50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

kush nuk di italisht ta perktheje me :


50 milioni di omicidi

Consiglio a tutti coloro che ancora credono alla favola delle benevolenza americana verso il mondo intero, di leggere il libro "Gli ultimi giorni dell'impero americano" , di Chalmers Johnson edito da Garzanti.

L'autore è professore emerito all'Università della California, non è comunista, né no-global e né antiamericano; è solo uno studioso che studia e pensa con la sua testa.

Nel corso del libro si dimostra, oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio, che gli Stati Uniti sono stati responsabili di quasi tutti i conflitti degli ultimi 60 anni :shrug: : dalla guerra di Corea all'ultima in Iraq.

Hanno ucciso o fatto uccidere oltre 50 milioni di persone (soprattutto civili e principalmente bambini) :smash: .

Per dirla con le parole di Robert McNamara, segretario di stato americano ai tempi di Jimmy Carter: se non fossero la nazione più (militarmente) forte del mondo, sarebbero stati condotti di fronte ad un tribunale mondiale, accusati di efferati crimini contro l'umanità. Una Norimberga moderna, moltiplicata per mille.

Eppure, ad ovest (ed in Italia in particolare), ci sono ancora dei mentecatti che credono all'idiozia del paese democratico per antonomasia, che sacrifica le giovani vite dei suoi intrepidi figli, per soccorrere la libertà minacciata (da chi??) in ogni angolo del pianeta.

Fu Jimmy Carter a scatenare la guerra in Afghanistan (contro l'ex Unione sovietica); ormai ci sono le prove certe: sei mesi prima dell'invasione dell'Afghanistan da parte dell'Armata rossa, Carter (il pallemosce) autorizzò la Cia (per iscritto) a fomentare la guerra. Lui e i suoi collaboratori volevano che anche l'Unione sovietica avesse il suo Viet-Nam.

Quel progetto, costò la vita a due milioni di Afghani e fu portato a compimento indovinate da chi?

Da Bin Laden, l'agente speciale della Cia per quell'operazione criminale :shrug: .

A seguito della sconfitta dei sovietici, la Cia appoggiò (strenuamente) l'insediamento dei Taliban al governo afghano: gli stessi Taliban che poi, stando alle successive stronzate raccontate al mondo, dissero di voler eliminare nel 2002 (per amore di democrazia, naturalmente). E qualche ****** ci ha pure creduto.

Poi, nel 1979, spinsero Saddam Hussein a fare guerra all'Iran di Khomeini, reo (solo) di aver abbattuto il precedente (tanto spietato quanto imbelle) dittatore di quella nobile nazione: Rezla Pahlevi, un volgare criminale che aveva massacrato il suo popolo e si era arricchito leccando il culo dello zio Sam.

Esattamente come fanno oggi i dittatori fantocci di Arabia saudita e Kuwait.

Morirono milioni di iracheni e iraniani, mentre l'industria bellica americana vendeva armi ad entrambi (con qualche occhio di riguardo verso il pupillo di Ronald Reagan e George Bush padre: il "mitico" Saddam Hussein /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ).

La vendita di armi all'Iraq continuo fino al 1990 (invasione del Kwait) ed oltre.

Come poteva Bushino (George Walker Bush Junior) non sapere che Saddam Hussein non aveva armi di struzione di massa? Bastava che andasse a vedere le fatture delle industrie belliche americane, che fornivano il pupillo di suo padre.

Dal 1945 in poi, gli Stati Uniti d'America hanno imposto e sostenuto al potere i peggiori criminali dell'umanità: Sukarno, Noriega, Marcos, Saddam Hussien, Pinochet (solo per citarne alcuni); hanno addestrato i servizi segreti di tutti i paesi (amici e nemici) alla repressione violente delle sommosse interne, hanno fomentato tutte le guerre del pianeta, hanno venduto armi a tutti coloro che avevano soldi per comprarle ed hanno fatto, direttamente o indirettamente, attentati omicidi in tutti e quattro gli angoli della terra (Italia compresa).

Nel 1996 (ultimo dato noto) gli americani hanno venduto il 65% di tutte le armi che circolano nel mondo :smash: ; il fatturato dell'industria bellica rappresenta quasi il 25% del Pil statunitense :mad: ; capite perchè gli serve far scoppiare le guerre e far morire milioni di uomini innocenti?

Nei quattro continenti, quasi un milione di soldati americani, sono (ufficialmente) stanziati per compiere la nobile missione di difendere la pace ed i confini territoriali dei loro alleati.

Da chi è minacciata oggi l'Italia?

Dalla Svizzera, dalla Slovacchia, oppure dall'Austria o dalla Francia?

Da "N E S S U N O" !

Eppure navi, aerei e soldati americani stazionano ancora sul nostro territorio!

P E R C H E' ?

Semplicissimo (almeno per chi ha ancora un po di cervello): sono truppe di occupazione :shrug: . Esattamente come le legioni romane che presidiavano le province dell'impero.

A Portella delle ginestre, un primo maggio, l'onorevole democristiano (cos'altro?) Scelba (noto per leccare le chiappe a chiunque sembrasse americano) accusò Salvatore Giuliano di avere sparato contro gli operai (comunisti) riuniti per la festa del lavoro. Oggi sta venendo fuori che furono i tiratori scelti della Cia; dovevano mandare un messaggio chiaro agli italiani (che, in quegli anni, stavano "virando" a sinistra): votare Pci e Psi alle successive elezioni politiche (dove si prevedeva una vittoria delle sinistre) era "pericoloso".

Lo stesso metodo intimidatorio e criminale, fù usato in centinaia di altri casi, ovunque nel mondo, con lo stesso, identico scopo: dominare gli stati satellite (o alleati, come loro, ed i loro leccaculo, amano ancora chiamarli).

Ebbene, è ora che ce ne rendiamo conto: su questo pianeta, non potrà esserci pace, fintantoché consentiremo a questi assassini di operare alla maniera loro ; dobbiamo dissociarci dalle loro sporche azioni criminali e prendere le distanze dalle loro manovre politico-militari. :thumbsup:


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Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

Per KORN 83!
Lexoje (po deshe) dhe mendohu! (duhet te jete shkruar para sulmit ne Irak!)


The time has come to stop using the flag as a blindfold, to stop waving our guns and our gods at each other, to take a close look at the facts which have emerged from the attacks on the World Trade Towers and to recognize the very real possibility, indeed probability, that We The People are the victims of a gigantic and deadly hoax.

In a normal terrorist event, the terrorists cannot wait to take credit, in order to link the violence to the socio-political intent of the terrorist organization. Yet the prime suspect in the New York Towers case, ex(?) CIA asset Osama Bin Laden (whose brother was one of George W. Bush's Texas business partners), has issued only two statements regarding the September 11th attacks, and both of those are denials of any involvement.

Huge problems are emerging in the official view of events. It's known that the United States was planning an invasion of Afghanistan long before the attacks on the World Trade Towers. Indeed the attacks on the World Trade Towers perfectly fit the timetable of an invasion by October stated by US officials just last summer.

The 19 names of suspected hijackers released by the FBI don't point to Afghanistan. They come from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates; all across the middle east without a focus in any one region. Indeed, even as the FBI was admitting that its list of 19 names was based solely on identifications thought to have been forged, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saudi Al-Faisal insisted that an investigation in Saudi Arabia showed that the 5 Saudi men were not aboard the four jet liners that crashed in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania on September 11. "It was proved that five of the names included in the FBI list had nothing to do with what happened," Al-Faisal told the Arabic Press in Washington after meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush at the White House. A sixth identified hijacker is also reported to still be alive in Tunisia, while a 7th named man died two years ago!

The 19 names of suspected hijackers released by the FBI don't even appear on the passenger lists of the hijacked planes. Check it out for yourself - here's the full list of alleged hijackers along with the passenger manifests.

CNN reported that the men who hijacked those aircraft were using phony IDs, using the names of real people still living in Arab nations in the middle east.

In another development, the BBC is reporting that the transcript of a phone call made by Flight Attendant Madeline Amy Sweeney to Boston air traffic controls shows that the flight attendant gave the seat numbers occupied by the hijackers, seat numbers which were NOT the seats of the men the FBI claimed were responsible for the hijacking!

FBI Chief Robert Mueller admitted on September 20 and on September 27 that at this time the FBI has no legal proof to prove the true identities of the suicidal hijackers. Yet in the haste to move forward on the already planned war in Afghanistan, our government and the FBI (which does not have the best record for honesty in investigations to begin with, having been caught rigging lab tests, manufacturing testimony in the Vincent Foster affair, and illegally withholding/destroying evidence in the Oklahoma Bombing case) are not taking too close a look at evidence that points away from the designated suspect, ex(?) CIA asset Osama Bin Laden.

In particular, the FBI, too busy harassing political dissenters to find spies in its midst, the long rumored mole inside the White House, or plug leaks in high-tech flowing to foreign nations, has willfully and criminally ignored the implications of some vital pieces of information the FBI is itself waving around at the public.

We are being told that this crack team of terrorists, able to breeze past airport security as if it wasn't there, wound up leaving so much evidence in its wake that the bumbling Inspector Clouseau (or the FBI) could not fail to stumble over it. The locations where the terrorists supposedly stayed are so overloaded with damning materials that they resemble less a crimes scene, and more a "B" detective movie set, with vital clues always on prominent display for the cameras.

Yet another problem lies with the described actions of the hijackers themselves. We are being told on the one hand that these men were such fanatical devotees of their faith that they willingly crashed the jets they were flying into buildings. Yet on the other hand, we are being told that these same men spent the night before their planned visit to Allah drinking in strip bars, committing not just one, but two mortal sins which would keep them out of Paradise no matter what else they did. Truly devout Muslims would spend the day before a suicide attack fasting and praying. Not only does the drinking in strip bars not fit the profile of a fanatically religious Muslim willing to die for his cause, but the witness reports of the men in the bars are of men going out of their way to be noticed and remembered, while waving around phony identifications.

Because of the facts of the phony identifications, we don't really know who was on those planes. What we do know is that the men on those planes went to a great deal of trouble to steal the identities of Muslims, and to make sure those identities were seen and remembered, then to leave a plethora of planted clues around, such as crop dusting manuals, and letters in checked baggage (why does a terrorist about to die need to check baggage?) that "somehow" didn't get on the final, fatal, flight.

Fake terror is nothing new. According to recently released files, our government planned Operation NORTHWOODS to stage phony terror attacks against American citizens in the wake of the Bay Of Pigs, to anger Americans into support for a second invasion of Cuba. The plan was spiked by JFK. If our government has ever actually carried out such plans to stage phony terror attacks, the documents have remained classified. But given the reality of Operation NORTHWOODS, or the manner in which FDR maneuvered Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor, one cannot rule out the possibility that, once again, the people of the United States are being lied to by their own government, to manufacture consent for a war of invasion already being discussed with other nations the previous summer.

It is also quite possible, indeed likely, that the United States is being spoofed by a third party to trigger a war. It has happened before. According to Victor Ostrovsky, a defector from Israel's secret service, Mossad, Israel decided to mount a false flag operation designed to further discredit Libya, and provoke the US to attack an Arab nation. A transmitter loaded with pre-recorded messages was planted in Tripoli, Libya, by a Mossad team.

The `Trojan Horse' beamed out fake messages about Libyan-authorized bombings and planned attacks that were immediately intercepted by US electronic monitoring. Convinced by this disinformation that Libya was behind the 1986 bombing of a Berlin disco in which a US soldier died, President Ronald Reagan ordered massive air attacks on Libya, including an obvious- and illegal (under US law) attempt to assassinate Qadaffi himself. Some 100 Libyan civilians were killed, including Qadaffi's two year old daughter. Libyan officials had no idea why they were attacked.

It is worth remembering the motto of the Mossad is, "By way of deception, thou shalt do war."

Whether they were involved in the attacks or not, it cannot be doubted that Israel has benefited from the attacks in New York. While world attention is focused on what the US will do in Afghanistan, Israel has escalated its attacks against Palestinians towns. Israel has repeatedly tried to claim that Palestinians were involved in the New York attacks, hoping to bury the Palestinian cause under the rubble of the World Trade Towers.

Because of the faked IDs and stolen identities, we don't really know who planned the World Trade Towers attacks. We only know who they wanted us to blame.

And we know that the United States has been tricked in the past into bombing someone who did not deserve the attack, and that those who were bombed then embarked on what from their point of view was justified retaliation that culminated over Lockerbie. And while bombs were falling and planes were crashing, Israel was laughing at us that we had been so easily fooled into bombing Israel's targets for them.

Are we being hoaxed again, by Israel, or by our own government, or by both? It's impossible to rule that out. Right now there are a lot of people who want war. Oil companies want Afghanistan's petroleum products. Our corporations want "friendlier" markets. The CIA wants all that opium. And all those war-mongers, with all their greed and agendas, will not hesitate in the least to pour your tax dollars and your children's blood all over Afghanistan, to get those "friendlier" markets, oil, and opium.

Because of the vested interests at work here, American citizens must, more than at any other time in recent history, rely on themselves to decide what is happening in our nation. Too many of those who purport to report the "truth" to us are eager to grab more tax money and more children to pour into a war of invasion, poised at a region which has swallowed up every army that has tried to conquer it since the time of Alexander The Great.

And one more thing. Take a good look at the map of Eurasia and plot out where the United States has military deployments. They march in a straight line through the middle of Eurasia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan.

The United States is prepared to cut the Russian Federation off from the oil rich middle east, and to control transportation routes from China and India into the Middle East. When Russia realizes that this is the real agenda, that's when "Dubya Dubya Three" will really get going!


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

ah mer dudum...nga i gjen keto pacavurre:

"The United States is prepared to cut the Russian Federation off from the oil rich middle east, and to control transportation routes from China and India into the Middle East. "

Ti nuk e di qe rusia eshte eksportuesi nr.2 ne bote? ca do rusia ne "oil rich middle east"? nafte? ahaahaha

"Take a good look at the map of Eurasia and plot out where the United States has military deployments. They march in a straight line through the middle of Eurasia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan."

S'ka trupa amerikane ne maqedoni. trupat amerikane ne bosnje ruajne ata boshnjaket (myslimane) nga vdekja e sigurte. sigurisht, po ashtu dhe ne kosove....

nje gje nuk arrij te kuptoj une, perse ankohen shqiptaret qe amerikanet kane trupa ne kosove? hajde thuaj, s'keni c'beni gjithe diten, pervecse gjeo-politike. antares, te merr sillo ne krevat dhe te ben muhabet mbi gjirin persik?


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

109! Po une te dija ne Bagdad ty! Akoma ne KNKT? Nuke merr dot pacavuren me fal pashaporten Janki keshtu! Vellezerit e tu nga Republikat e Bananeve jane ne Irak se keshtu do behen amerikkane! Po me vjen keq se ti tashme as shqiptar nuk je kur thua "Ju shqiptaret" ti cfare je? Ah me fal aspirant amerikkan.....
Mos humb kohe keshtu po ngri leckat e kthehu ne Tirane se amerikanet nuk duan dokrra propagandistike po te duan ne Bagdad apo me mire ne Falluja!
Nisu ne s'te dhimbset qafa, ata qafira irakene nuk i kane as te mprehte ato veglat me te cilat falenderojne njerezit e kategorise sate!


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

sa here ne dite te jep leksion sillo mbi gjirin persik? 5 here? ahahahaha


Pan ignoramus
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

Qe te kthemi ne teme, fiks sipas titullit:

U.S. State Department Policy Planning Study #23, 1948:

“Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity [U.S. military-economic supremacy]... To do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming... We should cease to talk about vague and...unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.”

— George Kennan
Director of Policy Planning
U.S. State Department

Ndersa per sa i perket fakteve, pa tjeter:

1948 – (sot)
Terrorizmi shteteror Amerikan/Izraelit ne Palestine
Shifer e perafert viktimash civile: 100,000 Palestineze

2001 – 2002,
Terrorizmi shteteror Amerikan ne Afganistan
Shifer e perafert viktimash civile: 4000–5000

1991 – Sot
Terrorizmi shteteror Amerikan/Britanik ne Irak

Shifer e perafert viktimash civile: te pakten 200,000 vetem ne fushaten e 1991;
1,000,000 — 2,000,000 qe atehere e deri me sot nga efekti i infektimit me uranium, uje i ndotur, sanksione, etj

1960 – Sot
Suporti Amerikan per terrorizmin shteteror ne Kolumbi.
Shifer e perafert viktimash civile: gati 67,000

1953 – Sot
Genocidi me suportin e hapur Amerikan ne Guatemala
gati 200,000

1980 – Sot
Terrorizmi Ameritan ne El Salvador
Shifer e perafert viktimash civile: 75,000

1975 – 1999
Genocidi me suportin Amerikan ne Timorin Lindor, Indonezi
Shifer e perafert viktimash civile: mbi 200,000

1979 – 1992
Manipulimi i popullates ne Afganistan, pjese e planit per kundervenien me cdo kusht te ish-Bashkimit sovjetik.
Shifer e perafert viktimash civile: mbi 1,000,000

1981 – 1990
Terrorizmi Amerikan ne Nikaragua
Shifer e perafert viktimash civile: 13,000

Pushtimi Amerikan i Panamase
Shifer e perafert viktimash civile: Disa mijera

Verifikimet mund te behen ketu.
Fatkeqsisht faqen 2 dhe 3 e kane fshire. (lajm i mire per disa')

PS: Kush do me quaje agjent te "Komitet Gozudasvjenni Bjezopasnosti" ? /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Pan ignoramus
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

“Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can be used to disallow terror as a means of war... We are very far from any moral hesitations when concerned with the national struggle. First and foremost, terror is for us a part of the political war appropriate for the circumstances of today...”

— Yitzhak Shamir
Israeli Prime Minister, Zionist terrorist
in an August 1943 article titled “Terror”, written for Hazit
the journal of Lehi, the terrorist organization he belonged to.

“Every time we do something, you [Shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that... I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”

— Ariel Sharon
Israeli Prime Minister, homicidal psychopath
Jewish Mafia member
Knesset, Tel Aviv, October 3, 2001

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”

— Meyer Amschel Rothschild
first patriarch of the Rothschild dynasty

“We all know that the first bankers of the world — Rothschilds — are Jews; we know they control not only the money market, but also the political destiny of the European world... The Press of Europe is mostly controlled by Jews; the leading editors are Jews.”

— Simon Wolf
Jewish-American lobbyist, 1888
The Influence of the Jews on the Progress of the World
Washington DC, 1888; pp. 37-39

“There are no important media outlets in the U.S. that are not owned or controlled by Jews.”

— Israel Shamir
Russian-Israeli journalist
in his article “Midas Ears”
Note: Unlike Sharon, Israel Shamir is a good, conscientious man.
His statement is meant not as an ethnocentric boast,
but as a wake-up call.

“Many rabbis and professionals have told me recently that they fear for their jobs should they even begin to articulate their doubts about Israeli policy — much less give explicit support to calls for an end to the occupation.”

— Rabbi Michael Lerner
April 28, 2002
Los Angeles Times

“The greatest crime since World War II has been U.S. foreign policy.”

— Ramsey Clark
former U.S. Attorney General

“I sat there in agony thinking about all that had led me to this private hell. My idealism, my patriotism, my ambition, my plans to be a good intelligence officer to help my country fight the communist scourge — what in the hell had happened? Why did we have to bomb the people we were trying to save? Why were we napalming young children? Why did the CIA, my employer for 16 years, report lies instead of the truth?

“I hated my part in the charade of murder and horror. My efforts were contributing to the deaths, to the burning alive of children — especially the children. The photographs of young Vietnamese children burned by napalm destroyed me.”

— Ralph McGehee
former CIA intelligence analyst
Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the CIA

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

dolen trimat e shqiperise, ju ka ikur mendja fare. pupupu..gjithe ky zell per te hetuar gabimet e amerikes, po asnje cik zell per te hetuar e ndryshuar gabimet ne shqiperi. keta u cane duke share ameriken, nano ja fut ne b*the..
me keqardhje shikoj kthimin e shqiperise ne nje demokraci te falimentuar qe prodhon vecse terrorrista koke boshe, qe falimentimet e tyre dhe te familjes se tyre ja veshin nje entiteti 10,000 kilometra larg...me vjen keq, po e ardhmja juaj eshte e zymte


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

Or pafillo! Lexo temen e forumit njehere! Kjo eshte teme nderkombetare dhe per keto probleme po shkruhet.


Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

Nano e paska pas shumë të gjatë o (si të thërret ky shoku tjetër) pafillo se e ka çu deri në KNKTKT! Oh rrush fare qeke dhe sigurisht amerikan i denjë!

SH.B.A po i mëshon më fort idesë së një ndërhyrje në Iran! Kjo tregon se SH.B.A kërkon të thyejë akoma rekorde të reja!


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane


Okay idiots, pay attention; it is time to face up to reality. I want you to go into your bathroom and look yourself in the eyes in the mirror.

Repeat after me.

“There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq”.
“There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq”.
“There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq”.
“There were” … Hey YOU, in Kansas, no fair gazing past your reflection at the far wall. This is serious.

This is a twelve-step program and you have to get past the first step TODAY, and the first step is to admit to yourself that you were WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG to support an invasion of Iraq because you were told they had weapons of mass destruction.

You waved that plastic made-in-China flag in front of your face to the point where it was acting as a red, white, and blue blindfold behind whose comforting blindness you eagerly cheered sending other people’s children off to kill and be killed in Iraq. I hope those free hot dogs at those sponsored rallies tasted really good, because other people paid for them in blood.

There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There were no parts to weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There were no programs to build weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There was no link between Saddam Hussein and 9-11. There was no link between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda itself appears to be a front group for the Mossad.

That’s reality. Deal with it.

I imagine the reflection in that mirror is looking rather foolish right now. At least it is if you have any self-honesty. And no, I do not feel like being gentle. We who knew the truth of the deception used to start this war tried being gentle. We tried being gentle for months, only to have you wave your plastic made-in-China flag and free hot dogs all that much harder at us, while screaming “Traitor” at those who dared suggest that claims of Iraq’s WMDs might be “exaggerations”. I’m still getting that cheap mustard out of my clothes and am not in a generous mood. You guys were wrong. There is no other way to put it. You were wrong.

Now, I don’t want you to feel shame. Well, maybe a little shame and humility might be good for you. But what I really think the next step should be is anger. You flag-waving morons should be righteously pissed off at the liars in government who turned you INTO flag-waving morons. You were used. You were rolled. You were swindled. The government you trusted and supported has made total fools of you before the eyes of the world. Nobody but an idiot or a paid government shill can go on pretending that this war or this government have any legitimacy left.

It is time for the next step.

Be angry.

Be very angry.

And put down that stupid plastic made-in-China flag and wipe that cheap mustard off of your chin.


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

Ne katin e 109 i la halet ti lale qe po na cane shume rroten e trapit? O klandestin pa dokumenta sa te paguajne ato amerikonet per ti lare b.ythen?
Nqs do me diskutu tamom per temen hajde edhe hidh fakte mos na derdellis kot e me kot.


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

Anatares ik hypja devese, bashke me ata negrot e reres, allalalalalalalalalal

Te gjithe ne ferr do shkoni. Jo 50 milione po 500 milione... eshte vetem ceshtje kohe..


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

shqiptaret jane miqte e absurdit. kur te qortojne keta ne itali per pune ilegale, pune denigruese, trajtim racist..neve qe jemi ne amerike...

tashti do fillojne qortimet ndaj demokracise amerikane nga specialistet albanez..lol


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

keta bucko mundohen ti mbushin mendjen vetes se sa mire eshte ne shqiperi, sa mire kane bere qe rrine ne shqiperi...se ndryshe vuan pasojat e kapitalizmit te eger amerikan si te gjithe ne qe jemi ne amerike ahahahaha


Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

A ka nanji ktu ke forumi t'i edukojë këta që s'mushin (administrator)? Jo për gjo po Amerika s'e ka bo kët punë hala!


Pan ignoramus
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

Ketu gabohesh dhe ne nje fare menyre i bie fyellit me nje vrime, 109UV. Edhe nje here, nuk po flet askush se sa me mire eshte ne Shqiperi vs. sa keq eshte ne USA. Ne cdo teme, absolutisht, ironizon per futja kot dhe pikerisht atje ku e di qe do kete replika, cinizmin e ke bere vella binjak dhe i lexon gjitchka ne prizmin e kritikes personale te amerikanit te shkolluar. Dhe nese mendon qe te tjeret e kane gabim, me mire thuaj dicka per te qene sesa zotesine e perdor per te terhequr te tere ne jeten e amerikanit qe s'e rruan hic! Ate e dine te tere.
Ajo qe po thuhet, me ca kam pare une te pakten nga postimet, eshte se demokracia amerikane nuk eshte ajo qe propagandohet te jete, se se edhe ne USA i gjen ne mase kolosale te tera te keqiat qe vete Amerika dhe qeveria e zgjedhur nga populli votues amerikan shkon e i lufton ne vendet armiq. Ti ke shume te drejte qe thua nga perspektiva e nje qytetari (aspirant) amerikan: "S'me plas fare sepse une punoj e jetoj me i lumtur sesa ne vende te tjera". Por te pakten ki aq rrespekt per pikerisht keto vende te tjera nese je i interesuar, me ane te qeverise qe te perfaqeson, qe te krijosh nje lidhje miqesore, politike, tregtare, etj. Dhe nese keta partnere na u irritokan kur ti i thua: "Bjer dakort me mua ose te q**va k**ven!" te pakten ki aq faqe qe te thuash "Epo s'ke c'ti besh, une bej ligjin!" dhe jo ta shesesh per demokraci!

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

Ndoshta eshte taktike per te mbyllur temat, dhe nuk eshte shume e veshtire: shaj majtas e djathtas provoko replika me gjysmen e forumit dhe atehere moderatoret duan-sduan mbyllin temen. Nuk e dine te shkretet qe ky aspirant-amerikan tipik qe gelon ne ambjentin e tij p.sh. tema "shqiptaret e amerikes" te cilt kaq shume jane denatyruar e amerikanizuar sa shkembejne mesazhe me nje gjuhe qe vetem shqip nuk eshte dhe te kujtojne ata majmunet e zinj te MTV, qe dhe kur i drejtohen njeri-tjetrit nuk thone "you" po "u".
Keta tipa te kujtojne ate historine e La Fontenit me ate sorren qe pasi vuri dy pende palloi ne koke filloi te ofendoje sorrat e tjera dhe shkoi mes pallonjve. Puna eshte qe jo vetem pallonjte e perzune me shqelma po as sorrat nuk e deshen me kete sorre budallaqe qe mohoi me mendjelehtesi origjinen. A e keni vene re se si flet me nje superioritet qesharak prej adoleshenti mendjemadh "ju shqiptaret"?, apo kur u drejtohet me shprehjen e krijuar se fundmi nga bijte e hajduteve, trafikanteve dhe ish-fuksave ne Shqiperi "pabuksa"?. Ju bej thirrje anetareve te forumit qe duan vertet te diskutojne per temat e hapura ketu qe keto monstra ti injoroje e te mos bien ne kurthin e replikave personale nese nuk duan qe Hajduti i Hurmave te na i vjedhe te gjitha hurmat (temat e diskutimit)! Ai e ka per detyre ta beje nje gje te tille se keshtu ja kerkon rregullorja!
Lereni monstren te zvarritet ne ambjentin e tij "shqiptaret e amerikes" tek keta njerroksha qe dine me mire anglisht (me falni variantin neger te amerikances) sesa shqip!


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

Fillimisht postuar nga EnIoN:
[qb] O segares historia ka njojtur shume perandori dhe shume nga keto nuk ja priste mendja qe te rrezoheshin si perandori sic jane, Egjipti, romaket,mongolet, osmanet. Asnjerit nuk ja priste mendja qe nje dite do te binin nga pushteti. As per ameriken nuk ja pret njeri mendja.
Persa i perket lendeve narkotike, muslimanet sa di une i kane te ndaluar si alkoolin edhe keto lende. I ke pare lajmet e fundit ne tv? E pe ne irak si qytetaret iraken shkaterruan dyqanin e lendeve alkolike? Ja pra amerikani me vrap filloi me alkolin. Cfare do ti mer daje kur robi nuk e do gjene e demshme, pse e fut ne qarkullim? Keshtu arrihet pak nga pak deri te lendet narkotike. [/qb]
e vertete eshte qe e kane te ndaluar ta perdorin por ata e mbollen dhe prodhuan nen petkun qe po ju shesim helm amerikaneve dhe me pas ky aktivitet eshte shume fitim prures cdo sistem ka nevoje per para

e vertetet qe shume perandori rane mbase edhe amerika bie por kjo gje mbase ne nuk na benme te lumtur nga cfare jemi mbase na ben me fatkeq sesa cfare jemi
nje perandori bie por kush vjen???


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

Ti segra me kujton ate situaten qe tregojne kur u vdiq i zoti gomeret e rinj u mblodhen ne miting dhe po benin plane se sa e mire do te ishte jeta e tyre me padronin e ri. Po nje gomar plak u tha: Mos u gezoni para kohe se te pakten ky i vjtri na i dinte huqet dhe se ku te na i vinte samarin, sa ta mesoje dhe i riu kete........mitingu u prish.
Tani une e fus veten tek gomeret e rinj optimiste kurse ti duhet te jesh gomari plak e i urte.....
Mos u shqetso kaq shume per perendimin e mundshem te ketij monstruoziteti sionist qe quhet Amerike se bota do te jete me mire pa te.....
E njohura nuk eshte kaq e lavdishme qe te kemi frike nga e panjohura.


Primus registratum
Re: 50 milion te vrare ne bote nga "demokracia" Amerikane

Guri hajde te te jap nji "donuts" te te embelsoj pak :kiss: