Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Shume popujve e kombeve u jane bere e vazhdojne t'u behne padrejtesi dhe nder ta jemi dhe ne Ne, por me Palestinen ekziston nje sjllje qe te nervozon ne kulm dhe te ben t'i thuash "shko ne djall" cdo gjeje qe pretendon se mbron te drejten.
Padrejtesia ndaj nje kombi te tere reklamohet hapur si nje e drejte qe asgjekundi nuk qendron!


Forumium praecox
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga 'Neo':
[qb] Alio nuk te rri goja ty!! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Bato /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif [/qb]
Me shpetoi... /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif nuk desha /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Sabra and Shatila: Will Justice Prevail?
By Thomas J. Haidon
Researcher – International Law

While President George W. Bush met his friend and contemporary, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, with photographs scattered across American newspapers of them shaking hands and sharing a “common vision,” thousands of miles away the families of and the surviving victims of the massacres at Sabra and Shatila have quite a different perspective.

To them, Ariel Sharon is a genocidal megalomaniac who is guilty of war crimes. Indeed, mere mention of the words Sabra and Shatila, particularly among Arabs, conjures up visions of Ariel Sharon, the man deemed “indirectly responsible” by the Israeli government for directing the Phalangists to liquidate the civilian population.

To the families of the victims, justice has remained elusive. The communities of Sabra and Shatila will never be the same; and the massacres that took place in 1982 have left an indelible mark on the psyche of its residents. However, for these families and the communities at large, Ariel Sharon may be forced to face a legal tribunal and answer that tribunal regarding his role in Sabra and Shatila.

On June 18, 2001, twenty three survivors of the massacres filed an accusatory instrument before the Belgian National Court, thus commencing the first potentially successful attempt to hold the former General accountable. To be sure, the path to holding Sharon accountable has been a treacherous one, with the Prosecution encountering pitfalls (which may soon prove to be fatal).

Justice may be in sight, but it may not be within reach. On June 26, 2002 the Belgian Court of Appeals will render a decision as to whether or not the case against Prime Minister Sharon can continue.

Why has the case against Ariel Sharon been brought to the Belgian National Courts?

The Belgian legislature in 1993 conferred Universal Jurisdiction upon its courts. Universal jurisdiction can be considered “criminal jurisdiction based solely on the nature of the crime, without regard to where the crime was committed, the nationality of the victim, or any connection to the state exercising such jurisdiction.”1

Also incorporated into Belgian law was the corpus of the Geneva Conventions, to which it is a signatory. This bases for jurisdiction has proven to date to be a major point of contention between the Plaintiff’s and Sharon’s counsel.

What charges have been laid against Sharon?

The June 18, 2002 Complaint against Sharon asserts three causes of action for: genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. According to the plaintiffs, the crime of genocide rises to the level of jus cogens and constitutes a universal wrong.

Charge One: Genocide

The Complaint initially points to several United Nations resolutions condemning the actions by the Israeli government. Specifically, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 37/123D classified the events as acts of genocide: “Resolves that the massacre was an act of genocide.” The Complaint proceeds to cite Article II of the December 9, 1948 Convention on Genocide, which states:

The crime of genocide consists of one of the following acts, committed with the intention of destroying, either in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group: 1) The killing of members of the group; 2) A serious attack on the mental or physical integrity of members of the group…2

The Complaint cites numerous accounts of eyewitness testimonies from the victims as well as bystanders to support the supposition that the civilians were killed because they were Palestinians, including the riveting account of American journalist Thomas Friedman. Friedman wrote that to the Israelis, every man woman and child was a terrorist:

The Israeli soldiers did not see innocent civilians being massacred and they did not hear the screams of innocent children going to their graves. What they saw was a “terrorist infestation” being “mopped up” and “terrorist nurses” scurrying about and “terrorist teenagers” trying to defend them, and what they heard were “terrorist women” screaming. In the Israeli psyche you don’t come to the rescue of “terrorists.”3

The Complaint also relies on transcripts of conversations between Sharon and his underlings, in which Sharon is quoted as saying, among other things: “I don’t want a single one of them left.”4

Plaintiff’s have also produced significant documentary evidence, including reports from the Israeli government officials.

Charge Two: Crimes Against Humanity

The second cause of action/charge that the Plaintiff’s have asserted are crimes against humanity. The Complaint relies on the definition for crimes against humanity as set forth in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which specifies that crimes against humanity are:

a part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack (article 7.1)… Attack directed against any civilian population means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack.

The Plaintiff’s alleged that the elements that constitute crimes against humanity were indeed present: the attack was undoubtedly against a civilian population, committed on multiple fronts, with Israel seeking a political objective (to crush Palestinian dissent and resistance).

Once again, numerous accounts and reports from eyewitnesses provide oral and documentary evidence that such crimes were committed. Many witnesses and victims had similarly accounted that IDF and Phalangist forces lured people to surrender by telling them that their lives would be saved; however, once the surrender took place there would be summary executions.5

Charge Three: War Crimes

The final charge lodged against Ariel Sharon and co-conspirators is that they committed war crimes in contravention of the 1948 Geneva Convention (which is embodied in the Belgian Criminal Code). As protected persons pursuant to Article 147 of the Convention, the civilians of Sabra and Shatila should have been shielded from intimidation and physical force. Additionally, as an occupying power pursuant to Article IV of the convention, Israel has specific affirmative and negative duties in an armed conflict to protect unarmed civilians. The Complaint alleges that many civilians were found dead with their identification cards in hand, indicating that they relied on protections assuming that being unarmed, they would be safe from harm.

What legal impediments stand in the way of "Bring Sharon to Justice"?

As emotionally persuasive and heartfelt as the case against Ariel Sharon is, it has a wide range of impediments. A major hurdle will be addressed on June 26, 2002 before the Belgian Court of Appeals. That three-justice tribunal will decide if the case against Ariel Sharon can go forward. If the court renders an adverse decision to the Plaintiff’s, hope for justice will fade to black.

This hearing will take into account a potentially devastating opinion rendered by the International Court of Justice in the case Congo v. Belgium. That decision held that a Belgian arrest warrant for the acting Foreign Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo violated international law. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, through counsel, has asserted that he is immune from the jurisdiction of the Belgian Court by virtue of his political position in Israel. Reed Body, the Advocacy Director of Human Rights noted:

This decision effectively shields some state officials from prosecution for atrocities. Government ministers who commit serious crimes are not likely to be prosecuted at home, and this ruling means they will enjoy impunity abroad as well, at least while they are in office. This decision goes against the international trend towards accountability for the worst abuses, but it should not stop Belgium from pursuing cases against perpetrators no longer covered by immunity.6

It should be noted however that the Belgian Attorney General has expressed his distaste of the ruling, and has publicly noted that the instant case is not applicable and could be distinguished. Hence, it is not a forgone conclusion that the Court of Appeals will throw the case out, but it is indeed a possibility. One can certainly imagine the Court of Appeals not being willing to acquiesce to a ruling that fundamentally affects how it can prosecute those who violate established principles of international law.

If the case against Sharon survives however, what then? The case will proceed, and surely once again encounter motion and motion seeking dismissal. Once the case arrives at the merits stage (when the legal claims are actually set forth), the Plaintiff’s are certain to encounter more obstacles. Ariel Sharon’s main defense is that he did not commit the acts of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, but the Lebanese Christian Phalangists. Even though this defense can be refuted through thousands of pages of documentary evidence and testimony.

If the Plaintiff’s receive a judgment against Sharon, what do they do with it? Will Sharon respect it? Most certainly not. Sharon can and will evade incarceration and penalties, by simply not entering Belgian territory. Israel will certainly ignore requests for his extradition.

It would appear that regardless of the outcome, justice will evade the victims of Sabra and Shatila. Unfortunately, international law does not accord adequate relief for these retroactive acts of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The International Criminal Court will not apply to retroactive acts, as the court will not have competence over instances prior to its inception.

At least however, a judgment could give the victims some peace of mind that the person responsible has been held accountable, although only symbolically. (There is certainly a degree of evident hypocrisy here. Israelis have been proponents of bringing war criminals to justice; even going so far as to physically kidnap an individual (former Nazi) from South America to bring that person under its jurisdiction).

Thomas J. Haidon is an American attorney and activist residing in Wellington, New Zealand. He received a Jurisdoctorate (J.D.) with a certificate of international law from the University at Buffalo School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Niagara University. He has studied at the American University in Cairo and Birzeit University, Palestine. He is currently pursuing an L.L.M. in international law. You can reach him at


Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Molla e sherrit ...Derisa beduinet te mbajne penf gjamine e al-akses qe quhet derdhet gjak perseri


gezim lame

Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Unicorn ajo qe ke vene eshte Dome of the Rock...

Al Aksa eshte tjeter

eshte kjo ketu :

ke te drejte qe Al Aqsa eshte me te vertete "Molla e Sherrit" .... (dhe jo Dome Of the Rock...)

qellimisht ne media jepet ajo foto per te ngaterruar publikun se ajo eshte Al Aqsa, kur te behet ndonje marreveshje izraleli do ta mbuloje se u ka dhene Al Aqsa palestinezeve ne fakt do ju jape vetem nje gje tjeter me imazhin e nje tjetre...

Al Aqsa e vertete eshte ajo qe kam vene aty dhe atje ka qene vendi i tempullit te shkaterruar cifut nga romaket ne kryengritjen cifute....


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

as kunderparrullat...


Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga acediac:
Fillimisht postuar nga X-Ray:
[qb] Poshte cifutet! [/qb]
Poshte "myslimanet" urryes! :smash: [/qb]
Daku deshe me thon poshte neonaziskinet e rinj...mos ngatrro islamin me nazismin se per hitlerin edhe muslimanet sishin rrace ariane pra do ishin te vdekur......

Te kam then edhe perpara perdor objektivizmin jo egon ne arsyetim.......

X-ray un se di a e quan vetem musliman po po e quajte te tille ke gabuar parimet...vlai tem....


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Po pse more Unicorn, X-Ray kur tha "Poshte cifutet!" perdori objektivitet??? Vallai perhere e me shume je duke lene nam.

Nese ka dicka qe duhet kundershtuar e luftuar, ajo eshte dhuna dhe urrejtja ne emer te fese.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Rebel Israeli pilots 'grounded'

Israel describes its strikes as "targeted killings"
The head of Israel's air force has grounded a group of fighter pilots who are refusing to carry out air strikes against Palestinians, Israeli media has reported

Air Force Commander Dan Halutz issued the order against nine of the 27 pilots still on active duty, according to the Haaretz newspaper.

The declaration by the pilots, some of whom regularly carry out combat missions, has been condemned by Israeli military leaders.

Israel frequently launches air strikes designed to kill Palestinian militants in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The Israeli Government describes the operations as "targeted killings", but Palestinians and human rights groups condemn them as assassinations - and note that innocent civilians are often killed as well.


Pse valle te kene vepruar keshtu??? :rolleyes:


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Me falni qe po nderhyj kaq vone ne nje diskutim te tille por sapo kalova gati 2 ore duke lexuar keto 9 faqe me postime.
Ne rradhe te pare mendimi im eshte se edhe Izraeli edhe Palestina duhet te mesohen me njeri tjetrin dhe te jetojne ne paqe ne te njejten Shtepi pa u munduar te shkaterrojne njeri tjetrin. Ekstremizmi nuk i ndihmon Palestinezet dhe Dhuna nuk iu sjell paqe Izraelitasve

Po dashur te ofendoj asnjeri dhe pa dashur te nis asnje argumentim personal gjeja qe me shqeteson dhe me pikellon me shume se cdo gje tjeter eshte fakti qe ne PASKEMI ne Shqiperi fanatike te tille te cilet thone "Ne po behemi Gati dhe do ti vrasim te gjithe". Nuk e di nese ky fanatizem islamik apo edhe ky Anti-Semitizem eshte pjese e nje kulture qe ne Shqiptaret e marrim ne Familje apo Shkolle, por me vjen jashtezakonisht shume keq qe ne i shikojme dhe i gjykojme gjerat nisur nga bindjet tona fetare.
Ata prej nesh qe sjellin dy-tre fakte i gjejne ne libra fetare/autore ekstremiste. Ata qe kundershtuan, kundershtojne mbi te njejtat baza.


Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga acediac:
[qb] Po pse more Unicorn, X-Ray kur tha "Poshte cifutet!" perdori objektivitet??? Vallai perhere e me shume je duke lene nam.

Nese ka dicka qe duhet kundershtuar e luftuar, ajo eshte dhuna dhe urrejtja ne emer te fese. [/qb]
Lexoje komplet postin tim me duket se se perkraha X-rayn..sic e thashe ti lexon vec pjeset qe te pelqejne te postit....


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Njebriresh. Ji vetvetja vlla!!


Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Fillimisht postuar nga Logos-:
[qb] Njebriresh. Ji vetvetja vlla!! [/qb]
un e kam nickun unicorn ama ti je karakteri mistik ketu...un spo te kuptoj me fare...clidhje kishte te qenit vetvetja ketu????? mos po mundohem te jem dikush qe sjam keshtu? mi jep pak argumentet ....
Ti je i cuditshem burrash :lol: :lol:


Forumium maestatis
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Ti e di Unicorn.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Adaptim i poezis se Mahmud Dervishit "Leternjoftimi"


Mba mend!
Une jam arab
Numri i letres se njoftimit: pesedhjetemije
Kam tete femije
Mos valle po idhnohesh?

Mba mend!
Une jam arab
Me ca te tjere i punesuar ne miniere
Kam tete femije
U jap te hajne
lecka e te lexojne
nga shkembinjte..
Lypjen neper dyert e botes s'mund ta duroj
As nuk e poshteroj veten ne pragun e dhomes tende
Mos valle po idhnohesh?

Mba mend!
Une jam arab
Nje emer kam pa kurrfare titulli
I durueshem ne kete vend
Ku njerzit jane xhindosur
Rrenjte e mia te vendosura
qe para lindjes se kohes
perpara fillimit te cdo ere
perpara ullinjve e pishave
e se te rritej bari shume me pare

Ati im.. pinjoll i plugut
jo nga aristokracia
e gjyshi im .. ishte bujk
E asnjeri s'ishte fisnik i lindur!
Krenarin e diellit me mesuan
qysh me pare se te lexoja
Shtepine e kam si han bariu
thurur nga dege e peme
Me gjendjen time a je i kenaqur?
Nje emer pa kurrfare titulli!

Mba mend!
Une jam arab
Me keni vjedhur vreshtat e baballarve
e token qe vete e mbolla
bashke me femijet e mi
e per ne nuk late gje
hiq keto shkembinj
Edhe keto do ti marre ky shtet
Si na eshte thene?!

Mba mend si ne krye te faqes:
Njerzit une nuk i urrej
e as qe i sulmoj
por nese xhindosem
Mishi i pushtuesit do jete ushqimi im
nga urija
e inati im!

Arbana Mali

Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Ministria e Jashtme greke: Do kembengulim ta kthejme Himaren minoritet

TIRANE (15 Tetor) - Ministria e Jashtme greke njoftoi sot se suksesi ne zgjedhjet lokale ne Shqiperi i kandidatit te minoritetit grek ne katundin Himare do ta ndihmoje te binde Tiranen t'i jape kesaj krahine statusin e zones minoritare. Zedhenesi i Ministrise, Panos Beglitis theksoi se Athina kembengul dhe do te vazhdoje te kembengule si per cilesimin e kesaj zone si zone minoritare, ashtu edhe per funksionimin e nje shkolle per kete minoritet. Nderkaq, kreu i PBDNJ-se, Vangjel Dule, ne nje prononcim per televizionin News-24 u shpreh se distancohet plotesisht prej saj dhe se nuk eshte ne dijeni te ndonje plani te qeverise greke per ta shpallur Himaren minoritet. Dule u deklarua edhe per incidentin e dites se zgjedhjeve ne Himare, kur nje grup protestuesish valeviznin flamuj greke e kendonin himnin kombetar grek. Dule e cilesoi kete si nje akt te turpshem, qe eshte skenar i disa qarqeve te caktuara. Dule shtoi se asnje nga protestuesit nuk ka qene militant i PBDNJ-se, se ishte Partia Socialiste ajo qe kerkoi incidente dhe se pozicioni i PS-se eshte i paqarte.
15 Tetor 2003
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -

Përfundimi i fëlliqur i mësipërm mbetet të plotesohet me felliqsirat e meposhtme:

Rrofte partia greke (socialist në anglisht) e Shqipërise zyrtare.
Rrofte partia tradhetare (opposite në anglisht) e Shqipërise zyrtare.
Rrofshin të dyja që hapin shkolla greke dhe mbyllin shkolla Shqipe ne Shqipëri.
Me paret e Turqisë, me lejen e Greqisë, për të mirën e Shqipërisë. (thënie e hershme)


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Perderisa cdo shqiptar e kupton ceshtjen e Izraelit si perpjekje e hebrenjeve per te marre tokat e tyre po ashtu nuk kane per te u kuptuar deshirat e shqiptareve per tokat e tyre per te iu bashkuar trungut kombetar.

Kur Izraeli me kete force qe ka, me mbeshtetjen qe ka nuk po i arrin qellimit te mos shikojne endrra ne diell shqiptaret se do kene bashkim kombetar.

pergjigja e nje pyetje mbi rritjen e fondametalizmit islamik ne Shqiperi.

Izraeli eshte nje shembull qe nuk po realizohet per hebrenjte e te tjeret paqja dhe per kthimin tokat e te pareve te tyre. Kur vete shqiptaret (qe ndodhen ne te njejtat kepuce) nuk mbeshtesin e nuk e quajne te drejte te hebrenjeve per te marre tokat e tyre as ashtu Izraeli dhe te tjere nuk kane per te mbeshtetur shqiptaret ne enderrat e tyre. -- J.F. polical advisor for Joe Liberman kandidat per president te SHBA.

E lexuat? I mbani mend keto fjale shqiptare!

Me larte thashe se me dhune nganjehere vihet drejtesia ne vend mbi padrejtesine qe eshte bere shekuj me pare.

Me dhune iu drejtohemi cdo krimineli? Me dhune iu marrim jeten vrasesve. Me dhune vihet dhe drejtesia ne vend. Padrejtesia e shkuar nuk mund te quhet drejtesi tani po me padrejtesi do te vihet drejtesia ne vend. Nje sy per nje sy. Nje dhemb per nje dhemb.

I keni pare dhimbjet e shqiptareve,hebrenjeve dikur te persekutuar?


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!


Zoteri Shadov of selv, respektoj mendimin tuaj por nuk jame dakort me juve. Pa me thuaj zoteri kur shqiptaret shtypen nje popull per tu rrikthyer ne tokat e tyre, jemi ne tokat tona mor zoteri dhe cdo dite shtypemi nga dikush tjeter, e nuk shtypim askend. Na shtypen ata qe erdhen nga Karpatet e sot e kesaj dite me shume pyeten ata per ceshtjet tona se ne vet. Pa me thuaj kush i ndau tokat shqipe, deshem vet apo... Ketu qendron nje dallim shume shume i madhe, qe nuk duhet bere krahasime.
Dhe tjetra sa i perket popullit palestinez, ku ishin ata mor zoteri (ju pyes juve qe ndoshta me se miri e njihni kete ceshtje), apo mos valle jane nje popull me izraelet po me fe te ndryshme, edhe ata nuk piken nga qielli.Apo pse jane mysliman nuk kanë mbeshtetje se jane fundamental dhe duhet te zhduken qe te gjithe, kjo eshte nje pikenisje shume e keqe. Mund ti quash kriminel femijet qe vdesin atje, apo njerz tjere te pafajshem. Nuk mund te quhen te gjithe kriminel, se shumica jane viktima. Viktima te nje loje te quajtur politike e cila ka nje qellim lufte mbi baza fetare.
Dhe ceshtja e trete, trego nje rast kur USA ishte kunder Izraelit, me sa di une, qe nuk mund te them se di shume USA eshte gjithemon pro shtetit Izrealit, USA blihet me para, po te kesh para blen cilin do senatore dhe te mbron interesat e tua, e hebrenjeve ne USA nuk u mungojne keto sic e dim te gjithe dhe ne fund hartat qiniset ashtu si duan shtete e medha , pa shikur se cbehet me FATET e popujve, sic nuk shikuan se cfare behet me ne kur na ndan e sot e kesaj dite jemi te ndare ne gjashte pjese dhe vetem vullneti i mire i shteteve te medha mund te beje ribashkim gje qe eshte shume e veshtire fatkeqesisht, por me shpersë se nje dite do te vij

p.s. ne nje faqe me je drejtuar zoteri/zonje
dua te te them se nuk u takoj ketyre dy kategorive, jam zonjush.

tung e gjithe te mirat!


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Cifutet e mbajne veten per popull i "Zgjedhur" sepse te gjithe pejgamberet kane ardhur nga gjiri i tyre. Imagjinoni me te gjithe ata pejgambere dhe perseri nuk jane te pa ndreqshem, dhe ne te kaluaren i vrisnin pejgamberet e tyre. Sa per ata qe sot jetojne ne shteti e i zraelit dhe qe quajne veten çifute jane emigrante nga e gjithe bota bile edhe nga shqiperia. une kam nje ish shokun tim te konviktit qe vellai i tij ka qene i martuar me nje çifute shqiptare dhe pas viteve 90 ata u larguan per ne izrael familjarisht gjithsej 7 (shtate) persona te nje familjeje sepse nje anetar i kesaj familjeje ishte martuar me nje çifute. pra e kuptoni vete se sa jane çifute shtate fshatare shqiptare nga MNELA e Shkodres dhe se sa kane te drejtetani keta te pretendojne "token e premtuar" e ku ta di se çfare tjeter. po ata qe kane ardhur nga siberia?
Sa per krahasimet qe ben ai trapi me ne shqiptaret me duket e kote t'i pergjigjem sepse ai don nje pergjigje tjeter.


Primus registratum
Re: Palestina dhe padrejtesia me e madhe historike e tere koherave!

Shumica e Izraeliteve vuan nga kompleksi i viktimes. Ne syte e tyre ata jane viktima a padrejtesise, e Holokaustit, e persekucionit. Kjo eshte e vertete, ama kur e sheh veten gjithmone si viktima, verberohesh e nuk sheh se je bere ti ai qe po shkakton padrejtesi e persekucion. Ajo qe na solli ketu ku jemi (historia) eshte e rendesishme, ama nuk ndryshon faktet e tanishme: Izraeli pushton trojet e palestinezeve dhe "siguron" qytetaret e vet duke vene mbi popullsine palestineze nje padrejtesi qe tejkalon terrorizmin.
Per mua Izraeli ka te drejte te ekzistoje, ama jo ne kurriz te te tjereve.

Shadow of Self, argumenti yt qe krahason shqiptaret me izraelitet eshte i dobet. Si shqiptar une simpatizoj me palestinezet si popull i nenshtruar. Izraeli ne kete kontekst (dhe vetem ne kete kontekst) eshte si Serbia dhe Tokat e Pushtuara si Kosova.