Valoris scriptorum
Do me falesh tani se kam i takim special me GJUMIN
Ps: hard to learn Easy to Froget
apo si ishte ajo fjala

Ps: hard to learn Easy to Froget

Do me falesh tani se kam i takim special me GJUMIN
Ps: hard to learn Easy to Frogetapo si ishte ajo fjala
Naten e mire
I Do not Agree with it When it Comes to this kind of best body's going behind there backs sorry just not me !!!
Arsyja qe thash se di esht sps sido te pergjigjem do ishte genjeshtar sps nuk e din pqs nuk e provon apo jam gabim ?
Ok kjo "zemra" e kujt ka nevoj per fjal tebuta ati/asajt apo e jotja ? Pqs e atyre atere ata pse nuk mendun cik per zemren tende ???