Piktura te preferuara


Primus registratum
Re: Piktura te preferuara


John William Godward


Re: Piktura te preferuara

Ajo lart eshte Tambourine Girl /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif
E ka postu edhe siply-ja fq.2 /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Piktura te preferuara


Festen e Falenderimeve e kalova ne San Francisco ku edhe munda me ne fund t'a 'kap' egzibicionin e Gerhard Richter qe keto muaj eshte ne shfaqje ne Muzeun e Arteve Moderne te San Francisco-s (http://www.sfmoma.org)

Perdorimi qe i ben ai fotografise duke ngritur ne kete menyre pyetje mbi kuptimin, efektin etj. te fotografise, piktures, ndryshimin midis tyre persa i perket mesazhit qe percjellin, lekundja e tij midis realizmit dhe abstraksionit; te gjitha keto me befasojne dhe shokojne ne paraqitje po aq sa edhe me terheq filozofia prapa tyre...Por jane pikturat e tij abstrakte qe i dashuroj. Nje kombinim ngjyrash i magjishem, intens, i eger-nje bukuri e ralle. Ato paraqesin gjithcka qe ti je dot ne gjendje te shohesh dhe ne te njejten kohe asgje...ato jane te bukura vetem sepse JANE.

Une nuk di te flas mbi punen e Richter me mire se c'flet ai vete mbi te. Prandaj dua te sjell vetem disa citime nga broshura e egzibicionit (te cilen sigurisht e mbajta) per t'a lene ate te thote me qarte ate qe mua me terheq tek ai:

"I blur things to make everything equally important and equally unimportant. I blur things so that they do not look artistic or craftsmalinke but technological, smooth and perfect. I blur things to make all the parts a closer fit. Perhaps I also blur out the excess of unimportant information."

"Simply because I liked it so much.[that is, a painting by Titian] I saw it in Venice and thought: I'd like to have that for myself. To start with, I only meant to make a copy, so that I coule have a beautiful painitng at home and with it a piece of that period, all that potential beauty and sublimity....But then my copy went wrong, and the pictures that finally emerged went to show that it just can't be done any more, not even by way of a copy. All I could do was break the whole thing down and show that it's no longer possible."

"Of course, my landscapes are not only beautiful or notstalgic, with a Romantic or classical sugestion of lost Paradises, but above all "untruthful"...and by "untruthful" I mean the glorifying way we look at Nature--Nature, which in all its forms is always against us, because it knows no meaning, no pity, no sympathy, because it knows nothing as is absolutely mindless: the total antithesis of ourselves, absolutely inhuman. Every beauty that we see in landscape...is our projection; and we can switch it off at a moment's notice, to reveal only the appalling horror and ugliness."

etj. etj. mendime me te thella se keto...

Per te pare nje "Interactive Feature" mbi Gerhard Richter dhe Artin modern ne pergjithesi: http://www.sfmoma.org/richter/index.html

Ne New York se shpejti to te shoh edhe egzibicione qe jane ne shfaqje keto kohe. Nqs ke deshire t'u hedhesh nje sy, Ema, faqet jane me poshte.

te fala,


Primus registratum
Re: Piktura te preferuara

Me fal qe nderhyj, por ma hoqi petllen e trunit kjo fjala "egzibicion"....duhet parur parasysh qe mund te thuhet dhe "ekspozite"... jo per gje po te tingelloje icik me shqip, pa patur nevoje ta bastardosh ate vete dhe gjuhet e huaja nga ku vjen fjala (fjale i thencin) "egzibicion".


Primus registratum
Re: Piktura te preferuara

Ke te drejte, por nuk me eshte kujtuar ajo fjale. Megjithate, as njera e as tjetra nuk jane shqip...vetem se tjetra mund te te tingelloje me e njohur, me e perdorur. Dhe toni yt nuk ka pse te tingelloje i tille. Gjithashtu, mund te me dergoje mesazh privat per te shprehur shqetesimin tend intelektual.


Re: Piktura te preferuara

Fillimisht postuar nga Hipparchia:

Festen e Falenderimeve e kalova ne San Francisco ku edhe munda me ne fund t'a 'kap' egzibicionin e Gerhard Richter qe keto muaj eshte ne shfaqje ne Muzeun e Arteve Moderne te San Francisco-s (http://www.sfmoma.org)

Perdorimi qe i ben ai fotografise duke ngritur ne kete menyre pyetje mbi kuptimin, efektin etj. te fotografise, piktures, ndryshimin midis tyre persa i perket mesazhit qe percjellin, lekundja e tij midis realizmit dhe abstraksionit; te gjitha keto me befasojne dhe shokojne ne paraqitje po aq sa edhe me terheq filozofia prapa tyre...Por jane pikturat e tij abstrakte qe i dashuroj. Nje kombinim ngjyrash i magjishem, intens, i eger-nje bukuri e ralle. Ato paraqesin gjithcka qe ti je dot ne gjendje te shohesh dhe ne te njejten kohe asgje...ato jane te bukura vetem sepse JANE.

Une nuk di te flas mbi punen e Richter me mire se c'flet ai vete mbi te. Prandaj dua te sjell vetem disa citime nga broshura e egzibicionit (te cilen sigurisht e mbajta) per t'a lene ate te thote me qarte ate qe mua me terheq tek ai:

"I blur things to make everything equally important and equally unimportant. I blur things so that they do not look artistic or craftsmalinke but technological, smooth and perfect. I blur things to make all the parts a closer fit. Perhaps I also blur out the excess of unimportant information."

"Simply because I liked it so much.[that is, a painting by Titian] I saw it in Venice and thought: I'd like to have that for myself. To start with, I only meant to make a copy, so that I coule have a beautiful painitng at home and with it a piece of that period, all that potential beauty and sublimity....But then my copy went wrong, and the pictures that finally emerged went to show that it just can't be done any more, not even by way of a copy. All I could do was break the whole thing down and show that it's no longer possible."

"Of course, my landscapes are not only beautiful or notstalgic, with a Romantic or classical sugestion of lost Paradises, but above all "untruthful"...and by "untruthful" I mean the glorifying way we look at Nature--Nature, which in all its forms is always against us, because it knows no meaning, no pity, no sympathy, because it knows nothing as is absolutely mindless: the total antithesis of ourselves, absolutely inhuman. Every beauty that we see in landscape...is our projection; and we can switch it off at a moment's notice, to reveal only the appalling horror and ugliness."

etj. etj. mendime me te thella se keto...

Per te pare nje "Interactive Feature" mbi Gerhard Richter dhe Artin modern ne pergjithesi: http://www.sfmoma.org/richter/index.html

Ne New York se shpejti to te shoh edhe egzibicione qe jane ne shfaqje keto kohe. Nqs ke deshire t'u hedhesh nje sy, Ema, faqet jane me poshte.

te fala,
Po shikoja faqet qe me ke sjelle,e humba fare.Pastaj gjeta kete pune te Richer-it dhe me erdhi sponatnisht buzeqeshja:

Po mendoja se nuk do ishte keq as si shkrimtar,lum ti qe vete ne ekspozita,une s'po shoh dot Picasson akoma /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif !
Gjithsesi jam dakord me ate qe thua,gjeja me e bukur qe ai ka jane perzierja e ngjyrave ne pikturat abstrakte,kombinimi i llahtarshem,gerricja dhe pasioni qe kane brenda... /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif !
Une s'jam e dashuruar me abstraksionizmin,po ai eshte i vecante,nuk eshte si ata qe hedhin tri bojra ne telajo dhe i vene titullin qartesi.
Kthjellohem dhe humb njekohesisht,shikoj kete tjetren:


apo kjo tjetra:


Thanx,I had a nice time /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif !


Primus registratum
Re: Piktura te preferuara

yeah, I saw all of these "dal vivo". Aren't the abstract ones so wonderful--so pleasing to the eye? thanks for putting them up. Hope people start liking him as much as I do...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Piktura te preferuara

Fillimisht postuar nga Ofelia:
Ofeli, pikturat personale dhe fotografit duhen vone aty ke Albumi fotografik, ose Njohja me antaret e forumit.



Forumium maestatis
Re: Piktura te preferuara

Fillimisht postuar nga lara croft:
[qb]Mua Impresionizmi me pelqen me shume nga c'do rryme tjeter arti....[/qb]
Kurse mua me pelqen Romantizmi... apo nuk osht rryme arti kjo???


Re: Piktura te preferuara

Mua me pelqen shume Monaliza femer dhe djall :smash: