Diagnoze e rezervuar


Primus registratum
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Marvi kushedi kush do jesh /pf/images/graemlins/angel.gif, gjithsesi flmd per motivacionin dhe mbeshtetjen. /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Ne fakt keto dite forcen e kam gjet tek animi ne mendimin qe 's'du me u operu' (shif tesh kur te vij Lily e te me terheqi veshin /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif) sepse imagjino te jete ajo 'njolla e vockel-1cm' asigja e te me operojne kot,vete me kan thane, ndoshta s'ke asgja, por dhe mund te jete , mbas operimit e dime cfare eshte ajo 'njolla' e kjo me cmend.

Qe do jetoj kjo asht e sigurte 100% se gjen gja nje person si un /pf/images/graemlins/crazy.gif.

Simbas llogaris se gjyshit i bjen tesh te kem dhe nja pese shpirta e jo tete /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif. Ehuuu e njoh at rrug /pf/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Sot jam tan qefe, se kam pa nje anderr t'bukur, kam nje vizit mjeksore (me pelqen ky doktori) plus kam nje Vorstellungsgespräch per nje vend pune te mire.
S'kam nge DHE do kohe, le t'presi ajo /pf/images/graemlins/rockband.gif

PS: Shpresen e kam binjake mor Marvi /pf/images/graemlins/grin.gif

PSS:McCik me trego dicka me gjate mbi perjetimin tand please /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

[/ QUOTE ]
Ne asnje menyre Lily ste terheq veshin ty...eshte e drejta jote te zgjedhesh /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif /pf/images/graemlins/angel.gif( edhe zoti i la njerzit e lire per te zgjedhur...ju tha keto jane rruget ti shif e bej).
Askush nuk mund ta dije me mire se ti se per cfare ke nevoje ti... ne fund te fundit ata qe te kane vizituar e jane perpjekur te te mjekojne ... njerez jane e makineri qe kane prodhuar po vete njerzit jane. pra ekziston nje range gabimi qe askush ne kete bote nuk mund te ta tregoj.
gjithesesi...ne cdo moment, per cdo gje...tie di qe mua me ke ne dispozicion me cdo gje timen( /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif )....keshtu qe qendro e qete dhe qendro ne ate lumturine qe ke gjetur /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif



Primus registratum
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

mirdita abs sot cenka me te vertete e mire kjo dite sepse dhe humori qenka aty ku duhet dhe kjo po me jep shume kenaqesi shpresoj qe te ka shku mire vizita dhe dita vazhdon si mengjesi .
e kuptoj qe forcen ta jep ajo qe sduhet me u operu por si mendon ti a eshte e drejte kjo per ty per shendetin tend sido qe te jene punet pas operacionit mund te jeshe njeriu me i lumtur ne bote ose mund te kuptosh se dicka nuk shkonte mire dhe do ta kurosh .
e di qe eshte kollai ta thuash kur nuk je personalisht ai qe do bej nje operazion por per nje gje jam e bindur forca e shpirtit e ndihmon njeriun te superoje shume veshtersi e ti je nje nga keta persona e ndjej


nuk e di...
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

Lily /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif baj be se po bahem dhe un' pak doktoresh /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Per nje Läsion 1cm bahet tan kjo 'zhurme'( si thu?),imagjino me pas ma shum.
Cdo fjale te ketyre rezultateve rri tuj e kerku ne google /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif na ja, ksaj i thone, kohe per ndryshim /pf/images/graemlins/grin.gif dmth orientime t'reja!

Marvi ba mos me t'pa vu mend qe je femen, do kisha than kush kenka ky dashnor i msheft /pf/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Po ti ven naj presje moj burnesh apo don t'fus n'dor' t'njenes /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif dhe e di se je gati tuj ma mush mendjen /pf/images/graemlins/booki.gif


Forumium praecox
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

Dje pa e shkrue mir at fjalen e bukur ka ra zilja. Erdh nji shok me shoqen e vet. Mue m'kish met vec ai 50%- shi jot. Sot qysh heret ne pune. Tash vij e ulem, e s'di cka te shkruaj. Si mund ta ngushllosh dikend qe s'e njeh por qe sidoqoft asht e detyrume me lujt "bixhoz" me jeten.

Hapi faqen, lexoj....

Te t'them "T'mart dreqi!", kujt t'i them? Ti je dreqi vet. T'marrt dreqi gjyshin tand llafazan!

Ose ti shkruen kodra mbas bregu, ose mue m'kan lan edhe ato pak qe kam pas. Po c'e kishe at 50%, he dreq!!!? Uf, me kan un' mjek Zvicre, tash ta kisha kallxu!


nuk e di...
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

/pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif edhe me kallxu t'verteten s'... /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

e para, ngushllimet i kam zet, inat, wäk!
shkruaj sepse mund te shkruaj mbi temen dhe se ndoshta dikush edhe mund te inkurajohet ne raste te tilla.
(nje shoqe zviceriane biles m'tha: je si tregon kaq hapur /pf/images/graemlins/eek.gif pse moj i thash, ku e sheh nachteil'in ktu /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif tha, ne fakt kerkund, por s'asht n'konceptin e kultures konservatore /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

kshtuqe jam per shkembim mendimesh, emocionesh dhe gallatet dhe kto 200-300 vjet qe na kan mbet /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
edhe sic e kam permend dhe ma siper, dhe ky fakt eshte nje ceremoni si gjithe te tjerat. e sefundi, ngaqe diskutohet mbi pothuajse te gjitha temat pervec ketyre, thash sa t'kem rrym s'po kursehem /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

abs mos moj burrnesh mos me fut ne dore te ndonjerit qe se di a dal dot, profesionin nuk e kam mesuese gjuhe, jam mesuese por ........ por do te korigjohem ,tani do filloj te perdor shenjat e piksimit ok.
/pf/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif /pf/images/graemlins/booki.gif /pf/images/graemlins/booki.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wave.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

Rrespekt profesional gjithe mjekeve te te gjitha fushave mjekesore . Kane pune stresuese dhe jane shume te fuqishem qe e marrin persiper . /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

lily girl

kush e ku mi qeka ky doctor qe e dika dhe sa jave jeton njeriu


Primus registratum
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

shiqptaret e shkrehte e shikojne doctorrin si me qene zot se nuk kane bo detyrat me perpara per shendetin e tyre dhe shkojne tek doctorri kur jane tu vdek.

jo vetem ata qe jetojne ne shqiperi por dhe ata qe vijne ne americe sjellin me vete mentalitetin:

kurre mos me dite a je i vaksinu:
kurre mos me dite e ke rrezik per kete apo ato semunje:
kurre mos me bo teste diagnostikore per moshen qe je:
kurre mos me diskutu ca thote doctorri apo me shku edhe tek nje doctorr njeter per opinion secondar

dhe pastaj diksutohet ketu diagnoze e rezervuar;

sic e thashe pacienti esthe kaq i paditur sa nuk esthe ne gjendje nga terapia qe i jepet te dije semundjen qe ka.



Primus registratum
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

kush di anglisht shife cfare thote nje doctorr

ne british medical journal .... kur hodha dorezat nje doctorr shqiptar i mori per ti perdour perseri.....
megjithese artikulli eshte i 1995 dhe ishalla gjerat kane ndryshuar

BMJ 1995;310:676 (11 March)
Personal view
Return to Albania
"Acountry within sight of Italy about which less is known than the interior of America." Edward Gibbon's comment of 200 years ago still applies to Albania, Europe's poorest nation. The country's economic and intellectual isolation was imposed by Enver Hoxha, its xenophobic, paranoid, Marxist dictator. After his death in 1985 minor liberalisation was attempted, but pressure for change became unstoppable. Many fled the country--especially to Italy. Finally, in 1992 the Democracy party, led by a cardiologist, established a fragile government.
I had visited Albania as a tourist in 1990 when it was still controlled by the Party of Labour, but during the trip met some doctors and wrote about the experience in a personal view (BMJ 1991;302:1088). I never expected to return, but had an opportunity to revisit in 1994. Changes in the four years were staggering. Gone were the statues of Hoxha and the party slogans and the red flags. Roadside stalls were everywhere, satellite dishes sprouted from every building, and huge numbers of ancient cars roared along the ill kept roads--private cars had been banned by the regime as bourgeois.
People looked poorer; clearly the move to a market economy had benefited a few, but the majority were worse off. Factories were devastated and land untilled. With the loss of state authority law and order had broken down and crime was rampant. Unemployment was at least 50% and there was an air of menace in the crowded streets. There may have been some advantages in the previous regime; at least everybody was educated, employed, and fed. Yet despite their privations people remained optimistic: "At last we are free" was the comment.
I was there as part of a team and spent two weeks in the surgical department of a 300 bed hospital. Gaining admittance to the building was the first hurdle each morning. A scrum of patients, relatives, and staff would push at doors kept shut by a burly porter. Something dropped into his pocket did speed entry but if the customers would not oblige he kept the crowd waiting so his light fingered accomplices could extract contributions which were less voluntary.
Inside the hospital was airy, bright, and kept clean, but the sinks in the wards and theatres had no running water. There was some modern equipment, much of it from Italy, but some was United States military surplus. Obviously there were shortages: lack of sutures and instruments in the theatre; lack of anaesthetic agents--ether was the standby but supplies were intermittent--and lack of drugs and dressings on the wards. I was embarrassed after my first case. I guessed that we would not change gowns but ripped off my gloves without thinking, whereupon the senior surgeon picked them up for reuse. Quite complex surgery was done--for example, splenectomy for thalassaemia, craniotomy for trauma, and internal fixation for fracture. I was impressed by the surgeons' skill for when I tried to operate it was like being a student again: the scissors would not cut, the forceps crossed, the clips did not grip, and the needle holders were in name only.
The surgeons were welcoming and keen to share experiences. What emerged was the remarkable difference in practice.
There were seven general surgeons. Around 15 elective operations were done weekly, with the same number of emergencies. There was surprise at my 15 cases each week, but even more surprise at my waiting times; in Albania it was two weeks for a hernia. Although all the surgeons were consultants, there was a clear hierarchy with a director telling the others exactly which cases were to be done and by whom. Operations were also hierarchical: the chief would clip a vessel, the first assistant tie it, the second cut the suture, while the third retracted. At the end of each case the entire group would go off to the hospital coffee bar for a discussion with the patient's relatives. Once a week there was a joint ward round where each patient was presented to the chief. The seven surgeons were helped by only two anaesthetists; the patient walked into the theatre, climbed on to the table, was tied down, and then anaesthetised either with ether or intravenously by the doctor, who then handed over to a nurse. There was no monitoring of pulse or blood pressure.
By our standards there was gross medical overstaffing; at one stage there were more paediatricians than children in the wards. One reason for this was the socialist philosophy of full employment. But economic reality was dawning. I met newly qualified doctors unable to get a job. The other reason for overmanning related to the nature of the work. Until recently there was no professional nursing training and nursing was an option taken in high school by less able girls. Without further training they worked in hospitals so dressings were changed and sutures removed by doctors.
There were aspects of medical practice which were disturbing. Under Hoxha there were few divisions in society: everyone was paid the same and lived in the same sized flats provided by the state. Because there was nothing to buy and nowhere to go they had no need of extra income. With the advent of the market money becomes vital, and because salaries have remained the same doctors have had to sell their services. Under the old system patients went to the polyclinic to be referred to hospital. Now, a sidewalk consultation for cash is needed and easily fixed because everybody knows the doctors. I accompanied the orthopaedic surgeon taking home an 87 year old who had survived a fractured femur. The surgeon was last to leave and as he did so the patient handed over the fee. Such practice has its dangers. I was told of a surgeon who operated on a gangster's child for a fat fee, only to have his own child kidnapped for a somewhat larger ransom.
The influx of European and Arab voluntary workers and missionaries has brought problems. Westerners in particular are perceived as rich and therefore fair game for extortion. As with other countries in the former Eastern bloc, freedom has brought the evils of capitalism and a culture where gangsterism can flourish. I talked to some depressed aid workers who complained that aid was disappearing into unofficial channels and the police were not only powerless but occasionally actively helping the process. In the hospital I caused hysterical laughter by inquiring who stole the equipment? "Everyone," was the reply, "the porters, the nurses, the patients, and the doctors." Aid agencies themselves came in for criticism. I was told of large items of x ray equipment donated from abroad clearly marked in the home country as "not suitable for repair."
Perhaps my lasting impression is of how decent individuals can be corrupted by a political ideology. In communist Albania the state came first and individuals last. As a result the rights of the individual patient are lost, and kindness and compassion are absent. Explanation is unnecessary because the doctor knows best and even postoperative analgesia is neglected. Now under the free market medical skills are another saleable commodity and patients a source of income.
It was distressing to see a system so ignorant of the autonomy of the patient and I desperately wanted to impart some of the ethics which we all take for granted. Yet far more distressing is the thought that our ethics are a luxury, afforded to us by peace and freedom. I am sure that if I lived under the same circumstances as the Albanian surgeons my behaviour would be exactly the same.--ALAN CAMERON is a general surgeon in Ipswich
Alan Cameron


Forumium praecox
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
shiqptaret e shkrehte e shikojne doctorrin si me qene zot.

kurre mos me diskutu ca thote doctorri apo me shku edhe tek nje doctorr njeter per opinion secondar

sic e thashe pacienti esthe kaq i paditur sa nuk esthe ne gjendje nga terapia qe i jepet te dije semundjen qe ka.


[/ QUOTE ]
Ke shumë të drejtë, bona. Shqiptarët janë aq të shkrehur, sa e shikojnë dctorrrrin si zot.
Ama esthe fat i madh që ka shqiptarë të pashkrehur që kanë të drejtë edhe në spitalet e New Yorrrrkut t'u shpojnë b.thën amerikanëve.

P.S: E ndjera gjyshja ime, që prej vite prehesh nën dhe. Më fal që shpesh të kam thënë se më keq se ti, askush s'mund të shkruajë. Në shekullin që s'arrite ta jetoje, ka plot që ta kalojnë.


nuk e di...
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

Kalma bre /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif, ca keni qe griheni /pf/images/graemlins/grin.gif.

Deshta me ju than'1-hallo, e shoh tan' ket' 'çarçaf' /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif qe paska shtru njena.
Bona paska hanger frenxholla amerike at' nadje /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

MakC ma perkthe pak bitte, se ma ka ndalu doktori gjuhen e huj' kto dit' /pf/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

Jo pergja, por du me dit'msu dhe ma /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


nuk e di...
Re: Diagnoze e rezervuar!

Iku mram kjo shoqja!


Them, do te ket ik me vertete ne paqe te plote, ngaqe pregaditjen e ikjes e kishte pothuajse optimale!




Das öffentliche Sterben von Goody in den Medien hat nach Angaben der Deutschen Hospiz Stiftung vor allem positive Seiten. „Es ist gut, dass wir davon erfahren. Normalerweise bleibt das Sterben in den eigenen vier Wänden, jetzt kommt es einmal raus“, sagte der Geschäftsführende Vorstand der Patientenschutzorganisation, Eugen Brysch. Jetzt nach ihrem Tod sagte ein enger Freund der Familie: „Glücklicherweise haben die Söhne einen wundervollen Vater und eine wundervolle Großmutter, die ihnen in dieser schmerzvollen Zeit beistehen."


"Manche Leute mögen das nicht gut finden, was ich mache. Aber mir ist es an diesem Punkt in meinem Leben egal, was die Leute denken“, sagte sie. Schließlich blieben ihr nur noch wenige Wochen zu leben, nachdem der Gebärmutterhalskrebs inzwischen den ganzen Körper zerfressen hatte