Re: Supergirl...
</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
supergirl eshte nje working class term me connotation ne pop culture. by definition theres nothing super about a girl.
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<font color="brown"> What about the superman who wore his panties above the streçe...???? /pf/images/graemlins/eek.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif What was super about him? Or males' standard of super is women's standard of handicaped? /pf/images/graemlins/confused.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Ehhh, tashi du me verte me qen supergoce qe t'kuptoj filozofi t'ktij tipi /pf/images/graemlins/shrug.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif </font>
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handicap linear!
<font color="brown">Well, if you say so... </font>
te jap te drejte qe ndjehesh konfuse sepse perdor interchangebly superwoman dhe supergirl, kur ne fakt nuk jane te njejta, prandaj dhe citimi eshte pa lidhje me pergjigjen. ose duhet te citoje ne nje vend tjeter qe te gjej pergjigjen tende with some relevance /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
<font color="brown">Se pari nuk ndihem aspak "konfuse" (e turbullt), jam shume e qarte ne ate qe mendoj, te pakten sa i takon vetes sime. Citimi kishte shume lidhje per mendimin tim, duke pare cfare permbante; edhe kjo nje drejte e imja per te interpretuar ate qe shkruhet. It's irrelevant whether its super-woman or girl, since what bothers me is that "super" term which makes us not real and wanton of the scary perfection (the latter imagined by us terrestrials is not perfect in itself) </font>
kur flasim per standard natyrisht qe kerkohet nje meeting of minds perndryshe nuk do ishte standard dhe ideja ne kete teme ketu nuk eshte per silly exchanges per superman me strece.
<font color="brown"> Ajo qe ti e quan "silly exchange" has something more than that. If you can't give it a deeper insight, it is not my problem. I was dead serious believe me and not in a mood of having bold fun... </font>
ka nje real debate per superwoman qe supposedly juggle successfully high flying career dhe femije, partner, jete familjare publike dhe sociale.
<font color="brown"> Tell me when you find one, either male or female (see above, my problem is the "super") This only is the modern fairy tale or the cover of a magazine so desperately sought by "common mortals" to find a way to "super-beings" which are not. (gjithnje per mendimin tim)</font>
kurse supergirl eshte nje antidepresant qe shitet ne farmaci pa recete dhe vetmja arsye qe me bie ndermend pse nje vajze mund te quhet supergirl eshte vetem kur thyhen rekordin e nje nate sex me sa me shume meshkuj. no ofeze!
<font color="brown"> Ketu ne fakt s'kam as kundershtim as pohim, jam thjesht e painteresuar, si rrjedhim aspak e ofenduar. Life is everyone's proper business. </font>
jam megjithmend kurioz te di per ndonje arsye pse nje vajze mund te quhet supergirl pervec good feel factor?
<font color="brown"> Pikerisht, kete doja une nga tema kur thashe se eshte e keqkonceptuar. Doja ndoshta t'i pyesja ato qe shkruajne ketu, pse "super". Ndaj kujt eshte kjo e epermja, kundrejt vetes, te tjereve, te treteve, apo kushedi c'elementi tjeter.</font>
megjithate ajo qe ka interes ne debatin per superwoman eshte se kujt (meshkujve apo femrave) i sherben me teper ky standard super; sa te gateshme jane grate te embrace kete standard dhe sa real eshte; pse refuzojne grate te identifikohen apo aspire per kete superstandard; cfare eshte ndikimi ne lumturine e grave kur maten me kete standard dhe a ndjehen more loved apo rejected etj.
<font color="brown"> The same as above, while I would apply it to people in general without the male/female division. </font>
p.s filozofi e ktij apo atij tipit is one thing. po filozofi e ksaj apo asaj tipeje nuk ka ama /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
<font color="brown">Me duhet ta lexoj edhe njehere kete, se s'e kapa ku ishte...give me some credits at least as I'm not "super" /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif </font>
welcome to AF, superbabe /pf/images/graemlins/tipsy.gif
<font color="brown"> Thnx a lot super-daddy, my parents not yet here, but they'll follow in minutes, so phliiiiizzzzzzz do not notify on my super-presence here /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif </font>
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