Multiple blasts hit London transport system
Explosions shut down subway, buses, paralyzing capital; 2 deaths confirmed


Jane Mingay / AP
Injured subway passengers are escorted away from Edgware Road Tube station in central London following an explosion during rush hour on Thursday.

Updated: 6:54 a.m. ET July 7, 2005
NOTE: This is a developing story and details will be added as they become available.

LONDON - Near simultaneous explosions rocked the London subway and three double-decker buses at the morning rush hour Thursday, police and news reports said. Authorities said the six blasts caused at least two deaths and nine injuries and police said they found indications of explosives at the scene of one of a series of blasts.

"We are concerned that this is a coordinated attack. We are aware that one of the sites does containly does contain indications of explosives," London police chief Sir Ian Blair said on Sky News.

He said authorities had not received any warning. "We have been at a very high state of alert. Of course if there had been any kind of specific warnings we would have dealt with it," he said.

The near simultaneous explosions came a day after London was awarded the 2012 Olympics and as the G-8 summit was getting underway in Scotland. Initial reports blamed a power surge, but officials were not ruling out an intentional attack.

"There have been a number of dreadful incidents across London today," said Home Secretary Charles Clarke, Britain's top law enforcement officer. He said there were "terrible injuries."

Police confirmed two deaths and said there were at least six explosions.

One witness, Darren Hall, said some passengers emerging from an evacuated subway station had soot and blood on their faces. He told BBC TV that he was evacuated along with others near the major King's Cross station and only afterward heard a blast.

Buses destroyed
Sky News showed a picture of a mangled red bus; police said they suspected a bomb caused the explosion.

Police confirmed an explosion destroyed a double-decker bus at Russell Square in central London, and Dow Jones Newswires reported police reporting explosions on at least two others buses.

A witness at the Russell Square blast said the entire top deck of that bus was destroyed.

"I was on the bus in front and heard an incredible bang, I turned round and half the double decker bus was in the air," Belinda Seabrook told Press Association, the British news agency.

She said the bus was packed with people.

"It was a massive explosion and there were papers and half a bus flying through the air," she said.

There was no immediate official comment from British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who was hosting the world's most powerful leaders at Gleneagles, Scotland. It was not clear if the G-8 gathering focusing on climate change and aid for Africa -- but from which Iraq has largely been left off the agenda -- would have to be postponed.

'Walking wounded'
Police said incidents were reported at the Aldgate station near the Liverpool Street railway terminal, Edgware Road and King's Cross in north London, Old Street in the financial district and Russell Square in central London, near the British Museum.

London Ambulance Service said several vehicles had been dispatched to the area near Liverpool Street station.

"We believe there was some sort of explosion. There are some walking wounded at Aldgate," said a spokesman for City of London police, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"We are not sure of the scale of the incident. Reports are still coming in."

Bradley Anderson, a subway passenger, told Sky News that "there was some kind of explosion or something" as his train reached the Edgware Road station in northeast London.

"Everything went black and we collided into some kind of oncoming train," Anderson said.

Simon Corvett, 26, who was on an eastbound train from Edgware Road station, said: "All of sudden there was this massive huge bang."

"It was absolutely deafening and all the windows shattered," he said. "There were just loads of people screaming and the carriages filled with smoke.

"You could see the carriage opposite was completely gutted," he said. "There were some people in real trouble."

© 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Primus registratum


Raportime te fundit bejne te ditur se shperthimet e sotme mund te jene veper e organizates terroriste Al Kaeda, por policia nuk e konfirmon nje gje te tille. Shefi i policise se Londres thote se eshte shume shpejt per te percaktuar numrin e sakte te viktimave, por po zbatohet nje plan emergjence dhe situata po shkon drejt normalizimit. Ai sakteson se kane ndodhur te pakten 7 shperthime por nuk ende informacion per rethanat dhe autoret. Sipas zyrtareve te policise, vetem ne nje rast deri tani mesohet se shperthimi eshte kryer nga nje bombe.



Nje mjek i ndihmes se shpejte ne stacionin e metrose ne Aldgate, thote per 90 viktima, ne mes te cileve jane te vdekur dhe te plagosur. Policia per momentin konfirmon vetem per te plagosur por nuk flet per te vdekur. Ministri i Brendshem britanik Charles Clarke i ka bere apel njerezve qe te mos dalin nga shtepite. Ai tha se sherbimet shendetesore u kane ardhur ne ndihme numri te madh te te plagosurve.



Sipas CNN mesohet se dhjetera persona jane te plagosur nga shperthimet e sotme ne Londer. Nderkohe informacione qe vijne nga BCC thone se situate eshte alarmante. Shperthimet kane ndodhur ne pikun e levizjes se njerezve neper rruget e kryeqytetit anglez. Eshte shume heret per te folur se cilet jane autoret e ketyre akteve qe tashme kane terrorizuar Londren, kryeqyteti qe dje u caktua si vendi organizator per Olimpiaden e vitit 2012.



Kryeministri britanik Tony Blair do te lere takimit e G8 qe po zhvillohet ne Skoci, per t`u kthyer ne Londer, pas serise se shperthimeve te ndodhura mengjesin e sotem. Bler tha gjate nje fjalimi nga samiti, se do te takohet me sherbimet e sigurise dhe policine per te mesuar me shume per situaten dhe per t'u njohur nga afer me pasojat e ngjarjeve te sotme. Bler
tha se do te kthehet serish pasdite ne takimin e G8. Ai i cilesoi sulmet, akte terroriste dhe tha se keto akte barbare ndodhin ne nje kohe kur vendet e G8 jane mbledhur per te luftuar varferine. Bler tha se duhet te jemi te vendosur qe angazhimet ne luften kunder terrorizmit te vazhdojne.



Primus registratum

Une jam ne Londer dhe tani duket sikur situata eshte qetesuar. Transporti publik eshte bllokuar plotesisht dhe njerezit jane keshilluar te mos dalin nga shtepite/qendrat e puneve...
Ka te vdekur dhe shume te plagosur por akoma nuk behet fjale per te dhene shifra sepse skuadrat e shpetimit jane ne pune e siper.
Ketu jane te sigurte qe eshte nje sulm terrorist... dhe gjendja per momentin eshte shume e pasigurte.. /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Primus registratum

Iness, I am so happy you guys are safe. I just spoke to your mom because I could not get through. I am so terrified about this thing, I know the feeling. Stay safe. Love u much. Me :kiss:


Primus registratum

mire e ka londra e cdo vend tjeter qe pranojne lloj lloj njerezish, se punet nuk behen nga jashte!!!
po ja qe fusin bin ladena dhe i japin edhe nenshtetesi.




Dhe une sapo fola,me ca kusherinj te mi,ne Londer,qe vertete ndiheshin te tensionuar..
Ju eshte keshilluar te qendrojne ende,neper shtepi,pasi eshte shpallur gjendje pasigurie..

Sipas disa te dhenave te fundit,mendohet shkaktare te jete "Organizata e fshehte - Al Qaida - in Europa" ..
Viktimat te kene arritur,deri ne 10 te vdekur dhe ne 185 te plagosur..(gjithcka eshte me perafersi)

Shpresojme,Zoti t´i kete ruajtur,shqiptaret tane ne Londer.. :angel:


Primus registratum

Gjendja e pasigurise per momentin eshte me e tmerrshmja. Nje tren eshte bllokuar brenda ne nje tynel dhe akoma nuk dine sesi eshte gjendja e njerezve brenda ne te... Te vdekurit jane shume me teper se 10. Vetem autobuzi qe u hodh ne ere ishte plot me njerez... /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Primus registratum

Kur s'ke pula mos bej ish.....
Ironia eshte se anglezet kane qene mbas Luftes se Pare boterore be Irak (edhe atehere per ta demokratizuar dhe qyteteruar) dhe jane ndeshur me rezistence te pergjakshme.....
Vete Kasapi i Europes - Winston Churcill, ky dobic (ishte femije i paligjshem) gjysem cifut e gjysem Janki urdheroi sulme kimike ne Irak!
Kush i lepihet Jankive keshtu e peson, Spanja dje, Anglia sot, po neser?
Apo do ti hidhet faji Iranit dhe do perdoret si justifikim per sulmin mbi nje shtet tjeter sovran?

London Terror Attack: The Price of Poodle-ism

As I write this, the casualty rate in the London terrorist attacks -- 40 dead, over 300 wounded -- is rising. This synchronized strike, several blasts at once, is being claimed by a group that calls itself "Secret Organization — al-Qaeda in Europe." The attacks, according to this shadowy group, were made "in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan."

So much for the assertion, made often by President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair, that the Anglo-American invasion of the Middle East has made the West safer. As Blair put it:

"Suppose the terrorists repeated September 11th or worse. Suppose they got hold of a chemical or biological or nuclear dirty bomb; and if they could, they would. What then? And if it is the threat of the 21st century, Britain should be in there helping confront it, not because we are America's poodle, but because dealing with it will make Britain safer."

Now Britain is paying price of poodle-ism.

The question is posed pointblank: are the people of the UK prepared to accept a war against their own territory on account of their support for America's imperial ambitions? I would venture that the answer is a flat "No."

This also puts the lie to the Bushian rhetoric of "We're fighting them in the streets of Baghdad so we don't have to fight them in the streets of [fill in name of a Western city]." The truth is that this war has made us less safe, it is bringing the war home to us. We are fighting them in Iraq -- and on the streets of London. And if they are stalemating us in the former, and beating us in the latter -- where is the "victory" in that?

Here is a city that has more surveillence cameras per city block than any city on earth -- all to no avail. Right now I am watching Steve Emerson, the terrorism "expert," say on MSNBC that those cameras will enable the London authorities to find out who the perpetrators are, but what exactly is the value of that? We know it was terrorist nut-balls, jihadis who care not one whit for human decency or honor, and do not hesitate to strike out at innocents in their global war on the West. The cameras were sold as a preventive measure -- the Brits were supposedly selling the last remnants of their liberties for the promise of safety. But there is no safety in this new world that our leaders are building for us.

A brazen, horrific barbaric attack that took place during London's rush hour -- three explosions at once, perhaps one of them a suicide bomber -- is turning the whole world into Tel Aviv. In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, New Republic editor declared that "We are all Israelis now."

This is now undubitably true. The question is: is this what we want?

Some will say that we have no choice, but that is nonsense. The attack came in direct retaliation for what the terrorists' claim of responsibility called the "massacres" in Iraq. The current war in Iraq is a war of choice, not of necessity, and we should be very clear: we have chosen this path, or our leaders have. Now the question arises: is it too late to turn back?


Primus registratum

Antares, vetem njerez si puna jote bejne deklarata te tilla ne kohera te tilla, ik pi uje me keto pseudointelektualizma sikur punon ne gjendjen civile te anglise. :sleep:


Primus registratum

2,5 miliard persona ne bote jetojne nen nivelin zyrtar te varferise

1,5 miliard persona jetojne ne barake ose kasolle

40 miliard dollare kerkojne ti falin vendet e zvilluara vendeve afrikane ne G8, por 300 miliard dollare ne vit eshte shuma qe i kushton ketyre vendeve afrikane ,qe duhet ti paguajne vendeve te pasura ,ne forme perqindjeje ..........

uroj qe te mos kete viktima ndermjet shqiptareve qe banojne atje ne angli , por nga ana tjeter uroj qe mos vazhdoni te enderroni me hipokrizine kapitaliste qe vret miliona jete njerzish te pafajshem nepermjet multinacionaleve ,ne menyra dhe forma nga me te ndryshme, DHE VENDIN E PARE NE KETE VRASJE MASIVE E KA BRITANIA DHE AMERIKA


Primus registratum

arun,pikerisht tani qe ne dolem nga terri komunist,duhet te fillojme te sulmojme kapitalizmin?E bukur kjo,prit pak,t'i shijojme edhe ne te mirat materiale te kapitalizmit,pastaj shohim e bejme!

Me duket qe duhet te hapim nje teme si:a duhet te ikin anglezet nga Anglia?


Primus registratum

Fillimisht postuar nga OROSHI:
[qb] arun,pikerisht tani qe ne dolem nga terri komunist,duhet te fillojme te sulmojme kapitalizmin?E bukur kjo,prit pak,t'i shijojme edhe ne te mirat materiale te kapitalizmit,pastaj shohim e bejme!

Me duket qe duhet te hapim nje teme si:a duhet te ikin anglezet nga Anglia? [/qb]

ti e ke barkun te mbushur me buke kur shkon te flesh gjume ne darke

dhe ke nje vend se ku te futesh koken dhe te flesh gjume

mendo pak se ka me miliarda njerez qe nuk e kane nje privilegj te tille si puna jote , provo pak te rrish disa dite pa buke ,dhe te flesh jashte ne rruge te madhe per disa dite , dhe pastaj eja ketu dhe na flit per pallarvat e tua

e perseris qe i ka zene haku i atyre miliadave njerzve qe zvarriten ne agonine e urise dhe te ankthit se nuk dine se cfare do ti sjelle e nesermja ,dhe nuk kane nje vend se ku te fusin koken


Primus registratum

Komunizmi dhe kapitalizmi jane dy ane te se njejtes medalje. Meqe tashme na u dhas rasti ti provojme te dyja dhe te shohim realisht sejcilin per ate qe eshte mund te themi (te mbeshtetur nga shifrat) qe kapitalizmi eshte edhe me i keq se komunizmi!
Orosh! Jo Anglia jashte nga Anglia po Anglia jashte nga Afganistani e Iraku!
Mundesisht Jashte nga Europa!
Aruni ka plotesisht te drejte.


Primus registratum

Jam kurioz te di se :sa ben ti per keta te varfer,dhe sa here ne dite mendon per ta!Duke fillu tek ndonje pune vullnetare,kontribut financiar,regjistrim tek organizata nderkombetare bamiresie! :shrug:

Apo edhe ti mbetesh vetem tek llafet pa fund!


Primus registratum

Fillimisht postuar nga OROSHI:
[qb] Jam kurioz te di se :sa ben ti per keta te varfer,dhe sa here ne dite mendon per ta!Duke fillu tek ndonje pune vullnetare,kontribut financiar,regjistrim tek organizata nderkombetare bamiresie! :shrug:

Apo edhe ti mbetesh vetem tek llafet pa fund! [/qb]
kam nja 5 vjet qe kam adoptu nje femije ne distance ne afrike , konkretisht paguaj 25 euro ne muaj ,ku ne keto 25 euro qe paguaj femija ka te garantuar

4-kujdesin shendetsor

kur ja tregoja nje gje te tille njerzve ne tirane kur isha me pushime shikoja sesi zgerdhiheshin , disa hapur dhe disa fshehur


Primus registratum

Ore pleqer te matufepsur nga "Kapitali" i Marksit...jeta eshte per punetorin,krijuesin,shpikesin,luftetarin,guximtarin,shfrytzuesin,dinakun,te squtin...dembeli/analfabeti/komunisti/budallai/fetari... jane si puna e gabelit...!


Primus registratum

arun,ja paske ba si Angelin Joli,perjashtohesh nga sharjet ti /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .


Forumium maestatis

Fillimisht postuar nga arun:
[qb] 2,5 miliard persona ne bote jetojne nen nivelin zyrtar te varferise

1,5 miliard persona jetojne ne barake ose kasolle

40 miliard dollare kerkojne ti falin vendet e zvilluara vendeve afrikane ne G8[/qb]
Dhe une kam dhene para ne shoqeri bamirese per te derguar ca thase me miell dhe sheqer ne keto vende, por a eshte kjo zgjidhja e problemit te varferise? 300 miljard dollare po ti falim sot a do i rregulloje keto vende qe te jene ne gjendje te nxjerrin buken e tyre apo thjesht do jete nje "arne" sot per sot dhe neser perseri do zgjasin doren neper bote per buke. Nuk jeton shtepia me miell hua thote i vjetri.

Sa anetare kemi nga Londra? Shpresoj te jene mire dhe mos ti kete ndodhur gje. Na shkruani dy rreshta sa per te na thene. Dushku dhe DDD ne Londer jetojne?