Copeza mendimesh...

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Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

do te mendoja se gjerat per te cilat te merr malli jane ato te medhate, qe shihen, qe tregohen ne foto, qe ua tregon te tjereve, por ja qe nga ajo periudhe me kane ngelur gjera te vogla, tip menyra se si shqiptohet a$$ me a, apo "goodmornin love" e shoferit te autobuzit, apo "goin to the loo" apo Shak te cilit i pelqente "puff daddy" e shqiptuar puf, apo aksentet eksperimentale te brian, apo ironia dhe innuendoes te Mike-ut, apo me shume se kaq?! ...


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Random day....after years and years someone found me.I had forgotten why I have avoided certain kind of people for so long.
Change is not always good, specially when people manage to "kill" the child-like spirit within them.


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

po shihja henen sonte,tek dukej sikur vraponte me rete,ngjan disi ndryshe hena sonte...


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

ah c'thesar qe kemi nga perrallat e mocme shqiptare.
serish ketu jashte kohe, ne dremitje te rreme per te zbuluar menyra te ndryshme,bajloze dhe omere te rinj, nusja qe shpeton te shoqin, zanat e malit,motra e gjergj elez alise,Halili dhe Muji,oret e bjeshkeve...


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

sot i ulur per 7 pale qef... shikoj nje femer, e mendimi i par qe me kaloj ne tru ishte qe shum i esht zmadhuar culo

per tu habit, kjo kishte te njejtin nummer tel. dhe ja thash kte qe mendova, çudi me tha se kur ecnim te pelqente te veje doren brenda e te asiguroj qe esht e njejta culo

mooooooo thash


p.s. Kepucekuqe, e ke llahtari ate nick-name


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Tragjedite e verteta nuk ndodhin kur nje pallat te rrezohet mbi koke kur po ecje e qete rruges. Kjo quhet fatkeqesi, nje moment je e tjetrin s'je - pa dhimbje. Tragjedia ndodh kur takon njeriun e duhur ne momentin e gabuar dhe je a pafuqishme te nderrosh rrethanat. Me pas vazhdon te jetosh me pershtypjen qe humbe dicka. Nuk behet lufte me kohen.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

Mal baisé...mais grave...ou...
Nannnnnn....rien du tout...

c'est marrant,de voir partir au quart de pkoi? pr oui c'est important de ds la vie...sur tout quand ca te fais du bien moralement sur tout a l'entourage.

en fin bref who gives a fuck ?


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

As me behet vone per asgje .. e nxorra inatin qe kisha .. shpine ta shkaterrova , xhamat ti thyva , ca shpulla ti futa .. he ndjehesh tani ?

Do kisha bere dhe me keq po shyqyr e permbajta veten .....


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

horoskopi im per sot thoshte:

Make a peace offering to someone who's been a little on the snippy side. Most importantly, forgive them for underestimating you. After all, you're so blessed in so many areas that you can afford to be generous.

jam tuj vra menien nese i referohet atij robit mrame. Ne fakt, everybody can have a bad hair day, no? /pf/images/graemlins/shrug.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

he wrote be kind on her face, just be kind.
is that lesson that difficult to learn?


Forumium maestatis
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

<font color="black"> ... Tere ca ate pikez shi qe lajmeron pranvere dhe shijo grahmen e fundit te te ftohtit qe mbledh kruspull. Do presesh gjate, do presesh nxehte e lodhur te rikthehet ... Trokasin takat fort ne asfalt me kercitjen e zemrekut te nje ore dhe kokrrizat e pluhurit lajmerojne celje... </font>
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

I just have a hard time believing the shenanigans, uber-coolness and avant-gardism of a 26 year old Albanian still living with her parents. Rofshin blogjet!

I love new york

Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
I love freeweb and myspace too ... Lovely ... /pf/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Rio is that you or your family /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

memories are nice... the good ones that it.
But also the bed ones help you envision the real good.


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh...

No way mate /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif ...
I just saw it on the web and i thought it was so gay /pf/images/graemlins/tonguee.gif
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