Re: Presidenti i Iranit Ahmadinejani,ish-terrorist!!!
Washington and Teheran, Jul. 2, 2005 -- First Iranian President-elect Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was said to have been one of the captors of U.S. embassy hostages in Teheran in 1979. Now Ahmadinejad stands accused of being a roving Iranian assassin.
It has been revealed from sources in Teheran that in 1979 Ahmadinejad did not wear a beard and that the person seen in the photo is Taqi Mohammadi, a former militant who committed suicide in jail. The supposed AP photo that surfaced after Ahmadinejad's election victory was shopped around by Iran Focus, an anti-regime group with ties to the US Alliance for Democratic Iran, and the neo-con Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD). The still photo has now been supplemented by color video footage showing the Ahmadinejad look-alike Mohammadi. Some of the ex-U.S. hostages who now claim, over 25 years later, that Ahmadinejad was one of their captors, have strong connections to GOP and conservative politics.
FDD's principal players include Newt Gingrich, James Woolsey (the friend and supporter of Ahmad Chalabi and his Iraqi National Congress), Gary Bauer, Richard Perle, Cliff May, Zell Miller, Jeane Kirkpatrick, and Tucker Carlson's father, Richard Carlson. Perle, in turn, is a primary supporter of the Iranian exile People's Mujaheddin (Mujaheddin-e-Khalq/MEK), a group designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department and which operates unhindered from U.S.-occupied Iraq. The MEK and its affiliated arm, the National Council of Resistance, have now surface as the likely source of another story claiming that Ahmadinejad was an assassin sent to Vienna in 1989 to kill Kurdish opposition leader Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou. This story was first shopped to a Prague paper, which claimed its source was Hossein Yazdan Panah, and Iranian Kurdish activist based in U.S.-occupied Iraq. The story was then was picked up by Austrian Green Party official Peter Pilz, who claims his source for the story is a mysterious "Witness D," an Iranian journalist based in Paris, a city known as a major operational base for the MEK. (This is very reminiscent of Ahmad Chalabi's "Curveball" source, the congenital liar and drunkard who claimed first hand knowledge of Saddam Hussein's mobile biological weapons labs, charges later proven to be fraudulent). Ahmad Chalabi, now Iraq's Oil Minister, was a math professor at the American University in Beirut in the 1970s and, according to a longtime ABC correspondent in the Middle East, was known as SAVAK's man in Beirut. (SAVAK was the Shah of Iran's feared intelligence service some of whose members were trained by the U.S. and Israel). Anyone who wanted to visit Iraqi Kurdistan in those days had to go see Chalabi, who would then arrange for passage to Iraqi Kurdistan through Iran. The new allegations against Ahmadinejad have all the hallmarks of yet another neo-con disinformation ploy to justify military action against Iran at a time when U.S. forces are caught in a deeper quagmire in neighboring Iraq.