Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Ne oret e vone te nates avione te ushtrise izraeliane kane bombarduar territorin sirian ne afersi te Damaskut.

"ishte nje kamp terroristesh te Jihadit" konfirmon shtabi i larte izraelit

"ishte nje kamp per refugjate" konfirmon nga ana tjeter zedhenesi i ministrise se puneve te jashtme siriane.

U mblodh menjehere pas ngjarjes keshilli i sigurimit te OKB- se. Ne kete mbledhje diplomacia siriane kerkoji me force qe te perpilohej nje dokument i OKB-se ku denohej ky agresion brutal i Izraelit ne toke siriane. Nga ana tjeter ambasadori i SHBA prane OKB-se Negroponte pohoi sot per shtypin: "Washingtoni eshte i bindur se Siria qendron nga ana e gabuar e luftes kunder terrorizmit". Me kete fraze lihet shume qarte te kuptohet se administrates Bush as nuk i kalon neper mend qe te denoje aleatin Izraelian.

Ne kete kontekst me lind natyrshem nje dyshim.
çdo shtet atehere mund te sulomoje nje tjeter (duke gjetur 1000 shkase) mjafton qe te kete mbeshtetjen e SHBA.
Mos eshte kjo valle demokracia globale?????



Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Fillimisht postuar nga Logos:
[qb] NAHARA,

Reciprocikisht, (jo se bie dakort) por ja te ishte ky xhihad nga ana e Izraelit. Perse te mos e pranojme si te drejte he? (po ndjek llogjiken tuaj te zakonshme)

cilen llogjik leshi mer ti?
ne rradh te pare ti a priori s'perdor dot llogjiken time per te mbrojtur nje argument sepse nese do kishim te njejten logjik s'do debatonim.Prandaj nag ana e arsyetimit...mendohu dhe nje here tjeter para se te kepusesh bufa.

Jihad...dhe e di qe megjith se eshte shkruar me dhjetra here en af ti as nuk e e ek idene seç eshte. Xhihad = perpjekje, apekti luftarak do te thote te perpiqesh te mbrosh te drejten e Zotit dhe besimtareve, jetes se tyre, prones e lirise se tyre te besimit nga sulmet e keq dashesit.Dhe ky quhet xhiahdi i vodel pasi xhihasi i madh eshte ai qe kushdo ben perbrenda me veten per te ndjekur rrugen e vertete.


Primus registratum
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

S'po marr vesh c'po kepusni ketu, duket si sublimim i hipokrizise...Misha p.sh. shkruan:
[qb] ... Izraeli, e vetmja demokraci ne shkretetiren e mesjetes arabe. [/qb]
Bravo, kesaj i thone te pretendosh reagimin me logjik e paqesor nga nje qen i lidhur e i torturuar. Ju beni te njejten gje ne rastin e OKB, eshte i njejti qendrim me ata qe denonin terrorizmin e afrikano-jugoreve ne vitet '70.
Per ju egziston vetem momenti aktual? Si erdhen deri ketu "injorantet arabe", me kembet (me fal, devete) e tyre?
Dhe meqe ra llafi tek demokracia, Izraeli di gje per nje fare "Zvicer e Lindjes se Mesme", fqinj i vet verior? Duhet te vazhdonin te lulezonin nen nje pushtim 20vjecar, nuk duhet te shfaqeshin organizime ekstremiste, nuk duhet te kishte lufte civile?


Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Fillimisht postuar nga Logos:
[qb] NAHARA,

Siria ka mbeshtet vazhdimisht terroristet, dhe kjo u vertetua nga sulmi i Izraelit ndaj kampit. OKB-ja apo te tjera organizata nuk do te kishin te drejte te hynin as edhe ne Kosove, sepse ishte cenim territorial ndaj ish-Jugosllavise. A ishte i drejte? Them se po, pavaresisht nga gjumashet dhe indiferentet evropian.

Kosova nuk u lirua nga amerikanet apo okb-ja a evropianet, perkundrazi....ato i moren fymen diçkaje qe u rrit me gjak heronjsh. Firoren en kosove bota na e pikturoi si Borxh te perjetshem ndaj perendimit. Kosova e lire nga Serbia eshte fryt i luftes se popullit kosovar e trimave nga mbar trevat e shqiperise. eshte fryt i dashurise per flamure e plotesimi i lutjeve te mijra femijeve nen lot e nenave te deshperiara.
Kosova eshet fitore teresisht shqiptare me ndihmen e Zotit. Bota erdhi para se te mbaronte gjithçka per te vene frenin...e zvarritur ditet.

Ti logos as nuk e ke idene se kur kan qene çifutet aty! behet fjale per mese 2000 vjet nga eksodi i madh. dhe aty s'kan dnenjur aq shume sa te kene te drejte per toke...pasi nuk e di a e di ti seç do te thote çifut ose jehud...= shetites...bredharaku qe kalon lumin. S'kane praktikisht atdhe e ndoshta do te kerkonin dhe qendren e mesopotamise, apo lindjen e turqise...apo tere sinain...dmth me llogjiken e te kerkuarit ku kan shkelur do te perfundonin te kerkonin tere boten...endacaket!

per sa i perket demokracise israeliane...shih mer mik sa here ka tentuar te pushtoje e sa here ka provokuar inat nder ato popuj (qe me lejo te te them diçka...kan qene aty gjithmone...e s'kan eksoduar)

e per sa i perket konceptit te terrorizmit. Jo çdo arab mysliman qe s'dashuron israelin eshte terrorist.Kush dhunon pa asnje norme e te drejte sociale eshte terrorist e me kete mas do da spostoja kete titull tjeter kund.

dhe admir...un jam teper formal e politik ne muhabet. e nese d'do me njihje s'do te sillje prroçka te te gjykuarit tim si musliman.Po dhe pa te njohur une do kuptoja sesi ti je kristian jo katolik , po ndoshta evangjelist dhe qe je i cunguar ne mendime....populli i zgjedhur...pfff, si kristian i mire duhet te dish qe populli i zgjedhur ne historine me te afert sharroi ne dysh zekerian, i preu koken gjon pagezorit dhe me te tijen dorezoi per kryqezim jezusin te madhin fare...per respekt te tyre, mos i lavdero se te dhunuan fene e mesazhin hyjnor.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Termat nuk privatizohen sipas oreksit. Po te flisja per nje lloj te njejte apo edhe te ndryshem te xhihadit. Nese juve ju lejoka, po atyre perse jo? Jo se interpretohet njelloj, por qellimi eshte pa pike pa presje i njejte.

Cfare nuk do te bente njeriu per te mbrojt shtepine e vet!!! E ne si te jashtem nuk mund ti kuptojme asnjehere.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine


demokracia israeliane...populli paqesor...kan qene aty prej vitesh...duan bisedime...pfffffff

Al declino dell'impero Ottomano, a partire dal 1880, gruppi di ebrei europei emigrarono in Palestina dove stabilirono alcune colonie. Fondarono il movimento Sionista, da cui presero il nome di sionisti.
Nel 1914, gli immigranti sionisti in Palestina erano 85.000, gli arabi musulmani e cristiani erano 500.000, ai quali si aggiungevano gli ebrei cosiddetti Ottomani (già presenti da tempo in Palestina e perfettamente integrati).
Nel 1916 le potenze europee siglarono l'accordo di Sikes-Picot: si trattava del piano alleato per dividere l'impero Ottomano (in disfacimento). Gli inglesi di fatto divennero la potenza coloniale in Palestina.
Nel 1921 cominciarono gli scontri fra arabi ed ebrei (a Jaffa 200 morti ebrei e 120 morti arabi).
Nel 1922 l'Inghilterra ricevette dalla Lega delle Nazioni il Mandato per la Palestina.
I rapporti fra arabi e sionisti si deteriorano, e nel frattempo le tensioni vengono peggiorate dalla ulteriore ondata di immigrazione di ebrei che fuggono dalla furia genocida di Hitler.
Cominciano le proposte inglesi di formazione di 2 Stati separati. Esse scontentano sia gli arabi che i sionisti, e le violenze nel frattempo aumentano. E' a questo punto che i sionisti si organizzano in gruppi di guerriglia.
Nel 1947 gli Inglesi rinunciano al Mandato e passano la palla all'ONU.
Nel Maggio 1948 gli Stati arabi mandano truppe in aiuto ai palestinesi. Ma già le truppe ebraiche avevano conquistato grandi fette di territorio designato dall'ONU come Arabo, provocando la fuga di 300.000 rifugiati palestinesi. Lo Stato d'Israele viene proclamato il 14 maggio 1948. La guerra continua, e all' inizio del 1949 Israele vince conquistando il 73% della Palestina. I rifugiati palestinesi sono ora 725.000.
Ai palestinesi, alla fine della guerra, rimane Gaza e la Cisgiordania. Nel 1956, Israele attacca l'Egitto conquistando Gaza e il Sinai, ma gli USA li convincono a ritirasi un anno dopo.
Nel 1964 gli Stati arabi creano l'Organizzazione per la Liberazione della Palestina (OLP).
Nel Maggio 1967 il presidente egiziano Nasser stringe un patto di difesa con la Giordania. Ma Israele non aspetta, e nel Giugno 1967 attacca l'Egitto. E' la nota Guerra dei 6 Giorni. In un baleno Israele occupa il Sinai, Gaza, la Cisgiordania, parte del Golan siriano e Gerusalemme Est.
Nel Novembre 1967 il Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU condanna la conquista dei territori da parte di Israele con la risoluzione 242, che specificamente chiede il ritiro israeliano dai territori occupati nella Guerra dei 6 Giorni.
1973, attacco egiziano e siriano a sorpresa contro Israele (guerra del Kippur). Israele e' in seria difficoltà, e solo grazie a un massiccio aiuto militare americano si riprende e addirittura avanza nel Golan.
La base della guerriglia dell'OLP si sposta nel Libano del sud. Nel 1978 Israele invade il sud del Libano. Di nuovo il Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU condanna l'invasione con la risoluzione 425, e tenta di separare i belligeranti con un contingente di caschi blu (UNIFIL).
Nel Settembre 1978 il presidente egiziano Sadat va a Camp David negli USA, dove firma i famosi accordi con Israele. Israele in cambio si ritira dal Sinai. Sadat firma a Washington il 26 marzo 1979 la pace con Israele, primo Stato arabo a farlo. Nel 1982 Israele reinvade il Libano, e arriva fino a Beirut. Gli USA mediano nella fuga da Beirut dell'OLP e di Arafat, ma nessuno protegge i civili palestinesi: strage nel campo profughi di Sabra e Chatila. Israele si ritirerà dal Libano (esclusa una fascia al sud) nel 1985. Dicembre 1987. Nei territori occupati il pugno di ferro di Israele trova ora un fronte unito, e i giovani palestinesi si lanciano nell'Intifada (sollevazione).
Nel 1988 Arafat rinuncia ufficialmente al Terrorismo e accetta la risoluzione 242, implicitamente riconoscendo l'esistenza di Israele. 1993: a Oslo si svolgono colloqui segreti fra l'OLP e il laborista israeliano Shimon Perez con mediazione norvegese di Joan Jorgen Holst.
Il 9 Settembre 1993 Arafat firma la lettera di riconoscimento dello Stato di Israele, e Israele il 10 Settembre riconosce l'OLP come il legittimo rappresentante dei palestinesi.
Lunedì 13 Settembre 1993 Arafat e Rabin a Washington firmano una Dichiarazione di Principi, che comprende il mutuo riconoscimento di Israele e dell'OLP, il ritiro israeliano da Gaza e da Jerico, e un non meglio specificato ritiro israeliano da alcune aree della Cisgiordania entro 5
anni (accordi di "Oslo"). A partire dal 1999 il premier israeliano Barak concede ad Arafat alcuni territori in più, e a metà del 2000 l'Autorità Palestinese si trova a controllare il 40% della Cisgiordania e il 65% di Gaza. Ma stiamo parlando di pezzetti di territorio palestinese scollegati e interamente circondati da insediamenti ebraici, e controllati giorno e notte da cordoni di militari israeliani.
Nel luglio del 2000 il presidente americano Clinton convince Arafat e il premier israeliano Barak ad andare a Camp David (USA) per finalizzare gli accordi di Oslo. L'incontro naufraga in un nulla di fatto.
28 Settembre 2000. Ariel Sharon, leader dell'opposizione israeliana, sfila a piedi presso la moschea di Al Aqsa a Gerusalemme, che è uno dei luoghi più sacri della religione musulmana. Questo viene visto come un oltraggio imperdonabile, e i palestinesi si lanciano nella seconda Intifada. Nel febbraio 2001 il laborista Barak perde le elezioni e diviene premier Ariel Sharon del partito Likud.

La prima fase dal 1942 al 1947, prima della nascita dello Stato di Israele.
* I testi virgolettati sono traduzioni di documenti originali. Le spiegazioni del redattore sono in corsivo.
"Durante gli anni della Seconda Guerra Mondiale anche la comunità sionista (in Palestina) adottò metodi violenti di lotta. L'uso del Terrorismo da parte loro e' descritto in un documento ufficiale del governo britannico di allora": 'Nel 1942 un piccolo gruppo di estremisti sionisti, guidati da Abraham Stern, si fece notare per una serie di omicidi e di rapine politicamente motivati" (1)
"Il Ministro inglese per il Medioriente, Lord Moyne, viene assassinato da due membri del gruppo Stern, al Cairo. Sempre nello stesso anno il gruppo fuorilegge sionista Irgun Tzeva'i Leumi distrugge numerose proprietà del governo britannico. Le azioni terroristiche dei gruppi Stern e Irgun sono state condannate dallo stesso portavoce della Comunità Ebraica". (1)
"Il 22/7/1946, la campagna condotta delle organizzazioni terroristiche (sioniste) raggiunse nuovi livelli, con una esplosione che distrusse un'ala dell'hotel King David di Gerusalemme, che conteneva gli uffici della Segreteria del governo e il quartier generale britannico, uccidendo 86
impiegati, arabi ebrei e inglesi, e 5 passanti". (1)
"Altre attività terroristiche (sioniste) includono: il rapimento di un giudice inglese e di alcuni ufficiali, e l'attentato dinamitardo a un Club di Ufficiali inglesi a Gerusalemme con grave perdita di vite umane". (1)
"Menachem Begin (futuro premier israeliano) fu definito dagli inglesi un "leader terrorista" per aver fatto esplodere l'hotel King David a Gerusalemme, che a quel tempo venne considerato uno dei peggiori atti terroristici del secolo." (1bis)
Un altro documento ufficiale britannico del 1946 dichiara:
"Il Governo di Sua Maestà britannica e' arrivato alle seguenti conclusioni: che il gruppo (sionista) Haganah e il suo associato Palmach lavorano sotto il controllo politico dei membri della Agenzia Ebraica; e che essi sono responsabili di sabotaggi e di violenze..." (2)
"Questa campagna terroristica contro gli arabi palestinesi e contro gli inglesi raggiunse tali proporzioni che Churchill, un forte sostenitore dei sionisti e a quel tempo Primo Ministro inglese, dichiarò alla Camera dei Comuni: "Se i nostri sogni per il sionismo devono finire nel fumo delle pistole degli assassini e se i nostri sforzi per il futuro del sionismo devono produrre un nuovo gruppo di delinquenti degni della Germania nazista, molti come me dovranno riconsiderare le posizioni tenute così a lungo". (3)


Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

edhe sa per ate punen e pilotave...

ansa eshte burimi ( e nje apo jo si agjensi lajmesh?!)

Un gruppo di 27 piloti dell'aeronautica israeliana ha reso pubblico ieri il rifiuto ad operazioni mirate contro militanti palestinesi, giudicandole ''illegali e immorali''.

Il 'no' e' stato annunciato in un incontro con il comandante dell'aeronautica, generale Dan Halutz.
La decisione - si tratta della prima petizione di questo genere di un gruppo di aviatori - fara' scalpore. Il secondo canale della televisione commerciale ha dato la notizia in apertura con il titolo 'Terremoto nell'aeronautica'. Il servizio mostra i piloti, in divisa, di spalle che ascoltano il portavoce 'Capitano I' leggere la lettera di protesta.

Fra i firmatari vi e' il brigadiere generale Yftah Spector, che guido' uno squadrone di aerei durante la guerra del Kippur, nel 1973. ''Noi piloti veterani e in servizio attivo, che abbiamo servito e continuiamo a servire lo stato d'Israele per molte settimane ogni anno, ci opponiamo ad eseguire ordini d'attacco illegali e immorali, del tipo condotto da Israele nei Territori. Ci rifiutiamo di prendere parte agli attacchi dell'aviazione contro i centri popolati da civili'',

Subito dopo sullo schermo sono scorse le immagini di un attacco nella Striscia di Gaza nel luglio 2002, che fece oltre venti morti fra i civili.

Immediata la reazione del capo di stato maggiore israeliano Moshe Yalon: ''E' inaccettabile usare le proprie divise militari per perseguire un obiettivo politico come questo''. Il generale ha ricordato che un ufficiale di fanteria tempo fa venne allontanato dall'esercito per essersi rifiutato di far evacuare un insediamento colonico. ''Vedremo se si renderanno conto della gravita' del loro gesto'', ha aggiunto Yalon, lasciando in sospeso sulle eventuali conseguenze. Il comandante in capo dell'Aeronautica si e' sforzato di minimizzare l'iniziativa dei disobbedienti: ''Parliamo di 27 piloti su diverse migliaia'', ha dichiarato Halutz. ''Siamo impegnati in una guerra contro un terrorismo crudele. Non scegliamo ne' le nostre missioni ne' le nostre guerre, e obiezioni politiche non possono giustificare il mancato adempimento delle missioni'', ha aggiunto. ''Il fatto che essi (i terroristi) si riparino dietro civili, donne e bambini non puo' garantire loro che cesseremo di combatterli'', ha affermato ancora, intervistato dalla Tv, il capo dell'Aeronautica, concludendo: ''Siamo l'esercito piu' morale del mondo''.

Un altro generale dell'Aeronautica, Ido Nehushtan, ha precisato che i 27 disobbedienti sono ''un piccolo gruppo marginale'' di piloti in congedo e della riserva. Stando al secondo canale della televisione, quasi la meta' di coloro che hanno firmato la petizione sono impegnati in missione una o due volte alla settimana. L'iniziativa dei piloti era stata anticipata nei giorni scorsi dalla stampa israeliana. Il gruppo, scriveva il quotidiano Haaretz stava discutendo da oltre tre mesi l'iniziativa ''molto sofferta''.
Nelle ultime settimane Israele ha intensificato, specialmente nella striscia di Gaza, gli attacchi mirati contro dirigenti di Hamas. In alcuni casi i razzi hanno mancato il bersaglio e hanno colpito innocenti.

Gli altri movimenti di ''rifiuto'', scriveva l'Haaretz, sperano che la clamorosa decisione dei piloti - nella societa' israeliana godono di uno status speciale - dia impulso alla loro causa e fomenti il dibattito sulle attivita' delle Forze armate nei Territori occupati. Il 'Coraggio di rifiutarsi', nato 18 mesi fa per iniziativa di 50 militari, oggi ne raccoglie 500, fra soldati semplici e ufficiali, ma nessun pilota. Secondo fonti occidentali, dal giugno del 2000, pochi mesi prima dell'inizio della Seconda Intifada, le ''esecuzioni mirate'' sono state 146. Nelle operazioni sono morti anche 98 civili e ci sono stati 383 feriti.

Il rifiuto di obbedire agli ordini e' in questa situazione ''la madre di tutti i pericoli per il nostro popolo'', ha dichiarato oggi Halutz, capo dell'Aviazione israeliana, citato sul sito di Ha'aretz. Durissimo l'ex presidente israeliano ed ex pilota Ezer Weizman, secondo il quale il rifiuto di obbedire agli ordini ''e' un cancro'' che va estirpato subito prima che si diffonda, e i piloti ribelli devono andarsene dall'aviazione ''con la coda fra le gambe''. Il ministro della Difesa Shaul Mofaz ha accusato i piloti di aver agito per motivi politici e non morali, mentre il ministro dei Lavori Pubblici Effi Eitam ha dichiarato che la protesta realizza la visione del leader palestinese Yasser Arafat di disgregazione della societa' israeliana.

Fonti Ansa, Adnk



Primus registratum
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

kisha nje pyetje per logos.
kur ti pretendon qe çifutet u kthyen ne token "e premtuar nga ZOTI" pse nuk ngrihesh si shqiptar(nqs je)te kerkosh gjysmen e Ballkanit????.??!!!!!
me fal per guximin por kjo llogjika jote me duket shume e mykur /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Pavaresiht se nga kush u lirua Kosova, nderhyrja e Amerikes dhe e OKB-se ishte me vendimtarja perkrah cdo pike gjaku te derdhur. Nderhyrja ishte e hajrit dhe prodhoi liri. Po te mos ishin shkelur hapesirat e sovranes Jugosllavi kjo nuk do te ndodhte apo jo? Keshtu qe ka perjashtime kurre luftohet per nje kauze te drejte. Siria mbetet rast specifik, sepse keto bastarde hedhin gurin e fshehin doren. Po qe se trajnojne terroriste, le ta pranojne e ti dalin ball per balle ceshtjes. Po jane tinzar thuaj edhe pike.

Cifutet jane sorollatur me shekuj, e vertete. Kurre nuk e kane perqafur si duhur premtimin e Zotit. Perhere e kane dyshuar, e kundershtuar ne menyrat me ekstreme. Por mbeten populli i zgjedhur i Zotit, mbeten populli qe i ka dhuruar njerezimit me shume se cdo popull tjeter. Kane vrare profet, perfshi edhe Krishtin, por mbeten te zgjedhur. Ate cfare Perendia ka percjell nepermjet tyre, nuk e ka percjell asnje populli tjeter. Jane sorollatur gjithandej, por tani u kthyen ne token e premtuar. Asgje nuk mund ti ndale sepse premtimi i Perendise per kete toke ka per te plotesuar perpikshmerisht.

Qendrimet e nje myslimani jane vazhdimisht BIASED kur behet fjale per Izraelin. Ne me te shumten e rasteve neglizhohet se cfare eshte qendrore ne besim. Vendin e paqes e ze lufta, vendin e dashurise e ze urrejtja. Jo vetem ndaj cifuteve, por ndaj jo-myslimaneve ne pergjithesi.

Izraeli eshte shtet demokratik. Lexo te dhenat e cfare lloj statistike ne bote. Brenda per brenda jane xix. Ndoshta ne politikat e jashtme jane agresive sepse sikur e kam thene edhe me pare: "To fight the beast, you must become one."


Primus registratum
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Mos u leshoni keshtu ju te dy, mendoni per ata qe kane rradhen e pastertise! :smash:


Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Fillimisht postuar nga fujiko:
[qb] Mos u leshoni keshtu ju te dy, mendoni per ata qe kane rradhen e pastertise! :smash: [/qb]
Cfare ndodhi? Nuk mora vesh gje...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

NAHARA. Per shkrimin e 23 Tetor, 2003 ora 13:31, cili ishte burimi? Si dhe linkun e faqes se Ansa-s a mund te ma japesh te lutem? Synoj te jem largpames prandaj po ti kerkoj.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

NAHARA. Lexo po pate interes se si qendron e verteta dhe kush nuk po i zbaton marreveshjet...

Declaration of Principles
On Interim Self-Government Arrangements
(September 13, 1993)


The Government of the State of Israel and the P.L.O. team (in the Jordanian-Palestinian delegation to the Middle East Peace Conference) (the "Palestinian Delegation"), representing the Palestinian people, agree that it is time to put an end to decades of confrontation and conflict, recognize their mutual legitimate and political rights, and strive to live in peaceful coexistence and mutual dignity and security and achieve a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement and historic reconciliation through the agreed political process. Accordingly, the, two sides agree to the following principles:

The aim of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations within the current Middle East peace process is, among other things, to establish a Palestinian Interim Self-Government Authority, the elected Council (the "Council"), for the Palestinian people in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, for a transitional period not exceeding five years, leading to a permanent settlement based on Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338.

It is understood that the interim arrangements are an integral part of the whole peace process and that the negotiations on the permanent status will lead to the implementation of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338.

The agreed framework for the interim period is set forth in this Declaration of Principles.

In order that the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip may govern themselves according to democratic principles, direct, free and general political elections will be held for the Council under agreed supervision and international observation, while the Palestinian police will ensure public order.

An agreement will be concluded on the exact mode and conditions of the elections in accordance with the protocol attached as Annex I, with the goal of holding the elections not later than nine months after the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles.

These elections will constitute a significant interim preparatory step toward the realization of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and their just requirements.

Jurisdiction of the Council will cover West Bank and Gaza Strip territory, except for issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations. The two sides view the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as a single territorial unit, whose integrity will be preserved during the interim period.

The five-year transitional period will begin upon the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area.

Permanent status negotiations will commence as soon as possible, but not later than the beginning of the third year of the interim period, between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian people representatives.

It is understood that these negotiations shall cover remaining issues, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.

The two parties agree that the outcome of the permanent status negotiations should not be prejudiced or preempted by agreements reached for the interim period.

Upon the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles and the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and the Jericho area, a transfer of authority from the Israeli military government and its Civil Administration to the authorised Palestinians for this task, as detailed herein, will commence. This transfer of authority will be of a preparatory nature until the inauguration of the Council.

Immediately after the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles and the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area, with the view to promoting economic development in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, authority will be transferred to the Palestinians on the following spheres: education and culture, health, social welfare, direct taxation, and tourism. The Palestinian side will commence in building the Palestinian police force, as agreed upon. Pending the inauguration of the Council, the two parties may negotiate the transfer of additional powers and responsibilities, as agreed upon.

The Israeli and Palestinian delegations will negotiate an agreement on the interim period (the "Interim Agreement")

The Interim Agreement shall specify, among other things, the structure of the Council, the number of its members, and the transfer of powers and responsibilities from the Israeli military government and its Civil Administration to the Council. The Interim Agreement shall also specify the Council's executive authority, legislative authority in accordance with Article IX below, and the independent Palestinian judicial organs.

The Interim Agreement shall include arrangements, to be implemented upon the inauguration of the Council, for the assumption by the Council of all of the powers and responsibilities transferred previously in accordance with Article VI above.

In order to enable the Council to promote economic growth, upon its inauguration, the Council will establish, among other things, a Palestinian Electricity Authority, a Gaza Sea Port Authority, a Palestinian Development Bank, a Palestinian Export Promotion Board, a Palestinian Environmental Authority, a Palestinian Land Authority and a Palestinian Water Administration Authority, and any other Authorities agreed upon, in accordance with the Interim Agreement that will specify their powers and responsibilities.

After the inauguration of the Council, the Civil Administration will be dissolved, and the Israeli military government will be withdrawn.

In order to guarantee public order and internal security for the Palestinians of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the Council will establish a strong police force, while Israel will continue to carry the responsibility for defending against external threats, as well as the responsibility for overall security of Israelis for the purpose of safeguarding their internal security and public order.

The Council will be empowered to legislate, in accordance with the Interim Agreement, within all authorities transferred to it.

Both parties will review jointly laws and military orders presently in force in remaining spheres.

In order to provide for a smooth implementation of this Declaration of Principles and any subsequent agreements pertaining to the interim period, upon the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles, a Joint Israeli-Palestinian Liaison Committee will be established in order to deal with issues requiring coordination, other issues of common interest, and disputes.

Recognizing the mutual benefit of cooperation in promoting the development of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Israel, upon the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles, an Israeli-Palestinian Economic Cooperation Committee will be established in order to develop and implement in a cooperative manner the programs identified in the protocols attached as Annex III and Annex IV .

The two parties will invite the Governments of Jordan and Egypt to participate in establishing further liaison and cooperation arrangements between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian representatives, on the one hand, and the Governments of Jordan and Egypt, on the other hand, to promote cooperation between them. These arrangements will include the constitution of a Continuing Committee that will decide by agreement on the modalities of admission of persons displaced from the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, together with necessary measures to prevent disruption and disorder. Other matters of common concern will be dealt with by this Committee.

After the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles, and not later than the eve of elections for the Council, a redeployment of Israeli military forces in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip will take place, in addition to withdrawal of Israeli forces carried out in accordance with Article XIV.

In redeploying its military forces, Israel will be guided by the principle that its military forces should be redeployed outside populated areas.

Further redeployments to specified locations will be gradually implemented commensurate with the assumption of responsibility for public order and internal security by the Palestinian police force pursuant to Article VIII above.

Israel will withdraw from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area, as detailed in the protocol attached as Annex II.

Disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of this Declaration of Principles. or any subsequent agreements pertaining to the interim period, shall be resolved by negotiations through the Joint Liaison Committee to be established pursuant to Article X above.

Disputes which cannot be settled by negotiations may be resolved by a mechanism of conciliation to be agreed upon by the parties.

The parties may agree to submit to arbitration disputes relating to the interim period, which cannot be settled through conciliation. To this end, upon the agreement of both parties, the parties will establish an Arbitration Committee.

Both parties view the multilateral working groups as an appropriate instrument for promoting a "Marshall Plan", the regional programs and other programs, including special programs for the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as indicated in the protocol attached as Annex IV .

This Declaration of Principles will enter into force one month after its signing.

All protocols annexed to this Declaration of Principles and Agreed Minutes pertaining thereto shall be regarded as an integral part hereof.

Done at Washington, D.C., this thirteenth day of September, 1993.

For the Government of Israel
For the P.L.O.

Witnessed By:

The United States of America
The Russian Federation


Palestinians of Jerusalem who live there will have the right to participate in the election process, according to an agreement between the two sides.

In addition, the election agreement should cover, among other things, the following issues:

the system of elections;

the mode of the agreed supervision and international observation and their personal composition; and

rules and regulations regarding election campaign, including agreed arrangements for the organizing of mass media, and the possibility of licensing a broadcasting and TV station.

The future status of displaced Palestinians who were registered on 4th June 1967 will not be prejudiced because they are unable to participate in the election process due to practical reasons.


The two sides will conclude and sign within two months from the date of entry into force of this Declaration of Principles, an agreement on the withdrawal of Israeli military forces from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area. This agreement will include comprehensive arrangements to apply in the Gaza Strip and the Jericho area subsequent to the Israeli withdrawal.

Israel will implement an accelerated and scheduled withdrawal of Israeli military forces from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area, beginning immediately with the signing of the agreement on the Gaza Strip and Jericho area and to be completed within a period not exceeding four months after the signing of this agreement.

The above agreement will include, among other things:

Arrangements for a smooth and peaceful transfer of authority from the Israeli military government and its Civil Administration to the Palestinian representatives.

Structure, powers and responsibilities of the Palestinian authority in these areas, except: external security, settlements, Israelis, foreign relations, and other mutually agreed matters.

Arrangements for the assumption of internal security and public order by the Palestinian police force consisting of police officers recruited locally and from abroad holding Jordanian passports and Palestinian documents issued by Egypt). Those who will participate in the Palestinian police force coming from abroad should be trained as police and police officers.

A temporary international or foreign presence, as agreed upon.

Establishment of a joint Palestinian-Israeli Coordination and Cooperation Committee for mutual security purposes.

An economic development and stabilization program, including the establishment of an Emergency Fund, to encourage foreign investment, and financial and economic support. Both sides will coordinate and cooperate jointly and unilaterally with regional and international parties to support these aims.

Arrangements for a safe passage for persons and transportation between the Gaza Strip and Jericho area.

The above agreement will include arrangements for coordination between both parties regarding passages:

Gaza - Egypt; and

Jericho - Jordan.

The offices responsible for carrying out the powers and responsibilities of the Palestinian authority under this Annex II and Article VI of the Declaration of Principles will be located in the Gaza Strip and in the Jericho area pending the inauguration of the Council.

Other than these agreed arrangements, the status of the Gaza Strip and Jericho area will continue to be an integral part of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and will not be changed in the interim period.


The two sides agree to establish an Israeli-Palestinian continuing Committee for Economic Cooperation, focusing, among other things, on the following:
Cooperation in the field of water, including a Water Development Program prepared by experts from both sides, which will also specify the mode of cooperation in the management of water resources in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and will include proposals for studies and plans on water rights of each party, as well as on the equitable utilization of joint water resources for implementation in and beyond the interim period.

Cooperation in the field of electricity, including an Electricity Development Program, which will also specify the mode of cooperation for the production, maintenance, purchase and sale of electricity resources.

Cooperation in the field of energy, including an Energy Development Program, which will provide for the exploitation of oil and gas for industrial purposes, particularly in the Gaza Strip and in the Negev, and will encourage further joint exploitation of other energy resources. This Program may also provide for the construction of a Petrochemical industrial complex in the Gaza Strip and the construction of oil and gas pipelines.

Cooperation in the field of finance, including a Financial Development and Action Program for the encouragement of international investment in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and in Israel, as well as the establishment of a Palestinian Development Bank.

Cooperation in the field of transport and communications, including a Program, which will define guidelines for the establishment of a Gaza Sea Port Area, and will provide for the establishing of transport and communications lines to and from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to Israel and to other countries. In addition, this Program will provide for carrying out the necessary construction of roads, railways, communications lines, etc.

Cooperation in the field of trade, including studies, and Trade Promotion Programs, which will encourage local, regional and inter-regional trade, as well as a feasibility study of creating free trade zones in the Gaza Strip and in Israel, mutual access to these zones, and cooperation in other areas related to trade and commerce.

Cooperation in the field of industry, including Industrial Development Programs, which will provide for the establishment of joint Israeli- Palestinian Industrial Research and Development Centers, will promote Palestinian-Israeli joint ventures, and provide guidelines for cooperation in the textile, food, pharmaceutical, electronics, diamonds, computer and science-based industries.

A program for cooperation in, and regulation of, labor relations and cooperation in social welfare issues.

A Human Resources Development and Cooperation Plan, providing for joint Israeli-Palestinian workshops and seminars, and for the establishment of joint vocational training centers, research institutes and data banks.

An Environmental Protection Plan, providing for joint and/or coordinated measures in this sphere.

A program for developing coordination and cooperation in the field of communication and media.

Any other programs of mutual interest.


The two sides will cooperate in the context of the multilateral peace efforts in promoting a Development Program for the region, including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, to be initiated by the G-7. The parties will request the G-7 to seek the participation in this program of other interested states, such as members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, regional Arab states and institutions, as well as members of the private sector.

The Development Program will consist of two elements:

an Economic Development Program for the 'West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

a Regional Economic Development Program.

The Economic Development Program for the West Bank and the Gaza strip will consist of the following elements:

A Social Rehabilitation Program, including a Housing and Construction Program.

A Small and Medium Business Development Plan.

An Infrastructure Development Program (water, electricity, transportation and communications, etc.)

A Human Resources Plan.

Other programs.

The Regional Economic Development Program may consist of the following elements:

The establishment of a Middle East Development Fund, as a first step, and a Middle East Development Bank, as a second step.

The development of a joint Israeli-Palestinian-Jordanian Plan for coordinated exploitation of the Dead Sea area.

The Mediterranean Sea (Gaza) - Dead Sea Canal.

Regional Desalinization and other water development projects.

A regional plan for agricultural development, including a coordinated regional effort for the prevention of desertification.

Interconnection of electricity grids.

Regional cooperation for the transfer, distribution and industrial exploitation of gas, oil and other energy resources.

A Regional Tourism, Transportation and Telecommunications Development Plan.

Regional cooperation in other spheres.

The two sides will encourage the multilateral working groups, and will coordinate towards their success. The two parties will encourage intersessional activities, as well as pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, within the various multilateral working groups.


Any powers and responsibilities transferred to the Palestinians pursuant to the Declaration of Principles prior to the inauguration of the Council will be subject to the same principles pertaining to Article IV, as set out in these Agreed Minutes below.


Article IV

It is understood that:

Jurisdiction of the Council will cover West Bank and Gaza Strip territory, except for issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations: Jerusalem, settlements, military locations, and Israelis.

The Council's jurisdiction will apply with regard to the agreed powers, responsibilities, spheres and authorities transferred to it.

Article VI (2)
It is agreed that the transfer of authority will be as follows:

The Palestinian side will inform the Israeli side of the names of the authorised Palestinians who will assume the powers, authorities and responsibilities that will be transferred to the Palestinians according to the Declaration of Principles in the following fields: education and culture, health, social welfare, direct taxation, tourism, and any other authorities agreed upon.

It is understood that the rights and obligations of these offices will not be affected.

Each of the spheres described above will continue to enjoy existing budgetary allocations in accordance with arrangements to be mutually agreed upon. These arrangements also will provide for the necessary adjustments required in order to take into account the taxes collected by the direct taxation office.

Upon the execution of the Declaration of Principles, the Israeli and Palestinian delegations will immediately commence negotiations on a detailed plan for the transfer of authority on the above offices in accordance with the above understandings.

Article VII (2)
The Interim Agreement will also include arrangements for coordination and cooperation.

Article VII (5)

The withdrawal of the military government will not prevent Israel from exercising the powers and responsibilities not transferred to the Council.

Article VIII

It is understood that the Interim Agreement will include arrangements for cooperation and coordination between the two parties in this regard. It is also agreed that the transfer of powers and responsibilities to the Palestinian police will be accomplished in a phased manner, as agreed in the Interim Agreement.

Article X

It is agreed that, upon the entry into force of the Declaration of Principles, the Israeli and Palestinian delegations will exchange the names of the individuals designated by them as members of the Joint Israeli-Palestinian Liaison Committee.

It is further agreed that each side will have an equal number of members in the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee will reach decisions by agreement. The Joint Committee may add other technicians and experts, as necessary. The Joint Committee will decide on the frequency and place or places of its meetings.

Annex II

It is understood that, subsequent to the Israeli withdrawal, Israel will continue to be responsible for external security, and for internal security and public order of settlements and Israelis. Israeli military forces and civilians may continue to use roads freely within the Gaza Strip and the Jericho area.

Done at Washington, D.C., this thirteenth day of September, 1993.

For the Government of Israel
For the P.L.O.

Witnessed By:

The United States of America
The Russian Federation



Primus registratum
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

ime m'mani se kam per ti ran un ktij. :mad: :mad: :mad:

e di si po e ban ti shoku; "attacchiamo l'Iraq per dargli la pace"
:rockband: :rockband: :rockband: pfffff

gezim lame

Primus registratum
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Fillimisht postuar nga Logos:

Mos ja kput kot mor burr i dheut. Jam ne dijeni te dekretit te Britanise per ekzistencen e nje shtet Izraelit pas luftes se dyte boterore. Jam edhe ne dijeni te pushtimeve, por terrorizmi eshte tjeter gje. Ajo toke i perket historikisht atyre per me teper kur e kane nje premtim nga Zoti. Bazat nuk i ka ne terror Izraeli ximo. Gabohesh. Te sygjeroj edhe ty, si Unicornit me pare, ti hidhnit nej sy kushtetutes se tyre para se te flisnit badihava.
Logos mos na ngaterro temat aman.. /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Shihe edhe njehere me kujdes ate qe kam shkruar.. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif eshte per krijimin e shtetit te izraelit... SHTET I KRIJUAR SI RRJEDHIM I NJE LEVIZJE TERRORRISTE. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif (mos kercejme kot dege me dege)
Kujdes Logos more mik se po hyne ne gjynah me "vellezerit kristiane arabo-palestineze.. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif qe jane ne rangun e 30-40% sipas "disave" kur iu intereson, ne token e shenjete.
Mos i shisni kaq lire te izraeli edhe ata kristiane te Sirise qe vriten kur i bombardon Izraeli Demokratik... /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Logosi eshte i verber me keq se kali sespe po ben nje trajtim te temes bardh e zi.

Per te ç'jane arabe jane myslimane e ç'jane myslimane jane terrorista.

Levizjet per çlirimin e palestines ender to dhe shume kamikaze jane shumica levizje te majta, guerrilje me ideologji liberatore-nacionaliste-komuniste.

Nder to ka dhe kristiane e nder to ka dhe nga ata qe vriten e vrasin ne emer te Zotit.

vetvrasjet...shperthimet...apo kamikazet kane ndodhur dhe ndodhin dhe ne mes disa levizjesh kurde...e megjithse se te gjith bije myslimanesh askush (perjashtoj ketu ty se nuk ve dore ne zjarr) s'eshte aq naiv sa te thoje se jane terror islamik.

Kosmopoliti fetar-social-nacional-kulturor ne lindjen e mesme s'ze vend faare ne konsiderimet tuaja.

me kujtohet nje statistike inetersante qe kam pas lexuar dikur mbi konfliktin arabo israelian.
kur pyeten israelianet se me ç'te drejte arrogojne pronesine mbi token e pushtuar pergjigjen per 90 %

"Na eshte premtuar nga Zoti"

e kur ne nje tjeter testim pyeten nese kane besim ne Zot pergjigjen per 80 %

megjithate s'ka gje...beson bota per ta /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Fillimisht postuar nga halisenjefi i elbasanit:
[qb] ime m'mani se kam per ti ran un ktij. :mad: :mad: :mad: [/qb]
Mahu mer harabel se ka rrezik te te leje zemra pas kesaj qe the.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Eshte e pamundur te debatohet ndaj reagimeve entuziaste, me kokengjeshurine e opinioneve te coroditura. Joshja shembullore ndaj njeanesise, percjellja e mesazhit me mendjemadhesi e kaperdisje, paperkulshmeria (respekti), dhe vete-kenaqesia e ketij grupi robsh te cmonton cdo ide bashkebisedimi.

gezim lame

Primus registratum
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

Ajo qe ke thene aty siper eshte shume relative ne fakt...

Eshte dikush tjeter qe i permbledh te gjitha ate popull ne nje grumbull "arabo-muslimano-terrorrist/islamik" qe meriton te ndeshkohet nga "populli i zgjedhur"... qe meriton te jetoje ne "token e premtuar"...

Hipokrizia qeka pa fund sidomos kur gjithcka behet ne emer te "paqes dhe te Zotit"...


Primus registratum
Re: Izraeli bombardon Sirine

o zogu vogel....

per njeanesi e ke mendim te mbeshtetur, paperkulshmeri, gjithashtu por se ke ti ndonje ide te montuar ktu kam frike se nuk bej dot gje.
dhe nese ben vaki, sa i pameshirshem njeri paska qen ai qe ti ka montuar.

personalisht mendjemadhesi bej me njerez qe i shikoj te pershtatshem, dhe respektin gjithashtu.

shendet e jete