

Valoris scriptorum
Re: vrojtime

jam tu punu pra e vrej (me mire nigjoj) ne ket çast njonin qe po rri ke dera hotelit tu gerthit me te modhe "Abdullah Abdullah"


Forumium maestatis
Re: vrojtime

I neva understood why women nag about. Edhe po ti thuash se ndjehesh aq mire (sepse mezi po pret te filloj futbolli /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif )ato do te thone jo ti sme dukesh mire, si eshte puna, ka ndonje gje qe nuk shkon etj etj. Menyra me e mire ne keto raste eshte sikur behesh me nerva, say shut up ose mbylli telefonin dhe beji nje tel te nesermen ne mengjez. Do degjosh nje te qeshur ne anen tjeter te telefonit qe do te thote se sa short temper qe ajo behet nganjehere dhe se do dilni mbasdite per shoppin pa ndonje plan per te blere dicka.

Dhe me e rendesishmja DO VESH RE se dje floket nuk i rrinin mire dhe se kishte shtuar nja 300gr ne peshe :shrug:


Lara Croft
Re: vrojtime

Vere se vrojtimet ketu te hapin barkun me lloj lloj ngjyrash e ndjesish.Qani ndonje lot ne privat e kendoni ndonje kenge gezimi ne dush jo cdo gje ketu.
Jam e lodhur e merzitur disi, mos ua varni ligesive qe them...


Pan ignoramus
Re: vrojtime

Mall. Shume mall! :shrug:
Di njeri... a shitet gjekundi kohe..?

"They lay me down in a boat like a swan.
The fairies serve me tea in a buttercup--
and I'm gone.

We float in her. Her wings are clipped.
But she swims so good, our fine swan ship--
and I dip into her eyes...
--Carla Bozulich"


Valoris scriptorum
Re: vrojtime

Iren, e sheh qe kohen s'e ben dielli /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Fytyra jote qesh sot qe ka nisur acari /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

...me degjo nganjehere /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

/pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

per ju me siper keto

:wave: :wave:


Valoris scriptorum
Re: vrojtime

Nje buzeqeshje carmatos edhe nje ushtri, nje buzeqeshje e linjezuar sic duhet /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Iola, e kam parasysh ate qe ti thua, njoh dhe une nje buzeqeshje te tille, nje veshtrim qe me ben te skuqem perbrenda, te fshihem edhe nga vetja, te hesht, te perfshij me veshtrim dyshemene, nje buzeqeshje qe me vjen si aroma ekualipti, me hap mushkerite, thjeshte e parezistueshme /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: vrojtime

Here I'm standing in the pouring rain
All alone I feel a silent pain
The dust of love it made me blind no way to see
Can you see my bleeding heart
Can you heal my heart

We shared a life, a world of lies
You are gone, no reason to cry

When I believed, in you and me
In all your words of love and harmony
When our love began, I gave you my hand
There's still my bleeding heart

Once beyond reality
By fascination blinded eyes I never saw
Your burning lies, are gone it's over now
My memories are haunting me, a tragedy, a misery

One day you will learn to see
The love of life, how it is meant to be


So I'm flying free forever
And I'll try again
Forever, and ever


Forumium maestatis
Re: vrojtime

Fillimisht postuar nga Iola:
[qb] He has a secret smile and he use it only for you [/qb]
So, save her, she's waiting, she's needing, hear and pleading. And soothe her, improve her, she's grieving, she's barely believing now...

But he's not around to see the changes within her /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: vrojtime

(I) may have gone insane from that absurd wanting that I did my best to ignore you when you were around /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

Fillimisht postuar nga Gurax:
[qb] Mall. Shume mall! :shrug:
Di njeri... a shitet gjekundi kohe..?

"They lay me down in a boat like a swan.
The fairies serve me tea in a buttercup--
and I'm gone.

We float in her. Her wings are clipped.
But she swims so good, our fine swan ship--
and I dip into her eyes...
--Carla Bozulich" [/qb]
Aman po e gjete me thuaj.
Kam vene re se po humbas dhe une me kohen :shrug:


Valoris scriptorum
Re: vrojtime

Fillimisht postuar nga Gurax:
[QB] Mall. Shume mall! :shrug:
Di njeri... a shitet gjekundi kohe..?

lale per kohen z'di ça veni me te tregu....po mall ama, vetem thuj si e do /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: vrojtime

Mesa shoh njeri e paska gjetur drejtimin e jetes..... eh mallist mallist, je bo si mish pa ballist.... /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Re: vrojtime

ubububuja qeka nderru gestione kneja...nazho me sa ja bo lalit tina? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif