Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Sipas informacioneve qe jepen rreth 55% e zgjedhesve franceze votuan te dielen kunder kushtetutes europiane. Cfare mendoni ju te nderuar miq per ceshtjen ne fjale???


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

eshte jo vetem arrogance, por edhe mendjengushtesi qe te pretendosh qe e di me mire si shkon jeta ketu se sa ne qe jetojme ketu.

Hajde o nepalez i himalajes te te tregoj une suma e qut nga shqiperia qe e kam pa himalajen ne kartoline, se sa ftohte eshte ne Himalaje, ne ca shpati bie dielli, ne ca shpati ben hije, ku ka bore e ku ka dale bari....ahahahaha...

rifokendiculous ...

tendenca per te nxjerre konkluzione tak-fak, pa patur informacionin e duhur, tregon mendjelehtesi, tregon mungese kurioziteti intelektual, tregon mungese personaliteti..


Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

O Plastelina, po ti ku e din se kush ka qen e kush nuk ka qen në Amerikë? Po pse të duket ty kaq e paarritshme Amerika? Mua më duket se ti ke luftuar e je bërë copë për atë të shkretë dhe tani nuk lejon njeri të ta shajë se i bie të hedhin poshtë sakrificat që ke bërë për të shkuar aty.
Mos harro që ka të tjerë që nuk e kanë problem fare të shkuarën në Amerikë si dhe nuk e honepsin dot jetesën aty. Personalisht kam qenë disa herë për vizitë tek shokë e kushurinj që kam atje dhe asnjëri prej tyre nuk më ka lavdëruar stilin e jetës.
Ndofta për ty punon babi apo mami e ti vetëm nget gomarin po sikur t'i hysh të gjitha halleve si duhet e të jesh vetëm punëtor i thjeshtë (siç është shumica) atëherë shikon se ç'është jeta në Amerikë. Ah se harrova.
Puna në të zezë që bëjnë shqiparët është gjithmonë punë!


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

ore...eshte e mahnitshme se si shqiptaret pretendojne te dine gjithcka mbi gjithkend..niseni nga nje apo dy eksperienca dhe pastaj pergjithesoni pa marre fare parasysh arsyet e shumta qe ndikojne ne suksesin profesional dhe personal...dhe mungesen e tij per kushurinjte dhe shoket tuaj.

Me thuaj me ke rri te te them kush je, kshu thote kinezi



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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Who let the dogs out..... sing it /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

ne fakt suksesi me i madh, qofte ne amerike, eshte me fol per temen, e mos me i ngaterru subjektet e diskutimit (ose jetes). kush e ben ket, eshte dhe me i zgjuti e padyshim do te jet edhe me i sukseshmi.

çfare nenkupton kjo ?

po t'dush te behesh milioner > shkohet n'amerik !

po t'dush te jetosh me asistence sociale si zotni > shkohet n'benelux ose ne skandinavi !

po t'dush te behesh dikush > shkohet n'france !

po t'dush ta çposh telin me vrime persegjati > shkohet n'japoni !

po t'dush t'gendesh ne nje koker orizi qytetin ku jeton > shkohet n'kine !

po t'dush t'behesh tellall > shkohet n'arabi !

ndersa po t'dush t'behesh sapun > shkohet n'gjermani ! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

ndersa kur i ngatarron gjonat e permeteper fillon e flet perçart, s'je hiç rob i qut.

ps; tek kjo tema ketu po flitet per francen e jo per (a)mariken. a kuptut ?


Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Zogo, u bo i krahasim ma nolt pranej hyni (a)marika n'kët mes. Masnej thuj ti i ven ku s'hy Ameriqa.

Ne ti m'lejo ta modifikoj içik kte:

ndersa kur i ngatarron gjonat e per me teper fillon e flet perçart, (s'je hiç rob i qut) shko n'Shqipni /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .

Shkurt muhabeti francezt u tremën më shumë nga ç'mund të ndodhi seç u ndukën nga ç'mund të përfitonin. U treguan konservatorë dhe do thoja që mirë bënë. Duhen vënë pikat mbi i sepse "sot e kam unë veshur çizmen por nesër mund ta ketë komshiu"!


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Ja prape puna e "KEPUCEEES"
Megjithate eshte interesant fakti qe askush nga ata te frontit te JO si ne France ashtu edhe ne Hollande nxitojne te thone qe ne te vertete ata nuk jane absolutisht kunder idese se nje Europe te Bashkuar.
Ceshtja qe ata nuk duan "ate" lloj Europe qe ju servir, nje klon i modelit te pashpirt anglosakson te bazuar ne dogmen neoliberiste te tregut ku zot eshte vetem PARAJA dhe cdo gje tjeter eshte ne shitje (e blerje). Ku cdo gje eshte biznes -shendeti, arsimi, arti, kultura, vete njerzit, pra ku njeriu eshte nje komoditet!
Ku popujt e bashke me ta dhe individet ne emer te dogmave te multikulturalizmit do humbisnin identitetin, ku Zot ne kete Teologji Neolberiste do ishte Paraja e vetem Paraja!
Frances, Hollandes (dhe te tjereve qe nuk u dha mundesia ta thone fjalen ne votim direkt popullor) nuk u hodhen dot trute e gomarit (si ne qe pas 1990 shkaterruamm gjithcka edhe preme edhe ullinj e vreshta ne emer te nje iluzioni te helmuar) dhe nuk lejuan qe perpjekjet, mundi, gjaku i shume e shume njerezve qe e cuan rrjeten e sherbimeve sociale ne keto nivele te larta te mos iknin kot me nje te rene te lapsit!


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Kur kushtetuta nuk sjell ndonje perfitim direkt per popullin francez perse duhet te votohej po?!
Keni pare ndonje popull te votoje ne favor te te tjereve e kundra vetes?!
Nese ne ne Shqiperi do te na kerkohej te votonim nje kushtetute e cila do te ishte ne favor te komshive e ne disfavorin tone si do votonim?!
Pra nese shtroni pyetjet e duhura eshte me e thjeshte te drejtohet diskutimi, perndryshe i bie te dilet ne hene /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Ai sigurisht qe eshte nje faktor mjaft i rendesishem (mireqenja ime vs. komshiut), po une do ta shihja me gjere se kaq.
Dua te them se ky refuzim ne nje periudhe afatmesme dhe afatgjate do te jete edhe ne dobi te komshiut (qe desheron te fitoje sa me shume, sa me shpejt dhe mundesisht duke punuar sa me pak.....)
E vetmja menyre per te perfituar ashtu eshte te shkosh tek Sudja apo te sulmosh ndonje banke!
Pastaj ne shqiptaret nuk duhet te cuditeshim shume se shikoni se si i konsiderojme (me apo pa te drejte eshte nje ceshtje tjeter) te ardhurit nga zonat veriore te Shqiperise "cecenet", une jam i sigurte se po te behej ndonje referendum ne Tirane ......
Mos harroni qe keta "cecenet" jane puro shqiptare si sejcili nga ne, po te shkojme tek Kurdet pastaj?
Pra eshte mire te mundohemi (aq sa eshte e mundur) ta veme vehten ne pozitat e atij qe duam te kritikojme/gjykojme.....

Albert Zylyftari

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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Kushtetuta do jete gjithmone ne favor te Evropes se ardhshme.Po sa u intereson francezeve Evropa e bashkuar, ose sa i kuptojne ata te mirat qe mund te sjelle Evropa e bashkuar.
Shekullin e fundit Francca ka bere nje emer shume te mire si themeluse e te drejtave te njeriut, francezet kane nje reputacion te mire ne bote.Me bashkimin e Evropes ky reputacion do bjere, francezet do jene si gjithe te tjeret;danez, turq, rumun, italian...Ndaj un mendoj se nje pjese fanatike e francezeve jane kunder evropes.


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Problemi eshte EKONOMIK, populli shikon xhepin , dhe Francezet u varferun keto vitet e fundit.

Firmat Gjermane fitojne vazhdimisht TENDERAT per zhvillim superstrukture ne Evrope.
Keto pare dalin nga arka e EVROPES BASHKUAR dhe futen ne xhepat e Gjermaneve.

Francezet (shteti me i madh Evropian) e kuptojne qe nuk munden te marrin TIMONIN DREJTUS te bashkimit Evropian prandaj votun kunder kesaj KUSHTETUTE Evropiane e cila ka prioritet ekonomine e lire.


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

E para, politikanet nuk ishin ne gjendje te shpjegonin qarte te mirat qe sillte kushtetuta per ne jeten e perditeshme te popullit. Si ata qe mbronin PO-ne dhe ata qe mbronin JO-ne thonin qe kishin te drejte ne argumentat qe jepnin dhe shume argumenta qendronin e per menimin tim kjo do te thote qe kushtetuta kishte shume probleme qe i linte pa zgjidhur ndaj eshte diçka pozitive qe u kthye nga erdhi per tu ripare e per tu permiresuar.
Nje gje bente pershtypje qe kjo kushtetute vinte popujt evropiane ne konkurence ndaj njeri tjeterit ne nje kohe qe kjo konkurence nuk mund te zhvillohet ne kushte te barabarta per te gjithe e ky fakt do krijonte konflikte te shumta sociale.
Nuk mund te konkuroje Rumania me 200 euro rroge mestare me Gjermanine me 2000 euro! Pra shperngulja ne mase e nje pjese te ndermarjeve dhe e vendeve te punes nga perendimi ne lindje do te shkaktonte kriza akoma me te thella ndaj popujve e ata qe do te fitonin ishin vetem aksioneret e medhenj, pra shtresa e pasur apo teper e pasur.
Qe pasaniket te fitojne para ska asgje shokuese por rroli i kushtetutes eshte te gjeje zgjidhje per te gjitha shtresat e popullsise, aq me teper ne Evrope qe ka nje kulture me sociale e kapitalizmi i eger ndihet me pak se ne vende te tjera.


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

pse ja fusni si kau peles.

francezet s'donin aq shume (sipas tyre) liberalizem, ky qe shkaku i vertete, sepse nuk ishin lepenistat ose marksistat qe çuan balancen drejt JO se, ata gjithmone kunder europes jane si dhe te gjithe bashke nuk i bejne me teper se te themi 30 % e elektoratit.

ishin socialistet ata qe, me votat e tyre anti nje europe liberale, pa subvensione per agrikulturen, turizmin, kulturen, shkencat, dmth atje ku franca ka me shume nevoje per keto, bene qe joja te fitonte. ne fakt ata te gjithe shpresojne tek "plani B", dmth qe projekti te rishikohet edhe nje here.

ndersa hollandezet votun per krejt tjeter aresye. keta nuk i tremb europa liberale, perkundrazi perfitojne prej saj. hollanda eshte vendi europian qe eksporton me shume (57 % te te ardhurave kombetare ata i perfitojne nga eksportet ).

hollandezet jane kundra peshes se komunitetit europian ne politikat e tyre te mbrendeshme, mbi drogat e buta, ekonomine, emigracionin, kryesisht, dmth qe nuk mend te nderrmarin nje operacion "fshesa" alla grekçe sepse brukseli do tu terheqe veshin por ishin edhe kundra llokmes se madhe qe ata detyrohen ti paguajne komunitetit europian buxheti te cilit perbehet nga shumat qe japin vendet pjesmarrse e kryesisht ato te pasura te tij (te cilat paguajne edhe me shume, megjithse me popullsi ndoshta me te paket se disa te tjere, sidomos anetaret e rinj.)

vota e tyre, ka bere qe francezet per momentin te mos ndjehen as humbes e as vetem.

ps; une them qe per nje dhjetvjeçar (si po vene punet) ne france fiton ekstremi i djathte. pra do te duhej qe emigrantet (tane) atje te kursenin qe sot e tutje noj lek, e ta mbajne nje valixhe gati se ditet jane te numeruara. :shrug:


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Qe ekstremi i djathte te fitoje ne France,duhet ne fillim te kete te pakten 1 deputet ne parlamentin francez e me pas te pretendoje per te fituar. Ekstremi i djathte ka 12% te votave keshtu qe as ka per ti rene ndonjehere rasti te fitoje.
Le Pen eshte rreth 80 vjeç e per 10 vjet vjet do jete 90 keshtu qe pas hikjes se tij nga politika ekstremi i djathte do te filloje te kete konfliktet e veta te brendeshme per te marre kryesine e klane ka te ndryshme.
Ne ka nje vend ne Evrope qe ka trajtuar me butesi emigrantet ajo eshte Franca. Shkoni ne Itali, Greqi, Gjermani, Spanje e informohuni per statusin e emigrantit! Italia,Greqia, Spanja e deri vone Gjermania jepni dokumenta qe riperseriteshi, çdo vit apo çdo dy vite dhe atyre qe kishin nga 10 vjet qe jetonin ne ato vende, ne nje kohe qe Franca jepte dokumenta 10 vjeçare e shtetesine franceze pas 5 vitesh qendrimi ne France.
Franca nuk eshte perfekte, ka probleme po ne kete aspekt eshte para shume vendeve evropiane.


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Ne fakt per kete ceshtje une desha pak me teper informacion. Shkurtimisht cila eshte politika kryesore e Kushtetutes se Re dhe kush eshte pika e dobet dhe me e diskutuara? Jo per gje po qe te mos vdesim injoranta dmth. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Antares ti me cudit mua. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Nje nazist anti-globalist? Ti dukesh si socialist apo trockist /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!


Mire une qe shajta Francezet e s'te erdhi mire hiq po filloja prej vedit ti kur ju thu te tjereve pse shan. Lexo vetem ça ke shkrujt n'fillim. Ma mire me shajt francezet se shqiptaret se e mira fillon prej vedit /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Masanej shih si jane shpreh francezet e shih si jane shpreh hollandezet (masi e don edhe me llogjike).
Francezet, shumica derrmuse e Jo-se, kane votu per me ndershku qeverine e udheqesit e tyne se jo papunesia, jo konkurrenca, jo shperngulja e ndermarrjeve n'kine (per prove ke intervistat e shumta qe kane dhane njerzit ne rruge). Najnji tek-tuk /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif edhe pse i asht trem turqise. Najnji edhe pse s'e don hiq evropen po kto asht me i numru me gishta.
Ndersa hollandezet pse Jeta asht shtrejtu me hymjen e euros ne fuqi, pse s'i pelqejne direktivat e Brukselit, pse kushtetuta per ta i zvoglon lirite morale te hollandezeve e per arsye te emigranteve te rij qe priten me u ba.
Pra Franca asht pergjigj per pune te mrendshme te vetat, dmth ma shqip s'asht shpreh per ate qe qeveria dhe evropa i kane pyte, ndersa hollanda asht shpreh per ato gjana qe i kane pyte. Jo per Jo, kjo e Hollandes asht shume ma e vleftshme si pergjigje.
Pra thjesht kjo gja a si ban francezet rrypa, e mos te vijne keq asifije.

Edhe diçka tjeter per ata qe menojne si puna jote. I vetmi argument per me votu Po per kushtetuten ka kene qe ajo parashikonte daljen e nji shteti prej evropes, gja qe s'e parashikon asnji traktat deri sot. Pra ku jane ata nacionalista qe ja futen vedit sa krahu.

E masanej si mos me ju besu sondazheve kur ato thoshin 4 dite para votimit se Jo kishte me kalu me 54 % te votave. Itu jam dakort me ty se i thojne France e jo Shqipni.

Guximin De Gaulle per me i lshu jankit tuj, e gjeti masi ia lpini B…… Amerikes, kur bani bomben berthamore. Jo ma heret.

E me mende t'ervinit ke me shku larg ti. A e din ti se shqiptaret e Italise jua kane "ule" rrogat italianve kur kane ike ne fillim, e itesh ankohen shqiptaret se jua kane "ule" rrogat rumunet. E pra rrogat s'kane ike tu u ule ne itali. Te njajten gja thojne edhe n'france po ato veç rriten. A e din ti se n'shqipni veç kane me u rrit rrogat. Qe njeri si njeri shikon per ma mire e jo per ma keq. Qe nji dite shtetet e dobeta kane me arrite shtetet e forta.
Shiko Spanjen, Portugaline, Irlanden. Edhe pse me pare t'evropes po arriten veç. Ti thu pse me pagu francezet po a e din ti sa marrin francezet prej evropes. Dumping ervinit s'po i pelqen po a thu e din ai se edhe Franca i praktikon.
E kot me te pyte : A s'e pave ça bani kina fill mas shpalljes se Jo-se. I tha frances prit edhe i here te mendohem dy here per ate punen e textilit. E ja msoi mire ate proverbin kinez :"Peshku kalbet tu fillu prej krytit"

Edhe nji fjale kam per Gurax-in

Tjeter gja t'kam pyt e tjeter je pergjigj


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Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Given the Chance, the People Reject "Globalization"
French Say "Non" in Thunder!



The French went ahead and did it. Despite being lectured by government and party leaders, media pundits and foreign leaders flown in from neighboring countries, all telling them that they must vote "yes" to the Treaty establishing a Constitution for the European Union or the sky would fall, a solid majority of 55% voted "no"! The high turnout of 70% gave the rejection indisputable credibility.

This was essentially a vote against dogmatic free market policies, and the type of economic globalization being pursued by the "neo-liberal" free marketeers.

The "non" was resounding, and, for those who were listening, the message was clear. But who was really listening?

The day after the vote, mainstream politicians and media were all scurrying to misinterpret the event to suit their own repudiated agendas. No wonder, because the referendum result amounted to an extraordinary rejection not only of a bad text, but also of the whole political class -- newspaper and television commentators included -- who had zealously resorted to every possible exhortation, deception and threat to sell the "oui" vote.

And it was not only the ardent salesmanship of the familiar faces on the screen that was rejected. The "non" was also an expression of exasperation with the whole lot of mainstream politicians and media stars, the "oui-ouistes" as they were dubbed, for years of preening self-satisfaction and unfulfilled promises as more and more businesses shut down leaving employees out in the cold. Part of the satisfaction of voting "non" was to watch television and see the consternation on all those familiar faces, and listen to each one's frantic attempts to blame the others for the disaster in
hopes of salvaging his or her own political career. This was a highly amusing spectacle, but also extremely disturbing. Because although the meaning of the vote was clearly a desire to throw all the rascals out, they are still there. They are still there in the media especially, where they need not fear losing the next election. They are there to interpret events as it suits them, not least to the rest of Europe and the world.

The interpretations of the French vote making the rounds display an unshakable determination not to understand what happened.

Of course, all the stale, ignorant clichés about "the French" are being trotted out. Typically, to explain the French psychology, the International Herald Tribune quoted a Polish human resources consultant on a Warsaw parkbench, who opined that "France still has nostalgia for its empire". No doubt people all over Europe and in the United States could come up with the same absurdity, because that's what their media tell them.

That being the case, let it be observed that France's "nostalgia for empire" is a fantasy, especially current among certain imperialist Americans who cannot conceive of any lesser national ambition. There has been no significant nostalgia for empire in France since President de Gaulle decided over forty years ago that it was in France's best interest to withdraw from its colonies. In any case, that has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the May 29 vote. Exit polls showed that the number one motive for the "no" vote -- 56% of respondants -- was the state of the economy. This means unemployment. Because in terms of business profits, the French economy is not doing so badly, thank you. But ten percent official unemployment, as profitable firms shut down plant to move to countries with cheaper labor, is considered intolerable.

The second motive indicated, with 46%, was the "neo-liberal" nature of the Constitution treaty. The third most frequently mentioned motive was the desire to have the Constitution renegotiated.

These data show clearly that the vote was not "against Europe". Of course, there were bound to be contradictory motives behind the no vote -- and behind the yes vote as well. The far right National Front voted "no" to the European Union, which will surely be the choice of an even larger segment in the United Kingdom, if the UK referendum takes place. But the bulk of the French "non" was pro-European and anti-globalization. If anything, it was for a stronger Europe more inclined and able to resist the destruction thrust of globalization and to protect social and environmental standards.

On the right, voters wanted to preserve national sovereignty. There is nothing really so dreadful about that. But most of the "no" vote came from the left. Despite increasingly frantic efforts by their party leaders to shore up the "yes" vote, a large majority of Socialists (59%) and an overwhelming majority of Greens voted "no". The current leaders of those parties are in for a rough time. Socialist Party leader François Hollande is perhaps the major casualty, with his main rival, Laurent Fabius, who prudently endorsed the "non", waiting politely in the wings to take over the shattered party.

The party leader who comes out of this test with flying colors is Marie-George Buffet, who may have succeeded in saving the French Communist Party from total oblivion by cutting loose from the Socialist Party while at the same time abandoning all past sectarianism in favor of a unitary campaign with the whole rejectionist spectrum from the center to the left, includingTrotskyists, dissident Socialists and Greens. An eventual left coalition with Laurent Fabius can be imagined.

Meanwhile, the Eurocrats who were warning of a cataclysm in case the French voted the wrong way, are trying to pretend that nothing has happened. The particularly unattractive Portuguese head of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, and the current Luxembourgeois head of the European Council, Jean-Claude Juncker, announced blandly that the ratification process will go ahead as planned in spite of this "accident de parcours" -- a chance mishap, like a flat tire to be repaired before continuing in the same direction. However, legally, the Constitution cannot go into effect unless it is ratified by all 25 member States. Rather than recognize that the French have killed this text, and demanded a better one, the Eurocrats sputter that it's not fair for one country to decide for all the others. But one reason people voted against the proposed Constitution was precisely that it required unanimity for amendment, meaning any country could decide no for all the others.

In a couple of days, the Dutch will vote. Their no will probably have a somewhat different coloration than the French, but so what? There is in fact an emerging clash between the sort of "European construction" pursued over the heads of Europe's people and democracy. If "Europe" can't be constructed democratically, should it be constructed at all?

The biggest question mark is Germany, where the left is already in political crisis because of the drastic anti-social economic reforms pursued relentlessly by the "pink and green" government of Gerhard Schroeder. The Social Democratic Party (SPD) was just voted out of office in its last major stronghold, North Rhine Westphalia. Oskar Lafontaine, who left the leadership of the SPD years ago in disagreement over Schroeder's turn to neoliberalism, has now officially left the SPD and is working to create a new more progressive party. At a "non de gauche" rally on the eve of the French vote, Lafontaine was given a huge, overwhelming ovation that obviously left him deeply moved. The revival of the French left around the referendum has encouraged Lafontaine to try to revive the German left. While mainstream Germans converged on Paris condescendingly lecturing people who knew more about the Treaty than they did, Lafontaine is one German who understands perfectly what this vote was all about. And there are more. The crucial task for the future of Europe will depend on cooperation between the French and German left in explaining the meaning of the French rejection to the Germans and in inspiring a new common political course.

President Chirac warned that France would be the "black sheep" of Europe if it refused to ratify the Constitution. Significantly, Germany ratified the Constitution by an overwhelming vote -- of the Bundestag. If French ratification had been up to the National Assembly, the "yes" vote would have been just as overwhelming. The German Constitution bans popular referendums. But one can imagine that a popular referendum in Germany might have produced exactly the same result: at first, polls would have shown a majority in favor, but little by little, as people examined and discussed the actual text, opinion would have shifted. After all, the economic situation in Germany is even quite a bit worse than in France. The reasons to reject free market dogma are equally valid in both countries.

For this to be realized, trade unionists and political activists have to overcome the obstacle of chronic media misrepresentation. For this, they have a new weapon, which already played a significant role in the campaign for the "non" -- the web.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Franca rrezon Kushtetuten europiane!

Fillimisht postuar nga **** Darlington Delarge:

Liberalizmi Anglo-saxon eshte fituesi me i madh i ketij rrefuzimi.

Turli majtistesh - maoiste trockiste komuniste antiglobaliste, sindikaliste votojne kundra vetes tyre qe shfrytezojne voten e 85% te punetoreve dhe fshatareve me qepe ne qaf qe perfitojne me teper se kushdo nga politika agrare te EU.


The triumph of perfidious Albion
Jun 2nd 2005
From The Economist print edition

How Britain emerged victorious from votes on the EU constitution

IT IS perhaps tactless to point it out, but France's rejection of the European Union constitution is, in lots of ways, a triumph for Britain. For at least 50 years, the British have had two main goals in Europe. The first was to blunt the drive towards European political union; the second, to prevent Franco-German domination of European politics. With the death of the constitution both goals have been achieved at once. Michel Barnier, who was expected to lose his job as French foreign minister after the referendum, commented gloomily that “this is the first time in 50 years that the French and Germans have diverged in Europe on a fundamental issue. Without this constitution, Europe is broken down politically.” When Jack Straw, the British foreign secretary, claimed to be saddened by the French vote, you could almost hear his officials popping champagne corks behind him.
Success is all the sweeter because the European issue has bedevilled Britain for so long. The difficulty was that the two goals, avoiding entanglement in a political union and preventing a Franco-German partnership from dominating Europe, have so often conflicted. Britain at first stayed out of the European Economic Community, because it seemed an unacceptable infringement of national sovereignty. But as the economy suffered and British influence waned, a new strategy was adopted: join the club, but try to focus it on economics and block any more moves towards European federation. It was a tricky game to play. Many British Eurosceptics, including, latterly, Margaret Thatcher, feared that, in the name of preserving British influence, the country was being gradually drawn into a political union.

Suddenly all such clouds have lifted. Britain is still in the European club, but political union is dead. Better still, French fingerprints are all over the murder weapon. Having spent years being reviled as “bad Europeans”, the British are taking quiet satisfaction in all the odium now being heaped on France. President Jacques Chirac clearly saw this coming. In his final television address before the vote, he warned his countrymen that a non would be a triumph for those who had always wanted Europe to be little more than a “free-trade zone” and opposed a broader political union—words that clearly pointed to Britain.
The irony in all this is that Mr Chirac was forced into calling a referendum in large part because Tony Blair decided to call one in Britain. It would be nice to believe that subsequent events were all part of a fiendish British plot. In fact Mr Blair called for a referendum mainly because he was politically weakened after the Iraq war, and thus needed to defuse the European issue. For a long time, it looked as if he had made a huge miscalculation. Earlier this year, senior British officials convened for an anxious weekend conference to contemplate gloomily the consequences should Britain be the only country to reject the constitution—as seemed likely at the time.
But if luck and accident played a part in the British triumph, so did one long-term strategy. Lady Thatcher and Mr Blair may have adopted different tones towards the EU, but they shared a central goal: enlargement of the club. The British argued, doubtless sincerely, that letting former members of the Soviet block into the EU was a moral imperative. But this also happened to serve British goals very well. The central Europeans have only just recovered their sovereignty and are instinctively wary of moves towards European federation. Bitter experience of socialism also makes them sympathetic to the economic liberalism traditionally championed by Britain. And the mere fact of expanding the EU to 25 countries in 2004 has made it far harder for any two countries to dominate. The days when Franco-German initiatives were nodded through by everybody else are over. To rub salt into the wound, English is increasingly the working language of the EU, a cause of real anguish to France.

Oui, minister
A key part of the European game is that all sides must always justify their policies by reference to the noblest ideals. That is why the purest statement of Britain's European strategy is to be found not in any official document, but in an old television show, “Yes Minister”, which was a favourite of the then Mrs Thatcher's. In an episode from 1980, Sir Humphrey, the feline civil servant, explains to his bewildered minister: “Britain has had the same foreign-policy objective for at least the last 500 years: to create a disunited Europe.” Enlargement of the European club, he adds, is the key: “The more members it has, the more argument it can stir up, and the more futile and impotent it becomes.” Any resemblance between a 25-year-old comedy show and real life is, of course, entirely coincidental.