Filozofi halesh!


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Re: Filozofi halesh!

varet se ka edhe nga ato qe historine e kane te induktuar nga trillimet...


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Re: Filozofi halesh!

Fillimisht postuar nga Glamdring:
[qb] Problemi me i madh me historine eshte qe njerezit nuk mesojne prej saj... [/qb]
me keq eshte se njerezit nuk duan te mesojne prej saj /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Filozofi halesh!

Y is that most men desire a different girl to f*ck from the one they ideally would like to marry?!


Primus registratum
Re: Filozofi halesh!

kjo eshte si ajo pyetja e frojdit...por çfare duan grate?.. dmth pa pergjigje /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif :shrug:

Indigo Blues

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Re: Filozofi halesh!

Love me without fear
Trust me without questioning
Need me without demanding
Want me without restictions
Accept me without change
Desire me without inhibitions

Ne hale e kjo !?!?! :idea:


Primus registratum
Re: Filozofi halesh!

I have lost myself into the daily custom so deep; that I have become numb…even my reaction to all the surroundings is instinctive. My emphasize of the routine is:… thinking persistently of ideas of becoming small….unnoticed…..utterly unnecessary!!! …..when the exhaustion hits the limit point I still instinctively remind myself how positive…or is it appropriate???… it would be to escape. So, uninterested of the idea I gather my hidden and anxious strength and start climbing the stairs of getaway…..but perceptibly the fear of falling down and disturbing the tedium wont let me rise high, so as I slowly keep moving above the blur of the monotony, I notice faces staring, not hating, just idiotically smiling at me and I know why…….and this voice inside me starts screaming that is my face again, my worst enemy since my teen years….back then I thought so many times of scaring it badly, to change the way superficially people perceived me as individual, now as fed up as I am, I just want to skin my face off my head!!!!…. I am angry now and this makes me climb faster, but still I am afraid to look down, not of what I am leaving behind, but afraid of seeing u walking around the dullness as part of it……ohh you!!!….my guilty conscious is slapping me around for forgetting u even if it is for the slightest second ……so as I am fighting my way up I think of ideas that I can still be inspirational or even life for u, but in the same time unoticed….hmmm, how about an abstract significant painting or statue that every time u look at it u discover little parts that u never knew existed and that will fill u with excitement and joy….how about that? Would art do for u?…..or how about I turn myself into a melody that every note of it awakens ur heart and emotions……how about that?…Would music do for u?….and while I am still combating to break though my boredom subconsciously it hits me that nothing of me related to u is unnoticed and unnecessary………not even close to being lifeless … so I hang on to that thought and swing myself to the top of this wrecked obscure as my body shakes off the icky pinches of numbness.


Primus registratum
Re: Filozofi halesh!

Fillimisht postuar nga D.:
[qb] I have lost myself into the daily custom so deep; that I have become numb…even my reaction to all the surroundings is instinctive. My emphasize of the routine is:… thinking persistently of ideas of becoming small….unnoticed…..utterly unnecessary!!! …..when the exhaustion hits the limit point I still instinctively remind myself how positive…or is it appropriate???… it would be to escape. So, uninterested of the idea I gather my hidden and anxious strength and start climbing the stairs of getaway…..but perceptibly the fear of falling down and disturbing the tedium wont let me rise high, so as I slowly keep moving above the blur of the monotony, I notice faces staring, not hating, just idiotically smiling at me and I know why…….and this voice inside me starts screaming that is my face again, my worst enemy since my teen years….back then I thought so many times of scaring it badly, to change the way superficially people perceived me as individual, now as fed up as I am, I just want to skin my face off my head!!!!…. I am angry now and this makes me climb faster, but still I am afraid to look down, not of what I am leaving behind, but afraid of seeing u walking around the dullness as part of it……ohh you!!!….my guilty conscious is slapping me around for forgetting u even if it is for the slightest second ……so as I am fighting my way up I think of ideas that I can still be inspirational or even life for u, but in the same time unoticed….hmmm, how about an abstract significant painting or statue that every time u look at it u discover little parts that u never knew existed and that will fill u with excitement and joy….how about that? Would art do for u?…..or how about I turn myself into a melody that every note of it awakens ur heart and emotions……how about that?…Would music do for u?….and while I am still combating to break though my boredom subconsciously it hits me that nothing of me related to u is unnoticed and unnecessary………not even close to being lifeless … so I hang on to that thought and swing myself to the top of this wrecked obscure as my body shakes off the icky pinches of numbness. [/qb]
te paska zene keq moj vajze!
hajt se do kaloje... pa provo kete njehere

pa me gusht gune iku dhe vapa
zoti na ruaj c'dimer vjen prapa.... :tipsy:


Primus registratum
Re: Filozofi halesh!

Hey Joe its not hygenic to wipe ur sh*t with the same tiolet paper as me , just cuz it happens to lay on the floor of a public "hale"...
common sense buddy nobody wants someone elses dry kaka on their a$$ huh!!? :shrug:


Primus registratum
Re: Filozofi halesh!

Well , well .., it's not about anybodys' paper .
U know we don't necessarily use the same bathroom at the same time ,at least for my side I allways make sure not to occupy girls restroom , even in public places .As you see there are no chances of me interfering in your areas of influence !

You shoulden't have taken it so personal and seriuos .

I'd say it is rather about the same sh*t that everybody has to ga through , but different time.
My time was long ago .

I wish to have the same inspiration as you do these days .

p.s That picture in your avatar looks nice!
Re: Filozofi halesh!

The urgency in her shrill voice, the sensational wording of the statement, the suspense...I couldn't help but turn my head to the screen, alas it was a Crisis of Clams in New England, not a shortage a real bonafied CRISIS
Sometimes one has to grab the shit paper and wave it like a Peace flag to the idiots :sleep:


Primus registratum
Re: Filozofi halesh!

filozofi halesh jane filozofite e mia te nates... , qe perfundojne perhere me pikepyetjen e fillimit dhe me akuzen qe i lej njerezit pa gjume



Forumium maestatis
Re: Filozofi halesh!

ja t'i kthehemi dhe nje here filozofise se hales dhe plerave te saj:

nje karton i ricikluar i kopieve te vjetra te ZP kandidon per leter kapak librash ligji. Perkrah ka nje prodhim te ri direkte nga pylli, qe e ka provuar se eshte me rezistent dhe me cilesor se kartoni i ricikluar. Kartoni i rri prane, leshon lageshtire, leshon edhe ere te qelbur dhe, edhe pse nuk arrin ta demtoje letren cilesore, perzgjidhjet per te bere kapakun e librit te rendesishem. Leterpunuesi dhe leterzgjedhesi kujtoi se i vinte era nga i riu.
Jam tuj vra mendjen se sa do te rroje ai liber dhe gjithe cka brenda.
Sa hundemprehte shqiptaret, hë? As fakti qe e kane sa i patate nuk i ndihmon me kuptu se cfare qelbet!

S'ka bere kush gabim me te madh se ai qe s'beri asgje, sepse mendoi se s'mund te bente shume.
- Edmund Burke


Forumium maestatis
Re: Filozofi halesh!

Karton i ricikluar...????? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
But... is it possible for such a shitty "karton" to be recycled? Njerezit jane ca si te cuditshem; duan e nuk duan. Pantoflat e vjetra u grisen e mezi e tkurr kemben qe te ecesh bashke me to e te mos shkasesh. Vetem pak me tutje ke ato pantoflat e reja, qe kur u blene, u moren shume shtrenjte, se cilesia ishte shume e mire, marke prestigjoze. Por, vazhdon t'i shohesh me dyshim: "Mos do me vrasin? Do me rrine mire? Eshte e vertete qe jane te rehatshme? Me thane se nuk te kriojne probleme ajrimi, eshte e vertete? Duken shume te bukura, por... a do te me shkojne?" Shume pyetje e? Epo, ne filozofine e shohim edhe ketu. Mendojme e mendojme. Perfundimi..???????? Vazhdojme te zvarritemi me ato pantoflat e shkaterruara duke gervire dyshemene (gerrrrrrrrr) e duke u zvarritur me shpresen se kemba do te tkurret mjaftueshem per te mos fluturuar pertoke. Keta jemi ne. Old habits die hard... but some times they make us die.
Nuk e dija qe ishim kaq mazokiste ne njerezit!!!!!!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Filozofi halesh!

efekti turme!

me mire te gjithe njesoj, ashtu na ka mesuar partia!
Me pelqen pershkrimi qe i ben Enver Hoxhes ne jeten e pertejme Diana Culi tek "Dhe nata u nda ne mes!" E dinte ai, e dinte dhe Diana, e mesova dhe une!


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Filozofi halesh!

Gjithnje puna ime ne hale ka qene vetem 3 minuta ose diku me pak, perjashto ndonje dite kur kam qene e ndergjegjshme per thatesiren e zorreve dhe mungesen e likuideve, per te cilat une duhet te ndihem pergjegjese qe s'i furnizova me, me pas pasojat jane te ditura, asgje e mire s'del nga perdorimi i forces, kur perdoret ajo ka vec shoqerim me flamuj te padeshiruar ne dite jo solemne dhe aspak historike. Sidoqofte, nevoja per te ndenjur me shume se me pak se tre minuatat e mia te percaktuara per ate pune, me jep nje fare nervoziteti, pasi keshtu eshte kur thyej programimin tim po vete, pa deshire dhe krejt e papregatitur, ndihem keq dhe filloj e mendoj se si mundet te ndenjurit aty per aq gjate mundet te me kete aromatizuar mendimet te cilat kane shkare me mbi 650 fjale ne minute neper mendjen e shtrenguar. Mire qe vete mund te marr nje dush po mendimet si t'i shpelaj, ri-aromatizoj? Te gjitha keto pikepytje me shkojne neper mend pikerisht ne momentin kur djerset me rrjedhin curk dhe pezmatohem, po s'kam mundesi t'i bej bisht pozicionit te perkulur, nderkohe qe mendja ime ka kaluar ne nje faze superxhorosh qe po me rrezon ekuilibrin, nje ekuiliber i cili mvaret nga gjatesia e ketyre tre minutave te stergjatur. Nese do mund te ngrihem ne kembe do e marr serish situaten ne dore, po ku ma gjen......kam nevoje per ajer.

Po dal qe ketu!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Filozofi halesh!

E dini cfare e ben nje breres te vecante? Cfare tjeter vec aftesive te tij brerese? Natyra i ka krijuar breresit pa strukture kockore e per rrjedhoje ata jane te destinuar te jetojne gjithe jeten pa shtylle kurrizore. E megjithate, kjo s'e pengon breresin te jetoje mbi dhe. Ai bren, e bren, e bren. Nuk mund t'i rezistoje nje breres bukurise se nje pishe shtatlarte e eremire, keshtu ai e bren, bren, bren. Ju do te mendonit se breresi i gezohet procesit te brerjes, perderisa ai nuk ka bosht te rrije ulur ne byth-e, por jo! breresi nuk bren per kenaqesine e te brerit. Si cdo krijese tjeter mbi dhe, ai do te krijoje dicka qe do te mbese pas tij, kur ai te mos jete me. Ai do te perjetesohet nepermjet krijimeve te veta, e duke qene se s'ka byth-e te rrije, ai bren, bren, bren. Nuk mjaftohet me nje pishe, ai kerkon te gjithe pyllin. I paafte per te pare e gezuar ate mrekulli natyre, e duke mos harruar se nuk ka bosht te rrije ne byth-e, ai bren, bren, bren.
E pameshirshme eshte koha dhe me breresin tone. Vjen nje dite dhe ai i vetekenaqur me punen brerese, kerkon te shohe e te emertoje kryevepren qe ka brere, e duke qene se s'ka byth-e te rrije, ai zvarritet e rreshket permes jargeve te veta per te pare c'ka ndertuar. Pas kurrizit gjen nje mal te madh tallashi, qe perkon me madhesine e kompleksit te tij breres. Ndersa perfytyron ate qe do te thote kush ta shohe simbolin e padiskutueshem te perjetesise se tij se padiskutueshme, nje ere mali e fresket e godet malin e tij te tallashit duke e perhapur ne te kater anet. Perjetesia e tij shperbehet me lehtesine e shperberjes se malit te tallashit nga nje fllad malor e eremire.
Gjate gjithe asaj kohe brerje, breresi kishte harruar se pishat e bukura e eremira e mbronin ate nga hakmarrja e nenes natyre, qe nuk lejon prishjen e bukurise se krijesave te saja, qe i kane marre asaj, ashtu si edhe i kane dhene: perjetesine.
Te kuptuarit nuk i vlen shume breresit qe s'ka byth-e te rrije. Tashme jeta e tij s'ka kuptim pa brerjen, edhe pse ajo nuk do t'i jape perjetesine! E megjithate, edhe sot e kesaj dite breresi vazhdon e bren, bren, bren...