The road not TAKEN.


Valoris scriptorum
The road not TAKEN.

The road not taken

All through our lives we are faced with decisions. Each judgment we make heads us down a new road. We may take many precautions to assure that this is a safe path, or assess that it is the best choice.
But what of the road not taken?

It is always a matter of second guessing trying to decide even after a road has be chosen that the course is the best one. Then if the direction does not seem beneficial we wonder....

What of the road we did not take?

Life is made up of roads but it is also like being on a moving sidewalk that speeds up if we attempt to traverse it in reverse. There is no way to turn around and go back to a crossroad.

Can we only theorize about the road we did not take?

If by chance we feel the road we did not choose might have been the better choice, we must seek a route that might then take us in that direction. When we see another opportunity the decision is again before us.

Like being trapped in a maze which road do we take?

Since no two lives are identical, neither are the roads we take. The opportunity of today is not the destiny of tomorrow. Like the ticking of the clock that notes the passing moment there is no returning.

Select a road and wonder about the road not taken?

Turn the kaleidoscope and know that you will never again be able to regain the exact image or color combination. This is like the routes that spill out in front of us as we constantly search for a course.

Which is the right one and what of the one not taken?

No pausing, no time to consider at the crossroads. It is carry forward or the door of opportunity is passed and the road not taken is left behind forever leaving only speculation as to its direction.

Regret is this homage to the road not taken?

We can relate to being at the right place at the right time, this is confirmation of a wise choice in roads. The same is conversely true of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the selection being a bad one.

Consequence is this punishment for the wrong road?

Sometimes like driving into the dark of night our headlights give only a glimpse of what is ahead. So easy to miss a turn or sign as we pass through this darkness on our journey.

Hindsight is this a mirror to the road not taken?

Guilt is the enemy, indecision the means, remorse the vehicle to cruelly judge the selection of the roads one takes in their life that do not have a positive result or ending.

The unanswered question, the road not taken.

Cheryl C. Helynck

/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif
:confused: :confused: :confused:


Re: The road not TAKEN.

Kordele me duket sikur flet per Pishmanet ne terma rrugesh te pamarra.
RRuget e pamarra do mbeten gjithnje te tilla,do jene nje mister,mbase ishin me te mira,mbase me te keqija se ato qe zgjodhem.Kjo nuk ka rendesi.
E rendesishme eshte Bindja me te cilen merret nje vendim.Peshimi i mire i te gjithave.Degjimi i zemres dhe mendjes.Dhe vendosja.

...Pastaj duke shetitur ne nje rruge,duke zbuluar gjithnje e me shume,rruga tjeter harrohet pak nga pak(ceshtje pusesh,ti me kupton mua) /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: The road not TAKEN.

There is a reason behind everything.
If we didn't take that road, maybe it wasn't meant to be, maybe we weren't ready for it, maybe it was simply a dead end...

Diabolis Dassaretis

Forumium praecox
Re: The road not TAKEN.

Robert Frost

The road not taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stodd
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it vent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perheps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally, lay
In leaves no step had trodden black,
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


Forumium maestatis
Re: The road not TAKEN.

Korde e dashur,
shoh se gabimet te mundojne ca.
mendimi im eshte se cdo njeri:

experiences little victories and little failures every each day, and day by day

Try and think it this way /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Valoris scriptorum
Re: The road not TAKEN.


alinos, une jam pakez pragmatiste nga natyra, kshuqe ajo pjeseza e dyte e sugjerimit eshte me i pakti prezent.Sidoqofte, njerezit vuajne edhe prej miresise ose besimit te zgjatur nga dashamiresia /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif , pra vuajne edhe per te tjeret e jo vetem per veten, eshte nje reaksion zinxhir e kupton /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif .Po kjo eshte nje teme tjeter...une jam e gezuar per rruget e reja, ato me sfidojne /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Re: The road not TAKEN.

Fillimisht postuar nga U DONT KNOW ME:
[qb] or a one-way street [/qb]
Ne qofte se je aq e kthjellet shpirterisht sa te kesh gjithmone nje rruge te vetme..athere mendoj se koncepti jetes per ty ska me kuptim /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Mos me thuaj qe ske shkuar ndonjehere ne supermarket edhe ke gjetur vetem nje lloj eshte nje raft plot..mjafton te gjesh ate qe ta ben sandwitchin me te mire..por ama prap sdo te thote qe ishte vec nje lloj. Variacioni e ben jeten te bukur per tu jetuar /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Re: The road not TAKEN.



Re: The road not TAKEN.


Kam frike te mendoj per rruget e ....pamarra....


Forumium maestatis
Re: The road not TAKEN.

mendoj per rruget e pamarra gjithmone dhe nganjehere qendroj shume duke menduar se ndoshta do te kishte qene me mire po te merrja nje rruge ne vend te nje tjetre,por jeta vazhdon dhe nga gabimet mesojme gjithnje me shume,por jo gjithshka..... /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif



Valoris scriptorum
Re: The road not TAKEN.

Desire (You know what I mean /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif )...eshte mbremje dhe erret, ka vec dy rruge, te perkundem me naten ose...ti e di...Keto endrra te vjetra dhe te reja, te enderruarra edhe prej te tjeresh, aspak banale, aspak te vjetra, aspak te reja...jane endrrat e mia, ti e di....te vjetra, aspak, krejt te reja...ti e di c'me kujton nata, ka vetem dy enderr ose ne enderr.Une zgjedh endrren, ajo do me coje ne enderr..ti e di.


Re: The road not TAKEN.

...noiher kam pershtypjen qe filmat ene librat per kalamoj jan mo filozofike se kto per te rritm /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: The road not TAKEN.

Kronikat e Narnias
nga C. S. Lewis

lexojini ju që lexoni anglisht dhe shikoni me vëmendje rastet kur diskuton idenë e keqardhjes për të shkuarën, mendimeve që fillojnë "sikur të kisha bërë..." ose "sikur mos të kisha bërë..."
(what if...)

janë libra për fëmijë po të rriturit mësojnë më shumë se fëmijët prej tyre; i solla si shembull nga kjo që tha Ema


Primus registratum
Re: The road not TAKEN.

I never thought of the road not taken until I chose a road suggested by someone else...


Valoris scriptorum
Re: The road not TAKEN.

A mbyllen rruget e bisedes me nje "nejse"!!!

A s'eshte nje rruge e mbyllur nje fjale e pathene kur pritet te hidhet me gjithe idhtesine e vet, nje fjale e embel po aq e pathene kur hijet dhe zbrazetia qellojne te jene pengesat jo te vetme?!

A s'mbyllem nje rruge komunikimi prape sot?! A s'u duk ai sup i ngrohte dhe me i larget dhe me i paprekshem se vete largesia keqndjellese qe mbyt jehonat e zerave qe tejcojne biseden e pabere?!A s'u be nate menjehere, a s'u be ftohte, a s'u be erresire?!

Mos ma zgjat doren as ti as ti as ti, s'i dua duart tuaja po aq te dobeta sac do ishin dy duar apo dy kembe te miat protezash te bera me dru te lemuar qe s'do kish shume dallim nga ngjyra natyrale e lekures por qe s'do ndienin, s'do preknin, s'do fshinin dot lote.Mos m'i kepusni te miat me ngushellimet tuaja pa vend qe sforcojne gravitetin e rrekeve te hirta qe rrekin te me hirezojne nuk ju shoh e nuk ju ndiej, e fundja as qe e dua.

S'me bejne me mendimet percapje te reja, as hapat s'i hedh dot dy e dy.

E shoh harten te therrmuar aty ketu, e kam shkitur itenerarin e rindertuar mijera here e i riu s'ngjason as me te vjetrin as me ate qe sapo polli imagjinata ime.Perpiqem te profetizoj veten se s'ka shembellim.

C'dite e perhimte pa pike yndyre si gjelle diabetikesh.Pa shije, pa ere, pa....!



Valoris scriptorum
Re: The road not TAKEN.

Ajo tha JO e une gati isha e pregatitur per JO, te gjithe kandidaturat ishin te mira (pse jo!!!) por jo dhe aq te mira sa me te mirat, apo JO!!!

E kisha kaluar cakun streues qe me kish terhequr ditet ne nxehje mendimesh dhe perpjekje telepatike, i dija para kohe, perjetimi qe i paket, tani, se me pare qe ndryshe.

Jam serish ne udhekryq, me duhet te lodhem, bie e ngrihem serish e serish e serish.....pafundesiht.
Valle ushqehemi per te "jetuar" apo per te mos e patur stomakun bosh kur na duhette gelltisim kafshaten e radhes te jetes.

Serish ne udhekryq, serish...pafundesisht!