Copeza mendimesh...

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I love new york

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Re: Copeza mendimesh....

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
me raft pika mu qe i paske lotet kaq te leta ti Dolores... do jesh femer shum sensibile ti dhe aty ku duhet /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Helena... je qe je ne Janar pse se fillon dhe nje beb te dyt...?

[/ QUOTE ]

po pra t'a boj si Britney Spears una /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif
kismet te shijojme kete njehere, cdo bukuri do icik kohe nga tjetra qe t'a shijosh tamam /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Lips, dole /pf/images/graemlins/kiss.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

ajo ishte e bindur se po me thoshte te verteten e fundme. Une e pashe me qetesi, gati gati e bezdisur nga kembengulja e saj per te me treguar te verteten e fundit dhe iu pergjigja:

-kush te tha ty se une dua te jem e mire, apo pretendoj se jam e tille?! Kush te tha se po perpiqem te ta fitoj zemren? dhe per me teper: kush tha se me intereson mendimi yt? qe te me interesonte, duhet te te vleresoja dhe per mua, s'je vec nje budallacke me shume, pa shtylle kurrizore!

ajo me pa e merzitur dhe ne ate moment me tha, ate qe dhe une e them shpesh:

-kush te tha ty te me thuash te verteten?

Aty e kuptova se s'kishte te bente me mua, por me deshiren e saj per te rene ne sy dhe per te lene shenje. Shume njerez ne bote perpiqen te lene shenje ne kurriz te te tjereve. Hitleri vrau vetem cifute 6 milion, qe te linte shenje, packa se ata vdiqen.

"e dashur," - i thashe vetes, "mos ua thuaj te gjitha. Grimcat jane mese te mjaftueshme per lojen e maces me miun, dhe nderkohe vazhdo te mbash shenime per Komedine Njerezore, shkruar per se dyti. Lenda e pare s'te mungon, as talenti, te mungon ai 90% tjeter i dhomes me vete e vullnetit, por nese vazhdon keshtu do te fitosh perqindje drejt asaj qe nuk do te jete persosmeri, por pikerisht per kete arsye do ta duan dhe te tjeret, pasi do te thone "edhe ajo ben gabime", e te gjithe ne fund do te buzeqeshim, ndersa brezat do te gajasen me ne te tere."


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

"Smoking" is bad for you, and you know it. Everyday, inside of you, you wish you could quit, and save your self. So many times you've tried and yet you always go back. You're addicted to it, and that makes it so hard..without it you feel lost and's time to quit for good, go through with the pain and get it over with, just to show that you are still alive and that you really matter. Go ahead do it...
..and that's how she could explain all the was just a nicotine addiction and she just had to get rid of it.


Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Every week we read that something we believe is bad for us. This week it's coffee, before that it was pizza - and every other day it's red wine. But can these stories really be true? That depends how you interpret the facts.
Smoking is bad...very bad!- This is the little voice inside your head that resembles mom’s , teachers’, “too good to be true friend’s”, pastor’s...and so on.
It’s quite the opposite actually. One is going to die, no matter what. The suffering originates in the struggle of trying to do what is morally right. Heck...I feel sorry for my smoking friends, I really do. Their habit has been banned from the workplace, from public restaurants, from buses and subways and planes. I mean, no one would think to outlaw breathing, for Heaven's sake. And yet that's all they're doing, just that they happen to be breathing a lit plant.

I don’t smoke.


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

PS: I don't smoke either.

This wasn't really about smoking to begin with, but since we're talking about it, the day I saw two pairs of real human lungs side to side, one pair white and the other black, I realised that smoking is indeed bad for you. You guess what color the smoker's lungs had. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

PS: It was kinda of nice to go to a bar last night and not smell like ashes when I got out. My friend on the other hand was not so happy about no being able to smoke. /pf/images/graemlins/shrug.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

eshte shume interesante se si njerezit duke kujtuar se dine piken tende te dobet i meshojne asaj ne menyre te vazhdueshme dhe harrojne se nese me njohin, dine vetem ate qe u kam treguar une dhe natyrisht pikat e dobeta te verteta nuk tregohen, te pakten jo deri ne ate pike sa te kthehen ne kercenim.

"You talk a lot, but you don't talk much about yourself" - he said and with a sad look in his eyes left the room. I stood still and tried not to think about it, or about him.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Blutta stlonza grassona puzzolente e fetente, ti ho stesa un'altra volta /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif

Quando vuoi eh... /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Zeri

Dua ta dini qe une jetoj vetem per ju te dy.Ju jeni gjaku im,jeni jeta ime dhe une sdo ju le kurre te vuani.Kur zemra jote therr moj mami ,therr dhe e imja.Cdo lot ne faqen tende eshte nje thike ne zemren time.Vuaj me ty dhe vuaj per ty..
Me mungon familja ime..buzeqeshja jote qe me ben te ndihem njeriun me te lumtur ne bote..Peng ne shpirt me qendron varur shikimi i perhumbur i tim ati qe mendueshem pertyp cdo hall dhe shkund cigaren ne tavullen e qelqte.Kam nje deshire te madhe ta perqafoj dhe ti them se per te bej gjithcka,gjithcka..Po ju se dini qe familja eshte gjithcka per mua,ju jeni thesari im per te cilin sdo beja dot asnje hap perpara.Me lot me mbushen syte kur mendoj sa shume keni vuajtur.Po ckeni ju..une dhe motra tani mundemi te ecim vetem e te cajme jeten ashtu sic bete ju te dy.Une dua tju shoh te lumtur..vetem ashtu do ndihesha me shpirtin peshe.Ju dua shume shume shume pafund shume..


Forumium maestatis
Copeza mendimesh...

dilemma, dilemma...

i think it is time i decided what i feel like doing for a while. i hate programmed schedules!!!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Shoh njerez te fikur, qe ecin ne rruge dhe perplasen me mllef.Ne syte e tyre mund te shkepusesh vetem shikime vrastare.Te gjithe te kanosen kercenueshem saqe ti perpiqesh te gjesh nje te tatepjete qe as ja ke idene se ku te con,por di vetem qe eshte nje rruge shpetimi.Do lutesha te mos ishte gremina e fshehur ne fund,nje shtyrje dhe kaq mjafton per te gjetur nje shkak.Jemi bere per tu meshiruar,sepse palacot tallen me ne dhe ne i duartokrasim serisht duke mbushur zemren me iluzione.Me ka ardhur ne maje te hundes ky realitet i shpifur qe po jetoj.Shqiperia perfundimisht ka marre fund dhe ne po i japim thjesht shtyrjen drejt gremines.Nuk mundem dot te shpetonim vendin tone sepse kujtojme se mund te jetohet me iluzione.Pse o nene me linde ketu...pseee..( kete sdo doja ta degjoja kurre nga femijet e mi!! )


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

ma che credi che io sono il padre eterno e posso risolvere tutto??1! ma sei pazza????
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