Te pakten tre te burgosur lufte jane vrare ne burgjet e kontrolluara nga ushtria amerikane ne irak cka ka nisur nje furi hetimesh ne te gjitha burgjet e luftes perfshi Guantanamon ne Kube.

Presidenti Bush do jape sot intervista per televizionet arabe Al Hurra dhe Al Arabia ne nje perpjekje per te kontrolluar demin politik te fotografive poshteruese shkrepur nga ushtaret amerikane dhe britanike. Nje minister Iraken i vendosur ne pergjegjsi nga amerikanet dha dje doreheqen. Disa eksperte shprehen se zemerimi qe shkaktojne keto vrasje dhe keqtrajtime nder irakenet mund te kthehet ne dhune kunder ushtareve te huaj ne Irak.


........ ...


Primus registratum

Para disa ditesh, dikush me dergoi nje material te marre nga interneti (per "cudi", kur klikoje tek link-u i faqes se cituar te internetit, ajo nuk hapej - sic duket, amerikanet kishin marre masa ne kohe rekord qe faqja te mos hapej me e te ishte publike :wink: ), ne te cilin jepeshin rreth 15-20 foto te "bemave" te trupave te koalicionit ne Irak, shumica me uniforme amerikane. Pervec atyre fotove qe i kisha pare tashme edhe dite me pare neper lajmet e TV, kishte edhe plot te tjera qe une personisht s'i kisha pare me pare dhe s'i kam pare akoma ne TV, dhe qe kishin te benin me teper me abuzime seksuale me civile irakene te nje perversiteti monstruoz. Dhe kuptohet, ajo c'ka publikohet eshte gjithmone vetem maja e ajsbergut e te gjitha atyre qe mund te kene ndodhur atje.

Nuk kam vecse nje koment: nese ky qenka misioni paqeruajtes i nje koalicioni ushtarak per te vendosur demokracine e shumepritur nga nje popull i varfer e i vuajtur, Zot ruajna! Dhe kur kjo vjen per me teper nga te zgjedhurit e vendit qe pretendon te jete flamuri i demokracise dhe mbrojtjtes se te drejtave te njeriut ne mbare boten, Zot ruajna dyfish!

TURP! :mad:


Forumium maestatis

Fotot e botuara ne gazeten Angleze The Mirror dolen ( keshtu u tha) fallco. Good on you Barsa'a boys, you made us proud, jo si ca ushtri te tjera pervertesh /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Editori dha doreheqje.

Lufte e paligjshme, mashtrime no WMD, mijera te vrare etj dhe

sa keq qe nga kjo lufte deri tani kane dhene doreheqje 2 shefat e BBC dhe dy gazetare dhe nje gazetar britanik eshte vrare. Politikanet deri tani gezojne kolltuk te plote.


Primus registratum

Dhe me e bukura qendron ne faktin se jo vetem bushi po edhe KERRY qe pretendon ne ate post,e bazojne fushaten e tyre elektorale ne luften 'PER CLIRIMIN E IRAKUT..'
O ZOT kjo eshte te ta shesin sapunin per buke...eshte njesoj si Shqiperia te shkoje te luftoje per clirimin e le te themi Kamboxhias...
Ku eshte POPULLI I ASPIRATAVE DEMOKRATIKE?Fjalen e ka AMERIKA :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rockband: :rockband:

la dea

Primus registratum

Ja pra meqe e ka fjalen Amerika po flet Amerika. Pse nuk u ankuat o shqipetar kur Amerika erdhi cliroj Kosoven. pse nuk thate sa gjynah serbit e shkrete, patjeter do thoni kosoven e cliroj NATO po e dini mire kush nderhyri e kush kryesoj. po seshte faji i popullit shqipetar. 50 vjet e kemi luftuar "kapitalizmin amerikan". si nuk ka njeri qe te thote sa gjyhan ata 3000 vete qe u vrane me 11 shtator. madje njerezit me te cilet po "abuzohet" gjasme jane ushtare qe akuzohen per krime lufte. po ata ekonomista e koka shkencash qe u vrane. amerika nuk ka shkuar per te cliruar irakun po per te luftuar terrorizmin.Amerikanet nuk jan engjej eshte normale qe shohin interesat e tyre sic ben edhe ne Kosove. juve me ca fotografi ushtaresh lakuriq u indijuat... po me vidjon ku i therej koka nje CIVILI amerikan nuk u indinjuat, apo te forte shqipetaret, jane mesuar me gjak. Edhe une them qe Amerikanet po tregohen shume te bute. Harruan shume shpejte, por ama te shkosh te Ground Zero akoma te rrenqethet mishi. Amerika beson dhe ka prova te mjaftueshme se sulmet qe ju ben i erdhen nga iraku. edhe nuk ka shkuar te marri hak po te parandaloj sulme te tjera. edhe gabim beri. te shkonte te merrte hak, te vdista nja 3000-4000 civila edhe flitej me pas... po ja ku e tregoj demokracine edhe principet qe e kane cuar ku eshte. ...

reservoir dog

Primus registratum

mos u habit shume medea se keta te mesipermit jane a bunch of fu*cking a*ssholes! they don't have the guts to be what they want to be!

mesa duket jemi ne vendin e gabuar,mes njerezish te gabuar,ne kohen e gabuar!

la dea

Primus registratum

hou hou hou take it easy. diskutim po behet aman, secili shpreh mendimet. jep argumenta per te mbrojtur cfare thote edhe kaq. skemi pse nxehemi... paqe mirekuptim e dashuri /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

reservoir dog

Primus registratum

patjeter,patjeter,paqe,mirekuptim,dashuri,shume,jashtezakonisht shume dashuri /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif (dhe sex :devil: )

peace! :thumbsup:


Interesat e Amerikes ne Irak jane edhe ne dobi te vete popullit Iraken,une e mendoj Irakun mbas 10 vjetesh si Kuwajtin(apo e doni si Sudanin) /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum

Po vertet, qelbesirat janki kane precedente te sjelljes se mire ne vender qe ndyjne me prezencen e tyre. P.Sh Vietnamin


Torture Is News But It's Not New

by John Pilger

When I first went to report the American war against Vietnam, in the 1960s, I visited the Saigon offices of the great American newspapers and TV companies, and the international news agencies.

I was struck by the similarity of displays on many of their office pinboards. "That's where we hang our conscience," said an agency photographer.

There were photographs of dismembered bodies, of soldiers holding up severed ears and testicles and of the actual moments of torture. There were men and women being beaten to death, and drowned, and humiliated in stomach-turning ways. On one photograph was a stick-on balloon above the torturer's head, which said: "That'll teach you to talk to the press."

The question came up whenever visitors caught sight of these pictures: why had they not been published? A standard response was that newspapers would not publish them, because their readers would not accept them. And to publish them, without an explanation of the wider circumstances of the war, was to "sensationalize."

At first, I accepted the apparent logic of this; atrocities and torture by "us" were surely aberrations by definition. My education thereafter was rapid; for this rationale did not explain the growing evidence of civilians killed, maimed, made homeless and sent mad by "anti-personnel" bombs dropped on villages, schools and hospitals.

Nor did it explain the children burned to a bubbling pulp by something called napalm, or farmers hunted in helicopter "turkey shoots," or a "suspect" tortured to death with a rope around his neck, dragged behind a jeep filled with doped and laughing American soldiers.

Nor did it explain why so many soldiers kept human parts in their wallets and special forces officers who kept human skulls in their huts, inscribed with the words: "One down, a million to go."

Philip Jones Griffiths, the great Welsh freelance photographer with whom I worked in Vietnam, tried to stop an American officer blowing to bits a huddled group of women and children.

"They're civilians," he yelled.

"What civilians?" came the reply.

Jones Griffiths and others tried to interest the news agencies in pictures that told the truth about that atrocious war. The response often was: "So what's new?"

The difference today is that the truth of the equally atrocious Anglo-American invasion of Iraq is news. Moreover, leaked Pentagon documents make clear that torture is widespread in Iraq. Amnesty International says it is "systematic."

And yet, we have only begun to identify the unspeakable element that unites the invasion of Vietnam with the invasion of Iraq. This element draws together most colonial occupations, no matter where or when. It is the essence of imperialism, a word only now being restored to our dictionaries. It is racism.

In Kenya in the 1950s, the British slaughtered an estimated 10,000 Kenyans and ran concentration camps where the conditions were so harsh that 402 inmates died in just one month. Torture, flogging and abuse of women and children were commonplace. "The special prisons," wrote the imperial historian V.G. Kiernan, "were probably as bad as any similar Nazi or Japanese establishments."

None of this was news at the time. The "Mau Mau terror" was reported and perceived one way: as "demonic" black against white. The racist message was clear, but "our" racism was never mentioned.

In Kenya, as in the failed American attempt to colonize Vietnam, as in Iraq, racism fueled the indiscriminate attacks on civilians, and the torture. When they arrived in Vietnam, the Americans regarded the Vietnamese as human lice. They called them "gooks" and "dinks" and "slopes" and they killed them in industrial quantities, just as they had slaughtered the Native Americans; indeed, Vietnam was known as "Indian country."

In Iraq, nothing has changed.

In boasting openly about killing "rats in their nest," US marine snipers, who in Fallujah shot dead women, children and the elderly, just as German snipers shot dead Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, were reflecting the racism of their leaders.

Paul W Wolfowitz, the Deputy Defense Secretary who is said to be the architect of the invasion of Iraq, has spoken of "snakes" and "draining the swamps" in the "uncivilized parts of the world."

Much of this modern imperial racism was invented in Britain. Listen to its subtle expressions, as British spokesmen find their weasel words in refusing to acknowledge the numbers of Iraqis killed or maimed by their cluster bombs, whose actual effects are no different from the effects of suicide bombers; they are weapons of terrorism. Listen to Adam Ingram, the armed forces minister, drone on in parliament, refusing to say how many innocent people are the victims of his government.

In Vietnam, the shooting of women and their babies in the village of My Lai was called an "American Tragedy" by Newsweek magazine. Be prepared for more of the "our tragedy" line that invites sympathy for the invaders.

The Americans left three million dead in Vietnam and a once bountiful land devastated and poisoned with the effects of the chemical weapons they used. While American politicians and Hollywood wrung their hands over GIs missing-in-action, who gave a damn for the Vietnamese?

In Iraq, nothing has changed.

By the most conservative estimates, the Americans and the British have left 11,000 civilians dead. Include Iraqi conscripts, and the figure quadruples.

"We count every screw driver, but we don't count dead Iraqis," said an American officer during the 1991 slaughter. Adam Ingram may not be as literate, but the dishonoring of human life is the same.

Yes, the atrocities and torture are news now. But how are they news? asks the writer Ahdaf Soueif. A BBC news presenter describes the torture pictures as "merely mementos." Yes, of course: just like the human parts kept in wallets in Vietnam.

BBC commentators – always the best measure of the British establishment thinking on its feet – remind us that the torturing, humiliating of soldiers "does not compare with Saddam Hussein's systematic tortures and executions." Saddam, noted Ahdaf Soueif, "is now the moral compass of the West."

We cannot give back Iraqi lives extinguished or ruined by those acting in our name. At the very least, we must demand that those responsible for this epic crime get out of Iraq now and that we have an opportunity to prosecute and judge them, and to make amends to the Iraqi people. Anything less disqualifies "us" as civilized.


Primus registratum

Ore ca forumi eshte ky?Anglez apo Amerikan?
Na merzitet tuke shkrujt anglisht.
Apo e beni si per pordhalitet?


Primus registratum

Si ju duket ky tatuazhi i nje plehre amerikane ne Abu Ghraib? Apo eshte plehre e nje lloji tjeter.


the hitman

Primus registratum

tatuazh artistikisht fin.amerikanet nuk jane kurre plehra,sic thote parafolesi bin laden qe nuk e di mesa duket sesa i vlen lekura e tij e qelbur!

do kishte qene bukur sikur tipa si keta idiotet islamike t'i conin te gjithe ne abu ghraib tjua sistemonin sumen si shokeve te tyre.


Lara Croft

BAGHDAD, Iraq (June 21) - A military judge on Monday declared the Abu Ghraib prison a crime scene and said it cannot be demolished as President Bush had offered, while defense lawyers in the prisoner abuse case indicated they want to question Bush and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.

During a hearing in Baghdad, the judge, Col. James Pohl, also refused to move the trials of three soldiers - Spc. Charles A. Graner Jr., Sgt. Javal S. Davis and Staff Sgt. Ivan L. ''Chip'' Frederick II - to somewhere outside Iraq.

The three are among seven soldiers accused of abusing prisoners. One of them, Spc. Jeremy C. Sivits, pleaded guilty last month and was sentenced to a year in prison.

After the pre-trial hearing in Baghdad, lawyers for the three defendants said their clients were following orders by senior officers and military intelligence.

''We can't have American soldiers in a war zone questioning the legality of orders,'' Guy Womack, the civilian lawyer for Graner, told reporters.

Womack said there was ''a good chance'' he would seek to question Rumsfeld. He said he doubted he would try to depose President Bush, although ''certainly we will be considering it.''

President Bush had offered to dismantle Abu Ghraib to help remove the stain of torture and abuse from the new Iraq - an offer Iraqi officials had already dismissed, saying it would be a waste of the building. Saddam Hussein used Abu Ghraib to torture and murder his opponents.

Pohl declared the prison a crime scene and said it could not be destroyed prior to a verdict.

Civil lawyers for Davis and Graner won permission to seek testimony from the top U.S. general in Iraq, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez and from the chief of the U.S. Central Command, Gen. John Abizaid.

But the judge turned down a request to seek testimony from higher-ranking witnesses, including Rumsfeld, at this time. Pohl left open the possibility of calling other senior figures if the defense could show their testimony was relevant - which Womack said the lawyers intended to do.

Bergrin has also said he wants to question Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about the prisoner abuse, though he did not formally present a request in court.

''We would like to interview Bush because we know as a matter of fact that President Bush changed the rules of engagement for intelligence acquisition,'' Bergrin said Monday.

He did not elaborate, and it was not immediately clear what the changes he referred to.

Lawyers for Davis and Graner also sought unsuccessfully to have the trial moved to the United States or Germany. However, Pohl said he might reconsider his ruling if future events in Iraq precluded a fair trial.

Pohl postponed a pretrial hearing for one of the defendants in the Abu Ghraib abuse case until July 23 after his civilian lawyer failed to appear and the defendant refused to waive his right to co-counsel.

No date for a trial has been set, but Womack said he did not believe it would begin before October.

Davis' civil lawyer, Paul Bergrin, told reporters during a recess that lower-echelon troops at the prison had worked under intense pressure from their commanders and the CIA and were using ''Israeli methods'' - including nudity - known to work against Arab prisoners.

The hearings took place in the Baghdad Convention Center in the heavily guarded Green Zone, the nerve center of the American-run occupation of Iraq. U.S. authorities hope the proceedings will convince Iraqis that the United States does not tolerate abuses of civil liberties.

Davis' military lawyer, Capt. Scott Dunn, failed to win an order to reopen the Article 32 investigation, which would have in effect dismissed the current charges. Dunn had argued that the military failed to make available a witness during the Article 32 proceedings, which ended with a recommendation for court martial.

However, the judge granted a request by Bergrin to declassify all parts of an Army investigation report conducted by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba.

As the session began, Dunn, Davis' military lawyer, said the defense understood that security conditions in Iraq made it difficult to provide access to some witnesses. He wanted to question an inmate at Abu Ghraib.

Dunn said his client still had a right to confront his accusers.

''We couldn't go to him. They wouldn't bring him to us. They said it was impossible to obtain any telephone testimony. We object to not obtaining his testimony at all,'' Dunn said.

The Army has argued that a sharp rise in violence around the Abu Ghraib prison in April, including the siege of nearby Fallujah, made the area around the detention center too dangerous. One witness said convoys to and from the prison were sent out on an emergency basis only and they required the permission of a colonel or general to meet the defense request.

The seven soldiers charged in the case were from the 372nd Military Police Company, an Army Reserve unit from Cresaptown, Md. The abuse scandal broke in April when CBS' ''60 Minutes II'' aired photographs of hooded and naked prisoners. Since then other photographs showing sexual humiliation have surfaced in a scandal that has sparked massive international criticism and undercut the moral authority of the U.S.-led mission in Iraq.

A hearing for another soldier charged in the scandal, Pfc. Lynndie England, 21, will be held separately on Tuesday at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where she is now stationed.

The military has not decided whether to refer the cases against two others - Spc. Sabrina Harman and Pfc. Megan Ambuhl - to courts martial.

Graner, of Uniontown, Pa., has been accused of jumping on several detainees as they were piled on the floor. He is also charged with stomping the hands and bare feet of several prisoners and punching one inmate in the temple so hard that he lost consciousness.

He also faces adultery charges for allegedly having sex with England last October. He could receive 24 1/2 years in jail, forfeiture of pay, reduction in rank, and a dishonorable discharge.

Frederick, of Buckingham, Va., is accused of forcing prisoners to masturbate, placing naked detainees into a human pyramid and placing wires on a detainee's hands, telling him he would be electrocuted if he fell off a box on which he was forced to stand.

He faces a maximum punishment of 16 1/2 years in confinement, forfeiture of pay, reduction of rank, and a dishonorable discharge.

Davis, of Maryland, is accused of maltreating prisoners, stomping on their hands and feet and putting detainees in a pile on the floor to be assaulted by other soldiers. He faces maximum of eight and a half years in jail, forfeiture of pay, reduction in rank and a dishonorable discharge.


Primus registratum

Uuuuffff,na mbyten shkrimet Angleze pppfffff :tipsy: ,antares,ai tatoo duket se eshte i bere me stilo,sa per propagande te momentit per njerez si ty :tipsy: :tipsy: /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif



O Harley, hiqe leshin nga sytë. Të jesh anti-Sh.B.A nuk do të thotë të jesh islamist a Ben Laden. Atë që thotë Antares e ka shumë të bazuar dhe vetëm një pjesë e popullit amerikan nuk e beson si dhe një pjesë kokëleshe si ty.
Lexo, analizo dhe konkludo! Ti or bos e nis mbrapsht. Konkludon, lexon dhe analizon ato që don! Ka rradhë puna plako!
Nuk ta kam me të keq por me të vërtetë më acarojn këndvështrimet statike! :wave:


Primus registratum

Ja liria amerikane ne Bagdad

"By Order of The Coalition Forces
Do Not Tamper or Remove Sheets
Under Penalty of Force"


"This is the freedom," indeed.


Primus registratum

prej kurit ja keni nise mi mbrojte terroristat isamike. Ata jo mi keqtrajtu po mi djege ne turren e druve.

Nuk di pse spo ja len Amerika Rusise qeshtjen e Irakut, e ata do ta zgjidhnin menjehere. Po ju garantoj per dy dite e kish zgjidhe.


Primus registratum

prej kurit ja keni nise mi mbrojte terroristat isamike. Ata jo mi keqtrajtu po mi djege ne turren e druve.

Nuk di pse spo ja len Amerika Rusise qeshtjen e Irakut, e ata do ta zgjidhnin menjehere. Po ju garantoj per dy dite e kish zgjidhe. Vetem Rusia din ta zgjidhe kete qeshtje.

Provokimi eshte me i rende se vdekja. Hyni ne kete adrese e kqyreni a kan me fitu terroristat islamike