no comment /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gifFillimisht postuar nga Paper MooN:
[qb] Neo ?!?!? Cne? /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Gjeko neser e kam, neser! se di kush eshte fytyra e pershtateshme /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif apo /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif
ehu! Sa kot!
eM [/qb]
Epo,gjuha shkon ku dhem dhembni.Fillimisht postuar nga mengjesi:
[qb] Same old words, same old tears, same old fears. [/qb]
...I thought you were looking for your own new conclusions.Renovation should not stipulate the past...Fillimisht postuar nga mengjesi:
[qb] Same old conclusions. [/qb]
According to Kundera's Immortality,remembrances persist in being invariably in different persons.That's why we masturbate opinions optionally,without spoting the importance of being objective...Fillimisht postuar nga mengjesi:
[qb] Renovation: no such thing. Consumption maybe, but more likely recycle bin. This all of a sudden reminds me of Kundera's 'Immortality', how 'gestures' are quantified and belong to none in particular. Same for words, tears, fears...conclusions.
Bear with me 'cause I'm stuck in 'all is one'.
...trying to satisfy curiosities... [/qb]
WB qorri! /pf/images/graemlins/blush.gifFillimisht postuar nga tutu:
[qb] i makes me puke for being here again....
love yvke....sorry i missed ur call [/qb]