Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me vete, c'me ngjalli nje kujtim.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am


marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

I'm in love
with everything i hate
everything you do
everything i feel
everything on you

i can't belive i still need you
i can't belive i still want you
i can't belive life is nothing without you
i can't belive that i still i still love you

i'm in love
with everything i hate
everything you do
everything i feel
everything on you

I'm in love with everything you are.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

I frikesuar nga vetja,nga ty..
per here te fundit te them ,te dua..
e di e ndjej e kuptoj,e shoh..
gjithcka kaluam,e harruam.

Dhe pyes veten kush,kush do ti puthi syte e tu
kush do te thote tani ,te dua..

Merrme te fundit nate,
te ndjej ,te shoh,te prek fytyren tende
merrme te fundit nate,
te shoh ,te prek ,te ndjej,lekuren tende.

Dhe pyes veten kush ,kush do ti puth syte e tu
kush do te thote tani te dua..te dua....

Te fundit perqafim te kerkoj,te fundit ndjenje me ty te jetoj kujto sa shume kaluam
E trembur heshtjen time do pranoj ,e humbur ne kujtime do jetoj,nuk e di pse u harruam.

Dhe pyes veten kush,kush do ti puthi syte e tu
kush do te thote tani ,te dua,te dua..

Merrme te fundit naten,te shoh,te ndjej,fytyren tende te prekkk
Merrme te fundit nate,te shoh,te ndjej ,lekuren tende te ndjejjjjj.

Te fundit nate te jesh me mua,te fundit nate te them TE DUA!!

Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Te te them je lule, ti je me e bukur
Te te them je gonxhe, ta humbas freskine
Se ti zemren time, vash o ma ke marre
Mos per koken tende, mos me mbaj meri.

Se do ti dua, ti dua, ti dua
Ato dy sycka, ti vash falmi mua
Se do ti dua, ti dua, ti dua pergjithmone
Se do ti dua, ti dua, ti dua
Ato dy buzka, ti vash falmi mua
Se do ti dua, ti dua, ti dua pergjithmone.

Te te them je drite, ti verbon dynjane
Mos per koken tende, mos me bej hatane
Se asnje ze tjeter, zemra s´me pranon
Mos per koken tende, mos me torturo
Mos per koken tende, mos me bej hatane
Se asnje ze tjeter, zemra s´me pranon
Mos per koken tende, mos me torturo


Forumium praecox
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

No regrets, they don't work
No regrets now, they only hurt.
Sing me a love song, drop me a line,
Maybe is just a point of view,
But they tell me I'm doing fine.

Ah Robbie, Robbie...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

<font color="brown"><u>Last Cigarette - Bon Jovi</u>

Regrets are all you left, on your lipstick stains
Take a picture of our past there in that ashtray
We had our fun, I used to light your flame
Like the dancing smoke that rose we tried to find our way

No one told me, she told me

Your love's like one last cigarette
Last cigarette, I will savor it
The last cigarette
Take it in and hold your breath, hope it never ends
But when it's gone, it's gone
The last cigarette

Just to breathe reminds me of what used to be
The smoke's the ghost that keeps you close when I can't sleep
Don't ask the past to last, it's about to change
The memories don't answer when I call your name

No one told me, she told me

Your love's like one last cigarette
Last cigarette, I will savor it
The last cigarette
Take it in and hold your breath, hope it never ends
But when it's gone, it's gone
One last cigarette, last cigarette
One I can't forget, the last cigarette
Right there at my fingertips, got your taste still on my lips
Right or wrong
You're still gone, gone, gone

No one told me, she told me
You always lose the girl in a Brian Wilson world


No one told me, she told me
The Last Cigarette

Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Syte e tu, syte e tu
me gjithe dritat qe kam pare
me gjithe yjet rreze ar
me gjithe lum, liqene blu
shembllejne, syte e tuuuu

Qesh atje fytyra ime
shket nje varke me gezime
e fluturon nje pulebardhe
une e ti, te pandare
ti deti, une lundertar...

Ja erdhem, ne do ikim larg
lumturi e gjate dhe fillestare
qe tani gjokset po t´i hapim
rruget tona mbushen me petale

Syte e tu, syte e tuuu..........


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Do flutoroj
do fluturoj
me djalin e avionit ne party do shkoj
ashtu sic ma ke punuar do te ta punoj

opaaaaaa kuci vogel do fluturoj /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif


Grupi i të çmëndurve!
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

je ne t'aime plus mon amour
je ne t'aime plus tout les jour...


nuk e di...
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

<font color="red">Eja o engjell me perqafo,
e mira zemer sa fort qe te do,
pra eja o engjell... </font>


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Mera Joota Hai Japani Yeh Patloon Englishtani
Sar Pe Laal Topi Roosi Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani
Mera Joota...


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

epo gushebardha si deborah
xhan xhan vetulla hollla
epo c ta shef syri ta ben dora
xhan xhan vetulla holla
epo ne pune shkoje ne pune shkoja
xhan xhan vetulla holla
epo si nuk the nji here u lodha
xhan xhan vetulla holla

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

ti je shtrir je me mua ashtu sikur dua,
m'freskojn duart e tua.
palmat ta bejn pak hije, fiesta tani veq fillon,
dhe vala trupin ma mbulon

Fiesta tash fillon, dielli na prek leht.
Djersa na pushton, o baby baby, esht Jet.....


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Ehh! tu non puoi rispondermi
sono qui
e non mi ascolti

Ehh! tutto puo succedere
ora qui
siamo vivi
siamo vivi
siamo vivi

Vivere insieme a me
hai ragione
hai ragione te
non è mica semplice
non lo è stato mai per me
io che ci credevo più di te
che fosse possibile
e smettila di piangere

Siamo soli
siamo soli
siamo soli

... /pf/images/graemlins/shrug.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Amor mio
si estoy debajo del baiben de tus piernas
si estoy hundido en un baiben de caderas
esto es el cielo... mi cielo

Amor Fugado
me tomas, me dejas, me exprimes y me tiras a un lado
te vas a otro cielo y regresas como los colibris....

me tienes como un perro a tus pies....

....amor mutante....

amigos con derecho y sin derecho de tenerte siempre...
y siempre tengo que esperar paciente
el pedazo que me toca de ti

....relampagos de alcool
las voces solas lloran en el sol
mi boca en llamas torturada
me desnudas angel hada luego te vas...

Amor dividas...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

The more you see the less you know
The less you find out as you go
I knew much more then than I do now

Neon heart day-glow eyes
A city lit by fireflies
They're advertising in the skies
For people like us

And I miss you when you're not around
I'm getting ready to leave the ground

Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights

Don't look before you laugh
Look ugly in a photograph
Flash bulbs purple irises
The camera can't see

I've seen you walk unafraid
I've seen you in the clothes you made
Can you see the beauty inside of me?
What happened to the beauty I had inside of me?

And I miss you when you're not around
I'm getting ready to leave the ground

Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights

Won't leave me as I am
But time won't take the boy out of this man

Oh you look so beautiful tonight
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights

The more you know the less you feel
Some pray for others steal
Blessings are not just for the ones who kneel... luckily

true confidental

Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Kjo kenga ka dy dite qe sme hiqet nga mendja ....sound track i filmit Man on Fire e fuqishme mund te jete nje fjale .....
Just one word and you put my heart on fire /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif

Una Palabra

Una palabra no dice nada
y al mismo tiempo lo esconde todo
igual que el viento que esconde el agua
como las flores que esconde el lodo.

Una mirada no dice nada
y al mismo tiempo lo dice todo
como la lluvia sobre tu cara
o el viejo mapa de algún tesoro.

Una verdad no dice nada
y al mismo tiempo lo esconde todo
como una hoguera que no se apaga
como una piedra que nace polvo.

Si un día me faltas no seré nada
y al mismo tiempo lo seré todo
porque en tus ojos están mis alas
y está la orilla donde me ahogo,
porque en tus ojos están mis alas
y está la orilla donde me ahogo.

Versoni anglisht nga nje amator eshte po aq i bukur /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

A word says nothing
and at the same time it hides everything
just as the wind hides the water,
like the flowers hide the mud.

A glance does not say anything
and at the same time it says
Like rain on your face,
or the old map to sometreasure.

A truth does not say anything
and at the same time it hides everything
like a bonfire that is not extinguished,
like a stone that is born dust.
If one day you need me to not be anything
and at the same time to be everything
because in your eyes are my wings and the shore
where I drown
Because in your eyes are my wings and the
shore where I drown.


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

... (formajton)

if you need a friend
dont look to a stranger
u know in the end
i'll always be there

and when u're in doubt
and when u're in danger
take a look all around
and i'll be there

im sorry , but im just thinking of the right words to say
(i promise u )
i know they dont sound the way i planned them to be
(i promise u )
but if you wait around the world , i'll make u fall for me
(i promise)
i promise u , i promise u i will

when your day is through
and so is your temper
u know what to do
i'll always be there

sometimes if i shout
it's not quite intended
these words just come out
with no cross to bear

im sorry but im just thinking of the right words to say

i know they dont sound the way i planned them to be

but if i have to walk to world I'll make u fall for me

I promise u , I promise u I WILL ...

I gotta tell ya
I need to tell ya
I've got to tell ya
I gotta tell ya

I will
I will ....



Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

I'm a big girl I can handle myself
But if I get lonely I’ma need your help

I can see you with my t-shirt on
I can see you with nothing on

It's okay, it's alright
I got something that you gon' like

n.f feat t