27, and 7-month old infant Shaked Avraham were shot dead by a Palestinian terrorist who knocked on the door of a home in Negohot, south of Hebron, during a celebratory Jewish New Year holiday dinner. Islamic Jihad took responsibility for the attack.

September 9, 2003 - Hamas claimed responsibility for two suicide bombings, the first at an entrance to the Tzrifin army base near Rishon Lezion and the second at Café Hillel in the German colony neighborhood of Jerusalem, which killed a total of 15 people and wounded at least 80.

August 19, 2003 - Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing of a bus in Jerusalem killing at least 18 people and wounding nearly 100.

August 12, 2003 - Suicide bombers killed two Israelis and wounded more than a dozen people in two attacks within a half hour of each other, one at a shopping mall in the Tel Aviv suburb of Rosh Ha?ayin and the other at the entrance of the West Bank town of Ariel. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility for the Rosh Ha?ayin bombing and Hamas claimed to have carried out the Ariel attack.

July 7, 2003 ? Mazal Afari, 65, of Moshav Kfar Yavetz was killed in her home and three of her grandchildren lightly wounded in a suicide bombing. The Jenin-based cell of Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

June 20, 2003 - An Israeli motorist was shot dead and three of his passengers were wounded when their car was fired upon by Palestinian terrorists near Ofra, north of Ramallah. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

June 19, 2003 ? A suicide bombing in a grocery store in Sede Terumot in northeastern Israel, south of Beit Shean, killed the owner of the store. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

June 17, 2003 ? A shooting attack near the Kibbutz Eyal junction of the Trans-Israel Highway killed a 7-year-old girl and wounded three members of her family, including her 3-year-old sister. The Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility.

June 11, 2003 ? Sixteen people were killed and more than 80 wounded when a suicide bomber blew up a Jerusalem city bus during the afternoon rush hour. The bomber was disguised as an ultra-orthodox Jew. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

May 19, 2003 ? A suicide bomber attacked the Shaarei Amakim shopping center in Afula, in northern Israel, killing at least four and wounding 15. Islamic Jihad and Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades both claimed responsibility.

May 19, 2003 ? A Palestinian suicide bomber on a bicycle attacked an Israeli checkpoint on the Gaza Strip, wounding three Israeli soldiers. Hamas claimed responsibility.

May 18, 2003 ? Seven people were killed and more than 20 wounded when a suicide bomber blew up a Jerusalem city bus at the start of the Israeli work week. The bomber was disguised as an ultra-orthodox Jew. Soon after, a suicide bomber carrying explosives and dressed in the garb of an ultra-orthodox Jew was stopped at a roadblock. The Palestinian detonated his explosives, killing only himself. Hamas claimed responsibility in both attacks.

May 17, 2003 ? A pregnant Israeli woman and her husband were killed when a suicide bomber detonated himself next to them in a public square in Hebron. Hamas claimed responsibility.

April 30, 2003 ? Three people were killed and dozens wounded in a suicide bombing at a beachfront pub in Tel Aviv. The Fatah Tanzim and Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, carried out as a joint operation.

April 24, 2003 ? One Israeli was killed and 13 were wounded in a suicide bombing outside the train station in Kfar Saba. Groups related to the Fatah Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 30, 2003 - A suicide bombing in the pedestrian mall entrance of a cafe in Netanya wounded more than 40 people. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack, calling it a ?gift to the Iraqi people.?

March 7, 2003 - Two Israelis were killed and five were wounded when armed terrorists infiltrated the community of Kiryat Arba and attacked during Shabbat. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 5, 2003 ? Sixteen people were killed and more than 30 wounded when a terrorist detonated a powerful bomb on a bus en route to Haifa University. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

January 5, 2003 ? Twenty two people were killed and about 120 wounded in a double suicide bombing near the old Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Islamic Jihad and Hamas all claimed responsibility for the attacks.

January 2, 2003 - The charred body of an Israeli from Menahemiya in the Lower Galilee was found in the northern Jordan Valley in his burned out car. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

December 27, 2002 ? Terrorists broke into a dining hall at a yeshiva in Otneil, south of Hebron, and killed 4 students who were working in the yeshiva kitchen, and injured ten others. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

December 20, 2002 ? An Israeli rabbi was shot and killed on the Kissufim corridor road in the Gaza Strip while driving with his wife and six children to attend a pre-wedding Sabbath celebration in Afula. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

November 28 ? A suicide car bombing of the Israeli-owned beachfront Paradise Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, killed 3 Israelis and 10 Kenyans, and wounded at least 80 people. Al Qaeda is a main suspect in the attack.

November 28 - Two terrorists opened fire and lobbed grenades at the Likud polling station in Beit Shea?an, Israel, killing 6 people and wounding at least 40 people. Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

November 28 ? Two surface-to-air missiles narrowly missed an Israeli airliner as it lifted off from the runway at Moi International Airport in Kenya.

November 21 ? Eleven people were killed and 47 injured when a Palestinian suicide bomber exploded on a bus filled with passengers, including schoolchildren, in the Kiryat Menahem neighborhood in Jerusalem. The bus was traveling toward the center of the city during the morning rush hour. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

November 18: An Israeli mother of seven from Kochav Hashahar was killed Monday in a shooting attack on the Allon Road, just north of Ramallah. Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

November 15: Twelve Israelis were killed and 15 others wounded in Hebron when Palestinian terrorists opened fire and threw grenades at a group of Jewish worshippers and their guards as they were walking home from Sabbath prayers at the Cave of the Patriarchs. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attacks.

November 10, 2002 ? Five Israelis were killed, including two children, at Kibbutz Metzer, near Tulkarm. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

November 7, 2002 ? Two Israelis were killed when a Palestinian worker fired on them at the Pe'at Sadeh settlement in the southern Gaza Strip.

October 27: Two Israeli police officers and a soldier were killed, and 20 bystanders were wounded in a suicide bombing at a gas station near the settlement of Ariel in the West Bank. The two officers and soldier were killed while trying to prevent the terrorist from detonating the bomb. Hamas and the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

October 22, 2002 -- Domazlice -- An old Jewish cemetery was desecrated in a southwestern Czech town. Five tombstones were toppled at the cemetery in Domazlice, 94 miles southwest of Prague, and five copper lanterns stolen. Copper plaques with Hebrew inscriptions were removed from two tombstones.

October 22: At least 14 Israelis were killed and more than 45 injured when an explosives-laden sport utility vehicle driven by a Palestinian suicide bomber rammed a bus near Hadera in northern Israel. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

September 19: Six people were killed and 60 wounded when a terrorist detonated a bomb on one of Tel Aviv's busiest streets, in a bus opposite the Great Synagogue. Many of the wounded were in critical or serious condition. Both Islamic Jihad and Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

September 18: An Israeli police officer was killed, and three others were wounded, in a suicide bombing at a bus stop near the Umm al Fahm junction in northern Israel. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

August 10: One Israeli was killed and another was seriously injured when a Palestinian terrorist infiltrated Moshav Mechora in the Jordan Valley, and opened fire. The Fatah al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack

August 5: A Palestinian suicide bomber detonated himself in the vehicle of a resident of Nazareth. The driver, who tried to flee, was injured in the explosion.

August 5: A husband and his pregnant wife were killed, and one of their children, aged 3, was injured, when terrorists opened fire on their car as they were traveling on the Ramallah-Nablus road in the West Bank. A Fatah-affilated group claimed responsibility for the attack

August 4: Four people were injured - one seriously - when shots were fired at a bus near the West Bank town of Tulkarem. In addition, three Israelis were seriously wounded by a bomb blast while traveling in vehicle north of Ramallah in the West Bank.

August 4: Two men were killed and 17 wounded when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire with a pistol shortly before noon near the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem's Old City. The Fatah al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

August 4: Nine people were killed and about 50 wounded in a suicide bombing of an Egged bus at the Meron junction in northern Israel. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 31: Eight people were killed and 86 injured, 14 seriously, when a bomb went off at the Frank Sinatra Cafeteria on the Hebrew University Mt. Scopus campus during the busy lunchtime rush. Israeli authorities reported that the explosive device had been planted ahead of time, with the terrorist possibly detonating it by remote control. Five Americans were among the dead. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 30: Two Israeli brothers from the Israeli settlement of Tapuah were shot and killed by masked Palestinian gunmen while delivering diesel fuel to a neighboring Palestinian village. Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 30: Five people suffered light to moderate injuries in a suicide bombing at a falafel stand on Hanevi'im Street in central Jerusalem.

July 30: A husband and wife were injured overnight in the West Bank settlement of Itamar, when a Palestinian terrorist entered their bedroom while they were sleeping, armed with two knives. The terrorist was killed by security forces.

July 26: Four Israelis were killed, three from one family, and three were injured in a drive-by shooting attack near Hebron. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

July 25: One Israeli was killed and another injured in a shooting attack near the West Bank settlement of Alei Zahav. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 21: The driver of an Israeli commuter train was moderately injured when an explosive device, detonated by remote control, went off on the tracks between Rehovot and Yavneh. No passengers were injured and the train, which was travelling from Binyamina, near Hadera, to Ashdod in the south, was not derailed.

July 17: Three people were killed, and 40 more were injured, six seriously, in a double suicide bombing near the old central bus station in Tel Aviv. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack

July 16: Seven people were killed and 20 injured, several seriously, in a terrorist attack on a bus traveling from Tel Aviv to the West Bank. An explosive charge was detonated next to the bullet-resistant bus and three terrorists waiting in ambush opened fire on passengers who fled the bus in search of safety. The Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

June 30: Four people were lightly injured when a bomb placed on the railroad tracks went off just after a crowded train passed over the spot, just north of the city of Lod in central Israel.

June 20: Five Israelis, including a mother, three children and a neighbor who came to aid the family, were killed, when a Palestinian terrorist entered a home and opened fire in the West Bank settlement of Itamar. Two other children and two soldiers were also injured in the attack. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack

June 19: Seven people were killed and more than 50 were injured - three of them in critical condition - when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a crowded bus stop in Jerusalem's French Hill neighborhood. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

June 18: Nineteen people were killed and more than 70 were injured, in a suicide bombing on a bus just outside of Jerusalem. The bus, which was completely destroyed, was traveling from Gilo to Jerusalem and had many students on board. In addition to the bus, at least two other vehicles were severely damaged in the attack. Hamas claimed responsibility.

June 11: A 15-year-old Herzliya girl was killed and 15 others were wounded when a Palestinian suicide bomber set off a pipe bomb at a restaurant in the coastal city of Herzliya, north of Tel Aviv. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.

June 11: Three junior high school youths were injured in a roadside bombing near Hebron.

June 8: Three Israelis, including a pregnant woman, were killed, and five were injured when an armed terrorist inflitrated the community of Carmei Tzur, south of Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsiblity for the attack.

June 5: Sixteen people were killed and 38 injured - 7 seriously - when a car packed with explosives struck a bus at the Megiddo junction near Afula, in northern Israel. The bus, which burst into flames, was completely destroyed. The militant Palestinian group Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

May 28: Three yeshiva high school students were killed and two others wounded in Itamar, a settlement southeast of Nablus, when a Palestinian gunman opened fire, before he was shot dead by a security guard. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

May 28: An Israeli man was killed in an ambush on the Ramallah bypass road. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

May 27: A baby girl and her grandmother were killed when a suicide bomber detonated himself near an ice cream parlor outside a shopping mall in Petah Tikva, near Tel Aviv. The attack injured 40 others, some seriously. The Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

May 23: A suicide bomber, disguised as an Israeli with his hair dyed blond, killed at least two people and wounded more than 25 after detonating a powerful explosive in an outdoor market in Rishon Le Zion. The Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades, a militant faction of Yasir Arafat's Fatah movement, claimed responsibility.

May 19: Three Israelis were killed and more than 50 injured in a suicide bombing at an open-air market in Netanya. A Palestinian disguised as an Israeli soldier carried out the attack. Both Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility. Two of the victims were identified as Yosef Haviv, 70 and Arkadi Wiselman, 40, both of Netanya. Wiselman, a chef at the Park Hotel, survived the Passover bombing on March 27.

May 8: A Palestinian terrorist detonated a suitcase packed with explosives in a crowded gambling and billiards club near Tel Aviv, killing at least 15 people and wounding 58. The attack apparently was timed to coincide with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's visit to the United States, where he met with President George W. Bush and other administration officials to discuss a new proposal for ending the conflict.

April 27: Three Palestinian gunmen disguised as Israeli Army soldiers cut through the perimeter fence of Adora, a settlement on the West Bank, and entered several homes, firing on residents in their bedrooms. Four people, including a 5-year-old girl, were killed in the attacks. Another seven were injured, including one seriously. Both Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility.

April 12: At least six people are dead, and more than 60 are reported wounded, in the wake of a Palestinian suicide bombing in Jerusalem. The terrorist was attempting to board a bus near Jerusalem's Mahane Yehuda open-air market when the explosives detonated. The Fatah Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades reportedly has taken responsibility for the attack.

April 10: An Egged bus was blown up in a suicide bombing near Kibbutz Yagur, located close to Haifa, killing 10 people and wounding 17.

April 1: An IDF reserve soldier, Sgt.-Maj. Ofir Rot, 22, of Gan Yoshiya was killed at a roadblock near Jerusalem's Har Homa neighborhood by a Palestinian sniper firing from Beit Sahur, near Bethlehem.

April 1: Eight Israelis were wounded in a terrorist shooting attack at the entrance to Beit El in Samaria. Two were in critical condition, the other six were in light to moderate condition.

March 31: A Magen David Adom paramedic was very seriously injured along with three other people in a suicide bombing at the emergency medical center in Efrat, in the Gush Etzion bloc south of Jerusalem.

March 31: Fourteen people were killed and more than 40 injured in a suicide bombing in Haifa, in the Matza gas station restaurant near a shopping mall. Several of the injured were in serious to critical condition. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 30: Tomer Mordechai, 19, of Tel Aviv, a police officer, was killed in Jerusalem, when a Palestinian suicide bomber heading toward the city center blew himself up in his car after being stopped at a roadblock. The Fatah Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 30: About 30 people were injured, one critically and five seriously, by a powerful explosion in a cafe on the corner of Allenby and Bialik streets in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 29: Two people were killed and more than 20 were injured when a 16-year-old female Palestinian suicide bomber attacked a Jerusalem supermarket. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 27: Twenty-two people were killed and 140 injured - 20 seriously - in a suicide bombing at the Park Hotel in the coastal city of Netanya, in the midst of the Passover holiday seder with 250 guests. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 24: Esther Klieman, 23, of Neve Tzuf, was killed in a shooting attack northwest of Ramallah while traveling to work in a reinforced Egged bus.

March 24: Avi Sabag, 24, of Otniel was killed in a terrorist shooting south of Hebron.

March 20: Seven people, including four soldiers, were killed and 30 people were wounded in a suicide bombing of an Egged bus traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth. Two of the injurerd are in critical condition. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 19: 1st Lt. Tal Zemach, 20, of Kibbutz Hulda, was killed and three soldiers were injured when Palestinian terrorists opened fire at the paratroop training compound in the Jordan Valley. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 19: Two Border Police volunteers were lightly wounded when terrorists opened fire and threw a grenade at Moshav Aviezer, south of Beit Shemesh, on the Israeli side of the Green Line border. The gunmen were killed by Border Police

March 17: Twenty-five people were lightly injured when a suicide bomber exploded himself near an Egged bus at the French Hill junction in northern Jerusalem on Sunday afternoon. Many of the passengers were high school students on their way home from school. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 17: Noa Auerbach, 18, of Kfar Sava, was killed and 16 people were injured when a terrorist opened fire in the center of Kfar Sava on Sunday. The gunman was shot and killed by police.

March 12: Eyal Lieberman, 45, of Tzoran in Samaria was killed and one person was wounded in a shooting attack on Tuesday morning at the Kiryat Sefer checkpoint, east of Modi'in.

March 12: Terrorists opened fire, ambushing Israeli vehicles traveling between Shlomi and Kibbutz Metzuba near the northern border with Lebanon late Tuesday morning. Six Israelis were killed and at least 6 others suffered injuries. Two terrorists were also killed. Israeli forces are still conducting aerial and land searches for other members of the terror cell.

March 10: Shots were fired at a bar mitzva celebration in the coastal city of Ashdod. A 13-year-old boy suffered moderate-to-serious injuries in the attack. The terrorist was apprehended when his rifle jammed.

March 10: St.-Sgt. Kobi Eichelboim, 21, of Givatayim died from wounds suffered in the morning when a Palestinian gunman disguised as a worker opened fire at the entrance to Netzarim in the Gaza Strip.

March 9: An infant girl and a 27-year-old man were killed and about 50 people were injured, several seriously, when two Palestinians opened fire and threw grenades at cars and pedestrians in the coastal city of Netanya, close to the city's boardwalk and hotels. The terrorists were killed by Israeli border police. The Fatah Al Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 9: Eleven people were killed and 54 injured, 10 of them seriously, when a suicide bomber exploded at in a crowded cafe at the corner of Aza and Ben-Maimon streets in the Rehavia neighborhood in the center of Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 8: Staff Sargeant Edward Korol, 20, of Ashdod, the medic of the Golani's Egoz unit, was killed by a Palestinian sniper in the Tulkarem refugee camp. The Israel Defense Forces incursion in the Tulkarem camp led to the discovery of two weapons-making facilities, a weapons arsenal, and a large quantity of explosive materials, including 10 Kassam-2 missiles. The 1,300 Palestinian men who turned themselves in were detained for questioning.

March 7: A suicide bomber blew himself up shortly after 3:30 P.M. in the lobby of a hotel in the commercial center on the outskirts of Ariel in Samaria. 15 people were injured, one seriously. The PFLP claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 7: Aharon Krogliak of Beit El, Tal Kurtzweil of Bnei Brak, Asher Marcus of Jerusalem, Eran Pikar of Jerusalem, and Ariel Zana of Jerusalem, all aged 18, were killed and 23 people were injured, four seriously, when a Palestinian gunman penetrated a highschool that combines religious studies and military training in the Gush Katif settlement of Atzmona late Thursday night. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 7: A suicide bombing was prevented Thursday afternoon, when a man carrying an explosive device was blocked from entering a cafe on Emek Refaim Street in the German Colony section of Jerusalem.

March 7: A suicide bomber blew himself up shortly after 3:30 P.M. Thursday afternoon in the lobby of a hotel in the commericial center on the outskirts of Ariel in Samaria. Four injuries have been reported.

March 6: Cpl.(res.) Alexander Nastarenko, 37, of Netanya was killed when Palestinian gunmen crossed the fence and ambushed an army jeep on the patrol road near Kibbutz Nir Oz.

March 6: 1st Lt. Pinhas Cohen, 23, of Jerusalem, was killed overnight near the southern Gaza town of Khan Yunis, in the course of anti-terrorist activity following the rocket attack on Sderot. Another soldier, whose name has not yet been released, was killed and three others were wounded when Palestinians attacked them with gunfire and grenades while on routine patrol along the border with Egypt

March 5: Palestinians fired two Kassam II rockets at the city of Sderot shortly before 18:00 PM on Tuesday. One of the rockets hit a residential building, moderately wounding a 16-month-old infant. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 5: Police officers Salim Barakat, 33, of Yarka; Yosef Abey, 52, of Herzliya; and Eli Dahan, 53, of Lod were killed and over 30 people were wounded in Tel-Aviv when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire on two adjacent restaurants shortly after 2:00 AM. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 5: Devorah Friedman, 45, of Efrat, was killed and her husband injured Tuesday morning in shooting attack on the Bethlehem bypass "tunnel road", south of Jerusalem. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 5: One person was killed and 5 injured when a suicide bomber exploded in an Egged No. 823 bus as it entered the Afula central bus station at 8:30 Tuesday morning. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 2: The bullet-ridden body of Jerusalem police detective Chief-Supt. Moshe Dayan, 46, of Ma'aleh Adumim, was discovered Saturday evening next to his trail motorcycle, near the Mar Saba Monastery in the Judean Desert. Tanzim claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 2: Ten people were killed and over 50 were injured in a suicide bombing at 7 pm on Saturday evening near a yeshiva in the ultra-Orthodox Beit Yisrael neighborhood in the center of Jerusalem where people had gathered for a bar-mitzva celebration. The terrorist detonated the bomb next to a group of women waiting with their baby carriages for their husbands to leave the nearby synagogue. Six children were among the victims. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade took responsibility for the attack.

March 3: Sgt. Steven Koenigsburg, 19, of Hod Hasharon was killed and 4 soldiers injured Sunday morning when a Palestinian gunman opened fire near the Kissufim crossing in the Gaza Strip. The Islamic Jihad and Tanzim claimed responsibility for the attack.

March 3: Ten Israelis, including 2 IDF officers and 5 soldiers, were killed and 5 were injured when terrorists opened fire at 7:00 Sunday morning at an IDF roadblock north of Ofra in Samaria. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack.

February 25: Palestinian terrorists killed two Israeli civilians and wounded two others - a pregnant woman and a small girl - in a shooting attack south of Jerusalem.

February 22: Valery Ahmir, 59, of Beit Shemesh, was killed by terrorists in a drive-by shooting on the Atarot-Givat Ze'ev road north of Jerusalem as he returned home from work. Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.

February 19: Six soldiers were killed and one wounded in an attack near a roadblock west of Ramallah. Several terrorists opened fire at soldiers at the roadblock, including three off-duty soldiers inside a structure at the roadblock, killing them at point-blank range. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

February 19: A suicide bomber was prevented from boarding an Egged bus traveling from Jerusalem to Tiberias in the Jordan Valley. The terrorist was killed when, fleeing pursuit, he detonated the charge.

February 18: Ahuva Amergi, 30, of Ganei Tal in Gush Katif was killed and a 60-year old man was injured when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire on her car on Monday evening. Maj. Mor Elraz, 25, of Kiryat Ata and St.-Sgt. Amir Mansouri, 21, of Kiryat Arba, who came to their assistance, were killed while trying to intercept the terrorist. The terrorist was killed when the explosives he was carrying were detonated. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

February 18: Policeman Ahmed Mazarib, 32, of the Bedouin village Beit Zarzir in the Galilee, was killed by a suicide bomber who he had stopped for questioning on the Ma'ale Adumim-Jerusalem road on Monday afternoon. The terrorist succeeded in detonating the bomb in his car. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

February 10: A drive-by terrorist shooting at the entrance to the IDF Southern Command base in Be?er Sheva killed two female soldiers and injured four others. One of the Palestinian terrorists was killed at the scene; the second, wearing an explosives belt, fled in the direction of a nearby school when he was shot and killed by a soldier and police officer. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

February 9: A drive-by shooting on the Trans-Samaria Highway killed a 78 year old woman. Palestinian gunmen opened fire on the car, apparently from an ambush, between Ariel and the Tapuah Junction.

February 8: A 25-year-old Israeli woman was stabbed to death by four Palestinians, ages 14-16, while strolling with her boyfriend in the Peace Forest, below the Sherover Promenade in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood.

January 27: A suicide bombing in the center of Jerusalem killed one person and wounded more than 150. The terrorist, armed with more than 10 kilos of explosives, was apparently a female student from Nablus.

January 25: A suicide bombing outside a cafe on a pedestrian mall in Tel Aviv injured 25 people. The Lebanese television station Al-Manar reported that the bomber was an Islamic Jihad activist sent by the organization's cell in Tulkarm and Israeli security services are investigating whether the Fatah organization in Tulkarm and Hezbollah may also have been involved.

January 22, 2002: A Palestinian terrorist opened fire with an M-16 assault rifle near a bus stop in downtown Jerusalem, killing two women and injuring about 40 others. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the shooting.

January 17, 2002: A Palestinian gunman burst into a bat mitzvah celebration in a banquet hall in Hadera, opening fire on the 180 guests with an M-16 assault rifle, killing 6 people and injuring 35 people. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

December 12, 2001: Palestinian gunmen attacked a No. 189 Dan bus and several passenger cars near the entrance to the settlement of Emmanuel, killing 10 people and injuring about 30 people.

December 2, 2001: A suicide bombing on a No. 16 Egged bus in Haifa killed 15 people and injured about 40 people. Hamas claimed responsibility for the Haifa blast, while Hizbullah's radio and television stations expressed support for the attacks.

December 1, 2001: A double suicide bombing at the Ben-Yehuda pedestrian mall in Jerusalem at 11:30 p.m. on a Saturday night killed 11 people, aged 12-21, and injured 188 people. A car bomb exploded 20 minutes later. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

November 29, 2001: A suicide bombing of a bus on its way from Nazareth to Hadera killed three people. Fatah and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

November 27, 2001: Two Palestinian gunmen opened fire on a crowd of people near the central bus station in the city of Afula, killing two people. Fatah and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

October 28, 2001: Two Palestinian gunmen killed four Israeli women at a crowded bus stop in the city of Hadera. Although Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack, the two gunmen who carried out the attack were members of the Palestinian police force.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

lene logos lene se e bere lamç,tash mos fillo te arsyetosh sulmet izraelite ndaj palestinezeve!. me fillu une te te shkruaj kesi lloj tekstesh ,bile edhe me fotografi nuk mund ta mare nje rubrike e tere edhe nuk e di se sa kohe,.
Prandaj duhet ta pranosh te verteten ashtu siq eshte ,e di se eshte shume e hidhur ,por ama e vertete.
Edhe me mos me shkruaj tekste te tilla sepse ai qe e ka mizen nen kapuç ,menjehere fillon te dyshoje,keshtu i themi kendej kah ne /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

p.s. edhe sot dz ushtare amerikan ,te shofim neser...... :thumbsup:


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

E kush tjeter pervec nje injoranti te pashpirt gezohet e zgerdhihet kur njerezit vdesin...


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga Logos:
[qb] E kush tjeter pervec nje injoranti te pashpirt gezohet e zgerdhihet kur njerezit vdesin... [/qb]
Hienat besoj.

Dy perla te moralit hebre qe zor se i gjen ne hienat arabe keto vlera:

1)Dashuria per njeri tjetritn dhe ndihma per njeri tjetrin
2)Ska femije jetim ne Izrael dhe ska femije hebre ne bote te jete jetim.

Oh harrova se Bin Laden zbaton moralin e tij, ate qe thote Islami thone disa.
ne nje teme po ketu ne Albforum nga ca arabo-evgjite u be tema "me mjeker apo pa mjeker". Kerkojeni se ketu ne Albforum eshte.

Te gjithe arabofilat u deklaruan pro-mbajtes se nje mjekre te gjate dhe per cudi po marr nje shembull si "Emma" Islamiste e famshme qe e kupton Islamin me mire se kushdi tjeter u deklarua kunder mjekres se gjate.

Emma, dhe ju vajza te tjera Islame. Lexoni Kur'Anin pa u entuziazmuar por analizoni cdo fjali aty, qete dhe me arsye. Arsyen e keni.

Lexojeni se nuk mbahen 4 gra si Bin Laden, apo si cdo figure tjeter atje ne Kur'an. Quheni poligami, quheni moral sepse per mua nuk vlen te permendet sepse hiena, egersira me figura njeriu duhet te jene te skllaverojne si prostitute nje femer ne harem.

Une quaj moral ato qe quaj perla te moralit hebre.

1)Dashuria per njeri tjetritn dhe ndihma per njeri tjetrin
2)Ska femije jetim ne Izrael dhe ska femije hebre ne bote te jete jetim.

Sot Izraeli ka lejuar te liroje 400 palestineze (te cilet jane kaput me eksploziv etj duke vrare) ne kembim qe te lirohet nje izraelit i kindapuar, dhe trupat e 3 izraeliteve te vrare. Lexojini ne lajme. Search google!

Sa i rendesishem eshte njeriu (jo egersirat me fytyre njeriu) ne moralin hebre? Lexojeni ne lajme po te doni. I gjeni keto vlera diku tjeter. Mos mendoni se poligamia, injoranca, vrasja jane virtyte qe reklamohen shume ketu.

Me vjen keq por si mund te trajtohen keto egersira (ca jane dhe ne forum)?

I keni lexuar qete ato qe kam shkruar une me lart? Lexojini prape se po beheni brainwash diku gjetke! Lexoni dhe shkrimet e mia te meparshme. Qete!


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga Shadow of Self:

Dy perla te moralit hebre qe zor se i gjen ne hienat arabe keto vlera:

1)Dashuria per njeri tjetritn dhe ndihma per njeri tjetrin
2)Ska femije jetim ne Izrael dhe ska femije hebre ne bote te jete jetim.

Oh harrova se Bin Laden zbaton moralin e tij, ate qe thote Islami thone disa.
ne nje teme po ketu ne Albforum nga ca arabo-evgjite u be tema "me mjeker apo pa mjeker". Kerkojeni se ketu ne Albforum eshte.

Te gjithe arabofilat u deklaruan pro-mbajtes se nje mjekre te gjate dhe per cudi po marr nje shembull si "Emma" Islamiste e famshme qe e kupton Islamin me mire se kushdi tjeter u deklarua kunder mjekres se gjate.

Emma, dhe ju vajza te tjera Islame. Lexoni Kur'Anin pa u entuziazmuar por analizoni cdo fjali aty, qete dhe me arsye. Arsyen e keni.

Lexojeni se nuk mbahen 4 gra si Bin Laden, apo si cdo figure tjeter atje ne Kur'an. Quheni poligami, quheni moral sepse per mua nuk vlen te permendet sepse hiena, egersira me figura njeriu duhet te jene te skllaverojne si prostitute nje femer ne harem.

Une quaj moral ato qe quaj perla te moralit hebre.

1)Dashuria per njeri tjetritn dhe ndihma per njeri tjetrin
2)Ska femije jetim ne Izrael dhe ska femije hebre ne bote te jete jetim.

Sot Izraeli ka lejuar te liroje 400 palestineze (te cilet jane kapur me eksploziv etj duke vrare) ne kembim qe te lirohet nje izraelit i kindapuar, dhe trupat e 3 izraeliteve te vrare. Lexojini ne lajme. Search google!

Sa i rendesishem eshte njeriu (jo egersirat me fytyre njeriu) ne moralin hebre? Lexojeni ne lajme po te doni. I gjeni keto vlera diku tjeter. Mos mendoni se poligamia, injoranca, vrasja jane virtyte qe reklamohen shume ketu.

Me vjen keq por si mund te trajtohen keto egersira (ca jane dhe ne forum)?

I keni lexuar qete ato qe kam shkruar une me lart? Lexojini prape se po beheni brainwash diku gjetke! Lexoni dhe shkrimet e mia te meparshme. Qete!
"Kur po vendosnin ke do futnin ne dhomat me gas prindrit e mi dolen ne krye -dhe thane- Ne jemi te paret per te kursyer jeten e dy pleqeve hebrenj ne kamp. Jo -u pergjigjen ata- ju jeni te rinj. Nje jave me vone prinderit e mi u ekzekutuan po ashtu" -- tregim nga nje survivor i Holokaustit.

Sot Izraeli po liron nga burgjet 400 terroriste palestineze te kapur me arme, eksploziv etj. Ne kembim te nje qytetari hebre (civil) te marre peng dhe tre trupave te 3 ushtareve izraelite te vrare nga Hezbollah. Emrat e terroristave u kerkuan nga organizata terroriste islamike hesbollah.

Ah sikur te bente cdo shqiptar, cdo qeveri shqiptare 1/100 ate qe ben nje hebre per nje tjeter, nje qeveri izraelite per qytetaret e saj do te isha njeriu me i lumtur ne bote. Keni helmuar gjakun me "vlerat" e hienave arabeve ju marrte e mira ju marrte.