Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Sipas informacioneve qe jepen rreth 55% e zgjedhesve franceze votuan te dielen kunder kushtetutes europiane. Cfare mendoni ju te nderuar miq per ceshtjen ne fjale???


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Secili populle ka psikilogjine e vet, keshtu qe secili vend ka arsy te ndryshme per te refuzuar kushtetuten europiane. Psh franca e refuzoi per problemet sociale, sot hollanda do e refuzoje per politiken jo liberale etj. Problemi eshte se si do zgjidhen keto probleme qe europa te ecin perpara.


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

From: New York Times.

French Voters Soundly Reject European Union Constitution

Published: May 30, 2005
PARIS, May 29 - Turning its back on half a century of European history, France decisively rejected a constitution for Europe on Sunday, plunging the country into political disarray and jeopardizing the cause of European unity.

Proponents of the no vote celebrated in Toulouse in southern France after voters rejected the European Union constitution Sunday.
The victory for the no vote - 55 percent to 45 percent - came in a nationwide referendum on the European Union constitution after a bruising campaign that divided France and alarmed Europe.

Foreshadowed in recent polls, the no vote could doom the 448-article treaty because all 25 members of the European Union must ratify it before it can take effect.

The rejection could signal an abrupt halt to the expansion and unification of Europe, a process that has been met with growing disillusionment among the wealthier European Union members as needier countries like Poland and Slovakia have negotiated their entry.

President Jacques Chirac, who had predicted France's isolation in Europe if the constitution was rejected, smiled stiffly as he struggled to mask his disappointment.

"The decision of France inevitably creates a difficult situation for the defense of our interests in Europe," he said in a brief statement broadcast live on television. Hinting at possible cabinet changes, he added, "I will tell you in the very next days my decisions regarding the government and its priorities."

Early this month, Mr. Chirac had vowed not to change his government if the referendum failed, saying it was "neither a plebiscite nor a moment of political change."

But the vote, which made France the first country to reject the treaty, has deeply wounded the French president. More than 50 years ago, France was a founding member of the six-country precursor to the current European Union. Mr. Chirac had assumed that through the constitution, a document similar in some ways to the Constitution that binds the United States, France could promote a stronger, more unified Europe that could project not only economic but also political power around the world. He repeatedly spoke of a "multipolar world" with Europe as one of the poles counter-balancing the United States.

After the vote, some extreme opponents of the constitution called for Mr. Chirac to resign.

"We are tonight before a major political crisis," said Philippe de Villiers, head of the right-wing Movement for France and a vocal lobbyist against the constitution. He added that Mr. Chirac had two choices: resignation "given the fact that he had been so personally involved" or the dissolution of Parliament.

Jean-Marie Le Pen, the head of the far-right National Front, faulted Mr. Chirac for threatening the French with "chaos" if they voted no, adding, "He isn't qualified, it seems to me, to remain as the head of the country."

About 70 percent of France's registered 41.8 million voters cast ballots, a high turnout on a Sunday that was also Mother's Day here. Throughout the day in Paris, electronic billboards all across town said: "Don't let the others decide for you. Go vote."

Pollsters said the rejection reflected French voters' anger at the 72-year-old president and his center-right government for failing to improve the country's troubled economy, as well as fear that the treaty would erode France's generous cradle-to-grave social safety net.

The debate had been colored by fear of the mythical "Polish plumber," the worker from recent European Union members from the East who is increasingly free to move West and willing to work for lower pay than Frenchmen.

Proponents of the "no" fueled voters with fear of a more powerful European Union where France no longer has influence, and of an increasingly "Anglo-Saxon" and "ultraliberal" Europe where free-market capitalism runs wild.

France's rejection makes it more likely that the Netherlands, where polls show that 60 percent of voters plan to reject the constitution, will vote no in the referendum there on Wednesday. Nine other European Union members have approved it.

The Dutch prime minister, Jan Peter Balkenende, called on voters to approve the constitution despite France's rejection, saying: "There is all the more reason to say yes so that some progress can be recorded with the constitutional treaty. Each country has its own responsibility."
The constitution is essentially a vehicle to streamline decision-making in the expanded 25-member bloc and a blueprint for the next stage of its growth and unification. It eliminates the six-month rotating European Union presidency, creating a president with a maximum five-year term; details a list of basic rights; and determines what functions, such as issuing visas or making rules on immigration, will be governed by the European Union headquarters in Brussels and what others, like foreign policy and defense, will remain with member states.

It is conceivable that the constitution could be voted on by the French again or even revised, although the process would be cumbersome.

Even without the constitution, the European Union will go on as before under existing treaties.

But the vote stalls the forward momentum of Europe and makes it more vulnerable to economic and political uncertainty. It could paralyze decision-making in the European Union for months, complicate the process of admitting new members, and make it even more difficult to impose discipline on members' spending and inflation levels.

European officials quickly expressed anxiety over the ramifications of the vote.

The British foreign secretary, Jack Straw, declined to say if Britain would proceed with a popular vote on the constitution next year. "This raises profound questions for all of us about the direction of Europe," he told reporters. "What we want now is a period of reflection."

In Germany, which has approved the constitution, Chancellor Gerhard Schröder called the French rejection "a blow for the constitutional process, but not the end of it." In a gesture of solidarity with his French counterpart, he added, "It is also not the end of the German-French partnership in and for Europe."

Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker of Luxembourg, who currently holds the European Union's rotating presidency, insisted the ratification process must proceed in other countries.

This is the 10th time in the France's 47-year-old Fifth Republic that citizens have been called by the president to vote in a referendum.

The only other rejection was in 1969, when de Gaulle proposed a measure to renovate the Senate, create regions and seek support after the student uprisings of May 1968. De Gaulle pledged to leave office if the "no" won, and when it did by a small margin, he resigned the next day.

While Mr. Chirac said he would not resign, there has been intense speculation, even in his party, and the media in recent weeks that rejection of the constitution would prompt him to fire Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, whose popularity is at an abysmal 21 percent.

Dominique de Villepin, the interior minister and former foreign minister, is considered a front-runner to replace Mr. Raffarin, and one close confidante said Mr. de Villepin had been quietly assembling a staff and anticipating a cabinet shuffle.

Other contenders include Defense Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie, and Nicolas Sarkozy, the head of Mr. Chirac's party but also Mr. Chirac's political foe.

The referendum polarized France, with extremes of both the left and the right aligning in the no bloc and the center-right in the yes camp. The Socialist Party was badly fractured.

The schism was borne out in and around Paris, where wealthy neighborhoods seemed to vote yes, while poor neighborhoods voted no.

At a preschool turned polling place in the wealthy Paris suburb of Neuilly, 83 percent voted yes. That is the territory of Mr. Sarkozy, who was once mayor there.

"It's like building a house, you don't stop halfway," said Omar Bentchakal, the retired head of a small painting company, as he cast his ballot there. "It would be unfortunate if we were the country who laid the first stone, but that we wouldn't be there to put in the last one, that we're not following through. I would be hurt, really, if we voted no."

At the polling place at the Karl Marx primary school in downtown Bobigny, a working-class suburb of Paris, by contrast, there was no sense that Europe's future hinged on the constitution.

With 18 percent unemployment and a large ethnic Arab and African population, 72 percent of the voters there said no.

Bernard Birsinger, the suburb's Communist mayor, accused Mr. Chirac of fear-mongering and dissembling when he predicted political and economic doom for France if the country rejected the constitution.

"We are already in a Europe of unemployment and regression," said Mr. Birsinger, adding, "We know that the destiny of France is not threatened."

For him, this was a moment to say no to authority, just as the French did in the 1789 revolution.

"Happily, certain people rose up and said no," he said. "They didn't ask the king for permission to make a revolution."


Pan ignoramus
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

BISOU, eshte me informativ ky artikull ketu. :book:

Fillimisht postuar nga elibubazheli:
[qb] Po atehere ça dojme na Gurax, qe kerkojme me hy n'Evrope kur dihet mire se jena rraca ma e mire n'bote ? [/qb]
Prandaj s'kane per te na futur NDONJEHERE ne Europe, sepse eklipsojme te tjeret!

Pjesa qe mbetet eshte "Liza ne boten e Cudirave".


Forumium maestatis
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Kohe per reflektim thone Brits aq me teper qe eshte akoma heret te flasesh per rendesine e revolucionit francez te shek 18 /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif , e jo me kur akoma nuk dihet destinacioni final i Europes.

Secili ka idene e vet dhe ne baze te kesaj ideje mbi projektin europian e vlereson pozitivisht apo negativisht rrefuzimin e traktatit.

Shkaqet qe jepen jane mjaft kontradiktore pasi pikerisht kjo Kushtetute siguron shume nga ato gjera qe njererzit votuan kunder.

Liberalizmi Anglo-saxon eshte fituesi me i madh i ketij rrefuzimi. Kjo, duke u nisur nga ideja mbi ate qe EU duhet te behet (mos harroj dhe Hidraulikun Polak /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ) sipas ketij modeli. Perkrahja apo shkaqet qe nxjerr sidomos e djathta britanike jane ne kundershtim te plote me aresyet e rrefuzimit francez. Shfrytezimi, megjithate, qe i ben ne skenen politike angleze dhe europiane eshte i admirueshem.

Pavaresisht se Kushtetua kundershtohet nga francezet si misherim i Thacerizmit apo konkurrences se lire ne fakt ajo eshte nje kompromis midis liberalizmit ekonomiko politik dhe modelit social francez. Frances duhet thene se i mungon qendra e politikes. Loj lloj majtistesh - maoiste trockiste komuniste antiglobaliste, sindikaliste votojne kundra qe shfrytezojne voten e 85% te punetoreve dhe fshatareve me qepe ne qaf qe perfitojne me teper se kushdo nga politika agrare te EU.

Sipas standarteve angleze ne France ka vetem qender te majte ekstremiste te majte dhe te djathte nacionaliste. Keto grupe perfaqesojne rreth 5% te elektoratit Anglosaxon dhe 100% te fletushkave shites neper trotuare qe shprehin pakenaqesite e tyre me argumenta qe skane te bejne me Kushtetuten fare.

Disa nga pakenaqesite qe u shfrytezuan per te votuar kundra jepen "Modernizimi i Vonuar Francez", pra privatizime te pakta dhe sindikata te fuqishme dhe mosliberalizimi i ligjeve te punesimit me rezultat papunesi e larte dhe stanjacion ekonomik. Shto ketu dhe hyrjen e forcuar, para kohe, me kurs te disfavorshem ne Eurozone.

Proteksionizmin ne ditet tona apo kundershtimin e globalizmin, Liberalet e shikojne si kundershtimin e shiut apo te motit. Qesharak, sja vlen te behesh qull duke kundershtuar shiun, pershtatju me mire ktheje ne dobine tende.

Turqia islamizmi, shqiperia, ballkani perendimor (pa kroacine), perspektiva e zgjerimit te metejshem, qe duhet thene se de facto eshte suspended etj eshte dhe tema e referendumit hollandez.

etj etj

Megjithate Francezet kane afat ta votojne perseri deri ne nentor 06, apo te shpetojne pjese te saj. Referendimi hollandez eshte vetem keshillues jo detyrues per qeverine qe mund ta kaloje si PRO po te doje eshe ne rast rrefuzimi.

p.s disclaim: "an overall view" e cthuhet nga ky krah i kanalit:D


Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Just read this one... interesting!!!

French No Vote on European Constitution Rattles Continent

Published: May 31, 2005
PARIS, May 30 - The shock waves of France's rejection of a constitution for Europe reverberated throughout the Continent on Monday, with Britain suggesting that it might cancel its own popular vote on the document and the naysayers in the Netherlands gaining even more confidence that a no vote will prevail in a referendum there on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, spoke with his cabinet director, Michel Boyon, on Monday amid speculation that he will be replaced because of French voters’ rejection of the European constitution.

France's No Could Result in Standstill

Ed Oudenaarden/European Pressphoto Agency
Dutch politicians including Maxime Verhagen, left, leader of the Christian Democrats, and Andre Rouvoet, right, the Christian Union leader, debated the European constitution Monday, ahead of a vote Wednesday.
In France, the vote plunged the center-right government into crisis. President Jacques Chirac will announce "decisions concerning the government" and make a declaration on French television on Tuesday.

The statement was interpreted to mean that he would dismiss Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin and reshuffle his cabinet as a direct result of the repudiation of Mr. Chirac's leadership in a referendum on the European Union constitution on Sunday.

There has been open speculation for months that Mr. Raffarin would be replaced if the constitution failed in France, and after a 30-minute meeting with Mr. Chirac in Élysée Palace on Monday, the affable but unpopular prime minister said, "There will be developments today or tomorrow."

He declined to say whether he had offered his resignation, telling reporters: "I'm going for a stroll around Paris. See you later."

The euro fell sharply on Monday as traders in the United States sold the currency a day after the French vote, slipping to a seven-month low of about $1.25 in late afternoon trading.

Farmers, workers and the unemployed were among those who led the way to the defeat of the European Union constitution in France, voting no in high numbers largely over concerns about the economy. European leaders who had promoted the constitution as the logical, if revolutionary, next step in the growth and unification of the 25-member bloc could not hide their disappointment.

The most serious potential foreign fallout from the no vote in France came on Monday from Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain, who called for a "time for reflection," saying it was too early to decide whether a popular vote could go ahead in his country.

"Underneath all this there is a more profound question, which is about the future of Europe and, in particular, the future of the European economy and how we deal with the modern questions of globalization and technological change," Mr. Blair told journalists during a vacation in Italy. Nine European Union members ratified the constitution before the French referendum. But France's no vote is likely to kill the constitution - at least in its current form - because it requires approval by all of the union's member countries.

In a sense, consideration of the constitution by other member countries, including the Dutch vote on Wednesday, is only a political exercise in democracy to allow each of them the right to proclaim approval or rejection. But the Dutch vote is important nonetheless.

At the moment there is no plan to revise the constitution and put it before member states again. If the Dutch also reject the constitution, it would be that much harder to persuade the rest of the member states to go forward with putting any document up for ratification, particularly those that plan to do it by popular vote.

"This is a critical moment in Europe's history," said Jean-Luc Dehaene, a former Belgian prime minister and one of the architects of the constitution, in a telephone interview. "It is clear that the French no brings Europe to a kind of standstill." The French, he said, "are completely without orientation and in a period of complete uncertainty."

The Netherlands, which like France was one of the six founding members of Europe's original union, "will not be in a position to play its leadership role in Europe if it votes no," Mr. Dehaene said. As for Britain, he added, "It is not impossible that the British government will hide behind the back of France to avoid the difficult discussion in Britain."

For the time being, the British foreign secretary, Jack Straw, said he would announce a decision on whether to go ahead with a vote no earlier than next week.

Mr. Blair's tentative remarks contrasted with the bold approach taken by other European leaders, including Chancellor Gerhard Schröder of Germany and Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker of Luxembourg, who said the ratification process must go on despite the French vote.

France's No Could Result in Standstill"Life continues," Javier Solana, the European Union's foreign policy chief, said at ld a news conference at the union's headquarters in Brussels after France's repudiation of the treaty. "For me, the worst that could happen is if, as a consequence of that, you or the citizens of the European Union or the leaders of the European Union enter into a zone of paralysis psychologically."

In Washington, the State Department, in a brief statement on the vote, emphasized continuity in trans-Atlantic relations, not concern. The administration has remained aloof from the particulars of the constitutional debate.

"We welcome a strong, integrated Europe that is an effective partner for addressing the many challenges we face together," said a spokesman, Noel Clay. "We have such a partnership now with the European Union and expect to continue to build on this relationship, however the E.U. evolves."

The constitution is intended to provide an ambitious, streamlined system for growth and greater unity in the newly expanded 25-country bloc. If the document is abandoned, member states will have to continue working together under a cumbersome and limiting array of existing treaties and rules adopted when the union was smaller.

In an effort to salvage the European unification process, some European figures were sugarcoating their earlier dire predictions of the consequences of the French veto.

Not long ago, for example, Romano Prodi, the former president of the European Commission, had predicted that a French no would mean "the end of Europe." On Monday he called the outcome "a disaster," but insisted that the union would continue to function under current rules and that things could be worse.

"This is still better than a war of secession like the United States once had," he said in a telephone interview. "I'm serious now. We must keep this perspective in mind. We don't have a treaty, but we also don't have wars."

That is certainly true, but the lowest-common-denominator approach was not what the leaders of Europe had in mind when they embarked on the drafting of the constitution, a process that took two and a half years.

After the French vote, the European Commission president, José Manuel Durão Barroso, warned of "a risk of contagion."

Indeed, contagion could come as early as Wednesday, when voters in the Netherlands go to the polls to pass judgment on the constitution.

After the French vote, the Dutch prime minister, Jan Peter Balkenende, told reporters, "The Dutch, of course, do not take any orders from France." But a new Dutch poll taken after the French vote and made public on Monday for NOS public television showed an increase in voters intending to vote no to 55 percent, up from 51 percent just two days ago. Only 38 percent said they planned to vote in favor of the constitution.

President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic, whose country has yet to decide whether to support the charter, declared it "a thing of the past." He added, "The French referendum, and its result, clearly demonstrated the deep division that exists between the European elite and the citizens of Europe."

That view was underscored by the voting trends in the vote in France.

According to the Ipsos polling agency, 70 percent of farmers voted no, despite the fact that France is the largest recipient of European Union farm subsidies.

Public and blue-collar workers and the unemployed, all low-pay groups vulnerable in a country with more than 10 percent unemployment, voted no by 60 percent to 79 percent.

Although most of the Socialist Party hierarchy lobbied in favor of the treaty, 56 percent of Socialist voters rejected it. On the political extremes, 98 percent of the Communist Party and 93 percent of the extreme right National Front voted no.
Paris and Lyon, two of France's biggest cities, and pro-European regions like Alsace, Brittany and the Loire Valley voted yes, while rural France and smaller cities and towns voted no. Most surprisingly, 55 percent of people ages 18 to 25 rejected the treaty, underscoring what appeared to be a lack of trust in the future of Europe and the leadership of France.

France's No Could Result in StandstillHumiliated and badly weakened in the eyes of both his own citizens and the world, Mr. Chirac is now at one of the lowest points of his 10-year presidency. The French media openly mocked him today.

"Did he manage to sleep so well on Sunday night?" the weekly L'Express asked in its latest edition on Monday. "He must realize to what extent the failure of the referendum is a personal disaster."

Serge July, the editor of the left-leaning daily Libération, referred today to "the disastrous end" of Mr. Chirac's "reign," while the daily Le Monde said the president "begins the end of his mandate discredited."

In Poland, the daily Zycie Warszawy joked Monday about the "Polish plumber who petrified France," a reference to the mythical worker from new European Union members like Poland who is free to move west and willing to work for lower pay than Frenchmen.

On Monday, Mr. Chirac held closed-door meetings, not only with Mr. Raffarin but also with a number of officials who might possibly replace him, including Nicolas Sarkozy, the leader of their ruling Union for a Popular Movement but a political enemy of Mr. Chirac; Interior Minister Dominique de Villepin, considered like a political son to Mr. Chirac; Defense Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie; and François Bayrou, the leader of the Christian-right Union for French Democracy.

Mr. Raffarin is being blamed in some quarters for the rejection of the constitution because of opinion surveys indicating that voters used the ballot partly to punish the French government's failure to tackle high unemployment and painful cost-cutting changes.

Mr. de Villepin is considered the front-runner for the prime minister's job, but he is not liked by much of the French political establishment, including deputies in Parliament who consider him distant from the people and complain that he does not bother to consult them.

A CSA opinion poll for France 3 television showed that Mr. Sarkozy, the most popular politician on the right, was the public's choice with 25 percent of voters wanting him to become prime minister. Only 11 percent favored Mr. de Villepin.


Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Z. Bubuzheli! Nuk fiton gje duke share apo ofenduar Francen se ajo shprehu mendimin e saj ne menyren me direkte! Te garantoj une (dhe llogjika me minimale) qe nese kjo ceshtje do te ishte shtruar ne Parlamentin Frances Kushtatuta do "fitonte" pak a shume si ne Gjermani! Mos u beso shume atyre sondazheve sec sic ka thene nje i adhuruari yt (krimineli Cercill) "Une u besoj vetem sondazheve qe kam fallsifikuar vete!"!
Te garantoj une se nese do kishte ndonje shanc te aprovohej me referendum Kushtetuta ne Gjermani, qeveria nuk do vononte ta bente (referendumi gjithmone ka shume me teper legjitimitet se votimi parlamentar ku behen lloj lloj pazarlleqesh).
Per sa kohe te lejohet Anglia (kjo kobure e mbushur drejt zemres se Europes) te fuse hundet ne Europe dhe per sa kohe te kete edhe nje kembe te ushterive pushtuese te pertej Atlantikut, nuk ka shanse te flasim per nje Europe te bashkuar!
Kur edhe pjesa tjeter e Europes te gjeje guximin te beje ate qe beri De Goli duke i perzene ushtrite Janki nga Franca e duke dale nga Natoja, atehere do flitet ndryshe!
Pse budallenj per tu mjele jane Francezet qe ti japin milarda Polakeve qe keta te shkojne e te blejne aeroplane Janki kur Europa prodhon aeroplane te ngjashem me cmim edhe me te arsyeshem?
Nuk ka me qofte ke daja, qe te mbash sistem ekonomoko-financiar Thecerit dhe te kerkosh te perfitosh sherbime sociale te tipit Francez!
Kjo eshte te punoje kali e te haje gomari, pra mos u cudisni aspak!
Ja nje koment i mire i nje postuesi tek gazeta Shekulli!

“Franca tregoi se hipokrizia është regres”


Para dy ditesh ne France u zhvillua nje referendum, nepermjet te cilit populli francez shprehu me ane te votes vullnetin e tij ne lidhje me formen si ishte hartuar Kushtetuta Evropiane. Menyrës se si Kushtetuta ishte hartuar, populli vendosi t’i thote “JO”, e kjo ka shkatuar shume dhimbje koke per burokratet e Brukselit e per mbare politikanet evropianë, por me teper akoma per vete politikanet franceze qe perkrahnin PO-ne. Problemi eshte se francezet jane nga popujt me evropiane e jane krijuesit e Evropes, por kjo s’do te thote te pranojne nje Evrope qe po ndertohet mbi modelin amerikan. Evropa nuk ka te njeten histori si Amerika e jo çdo gje qe funksionon ne Amerike, detyrimisht funksionon dhe ne Evrope. Pra Kushtetuta aktuale ishte e bazuar te dumping social (Rumani, Poloni, Estoni), dumping fiskal (Estoni pa TVSH!!) pra nje regres i te drejtave te pjeses me te madhe te popullsise, te drejta qe jane fituar me gjak e
nuk mund te mohohen ne emer te nje referendumi. Evropa politike nuk konsultoi popujt e saj per hartimin dhe prioritetet e kesaj Kushtetute, po preferoi qe ta beje ashtu si i rri me mire shtreses se pasur e liberale te saj. Francezet, nepermjet votes JO, i kujtuan Evropes politike qe eshte populli ai qe duhet te vendosi per te ardhmen e tij e jo politikanet qe nuk korrespondojne me me prezantuesit e vertete te popullit e kjo, per mua, quhet DEMOKRACI. Ne te gjitha vendet e tjera evropiane u votua nepermjet rruges Parlamentare, keshtu qe nuk ishin popujt qe vendosen po lob-et e fuqishme industrialiste. Franca i tregoj jo vetem Evropes, por të gjithe botes se per te fituar te drejtat duhet shpirt revolucionari, shpirt kritik e duhet guxim. Hipokrizia eshte regres e te shtyn te jetosh vetem ne iluzion.


Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Fillimisht postuar nga antares:
[qb] Bah cfare guximi! I thuhet (nga nje rrjepacak i uritur shqiptar) Frances qe nuk ke intelektuale, apo me e bukura cfare lloj politike ekonomike duhet te ndjekesh!
Ta degjosh kete nga ndonje Gjerman perseri mire nuk te vjen, po nga nje perfaqesuef firifiu i nje shteti te pabreke (i la te Sudia se donte te fitonte pa punuar) qe ka 15 vjet qe zbaton kobin ekonomiko-financiar te trumbetuar nga po ata qe duan ti fusin nen rrogoz Frances ("Ekonomine konkuruese te Tregut - lexo -banditizmin ekonomik alla-janki, Fleksibilitetin - lexo - aftesine per te te hedhur ne rruge si e kur te duan etj etj) kjo po te mos ishte dramatike do te ishte komike!

E vetmja rruge per Europen eshte krijimi i Boshtit Paris-Berlin-Moske, hedhja e Anglo-Amerikaneve jashte puneve dhe territoreve te Europes, dhe varrosja e Natos-instrumentit te diktatit Janki ne Europe!
Bo kete hungerrima derrash te tipit Poloni-Shqiperi-(Europe e Re), po keta sic eshte dhe ne natyren e derrave do ti servilosen prape dores qe i ushqen!

Vive la France!

P.S. Nje kendveshtrim te tille prej palacoje atlanticist e kam pare sot edhe te Shekulli nga nje fare Genc Burimi! [/qb]
o hajdar po ça ka lidhje me temen kjo qe ke shkrujt ?


Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

E di qe te dhemb koka po ta vesh ne perdorim sado pak, po mundohu njehere, lexo cfare ke shkruar pak me siper dhe do shohesh lidhjen me temen dhe ate qe ke shkruar vete ti!


Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Vec te tjerash ja dhe nje arsye me teper per ti thene JO nje klike te pazgjedhurish (parazitesh dhe minjsh haleje ne Bruksel) qe marrin kaq me lehtesi vendime te tilla!

I francesi hanno dunque votato "no" alla Costituzione. Ma ad urne ancora calde, Chirac, Barroso e l'intera Commissione europea si sono affrettati a ripetere che "la UE non si ferma", e che le "le ratifiche andranno avanti", ossia in quegli Stati dove, al posto dei cittadini, a decidere sono i governi. Decisamente la democrazia non piace agli eurocrati, che sul "deficit democratico" hanno costituito le loro fortune. Ma se non danno ascolto all'elettorato, chi ascoltano i burosauri europei? Le lobby. Il caso Monsanto ce lo dice. Avete notato con quanta rapidità lo scandalo è scomparso dai giornali? La Monsanto ha tenuto nascosto un suo rapporto da cui risulta che un suo mais sintetico provoca gravi malformazioni anatomiche (soprattutto ai reni, ma non soltanto) nei ratti da esperimento. Ovviamente, l'ha tenuto nascosto perché vuole venderci il suo mais, farci mangiare il suo mais che genera mostri, farci pagare il suo mais e farci morire col suo mais. Il presidente della Monsanto - che si chiama col nome intensamente giudaico di Robert Shapiro - dovrebbe essere processato in una nuova Norimberga, per crimini contro l'umanità. Invece nulla. Anzi, la Commissione Europea ha già approvato quel mais transgenico Monsanto, e l'ha fatto pur conoscendo sicuramente il rapporto sulla sua pericolosità. Anche la Commissione Europea dovrebbe essere chiamata a rispondere di crimini contro l'umanità. Invece "andrà avanti", "non si fermerà" per uno stupido, insignificante referendum dei cittadini europei. La Commissione Europea si prende cura di noi, di ogni aspetto della nostra salute: ci impone scritte sulle sigarette intese a terrorizzare i fumatori, ma non impone nulla alla Monsanto. Come mai? Ricordiamo un piccolo partticolare: nel gennaio 2005 la Monsanto è stata scoperta a corrompere un funzionario indonesiano, per far accettare i suoi Ogm, e costretta a pagare una multa di 1,5 milioni di dollari. E' una multinazionale apertamente criminale nel merito e nel metodo, una cosca di gangster.


Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

French and Dutch Patriots Rout the New World Order

By Michael James in Frankfurt, Germany – June 1, 2005

On May 29, 2005, under a blazing sun, a raggle-taggle army of French patriots, nationalists, libertarians, conservatives, socialists and communists joined together as one in an unprecedented strategic alliance and mounted a stunning, crippling attack on the New World Order in the heart of Europe.

Just three days later, fired by the courage of their French cousins to the south, the Dutch people rallied to the standard and put to flight whatever remained of the European elites' parasitic army of self-absorbed, Lucifer-worshipping propagandists; treading underfoot all 252 pages of 'The Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe', a veritable Devil's Charter for the final subjugation and control of an already heavily regulated people.

Within the space of less than a week, the beast-men who arrogantly run the Europe Union out of a sense of natural entitlement and intellectual superiority, licking their chops at the prospect of Europe's first real head of state with potent executive powers and a triumphant expansionary agenda, have fallen from their over-world abode of studied indifference and invulnerability into a pit of unfathomable despair.

In the thirty-three months it took to write and then rewrite the new constitution in a frantic bluster of secret negotiations and self-congratulatory banquets, and at a cost to taxpaying munchkins of untold millions of euros, nothing could have prepared them for this dark hour. For these pampered viceroys of a revived Roman empire who take upon themselves the title of 'Excellency' work to a timetable set by a higher master - a master who jealously stalks the corridors of power, from Whitehall to Washington, Beijing to Moscow, looking to devour those who serve less than flawlessly and without an eye on the clock. It's five minutes to twelve, and the ticking has rudely stopped. The master is furious.

This wasn't meant to happen. The propaganda has always worked in the past. The entire left-right spectrum of the French political and Catholic establishment, backed by a nimble phalanx of pseudo experts and geriatric SWAT teams of white-haired university professors with impressive titles, joined with both 'respectable society' and the drug-addled icons of popular Parisian culture to remind all good citizens through the whoring mainstream media and their legion of multiple-orifice presstitutes that it was their duty to say "Oui". But the sons and daughters of French liberty, seething with an indignant rage shared by millions of Europeans denied the right to vote, confronted the globalist beast and yelled "Non!"

The political tsunami was felt from the west coast of Ireland to the east coast of Greece. "Non! The Earthquake," proclaimed the headline on the front page of La Tribune, while the globalist newspaper Libération attacked the rebellious French, describing the result as representing "a general disaster and an epidemic of populism, which is sweeping everything in its path". The May 30 edition of the Europhile British daily, The Guardian, went further and claimed boldly: "Yesterday was nothing less than the beginning of the second French revolution."

The mainstream German press, constrained as it is by a general prohibition on all talk of alternatives to the European Union, could only speculate on what might have happened had the German people been allowed to vote. "The fears that surfaced during the debate in France are not foreign to us," said Henrik Uterwedde, Deputy Director of the German-French Institute in Ludwigsburg. If Germans had been granted a referendum, he continued, "the discussion would have gone exactly the same way".

"The French voted for us," was a common refrain on the streets of Frankfurt. The German parliament, traditionally fearful of allowing ordinary citizens to vote in referenda, in much the same way it fears any objective discussion about the lies contained within the pages of Germany's official 'history' books, treasonously ratified the treaty with a comfortable majority on Friday, May 27, following a series of quisling pro-EU speeches reminiscent of East Germany's subservience to the Soviet Union.

This audacious betrayal of the German people took place against a backdrop in which the mainstream media made no mention of the planned NATO and US neoconservative takeover of the German armed forces, an agenda concealed in cleverly worded provisions in Articles 1-14 and 1-16 of the treaty. Indeed, mindful of the wrath of the City of London and its insidious international banking operations, already responsible for instigating and financing two world wars to break the spirit of the German people, the federal media shut down all discussion of the constitution's implications for other independent European armies.

As neatly summarised by journalist and peace campaigner Israel Shamir, the French saved their fellow Europeans from a fate worse than death by killing a document that would forever bind sovereign national armies to NATO, placing them under the control of neo-fascist Washington and its Satanic, Zionist puppet masters in London.

"The proposed constitution was about to subordinate the European Armed Forces to the NATO, meaning to the US command," wrote Israel Shamir in the May 30 edition of "But for [the] wisdom of the French voters, in the next US invasion, Europeans would be forced to serve in the invading force, whether it is Iran or Russia that the Neo-cons will decide to subdue."

Wrong-footed, winded and fumbling, the flabby, grey-faced politicians and lawyers are out in force: explaining, soothing, prevaricating. It's spin time again. Like a host of Armani-suited Jabba the Hutts, sliming their way from one government-controlled mainstream media outlet to the next, Europe's political degenerates are putting the shine on a humiliating defeat with words carefully chosen lest they unwittingly acknowledge the power that ordinary people still possess. Britain's best-known murderer, Tony Blair: "Time for reflection". Germany's outgoing Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder: "Regrettable". France's Traitor-in-Chief himself, Jacques Chirac: "I take note".

The elites are busy scribbling the notes of which Chirac spoke. Legally, the treaty requires ratification in all 25 European Union member states, yet angry Bilderbergers such as Jose Manuel Barroso, the current head of the European Commission, are already hissing that either dissenting nations would be 'invited' to vote again until they get it 'right', or that something may miraculously emerge from the small print previously overlooked, which would allow for a more liberal interpretation of the rules. "We cannot say that the treaty is dead," Barroso warned ominously.

But the Dutch disagree. As I write, millions of them are kicking the corpse of this odious treaty; and should there be yet one twitch remaining in the body of its articles, the British and the Danes will finish the job.

For American readers unacquainted with life on the European continent, understand that this is nothing less than the start of a full-blooded political insurrection that cuts right across the artificial political divide. While the wheels have come off the European project, leaving the vehicle stuck in a constitutional ditch, opponents of the globalist agenda are now poised for what should be an aggressive and determined attack on the very engine of expansion and integration.

For both Americans and Europeans, the enemy is the same. It employs trauma-based economic terrorism under the banner of 'free markets' to demolish the nation state and our God-given rights to liberty and self-determination. It works through price-gouging, tax largesse for corporations that destroy free-enterprise, the wholesale destruction of the middle classes by encouraging the export of quality jobs abroad and the import of cheap labour to displace what few options are left. It is dedicated to the creation of artificial conflicts and trivial distractions to keep people divided and drugged, and it maintains the constant drumbeat of militarism that nuances the dance of death in which the United Nations and the United States are willing partners who fake being out of step.

The world has long since surrendered its hope that fearless Americans will rise up by force of arms and reclaim their birthright, retaking their great country from the freedom and wealth-destroying Zionist cabal in Washington. While their children die for Israel and oil in a war to depopulate a broken Arab nation that did them no harm, most Americans are lost in a bizarre fantasy world of asinine government propaganda, junk entertainment and effeminate shopping malls.

But though, for now, the issue is a diabolical treaty settled without a whiff of gun-smoke at the ballot box, the French have raised the standard of resistance against a wounded but unrepentant New World Order, and the battle lines are drawn. Europe's parasitic elites in London, Brussels and Strasbourg will neither forgive nor forget; and in the months and years to come, they will not go down without drawing blood. So mark this day and mark it well, for Europe stands before the fire.

At long last, the fight-back has begun.

Albert Zylyftari

Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Shumica e francezeve i thane JO kushtetutes megjithese ata s'e kishin lexuar ate.Ata i thane jo asaj per faktin qe ata jane kunder qeveritareve, jane te lodhur dhe stresuar nga jeta, nuk duan qe edhe vendet e lindjes te rregullohen si perendimi, jane kunder hyrjes se Turqise ne evrope, jane kunder imigracionit, nuk jane te afte te kuptojne qe Franca duhet te ndryshoje....;
Franca pastaj ka shume intelektuale, por ata si le njeri te hapin gojen .
Poshte diktatura enarke.


Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Franca hyn te prindet e Evropes e Evropa eshte nje pjelle e saj keshtu qe me duket pak e çuditeshme kur shihen si antievropiane francezet!
Problemi eshte i thelle dhe Evropa aktuale nuk propozon alternativa serioze me duke ju referuar resursave intelektuale, humane e finaciare qe posedon. Pra kur politikanet Evropian e francez bashke nuk kane kapacitetin te shpjegojne qarte se çfare qellimi ka kjo kushtetute, shfare do te ndryshoje, si, kur dhe çfare zgjidhje eshte menduar per ti dhene problemeve te shpernguljeve te ndermarjeve, dumping-ut foskal e social, zhvillimit te tregut gjithmone ne baze te rregullave te me te fortit dhe jo ne baze te aspiratave te popujve qe jetojne ne Evrope etj eshte llogjike qe nuk ka se si populli te votoje pro. Pra per mendimin tim dhe pse ishte debat teper i komplikuar populli francez tregoi se vazhdon te jete nga popujt me me shpirt revolucionar e me kundra kapitalizmit te eger ku vetem nje gjuhe flitet dhe dominon çdo gje tjeter "Paraja".
Evropa duke pas parasysh kulturen dhe historine e saj nuk mund te behet as Amerike e as Kine e asnje prej ketyre shteteve dhe pse te sukseshme ne fusha te ndryshme nuk me duket nje model ideal shoqerie.
Ti thuash jo nje kushtetute me gjithe ate presion qe ju be popullit mbi pasojat qe do kishte nese votonte JO mendoj se do b.the e mend. Ashtu si ben per luften kunder Irakut kur i thane jo Amerikes superfuqise se padiskutueshme ne bote dhe tani francezet treguan qe kane b.the te marrin vendime te rendesishme qe kane ndikuar e ndikojne ne zhvillimet e historise boterore.


Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

nuk duan qe edhe vendet e lindjes te rregullohen si perendimi, jane kunder hyrjes se Turqise ne evrope
Pak veshtire per ta besuar, mund ta riformuloje keshtu:
Nuk duan qe "edhe vendet e lindjes te rregullohen si perendimi" ne kurriz te Frances.
"hyrjes se Turqise ne evrope" me gjithe detyrimet qe vine nga mbrapa per shkak te pozicionit dhe mardhenieve qe ka Turqia me fqinjet!
P.Sh. pak flitet per tentativat e koheve te fundit per te futur shtetin Cifut ne Nato! Po a e dini se ne rast se Cifutet futen ne NATO atehere sa here i teket vampireve te Tel-Avivit te sulmoje shtetet qe ka rrotull do ti bjere barra ushtarit francez, gjerman, danez e arnaut te vritet per Izraelin?
A nuk mjaftojne miljardat dhe ushtrite Janki per kete po duhet futur (nga dritarja) dhe Europa me ane te NATOS?
Mos kujtoni se nuk ka lidhje Kushtetuta Europiane me NATON (tek pacavurja qe Francezet pasi e beshtyne e shkelen dhe me kembe me shkronja te vogla thuhej qe Forcat e Armatosura te Bashkimit Europian do te marrin urdhera nga NATOJA!

Vive la France!


Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Çështjen e kushtetutës së BE nuk e kam shumë të qartë pasi nuk e kam ndjekur shumë. Megjithatë nga diskutimet e kohëve të fundit më është krijuar edhe ideja se kushtetuta europiane nuk duhej hedhur për aprovim në këtë kohë pasi ka shumë pikëpyetje me të ardhmen e afërt të vendeve të Europës Lindore.
Përsa i përket Çështjes turke Europa është po aq e ndarë sa edhe populli francez. Edhe vetë si çështje ajo paraqet të mira por edhe rreziqe. Është e vërtetë ajo që tha Antares që vendet e BE kanë detyrim të mbrojnë një anëtar të BE në rast konflikti me një shtet të huaj dhe Turqia e ka flakën ke b.tha!

Urim Nerguti

Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Problemi i Turqise eshte problem kultural dhe demografik, lerini politikanet ç'thone, shikoni francezet qe kane aq frike nga 70 milione banore turq qe kulturalisht jane shume shume larg Europes. Dhe me demografine qe kane, shume shpejt marrin frenat e UE ne dore, dhe merre me mend pastaj, Turqia me popullsi jo-europiane por aziatike drejton europianet ne nje komunitet qe quhet Bashkimi Europian. Kurse punet e ushtrive, ketu kushdo ben si i do qejfi... e kane deshmuar shume here kete...


Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Kondre! Me c'kam kuptuar kohet e fundit nje nga gjerat qe duan ti fusin Europes nen rrogoz eshte edhe modeli Janki apo Thacerit i gangsterizmit te tregut i promovuar kryesisht nga Anglia dhe "Europa e Re", kjo do ti conte sherbimet sociale europiane ne nivelet e Gjermanise se para-Bismarkut (dihet se ky Burre i madh Shteti i luftoi socialistet jo si amerikanet duke i vrare apo burgosur por duke realizuar nga lart shumicen e kerkesave te tyre te drejta). Pra sakrificat e disa brezave dhe gjaku i shume njerezve do te shkonin ne WC me nje te rene te lapsit.
Eshte dhe ceshtja e eliminimit te sovranitetit shteteror sigurisht.
Une e dua Europen e Bashkuar me shume se shumekush ketu po jo nje apendiks dhe nje treg per korporatat Janki!
MLK paraqiti shume mire nje pjese te konsiderueshme te shkaqeve te brendeshme.
Sidoqofte problemi eshte i komplikuar e nuk mund te thuash qe jane keto 3 apo 13 arsye.....


Forumium praecox
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Do ta shikojne copat e evropes se ku do perfundojne kur ti marri me vete lumi kinez :shrug:


Primus registratum
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Mund te duket paradoksale po kthjelltesia e ketij shkrimi te shkruar nga nje cifut eshte e jashtezakoneshme!

Bravo, France!
By Israel Shamir – May 30, 2005

The French voted NON to the European constitution project. This is a great victory for our cause, while our adversaries’ plans suffered a setback. It is not because we are against unity of Europe, other way around – we want Europe united as a counterweight to the US, as a friend to Russia, Arab world, Iran and China. The proposed constitution was about to subordinate the European Armed Forces to the NATO, meaning to the US command. But for wisdom of the French voters, in the next US invasion, Europeans would be forced to serve in the invading force, whether it is Iran or Russia that the Neo-cons will decide to subdue. Two weeks ago we called: “Say NON to the constitution project, if you do not want your sons to fight in Teheran or bomb Moscow.” This call, and many others, were heard and acted upon. Bravo, France!

Our adversaries did not give up on their ultimate project, to create the world government under the US-Israeli aegis. They succeeded to subvert even the anti-American pan-European idea of de Gaulle by bringing in a few Trojan horses from the Eastern Europe. In the beginning, there was just one Trojan horse, England under its pro-American leaders. Now there is Poland which is even more pro-American. France and other European nations should watch out: it is the oldest game in the world when your enemy allows you to take a country which will undermine your cohesion. Russians made this error when they annexed Eastern Poland (Western Ukraine), and as a result, they lost all the Ukraine.

The mainstream media of Europe worked as a good propaganda department of a totalitarian state by blocking the NON voices. It is good that the people of France understood it and did not fall into the trap. We know what we want next – scrap NATO, and remove all American forces from Europe; support European independence from the Neo-Con masters of Washington and New York. In our view, a country can’t be a member of united Europe if it sends its sons to fight for the US and Israel in Iraq and elsewhere, if it buys American hardware, if it undermines European initiatives. Elimination of NATO, this remnant of the Cold War, is long overdue. Let us call for it!


Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!


Rrofsh Antares. Kaq ma kishte kap truni por me të vërtetë që nevojitet shumë studim për të kuptuar më mirë lojërat në këtë mes! Në BE janë krijuar tashmë dy boshte me botëkuptime të ndryshme. Nga njëra anë Gjermania e Franca bashkë me disa shtete të vegjël (por deri diku edhe Spanja) dhe në krahun tjetër kemi Anglinë, Italinë (çuditërisht) dhe vendet e Europës Lindore. Megjithëse për arsye të ndryshme, këto vende kanë një ide të ngjashme përsa i përket zhvillimit të Europës.
Franca dhe Gjermania janë dy nga vendet që i kanë dhënë më shumë Europës moderne, jo vetëm në planin ekonomik por mbi të gjitha në atë social. Në thelb të dy vendet kanë ideologji të përafërta (arsye pse kanë nxjerrë Bonapart e Hitler) dhe kjo ka ndihmuar në afrimine tyre dhe tejkalimin (e deridikushëm) të kontradiktave shekullore mes tyre. Nga ana tjetër, gjejmë Anglinë e cila me konservatorizmin e saj nuk pranoi as futjen e Euros në Angli, dhe kjo për shkak të nevojës të reformimit të ekonomisë angleze në funksion të asaj europiane. Gjejmë gjithashtu Italinë e cila duket më shumë se po ven një bast se cili do triumfojë, SH.B.A apo BE? Në dukje Italia bën tifozllik për SH.B.A. Ndofta nga kapitali amerikan që gjendet në Itali, ndofta për arsye të tjera, unë nuk di t'i përgjigjem akoma kësaj. Në të njëjtin kah ndodhen edhe vendet e sapofutura në BE dhe që i takojnë ish-Europës Lindore. Këto vende bëjnë tifozllik për modelin ekonomik amerikan sepse e shohin si një mundësi pasurimi të shpejtë dhe zhvillim i një kapitalizmi të fortë do t'i lejonte të ishin më të pavaruar nga Fuqitë europiane. Në këtë drejtim ato kanë të drejtë por përderisa pranuan BE...

Ndofta e kam gabim pasi e thashë që situatën në Europë për momentin nuk e njoh mirë. Megjithatë ekonomistët mund të diskutojnë disi më thellë në lidhje me këtë.