Sie sind Jude? Ich bin Jude!

Sie sind Jude? Ich bin Jude!

Dje u kujtua 60 vjetori i Holokoustit. 6 miljon hebrenj u vrare ne kampet naziste. Shpirterat e vrare si tere hebrenjte do quhen "cifut" nga myslymanet ne forum sigurisht.

Cfare mendimi keni per holokaustin gjerman? Fjalet jane me te medha se veprimet. Gjuha kocka ska por kocka bluan. Kancelari gjerman, paralamentare gjermane diskutuan dje. Rradha e Albforumit?

Lexoni kujtimet e Robert Shvarc mbi holokaustin. Per shume nga ju qe nuk e dini Robert Shvarc ka ardhur ne Shqiperi me familjen per te i shpetuar Holokaustit, eshte hebre, eshte nje nga gjuhetaret me te mire te gjuhes shqipe. Robert Shvarc ishte njohes i disa i gjuheve te huaja, perkthyes i dimensionit Noli.


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Re: Sie sind Jude? Ich bin Jude!

Desha e them se te tre grupet (protestant, ortodoks dhe katolik) nuk kane lidhje me demokracine ne europe siç pohuat me siper.

Ai Papa i Romes i degjohet fjala vetem ne festa kristiane ose kur semuret apo vdes, per ceshtje te tjera fjala e atij eshte njelloj si nje ankese e thjeshte nga fshatari ne bashkine e tiranes.


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Re: Sie sind Jude? Ich bin Jude!

Jewish Leader Insults Switzerland

One of the world's most powerful Jewish leaders trashed Switzerland in a speech given in Berlin on January 25 -- not long after Swiss authorities caught him stealing $1.2 million, and leaked the news.

Israel Singer told a German audience that Swiss neutrality during World War Two had been a "crime." He implicitly meant with this defamation that, during WW2, everybody should have attacked Germany -- even tiny countries with no chance of winning whatsoever -- thus setting Jewish interests above all other interests. In his mind, because the Jews were at war with Germany, all countries of the world had to join, even at their own peril.

Singer is secretary general of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) and also president of "Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Committee" -- the international Jewish body which has squeezed $60 billion out of Germany since 1945. He doesn't hesitate to advocate war as soon as it suits Jewish interests. A real warmonger, Singer apparently wishes he could send whole innocent countries to war every time it might satisfy Jewish interests.

The president of the Swiss confederation, Samuel Schmid, who attended the giant Jew-worshipping ceremony at Auschwitz on January 27, with forty other heads of states, considered Israel Singer's eructation as "without any justification" and "absolutely unacceptable." The minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheline Calmy-Rey, expressed her "difficulty understanding" Singer's comments. Even the Gentile puppet Jean-François Bergier, leader of the egregious "Bergier commission" was appalled (group of Jewish "historians" who wrote a report arguing that the Swiss are wicked for not loving Jews enough). Bergier told several newspapers that he rejected Singer's accusations.

The Swiss population as a whole is unnerved by this expression of yet more blatant lack of respect from the Jews. Over the last five years, the Jewish organizations have stolen more than one billion francs from this country, and they are not showing the slightest sign of gratefulness. A sentiment of "enough is enough" is spreading across the nation.

The only actual crimes in this story, of course, were committed by Israel Singer. The latest one may be the reason why Singer is angry at Switzerland. Last year, Israel Singer was caught stealing more than $1.2 million from a Swiss bank account. He transferred several payment orders totaling this amount from the WJC bank account in Geneva to his own personal account in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Of course, stealing Jewish money is disturbing to other Jews, so protests arose from within the "Jewish Community." As Israel Singer's crime was being unmasked, he pretended that the money had been sent by the Jewish Agency "for his retirement." The Jewish Agency swiftly denied it. Cornered, Singer returned the money to the WJC account. However, Singer was not fired after this scandal. His good friend, Edgar Bronfman, president of the WJC, continued supporting him. Singer kept his position, and any dissent and internal criticism within the WJC was silenced, by firing and by intimidation.


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Re: Sie sind Jude? Ich bin Jude!

Fillimisht postuar nga klean:
[qb] Desha e them se te tre grupet (protestant, ortodoks dhe katolik) nuk kane lidhje me demokracine ne europe siç pohuat me siper.

Ai Papa i Romes i degjohet fjala vetem ne festa kristiane ose kur semuret apo vdes, per ceshtje te tjera fjala e atij eshte njelloj si nje ankese e thjeshte nga fshatari ne bashkine e tiranes. [/qb]
U desh emigrimi yt ne Angli qe ti ta kuptoje qe Papa nuk ka ndikim ne asgje :eek:
Eh mer plako,jetoni jashte e mendoni si te ishit brenda! :smash:


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Re: Sie sind Jude? Ich bin Jude!

Fillimisht postuar nga **** Darlington Delarge:
[qb] Lexoni kete list dhe do ta kuptoni pse minjte e qelbur te haleve mediokret inatcoret xhelozet paaftet qurrashet koketrashet dembelat arabet pisanjoset dallkauket fshataret low life zdromsat pa shkolle injorante maloket e fushes urrejne nje nga kombet me vitale dhe te kulturuara te njerezimit. Sa shurrosni ne gojen tuaj duke share se jane gjithandej me mire pyesni veten pse jane gjithandej. [/qb]
Nga gjithe keto fjale qe paske perdor shoh qe e paske shume per zemer kete temen, por mos e ekzagjerojme, te jemi koherent te pakten. U paska ndjere nevoja me kriju nje list? PO gjithe gjenite dhe intelektualet e tjere?
Per mendimin tim nuk qendron si argument.

Sa per mua s'me kane pelqy asnjehere 'viktimizmat', mgjth kur njoh njerez as qe me shkon mendja ti pyes 'je fetar/s'je fetar' dhe akoma me pak 'çfare feje ke?'.


Primus registratum
Re: Sie sind Jude? Ich bin Jude!

Rambla duhet krijuar nje liste. Sa lista me Kurane jane krijuar? Nuk u dashka nje liste per njerezit me te talentuar ne bote? U dashka sipas teje "termi fetar" te mbushen faqet me pallavrat e Kuranit edhe jo me talente sepse jane hebrenje

Sa jane hebrenjte ne bote. Numeroji! 12milione.

Note: Elias James Corey (Chemistry 1990), Peter Brian Medawar (Medicine 1960) and Ferid Mourad (Medicine 1998) are Nobel Prize winners but are Arab-Christians, not Muslims]
Nuk me pelqen si eshte shkruajtur ketu sepse Ferid Mourad eshte shqiptar-turk jo arab i cili ndau cmimin nobel me 2 te tjere.


Primus registratum
Re: Sie sind Jude? Ich bin Jude!

Fillimisht postuar nga OROSHI:
Fillimisht postuar nga klean:
[qb] Desha e them se te tre grupet (protestant, ortodoks dhe katolik) nuk kane lidhje me demokracine ne europe siç pohuat me siper.

Ai Papa i Romes i degjohet fjala vetem ne festa kristiane ose kur semuret apo vdes, per ceshtje te tjera fjala e atij eshte njelloj si nje ankese e thjeshte nga fshatari ne bashkine e tiranes. [/qb]
U desh emigrimi yt ne Angli qe ti ta kuptoje qe Papa nuk ka ndikim ne asgje :eek:
Eh mer plako,jetoni jashte e mendoni si te ishit brenda! :smash: [/qb]
do ta kuptosh ti me mire nga atdheu
ne fakt lajmet shqipetare jane shume te mira /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

ps: nuk jame emigrant ketu, ke halle ti dhe te duket te tjeret si vetja


Primus registratum
Re: Sie sind Jude? Ich bin Jude!

O klean si nuk paska rendesi papa e vatikani bashke me te?Vetem para 60 vjetesh Musolinit iu desh te merrte bekimin e Papes ne menyre qe ti mbushte mendjen popullit per imazhin qe donte te krijonte.Feja ka shume rendesi,sidomos ne Evrope pasi kufinjte qe shikon sot ajo feja i ka krijuar (kryqezata,lufta 30 vjecare,Luteri,kalvini etj)Edhe sot e kesaj dite nqs i motivon do te shikosh qe mund ti cosh te tere krishteret dhe nje here ne kryqezata.


Primus registratum
Re: Sie sind Jude? Ich bin Jude!

Per hater te Skenderbeut krishterimin nuk ben me sha
jam shqiptar, jam krishter, pra besimtar

hebrejet i du qe kane qene popull i zotit, por ata kane bere gabime te mevonshme


Primus registratum
Re: Sie sind Jude? Ich bin Jude!

Fillimisht postuar nga Lucifer:
[qb] O klean si nuk paska rendesi papa e vatikani bashke me te?Vetem para 60 vjetesh Musolinit iu desh te merrte bekimin e Papes ne menyre qe ti mbushte mendjen popullit per imazhin qe donte te krijonte.Feja ka shume rendesi,sidomos ne Evrope pasi kufinjte qe shikon sot ajo feja i ka krijuar (kryqezata,lufta 30 vjecare,Luteri,kalvini etj)Edhe sot e kesaj dite nqs i motivon do te shikosh qe mund ti cosh te tere krishteret dhe nje here ne kryqezata. [/qb]
Or ti çun

Politika ndaj fese ndryshon cdo dite, ti me kallxon mua cfar ka ndodhur para 60 vjetesh.
Pse thua ti qe kristianet punesojne prifterinje homoseksuale, qe krijoi percarje mes tyre?

se po pertoj ter shkruaj gjate :sleep: