

Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?


Metallica- maaaaan, they're simpy the BEST


Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

Edhe un jam metalare /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

o master po te kam dhene ca info ore per te....por po te jap dhe ca te tjera :

Suicidal Tendencies
Judging from their name, the Suicidal Tendencies were never afraid of a little controversy. Formed in Venice, CA during the early 80's, and building a huge following among skateboarders.

Robert Trujillo joined the band just before the 'Lights, Camera, Revolution,' was recorded in 1990. One of my favourite albums that year! It was awas success - as its video for the explosive "You Can't Bring Me Down" received repeated airings on MTV's 'Headbanger's Ball' program, while the album would be certified gold in the U.S. Rob was at that time credited for adding funk and new elements to the group's sound.

After the 1994's 'Suicidal for Life,' the band decided to hang it up. Mike Muir the ST frontman and Trujillo continued working together with the project Infectious Grooves.
Suicidal Tendencies - Lights. Camera. Revolution! (1990) (recomended)
Suicidal Tendencies - Art of Rebellion (1992)
Suicidal Tendencies - Suicidal for Life (1994)
Suicidal Tendencies - Prime Cuts: The Best of (1997) (recomended)
Suicidal Tendencies - Friends & Family (1997)

Infectious Grooves
Infectious Grooves started out as a side project for Suicidal Tendencies vocalist Mike Muir and bassist Robert Trujillo. The music is an energetic mix of funk and Suicidal-style metal/hardcore, but without Suicidal's serious focus; this is simply good-time, over-the-top party music, and the band makes no pretense to anything else. Ozzy Osbourne was featured as a guest vocalist on their first album The Plague that Makes Your Booty Move; the band was subsequently featured as Ozzy's opening act on the No More Tears tour.
Infectious Grooves - The Plague That Makes Your Booty Move (1991)
Infectious Grooves - Groove Family Cyco (1994)
Infectious Grooves - Mas Borracho (2000) (Recomended)

Project Tru
Rob Trujillo released his own album in 1999 called 'A Twelve Piece Band'. To tell you the truth, I don't have it in my collection, but as he has written all the songs himself, I guess it will give you a good view on what he will bring with him into the Metallica camp.
Project Tru - A Twelve Piece Band (1999) (Recomended)

Jerry Cantrell
Jerry Cantrell first came to prominence as a member of Alice In Chains, one of the prototypical Seattle grunge bands. Lead singer Layne Staley couldn't cope with the pressure of their enormous success, and sank further and further into substance abuse. With the future of the band up in the air, Cantrell appeared as a solo artist and worked with many big names, including our Rob Trujillo.
Jerry Cantrell - Degradation Trip Volumes 1 & 2
Jerry Cantrell - Degradation Trip

Ozzy Osbourne
We all know Ozzys story, starting with Black Sabbath centuries ago. Guess Trujilla made such an impression on Ozzy when Suicidal supported him that he wanted him in his band. Rob has toured with him and can be heard on his latest albums. Ozzy is the king and will always be, these albums are a must have.
Ozzy Osbourne - Down to Earth (2001) (Recomended)
Ozzy Osbourne - Live at Budokan (2002) (Recomended)

Several other albums worth mentioning.
Coleko - Staywell Clinic (Engineer, Mixing)
A.N.I.M.A.L. - Poder Latino (Bass)
AWOL 1 - Four Eyed Mortalz (Mastering)
A-Team - Who Framed the A-Team? (Mastering)
Danny Dean & The Homewreckers - Growl (Engineer)

ok lal?



Valoris scriptorum
Re: Metallica?

Fillimisht postuar nga Essenza:
[qb] Edhe un jam metalare /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif [/qb]
ti metalarja, kurse ca pare, e shif mos kesh pune ate dite qe do ja mathim ne imola. hec aty se i here ne jete na bi me i pa kto LLaftaret /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

master of puppets

Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

rrofsh metallicupo,materiali yt ishte shume interesant,ato info per trujillo sot i degjova per here te pare dhe them se nqs ka qene ne tour me master Ozzy, trujillo mund tja dale fare mire te jete the fourth brother on 'tallica's family.shpresojme qe gjithcka te shkoje mire dhe te kemi mundesi te shkojme te shikojme mjeshtrat ne imola se nuk i dihet kur mund te na bjere me rasti qe ti kemi afer the four horseman,ketu ne itali.

'tallica rullz and will always do.


Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

do i shohim po he MASTER
me sa duket e kane mare shume seriozisht /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
dhe do kaloje ca si.....uuummm shume kohe para se te degjojme ndonje fjale te rreme qe do e lene fare grupin. <<kapish>>



Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

20 korrik 2003 ! Parc Jean Drapeau (Atu ku behen dhe garat e Formula 1 ) ne Montreal
Metallica, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Deftones, Modvoney . Bileta 85 CAD +tax 95


Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

Fillimisht postuar nga hajduti hurmave:
Fillimisht postuar nga Essenza:
[qb] Edhe un jam metalare /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif [/qb]
ti metalarja, kurse ca pare, e shif mos kesh pune ate dite qe do ja mathim ne imola. hec aty se i here ne jete na bi me i pa kto LLaftaret /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif [/qb]
Ci sarò!!! /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

mire MetallicA u kompletuan perseri
(sic e moret vesh me Bob Trujillo-n ish basistin e ozzy-t)

Po qe Jasoni i kerkoje ozzy-t te zere vendin e Bobit......e moret vesh????????
Dhe me duket se ozzy do ta mari.....
Anyway i zgjuar Jasoni e gjeti vendin,sigurisht perderi sa ja kishte liruar Trujillo....


ps:cruel....lere mi lal ket dhome se eshte shume heavy per ty... /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif



Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

KOT per gallate (dhe jo vetem)

Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things are not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filing me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now He's gone
No one but me can save myself, but it to late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death Greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye

dhe mbas fjaleve eshte Kirku qe <<i jep te gjitha>> te gjithe riff-at qe di,i permbledh ne kete kenge -ky eshte mendimi im gjithmone nqs keni mendim te kundert thjesht ta thoni....

dhe kastile nuk ja kam vene titullin se kam qejf te thote ndonjeri :
-kush eshte kjo kenga?!?!?!?!?!

kush e di bravo i qofte dhe mos te flasi!!!!!



Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

Hello guys!!
A i pate djemte me te zeza mbreme tek MTV Europe!!
They are back again!


Forumium praecox
Re: Metallica?

te medhenjte i pame nje rikthim ne threash metal.... pershendetje ... edhe nigjoni metal shqip nga grupi ALBOYS te cuna
per te gjithe metalistet shqiptare grupi ALBOYS metal edhe distorsion.... ejani degjini kenget


Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

metallica..........ej po ju fansa jeni po hajdeni ne imola ti shohim life......
mama she has thought me well
told me when i was young
sun your life is an open bboks
dont close it for is done.


Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

kohe kisha pa ardhur ne forum.....qe thoni ju kam qene i zene me st.anger-in prandaj (edhe MASTER OF PUPPETS me sa duket,se spo shoh ndonje postim te fundit nga ai)
ika tani se kam pune tek (eeeppp ky site do punoje me ne thellesi per ju vetem nqs keni kodin i cili jepet me blerjen e cd-s... hehehehee /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif )

kaq :cool:

stay heavy and rock on! :devil:

master of puppets

Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

hehehe .........edhe une metallicupo,aty ne metalicavault eshte jete fare...te gjitha kenget duhej ky siti... :rockband:

master of puppets

Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

hehehe .........edhe une metallicupo,aty ne metalicavault eshte jete fare...te gjitha kenget duhej ky siti... :rockband:


Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

Pse ka vdekur kjo teme mo? Ku jeni ju? Apo ju ka lene me pasoja St. Anger? Hajde pra, gjallerojeni pak!!

Don't stop for nothing its full speed or nothing
I'm taking down you know whatever is in my way
Getting your kicks as you are shooting the line
Sending the shivers up and down your spine

P.S. E ka shkarkuar njeri versionin akustik te Motorbreath qe ka dale tani tek MetallicaVault?


Primus registratum
Re: Metallica?

OK po e ndez une kete teme, per maniac e metallica 78 82 early

James dhe Dave esull


Nje foto e perkryer ne vitin 1981, must be rare!

Koha per fotografi Grushtash


Pas nje live aggression dhe power thrash ne 81

Metal is UP, DAVE & JAMES

E preferuara ime 81 early

Lars Crazy

A fav James photo love this one.

ktu mbyllet postimi me keto foto rare, shpresoj qe te gjithe qe i ndjejne metallica, dmth ne vite jo kto te fundit te st.anger se shumica nuk mbushin, e di qe do te mbeten te kenaq nga keto pamje te pa para. Pershendetje.
