Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me vete, c'me ngjalli nje kujtim.


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause it likes to heal
Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause I like to steal
Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause it likes to heal, I like to steal



Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

ne pervjetor te ditlindjes tende,
ke shume dhurata mbi tavolin
dhe midis tyre nje glob te vogel
shoket e klases ta kane sjell
ja atdheu im ja permes kalterish,
shqiperia ime ja ku eshte

kete kenge e kendoja ne 8 vjecare,si soliste kur benim koncertet e shkolles,e kujtoj shpesh, me sjell perpara syve
gjithe lumturine qe provoja duke mbajtur nje glob ne dore e kenduar.vitet e vegjelise, sa keq qe nuk kthehen me.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Kaq shpejt e paske msu permendsh kete kange sa e murmuriske me vete e? /pf/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

S'na the as ça kujtimesh te sjell ne mend kjo kange! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Vintage nuk ka pse ta kesh ne mendje patjeter per mendesh nje kenge qe e ke degjuar vetem nje here nese te ben te te lind nje emocion vecante brenda, mua kete efekt me beri teksti i Elses!!!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Eklipsi ( ah sa e murmuris sot...)

Ndoshta me nuk ja vlen
te humbas ne syte e tu...
Jo ti ske pse genjen
qarte shkrimi ne blu.

Se kur hena diellin e fsheh
vec rrezet i mbulon,
Per nje cast freskia te deh
por eklipsi shpejt mbaron.

Ndoshta me nuk ja vlen
te zgjohem me mendjen tek ti..
Ose nisesh e vjen
une fluturoj qe te vi..

Sepse ndryshe sdo kish mbarim
zjarri i fshehur ne une
me ndihmo o engjelli im
Zjarrin ta shpetoj!!!

Jo nuk dua ta pranoj
fati te na ndaje
dua ta mbroj,dashurine e saj

Do ta mbroj me syte e Zotit
si nje perle ne pik te lotit
do ta mbroj,te jetoj DASHURI E SAJ...

Ndoshta me nuk ja vlen,
ndoshta me nuk ja vlen,
te zgjohem me mendjen tek ti,
Dua prane ,te te kem
pa mall ,pa largesi

Ndryshe sdo kishte mbarim
zjarri i fshehur ne une
me ndihmo o engjelli im
zjarrin ta shpetoj...

Jo nuk dua ta pranoj
Fati te na ndaje...
Dua ta mbroj,dashurine e saj.
Do ta mbroj me syte e Zotit
si nje perle ne pik te lotit
do ta mbroj te jetoj ,Dashuri e Saj!!


Grupi i të çmëndurve!
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Is this love, is this love, is this love
Is this love that I am feeling
Oh yes I know, yes I know, yes I know now
na nananana nanana


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

I'm never gonna dance again
guilty feet have got no rhythm
though it's easy to pretend
I know your not a fool
Should've known better than to cheat a friend
and waste the chance that I've been given
so I'm never gonna dance again
the way I danced with you
/pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif


Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Kone, nuk ke pse ta marresh kaq seriozisht se shaka po beja. Sipas teje, ato emoticons pse i kam vene ? Per ti dhene pak ngjyre postimit? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Grupi i të çmëndurve!
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Here in the valley of indecision,
I don't know what to do,
I feel you sliping away,
I feel you sliping away,
I'm losing you,
I'm losing you,


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

...i digjoje, fjalet e tua, sikur ti me flet tani...kur thua: gjithmon te dua.
...un do iki por prap do ty kaq large e prane,
ate nate maji, njeri tjetrit i thame asgje sna ndan...

WSF-u ndeme ne erresire.

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

...pra me thuaj ti qe t'i besoj tani
dores tende ku fatin kerkoj
me jep nje fjale ti e shpirtin ma sheron
gjithe bota le ta dije une fatit i besoj...


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

I hate the world today
You are so good to me, I know
But I can change
Tried to tell you
But you look at me like maybe I'm an angel underneath
In a sentence sweet

Yesterday I cried
Most have been to see the softer side
I can understand how you’d bee so confused
I don't envie you
I'm a little bit of everything
All roled into one

I'm a [ndaluar] I'm a lover
I'm a child I'm a mother
I'm a sinner I'm a sant
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know, you wouldn't want it any other way

So take me as I am
This may meen, you'll have to be a stronger man
Jused to shooter, when I start to make you nervous
And I'm going to extreems
Tomorrow I will change and today won't meen a thing

I'm a [ndaluar] I'm a lover
I'm a child I'm a mother
I'm a sinner I'm a sant
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know, you wouldn't want it any other way

Just when you think
You got me
Figger out the seasons all ready changing
I think it's cool, you do what you do
And don't try to sing this

I'm a [ndaluar] I'm a lover
I'm a child I'm a mother
I'm a sinner I'm a sant
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know, you wouldn't want it any other way

I'm a [ndaluar], I'm tease
I'm a goddess on my knees
When you're hurt
When you suffer
I'm your angel undercover
I've been numb
I'm revived
Can't say I'm not alive
You know I wouldn't want it ANY other way


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

io ti voglio bene
questo non lo so
stupido testone
dubbi non ne ho
anche se il futuro ha dei muri enormi
io non ho paura e voglio innamorarmi
non amarmi per il gusto di qualcosa di diverso
ma tu credi che sia giusto stare insieme a tempo perso
non amarmi e mi accorgo quant'e' vera una bugia
se il tuo amore non valgo non amarmi ma non mandarmi via.
non amarmi xke vivo all'ombra
non amarmi per cambiare il mondo
tanto il mondo non si cambia
e siamo tutti specchi
fatti per guardarsi
e diventare soli e vecchi
non amarmi per morire dentro
in una guerra di rimpianti e di ripensamenti
non amarmi per restare a terra
invece di volare come questo nostro amore deve fare.
piovono parole su questa citta'
se la gente vuole ma quanto male fa
noi ci alziamo in volo e loro sono fermi
sola in mezzo a questo cielo non lasciarmi...
non lasciarmi, non lasciarmi
ho sbagliato voglio dire non amarmi
non spezzare le mie armi
e il mio cuore con questi non amarmi
non amarmi per il rosso della rabbia che c'e' in noi
tu lo sai che non posso non amarti nemmeno se non vuoi.
Non amarmi ti farò soffrire
negli inverni che ci sono a volte nel mio cuore
non amarmi per dimenticare ne' per vendicarti
ma soltanto per amore non amarmi
non amarmi e ci voliamo incontro
e ci caschiamo l'uno dentro l'altro sorridendo.
Questo amore e' bello come il sole
dopo un acquazzone come due aquiloni
stretti per la mano.

me kujtoka ishullin e lezhes, te klubi i gjuetareve, merlotin, mishin ne hell... fytyra te dashtuna perreth, nji kitarre plot me kujtime....


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />

me kujtoka ishullin e lezhes, te klubi i gjuetareve, merlotin, mishin ne hell... fytyra te dashtuna perreth, nji kitarre plot me kujtime....

[/ QUOTE ]
hej ishulliiiiiiiiiii
c'me ke ngjallur nje kujtim perrallor e magjepses.
C'mrekulli te humbasesh mes pemeve te larta kur je femije,ishull i mahnitshem.


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

ishulli n'Lezhe... se njof s'kam qen asiher...

por vllai im ka nje kujtim shume te bukur aty... kishin pregatit nje tip feste atje 2 Meshkuj dhe 4 Femra, ne vitet e Komunizmit

ku i kapen nudo qe te gjashte dhe i perjashtuan nga Universiteti per 1 vit /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

<font color="red">Going back to the memories
Reminiscing 'bout you and me
Thinking how it used to be
It's plain and clear I treated you bad
But girl you know that I care
Every relation(ship) have wear and tear..
Just draw near girl and try to hear and listen what my heart says.

Many days and many nights
Many heartbreaks... many fights
Many wrongs but so many rights
So girl don't let this love die
Never meant to 'cause you no pain,
Girl I never meant to treat you lame.
Gimme one more chance rewind come back again.
Don't let this love die.

Just Cry Baby Cry
(Don't cry no more)
Cause every tear that flows falls into the ocean
And rises to the sky
And then the rain will come
Right before the sun shines...

Can you feel me reaching out to you girl, can you hear my open thoughts
Never want (to) disrespect you girl don't let this come break us apart.
'Cause I know I would die without you, my girl can you hear my broken heart.
It's calling out to the good times that we had back at the start.

Baby... (Don't call me baby...)
You know I need you in my life daily. (You know you played me...)
I was a player but now your love changed me. (Dead wrong...)
I'm going crazy (I'm gone)... Never thought losing you would be so hard

It's your turn to cry baby cry
(Don't cry no more)
Cause every tear that flows falls into the ocean
And rises to the sky
And then the rain will come
Right before the sun shines...

So let go
And move on
What we were
Is now undone
My tears have all dried
It's your turn now to cry...

You're losing your love and your trust for me girl
And you know, I would go to the ends of the world.
If you wanted... Just like we started.
Girl 'cause I don't want to fight no more.
Make it like it was before.

Chat to her Santana! </font>


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />

me kujtoka ishullin e lezhes, te klubi i gjuetareve, merlotin, mishin ne hell... fytyra te dashtuna perreth, nji kitarre plot me kujtime....

[/ QUOTE ]
hej ishulliiiiiiiiiii
c'me ke ngjallur nje kujtim perrallor e magjepses.
C'mrekulli te humbasesh mes pemeve te larta kur je femije,ishull i mahnitshem.

[/ QUOTE ]

un' kam nji foto te ura e ishullit q1 sa here e shof qeshi me vedi... e mandej ndij nji boshllek... me merr malli shum' per miqt' e vjeter... /pf/images/graemlins/cry.gif

i love them so much, still do.

m'u kujtu edhe kjo kanga tesh :

sotto un' manto di stelleeee
roma beeeella mi appareeee
solitario e' il mio cuooor disulluso d'amor'
vuol nel ombra cantar'

una muta fontana
e un balcone lassu,
o chitarra romana accompagnami tu!

suona, suona mia chitarra
lascia piangere il mio cuore,
senza casa e senza amore,
mi rimani solo tuuu.

se la voce e un po' velata,
accompagnami in sordina,
la mia bella fornarina al balcone non c'e' piu....


danae /pf/images/graemlins/wave.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Veten nuk e gjeta,me gjete ti..
veten time zbulova je vetem ti
endrren time preka te ndjeva ty
sot ka vec nje puthje,jemi te DY.

Te kam...

Veten nuk e gjeta,me gjete ti..
veten time zbulova je vetem ti
endrren time preka te ndjeva ty
sot ka vec nje puthje,jemi te DY.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Limp BIzkit....

You dont wanna fuck with me today,
Cause a little some-something throw yo way. (yeah)
So try not to be like that today,
Cause Im a real mother fucker from round the way. (common)
We dont give a fuck when youre rocking the place,
Were only give a fuck when youre invading the space. (yeah)
You got to getcha groove on. (got to getcha groove on)
Dont keep us waiting too long. (dont keep us waiting too long)
[chorus end]

You treat me like a toy kid.
Do you enjoy this?
Every single second of my life Im a mess. (yeah)
? ? ? ? me mic checks,
Communicate through the genelect.
Par take if you wanna run now.
Dont want to be that guy,
Every single seconds of my life Im -alive. (haa)
Dont understand why I got ya chunk,
For the candies in the sewa. [? ? ? ]
Bumping up the sweetness.

This is what you need, (what you need)
Another little piece me inside of you.
Cause you know thatll be keeping true. (keeping true)
And thats exactly what I do.
Yeah, its what I do.

I got breakneck delivery,
No time for chivalry,
Extraordinary ability,
Shit longetivity.
Dig deep in your soul and find yourself.
Cause my control can turn yall to someone else.
So fast you get a party spin the fuck right off.
Me and fred about to go have a microsoft.
Me and ? ? burning twenty percent.
You little half-assed direct hits aint even making a day.
? ? ?
All hell xzibit and limp as we attempt,
To bring home the championship.
And say to all the new bizz,
I still lead the league in assist.
Give me the fifth, Im drinking while Im taking a piss


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Listen -- Beyonce Knowles

To the song here in my heart
A melody I start but can't complete
Listen (mmm)
To the sound from deep within
It's only beginning to find release
Oh, the time has come
For my dreams to be heard
They will not be pushed aside and turned
Into your own, all 'cause you won’t listen

I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried
To say what's on my mind
You should have known

Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I've got to find my own

You should have listened
There is someone here inside
Someone I thought had died so long ago
Oh, I'm screamin out
And my dreams will be heard
They will not be pushed aside or worse
Into your own, all 'cause you won't listen

I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried
To say what's on my mind
You should have known

Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you gave to me
But now I've got to find my own

I don't know where I belong
But I'll be moving on
If you don't, if you won't
To the song here in my heart
A melody I start but I will complete

Oh, now I'm done believing you
You don't know what I'm feeling
I'm more than what you made of me
I followed the voice you think you gave to me
But now I've got to find my own, my own
/pf/images/graemlins/shrug.gif /pf/images/graemlins/shrug.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

...I dont belive that anybody feel the way I do ...about you now....