What we talk about when we talk about love


Forumium maestatis
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

What we talk about when we talk about love:

Me speaking:

Ok darling,

cook him in low fire! It will be more tasty. E di, it is difficult, but take it easy and if you feel like it, then live the moment, the rest will sort itself out. Time is the best of judges. (I know, I know! I am just quitting the crap!)
Anyways, you will know when to stop! :)

For now enjoy!

What kind of TV do u watch? :-P


My friend replying:

tv is too crap now to watch :) had to go make my own entertainment :)

yeah i do play cool - maybe thats why he doesn't get the humour- neh he's just bad at tension or enjoyment of tension when it comes to words....

like tonight- i was laughing so much...the other night he was asking me all these stupid questions for which there should be no answer yet not worth thinking about and i told him hey, b******, its clear no that if i meet you for 3 coffees a day you're one of my fav people in albania and so tonight, he sms-ed am i working and i replied
'b*****, if you didn't play so hard to get you'd be my most favourite albanian'
of course my meaning is half joking and saying i can't see him but i'd like but its nice this way...
but he replied
's******- i am not playing hard to get. i've given in to you competely. come and stay here tonight.'

dag, he's throwing ice on it :)
who wants a man who doesn't put up a fight?
he's just hilariously bad at sms-ing.....i wrote back well but said there is time, lets work tonight, and he replied 'ok'

what the **** is that???!!!!!

i was disappointed :)

its so funny to think he's two blocks away i am LAUGHING at this shit. until he calls and the blood drains from my limbs and my heart beats too fast - neh HE blushes every time we meet too! its not just me!
and he's getting clumsier and clumsier around me its weird as all hell ...

anyway - i think he's just fighting the urge to come and clean my flat ;-) man, i wish, tomorrow night l**** arrives and the place is totally feral...i'm hungry because i've run out of matches to light the stove, but anyway all i was going to cook was pasta and salt - don't even have any more butter or oil. :)

still got apples, bugger it, i'm a little sick of them :)

thank you for the tone of voice that sounds like you're watching out for me too ----
when i'm hungry all the food advice sticks
-only fry big fish
-yeah yeah the low flame...
(and i ain't sayin nothin about swallowing...) (is that a funny joke here? sorry for being so crude :))

happy sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kam qe dje nga mbremja qe me vijne ksi gjanash dhe jam shkri tuj qesh!!!
Hey, if love is like this, I love it!

Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

when degjoj tek flitet per dashurine,mendoj per ty.
when menfoj per ty, mendoj per dashurine.
me pas ve buzen ne gaz dhe mendoj serish me vete ok ok....common girl... stop dreaminig


Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

Dott.essa te paska more koka ere /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Primus registratum
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

sa pashe kete temen me erdhen ne mendje keto vargje te Ghalib asudu 'llah

...studiammo parole molte d'amore,
creammo parole molte d'amore,
lasciammo infine il mondo, e nel mondo,
lasciammo non dette parole molto d'amore!

keshtu qe me vjen te them qe edhe kur flasim per dashurine nuk flasim anjehere per gjerat vertet te rendesishme por per 'budalliqet', ato te rendesishmet i mbajme per veten, i elaborojme/filozofojme tek truri jone...ndonjehere them qe sduhet ta analizoj shume kete ndjenje, ose personin e dashuruar, just ta jetoj kete ndjenje :shrug: , por perseri bie pre e mendimeve e filozofive


Still here
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

Me verte ne castin qe shqiptohet nje fjale "dashurie" ndiejme qe nuk eshte ajo qe ndiejme perbrenda! Ajo qe ndiejme eshte gjithmone me e forte per t'u futur ne fjale. Eshte ajo qe mendojme naten vone dhe nese duam ta shkruajme qe ta dime si jemi ndjere e kemi te pamundur ta shprehim!


Primus registratum
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

I don't know what's love!!! I'm ignorant but... my ignorance amusses me. :kiss: :kiss:


Primus registratum
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

Mbreme pashe Top Gun. Per te qindten here... Ndoshta ajo eshte dashuria...


Primus registratum
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

Madness perhaps...losing control. knowing that you have lost control, and not freaking out about it :idea:


Primus registratum
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

Fillimisht postuar nga Penelja e V.G.:
[qb] Mbreme pashe Top Gun. Per te qindten here... Ndoshta ajo eshte dashuria... [/qb]
Dashuria per kombin apo dashuria si dashuri?? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Pearl Harbour >> the one :thumbsup:


Primus registratum
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

fatkeqesisht disa perqendrohen tek "perkeldheljen e ndjenjave te enderruara dhe te humbura, te shkeluara padrejtesisht nga e kaluara"


Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

Ne te vertete bindem gjithnje e me shume se ishim duke qare per veten,duke dashuruar veten,duke perqafuar honet brenda vetes.
Se flitnim per dashurine e ne fakt kishim para syve egon,egon qe terhiqte me thonj gjithcka.

Mire e kish Monika.Do makinen tjeter se eshte me e madhe,s'ka gje se kjo ishte me telekomande.Lodrat e te tjereve luajne me bukur...



Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

And I don't wont the world to see me
'cause I don't think dhey made understand
when everything stands to be broken,
I just wont you to know who i am...

Ta ta tam
ta ta ta taaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ta ta ta
ta ta taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Goo goo dolls /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif !

P.s:Muse ne koncert ne Bologna ne 13 qeshor.Po gjeta shoke jam tu ik. :confused:

Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

flasim, flasim...ndoshta flasim me shume se cduhet. ama me pelqen kur flet e flet e prape flet.
nuk flasim per dashurine por flasim per ne...dhe per mua kjo eshte dashuria...te jemi NE!
qesh akoma kur me kujtohet...i love my sdu... :wub:


Primus registratum
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

Love!?.....pffffff....I am so tired talking about it, cuz it has simply been there for me I have never suffered to reach it or never lost it......you always given so much love to me,.....but u know what I need now darling ....I need to be extremely impressed, surprised, or freaking swept away by a simple extraordinery word or a touch......can you give me just that....?

.......I have always told ya love is never going to be enough ........


Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

Nje shoku im pershtaste Vasco Rossin ne shqip:

-Ti do nga une nje gjeeeeeeeeeee...
ti do nga une nje gjeeeeeeeeeee,
ti do nga une nje gje gjithmone!!!

:lol: :lol:

Boll e merzitet veten me dashurine se me grite nga syte!


Primus registratum
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

ke parasysh njerezit qe e kane shprehur fort dashurine e tyre sa kurajo duhet te kene patur,e pse jo sa kurajo kane...
diku lexova dicka fillo ti e thuaja emrin e tij,a thua se emri i tij do merrte vlere nga dashuria e dikujt,ish vetem nje njeri i vogel qe donte te krijonte nje jehone te madhe,te thenit e emrit perbente kurajon qe do vinte ne qendren e prozhektoreve dike qe nuk ish vetja;e njeriu tjeter kerkonte ti thuhej emri qe te ndricohej ne menyre te terthorte,
gjithcka pune xhingla-minglash.
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

Grapefruits! We spent the entire hazy afternoon talking about grapefruits and tactfully avoiding calling him by his name. You see he used to peel grapefruits like no one else, in elaborate shapes and desgns, each carving a spectacle. He'd cup their porous heads on his hands and etch a design on their skin without piercing their flesh. He could etch a mouth, my mouth, my lips (although only by virtue of coincidence) in such fine detail than when i spoke to it it spoke right back at me. The first time I saw them bouncing of the plate, next to his bedside table, i swore i could taste their loathsome, bitter juice in the back of my throat. But he quickly sliced their bellies, designed dainty cups out of their skins,loosened their slices, and they bloosmed like wild flowers and i couldn't resist but savor them. The next time i provided the raw material, and the next and the next. After he would masterfully decorate them I would lustfully sink my teeth in their flesh, the truth still remaining that i abhorred their taste...It is a shame he wasn't as skillful at anything else as he was at carving grapefruits.


Forumium maestatis
Re: What we talk about when we talk about love

mu kujtua historia e gozhdes...