Re: Shprehje te bukura dashurie
Marre nga letrat e cokollatave Baci qe kam ngrene <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Passion colours all that it touches in its own hues. (Baltasar Gracian)">
True love never knew any limit. (Properzio)">
He who does not see the faults of his beloved as virtues does not love. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)">
Live for the present, dream of the future, learn from the past. (Anonimous)">
Love looks not with eyes, but with the mind (William Shakespeare)">
That love is all there is, is all we know of love. (Emily Dickinson)">
Were you to give me all your kisses, they would ever be few. (Properzio)">
All man's loves, however different, spring from the same source. (Vittorio Alfieri)">
Reason and love are sworn enemies. (Pierre Corneille)">
Whoever loves believes in the impossible. (Elizabeth Barret Browning)">
A beautiful love story is born with a kiss, but it is poetry that makes it everlasting ! (Anonimo)">
The only cure of love is to love even more. (Henry D. Thoreau)">
Love, indefinable love ! (Giacomo Casanova)">
Every loved thing is the centre of a paradise. (Novalis)">
Joy is not in things, it is in ourselves. (Richard Wagner)">
Try to reason about love, and you will lose your reason. (Proverbio francese)">
When you don't love too much, you don't love enough (Bussy-Rabutin)">
Love may be the oldest sentiment, but it has always been accompanied by a kiss (Anonim)">
One can care little for man, but we need a friend. (Proverbio Cinese)">
For an instant our lives met, our souls flowered. (Oscar Wilde)">
What is pleasure, other than the sweetest sorrow? (heinrich heine)">
Your words to me are sweet, but the kiss I stole from your lips is sweeter. (heinrich Heine)">
A beautiful love story is born with a kiss, but it is poetry that makes it everlasting! (Anonimo)">
There is something to be learned from a great man even when he is silent. (Seneca)">
There is no joy in possession without sharing. (Erasmo da Rotterdam)">
Love, and do what you like. (S. Agostino)">
The most valuable truths are those most easily understood (Bartoli)">
It was your kiss, love, that made me immortal. (Margaret Fuller)">
What is your kiss? The lick of a flame... (Victor Hugo)">
In love who yearns, dares not and who dares, yearns not. (Niccolo Tommaseo)">
Right thinking leads to right speaking (Francesco De Sanctis)">
There is no desert more barren than a life without friends: friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief. (Balthasar gracian)">
Devil, don't you know you are as beautiful as an Angel? (G. Leopardi)">
Nothing makes one so lovable believing that one is loved (Pierre Marivaux)">
Do not seek the perfect friend, seek a friend. (Anonimo)">
I would like to know how many kisses have been qiven since that day when the kiss was invented. (Iginio Ugo Tarchetti)">
No virtue is so great as to be safe from temptation. (Immanuel Kant)">
Good luck is not always the work of chance alone. (Balthasar Gracian)">
Nothing is difficult for those who love. (Cicerone)">
To await pleasure is pleasure itself. (Lessing)">
Critize a friend in private and praise him in public (Leonardo Da Vinci)">
Economized love is never real love (Honore de balzak)">
One does not yearns for that which is easily acquired (Ovidio)">
There is no safetynet to protect against attraction. (A.C. Swinburne)">
We were together, I have forgotten the rest. (Walt Whitman)">
In love, pleasure should never be hurried. (Ovidio)">
A smile is nearly always inspired by another smile. (Anonimo)">
The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of. (Blaise Pascal)">
Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. (Lord tennyson)">
Passions are faults of virtues only when taken to extremes. Johan Wolfgang Goethe">
Cast your heart before you, then run to catch it. (Arab proverb)">
Anticipation always lessens common passions and heightens great ones (F. de la Rochefoucauld)">
To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another. (Gottfried Wilhelm von Leinits)">
That love is all there is, is all we know of love. (Emily Dickinson)">
In a changing, fickle world, what is constant is the changing of thought. Pierre Corneille
One lives but the time in which one loves. Claude Adrien Helvetius
The recompense of love is love. John Dryden
Love is free, and never ruled by fate Guillaume Apollinaire
Love is the noblest frailty of the mind. J. Dryden
Those vows those fragrances, those endless kisses, will be reborn... Charles Baudelaire
Quarrels would not last long if only one side were wrong Francois de la Rochefoucauld
Who lives on love, lives forever Emile Verhaeren
The mind is always fooled by the heart F. de la Rochefoucauld