Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Lideri i partite Bat-iste edhe ish-diktatori i Irakut Sadam Hussein eshte kapur ne nje rezidence te tijen ne Tikrit vendlindja e diktatorit.

Per kapjen e tij jane deshur forvat speciale Task Force 121 te cileve ju desh kontrolli i dyte i shtepise per te gjetur skuten ku ish fshehur.

Ne shtepi i jane gjetur 2 roje personale te armatosur me kallajshnikov edhe trecek milion dollare.


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Mire mire, e pashe, mire qe e kapen se po plasnin, madje i kishin bere dhe analizat per te pare ne qe ai i "verteti"...po armet, ato i gjeten?

E pashe dhe ne TV, t'i kishin lene dhe nje berber me qene, pah sa pak leke i askan pas ngel....dhe nje tufe e mallkime e shume kapituj gri historie.....jo dhe aq impresionuese.


Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Armet i kan gjet po medemek sdun me i tregu korde /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Edhe si erdhi ky arrestim tamon ne kohe fushate elektorale....sa i qut eshte Bushi :devil:


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Uni, Bushi s'ka qene ndonjehere i zgjuar, jane ato qe e pagujne /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif qe e bejne te zgjuar, e di mire ti si jane keto pune /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

P.s.Amon se me vjen Marko e me ben te vdekur qe ia shava :lol:


Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Marko osht tu festu kapjen e sadamit ....
Amon ere sa legjende e bon...
Pytja ime eshte: A ja vlen te vdesin ushtare amerikane akoma tani qe lufta ka marre tipare qesharake?


Primus registratum
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

mire e bene qe e kapen se plasen,por sa eshte ai i vertete vetem sadami e din.

ndegjohemi me tutje


Lara Croft
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

U la dhe nje hale thuaj /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Sa per armet tani shpresojne tua tregoje Sadami se ku i ka fshehur po edhe po te mos kete do e sajojne amerikanet vete e do thone i gjetem.Sa per ate debilin,zotin komandant te pergjithshem,dua te them se po e rizgjodhi populli amerikan vetem shkaterim do kete(kuptohet qe une rezikoj vendin e punes duke e share /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif ndaj vleresoni sakrificen /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif )


Primus registratum
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Saddam Hussein was born in the Iraqi northern city of Tikrit in 1937 to a poor family.

He led a desperate and austere childhood, describing himself in his bibliography as "a melancholic and introvert child".

His name, which means 'collision or crash', heralded a man of a controversial character and a life rife with coups, battles and uprisings.

His mother, Sobha Daflah al-Musalat, was known for her strong and cruel character.
Two images of Saddam when he was captured and after his beard was shaved
She died in Tikrit 1982 and buried in a mausoleum built by Saddam and was called by Saddam as "The Mother of all Fighters".

His father, Hussein Majid, died months before Saddam's birth.

In 1947, Saddam moved to reside in Baghdad with his uncle and showed great interest in politics.

In 1957, Saddam joined the fledgling Iraqi Baath Party which expounded a socialist brand of pan-Arab nationalism.

The young Saddam was involved in an unsuccessful plot to assassinate Brigadier Abdel Karim Qasim, who overthrew the British-installed Iraqi monarchy in 1958.

After the failed plot, Saddam fled to Egypt where he joined the Cairo Faculty of Law, but later dropped out and returned to Iraq when the Baath party staged a coup in 1963.

But he was jailed within months when Brigadier Qasim's former ally, Col. Abd-al-Salam Muhammad Arif, seized power from the Baathists.

Successful Coup

Saddam escaped in 1966 and was elected assistant general secretary of the party, which then staged a successful coup in 1968.

General Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr, also from Tikrit and a relative of the then 31 year-old Saddam, assumed power.

The two worked closely and became the dominant force in the Baath party, with Saddam gradually outstripping the president's powers.

In 1979, Saddam forced General Bakr to resign - officially due to ill health - and assumed the presidency.

After the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, relations between Tehran and Baghdad deteriorated. Iraq invaded its neighbor, starting a costly eight-year war.

On August 2, 1990, only two years after the end of the Iran, Saddam ordered his troops into the neighboring emirate of Kuwait and declared it the 19th governrate of Iraq.

The U.N. Security Council – which imposed economic sanctions against Iraq after the invasion – gave Baghdad a deadline for withdrawal and authorized the use of "all necessary means" to force compliance.

An international coalition was formed, hundreds of thousands of troops massed in the region, under the command of U.S. General Norman Schwarzkopf.

On Sunday, February 24, 1991, allied forces launched a combined ground, air and sea assault which overwhelmed the Iraqi army within 100 hours.

On March 2, the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution establishing the terms of the ceasefire. Saddam yielded to the terms.


A number of uprisings followed afterwards. Shiites in Basra, An-Najaf and Karbala in southern Iraq took to the streets protesting Saddam's regime.

The Kurds, for their part, in the north persuaded the local military to switch sides. Suleimaniyeh was the first large city to fall.

Within a week the Kurds controlled the Kurdish Autonomous Region and the nearby oil-rich city of Kirkuk.

But Saddam's helicopters and jet fighters put down the Kurdish uprising, with thousands of Kurds reported killed en masse.

Inspectors Crisis

In 1998, a crisis between the U.N. weapon inspectors and Saddam became to surface after he denied them access to presidential places and "sovereign" places.

In December 1998, the U.S. and Britain launched a three-day bombing - Desert Fox Operation - campaign on Iraq's suspected targets.

In November 2000, U.S. President George W Bush came to power, vowing a "regime change" if Saddam did not get rid of his alleged weapons of mass.

He later issued an ultimatum to Saddam and his sons to leave Iraq within 48 hours as the only way left to save their country from destruction and war.

Despite months of intense world criticism of Iraq war, the U.S. launched war on Iraq Thursday, March 20, with early-morning air strikes on Baghdad.

After a blistering three-week aggression, U.S. troops poured into Baghdad Wednesday, April 9, and Saddam remained at large ever since until captured by U.S. forces Saturday, December 13, in his hometown of Tikrit.


Primus registratum
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Dhe vjen nje dite...... Bushit i ndrika fati.... kot sthone me pas fatin e budallait... :shrug:


Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Fillimisht postuar nga *Vogelushja*:
[qb] Dhe vjen nje dite...... Bushit i ndrika fati.... kot sthone me pas fatin e budallait... :shrug: [/qb]
E pra ca koicidence lol...
Amon mer amon u desh nji sadam me i rrit reputacionin mr bush ...wot up wit dat?

Problemi osht ku jane armet e mass destruction?

Shkoni tek

edhe kerkoni per Mass destruction weapons
edhe klikoni opsionin:
Do i feel lucky
Edhe lexoni errorr message qe del aty /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

E pat edhe Sadami. Kush e do per avatar? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif



Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Fillimisht postuar nga Logos:
[qb] E pat edhe Sadami. Kush e do per avatar? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Me sa mbaj mend une ti ke qen Runner..plus te mungo edhe avatari... /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

per sadamin nuk me vjen keq por per miqt e tij qe ka mevjen keq se ju kap simboli.te shikojm sa veta do vrasin veten nga deshperimi ne shqipri.

dirty vegas

Primus registratum
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Po po, rrini shani Bushin ju. Prisni kur ta shifni president te Amerikes per se dyti!!!


"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
—George W. Bush

Viva la Bush!!! :rockband:


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Fillimisht postuar nga Unicorn:
[qb] Me sa mbaj mend une ti ke qen Runner..plus te mungo edhe avatari... /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif [/qb]
Te keqen e kujteses. :smash:

Avatari vetem per simpatizantet ne shenje nderimi ndaj lavdise se progresit te tij. Dikur qene disa qe vendosnin nick si osama, bin laden, etj, keshtu qe unicorn je ne kohe te jesh i pari. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

he more ,po mos u gezoni shume se ai nuk ishte sadami i vertete, kto jane vetem rrena amerikane ,sepse tash jane zgjedhjet ne amerike dhe bushi per te fituar zgjedhjet qe nuk besoj ,ben cmos per ta ritur rejtingun e tij,mirepo ne angli njerezit nuk e ndajne mendimin e disa forumistave ketu si puna juaj,me kete e treguat se deri tani keni qene humbesa ,ndersa me kapjen e gjoja te sadamin jeni gezuar cik ,por mendoj se kjo nuk do te zgjase shume,njejte si radhen a pare ,vec durim /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

E hongri dhe Sadami k'shu e.
Ëhë s'na i kthejne me paret e firmave ne,thone qe Sadami kishte marre persiper t'ju ktheje paret e firmave te gjithe shqiptareve.


Primus registratum
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Dhe ja sic e prisja.
Shoku Amar prape thoqe qe Shoku Sadam nuk eshte kapur.

'A dark era is over'



Primus registratum
Re: Kapet Sadam Hussein ne Tikrit.

Sukses i madhe per Amerikanet . Vetem po me vjen keq per Gjeneralin Klark sepse e humbi zgjdhjet per presidet akoma a u mbjtur ato.