Votime nen kercenimin e tollonave te bukes!

Votime nen kercenimin e tollonave te bukes!

Votimet nen pushtimin "demokratik" Janki jane me komike se ato ne kohe te Dulles! Ne Afganistan kuklla Janki qe e pagezuan president kercenoi popullaten "Po te mos votoni do tu shembim shtepite"
Ne Irak "Po te mos votoni do u presim tollonat dhe do ngordhni urie"!
Hajde liri hajde!

Some just voted for food

BAGHDAD, Jan 31 (IPS) — Voting in Baghdad was linked with receipt of food rations, several voters said after the Sunday poll.

Many Iraqis said Monday that their names were marked on a list provided by the government agency that provides monthly food rations before they were allowed to vote.

"I went to the voting centre and gave my name and district where I lived to a man," said Wassif Hamsa, a 32-year-old journalist who lives in the predominantly Shia area Janila in Baghdad. "This man then sent me to the person who distributed my monthly food ration."

Mohammed Ra'ad, an engineering student who lives in the Baya'a district of the capital city reported a similar experience.

Ra'ad, 23, said he saw the man who distributed monthly food rations in his district at his polling station. "The food dealer, who I know personally of course, took my name and those of my family who were voting," he said. "Only then did I get my ballot and was allowed to vote."

"Two of the food dealers I know told me personally that our food rations would be withheld if we did not vote," said Saeed Jodhet, a 21-year-old engineering student who voted in the Hay al-Jihad district of Baghdad.

There has been no official indication that Iraqis who did not vote would not receive their monthly food rations.

Many Iraqis had expressed fears before the election that their monthly food rations would be cut if they did not vote. They said they had to sign voter registration forms in order to pick up their food supplies.

Their experiences on the day of polling have underscored many of their concerns about questionable methods used by the U.S.-backed Iraqi interim government to increase voter turnout.

Just days before the election, 52 year-old Amin Hajar who owns an auto garage in central Baghdad had said: "I'll vote because I can't afford to have my food ration cut...if that happened, me and my family would starve to death."

Hajar told IPS that when he picked up his monthly food ration recently, he was forced to sign a form stating that he had picked up his voter registration. He had feared that the government would use this information to track those who did not vote.

Calls to the Independent Electoral Commission for Iraq (IECI) and to the Ministry of Trade, which is responsible for the distribution of the monthly food ration, were not returned.

Other questions have arisen over methods to persuade people to vote. U.S. troops tried to coax voters in Ramadi, capital city of the al-Anbar province west of Baghdad to come out to vote, AP reported.

IECI officials have meanwhile 'downgraded' their earlier estimate of voter turnout.

IECI spokesman Farid Ayar had declared a 72 percent turnout earlier, a figure given also by the Bush Administration.

But at a press conference Ayar backtracked on his earlier figure, saying the turnout would be nearer 60 percent of registered voters.

The earlier figure of 72 percent, he said, was "only guessing" and "just an estimate" that had been based on "very rough, word of mouth estimates gathered informally from the field." He added that it will be some time before the IECI can issue accurate figures on the turnout.

"Percentages and numbers come only after counting and will be announced when it's over," he said. "It is too soon to say that those were the official numbers."

Where there was a large turnout, the motivation behind the voting and the processes both appeared questionable. The Kurds up north were voting for autonomy, if not independence. In the south and elsewhere Shias were competing with Kurds for a bigger say in the 275-member national assembly.

In some places like Mosul the turnout was heavier than expected. But many of the voters came from outside, and identity checks on voters appeared lax. Others spoke of vote-buying bids.

The Bush Administration has lauded the success of the Iraq election, but doubtful voting practices and claims about voter turnout are both mired in controversy.

Election violence too was being seen differently across the political spectrum.

More than 30 Iraqis, a U.S. soldier, and at least 10 British troops died Sunday. Hundreds of Iraqis were also wounded in attacks across Baghdad, in Baquba 50km northeast of the capital as well as in the northern cities Mosul and Kirkuk.

The British troops were on board a C-130 transport plane that crashed near Balad city just northwest of Baghdad. The British military has yet to reveal the cause of the crash.

Despite unprecedented security measures in which 300,000 U.S. and Iraqi security forces were brought in to curb the violence, nine suicide bombers and frequent mortar attacks took a heavy toll in the capital city, while strings of attacks were reported around the rest of the country.

As U.S. President George W. Bush saw it, "some Iraqis were killed while exercising their rights as citizens."


Primus registratum
Re: Votime nen kercenimin e tollonave te bukes!

Bushi duhet ta realizoje planin e tij, me dashjen ose padashjen e Irakianeve.
Duhet ta sjelle demokracine, lirine ne Irak me ose pa mjete demokratike.
Duhet te justifikoje ngritjen e taksave per te financuar nje lufte te cmendur dhe te coje deri ne fund premtimin per fitime te majme ne fushat e naftes ndaj barkaleceve te Midwest-it, me ose pa pelqimin e popullit te tij.
Kur Bushi fitoi ne popull,(sepse injoranca ne popull eshte arma me e vyer e kokoroceve ambicioze), ti mendon se po i kercet shume se ca barkthare vdesin ne Irak?

Pershendetje :wave:


Primus registratum
Re: Votime nen kercenimin e tollonave te bukes!

Nadia(sec po me kujton Makbule Cecon ti mu),sikur te fitonte Kerry keta Amerikane do ishin te zgjuar pastaj,hajde mendje hajde,po a nuk jane te njejtet qe bene qe Billi i Klintonit te fitoje dy mandate???Pak kisha dy te Canades,tani edhe ti me duhej.

Megjithate respekt qe merr pjese ne politike :thumbsup:
Mos harroni, qe ne fjalimin e Bushit para Senatit,ishte Kerry me shoke qe duartrokiten me shume se askush /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Votime nen kercenimin e tollonave te bukes!

Prape edhe ketu me dole mer?

Normalisht qe do duartrokiste Kerry, pse kush eshte ai Sala qe del me parrulla "Nano ik!" /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Fisnikeria e Kerry-t qendron ne faktin se e pranoi humbjen me dinjitet dhe beri ate qe duhej te bente cdokush ne pozitat e tij ne ato momente: te duartrokiste me shpirt nder dhembe.

Kerry nuk me pelqente aq shume dhe mua, por me i mire se Bushi eshte.


Primus registratum
Re: Votime nen kercenimin e tollonave te bukes!

Vazhdo ti se une ktu do jem /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif te dhashte zoti force ty se aq te lehte s'do ta kesh ketu!
Pse nuk te pelqente Kerry ty?Kot sa per kuriozitet.


Primus registratum
Re: Votime nen kercenimin e tollonave te bukes!

Fillimisht postuar nga OROSHI:
[qb] Vazhdo ti se une ktu do jem /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif te dhashte zoti force ty se aq te lehte s'do ta kesh ketu!
Pse nuk te pelqente Kerry ty?Kot sa per kuriozitet. [/qb]
Sepse nuk m'u duk asnjehere i vendosur ne ato qe thoshte. Ajo qe e fundosi ketu ne Amerike eshte se votoi edhe pro edhe kundra dickaje ne kongres. S'me kujtohet mire se perse ishte, por me duket se kishte te bente me leket qe harxhohen ne Irak.
Personalisht, nuk me krijoi besim, por ne ate pike une do zgjidhja kedo pervec Bushit. Gabimi i demokrateve ishte ne kandidatin qe zgjodhen dhe s'me duket se ne 2008 do kene ndonje shanc me te mire po vazhduan keshtu.Por kjo eshte teme tjeter.


Primus registratum
Re: Votime nen kercenimin e tollonave te bukes!

Amerikanet e kane memorien e shkurter me duket! Pothuajse gjithe analistet para dy vitesh thonin qe demokratet do te kene kandidaten e tyre te ardhme Hilary Clinton, por jo per zgjedhjet e 2004-es pasi i konsiderojne te humbura. Ne 2004 demokratet prezantuan Kerry-n, nje kandidat qe dhe mund ta digjnin e megjithate nuk ishte shume larg fitores (jo prej merites se tij po prej gabimeve dhe mashtrimeve te Bush-it). Kandidatja ne zgjedhjet e ardheshme do te jete Hilary Clinton per demokratet. Lajmet nese i degjoni vetem te CNN kurre skeni per te mesuar te verteten.


Primus registratum
Re: Votime nen kercenimin e tollonave te bukes!

Tashme asgje nuk ben pershtypje per sa i perket Irakut ketej.Shikoj nje tufe me shqiptare qe informohen dhe marrin vesh nga politika ketu dhe jane ne gjendje te pershkruajne me detaje se cfare ndodh ne IRak,por keta Amerikanet dhe per luften e tyre jane neglizhente dhe as qe ia kane idene se cfare po ndodh atje prandaj dhe eshte ne gjendje bushi ti xhiroje si tia doje pal*la.Me erdhi keq qe i quajten ato votime se po mbaja shprese qe mos te quheshin dhe te tregonte nje deshtim tjeter te amerike por mesa u pa vetem ndonje bombe berthamore mund ti kishte bere ato votime te pavlefshme se vdekja e disa dhjetrave nuk dha rezultat.