Nje leter Santa's


Re: Nje leter Santa's

Fillimisht postuar nga stellina:
[qb] a munesh me perkthy se kuptoj 1/3 e gjanave qe ke shkru :cry: [/qb]
Me E perkthy me perjashtun nga AF /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Nje leter Santa's

Fillimisht postuar nga Unicorn:
[qb] Dear santa
Yuo must be surprised that i am writing to you today , December 26-th. Well i would like to clear up some certain things that have happened. Since the beggining of the month, when filled with the illusion i decided to write this letter, i asked for a bicycle, an electric train set, a pair of roller blades, and a football uniform.
I destroyed my brain studying for the whole year.i was first in my clas and had the best grades of the entire school.i am not going to lie to you,the was noone better in the neighborhood than. i was better than my brothers friends and neighbor. I i would go on errands and help the eldery accross the street. There was actually, nothing within reason that i would not do for humanity.
What balls you have leaving me a f*cking yo-yo, a lame-@ss whiste and a pair of ugly socks.What the f*ck were u thinking you fat prick? Did you think that you have taken me for a sucker the whole f*cking year so you could come out with some $hit like this under the tree? As you hadn't f*cked me enough you gave that little queen across the street so many toys he can't even walk into the house.
Don't let me see you trying to fit your fat f*cking @ss down my chimney next year. I'll f*ck you big time.I'll through rocks and $hit at those dumb reindeer so they'll run away and you'll have to walk your fat f*cking overweight @ss all the way back to the North Poleto them little faggot elves and that rotten crotch life of yours. F*ck you Santa. next year, i'll be waiting to show you how bad i rally am you fat C0ck-sucker.
Little UNI :mad: /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif [/qb]
t'raft pika sa kam qeshe! :lol:


Primus registratum
Re: Nje leter Santa's

Fillimisht postuar nga Unicorn:
[qb] Dear santa
Yuo must be surprised that i am writing to you today , December 26-th. Well i would like to clear up some certain things that have happened. Since the beggining of the month, when filled with the illusion i decided to write this letter, i asked for a bicycle, an electric train set, a pair of roller blades, and a football uniform.
I destroyed my brain studying for the whole year.i was first in my clas and had the best grades of the entire school.i am not going to lie to you,the was noone better in the neighborhood than. i was better than my brothers friends and neighbor. I i would go on errands and help the eldery accross the street. There was actually, nothing within reason that i would not do for humanity.
What balls you have leaving me a f*cking yo-yo, a lame-@ss whiste and a pair of ugly socks.What the f*ck were u thinking you fat prick? Did you think that you have taken me for a sucker the whole f*cking year so you could come out with some $hit like this under the tree? As you hadn't f*cked me enough you gave that little queen across the street so many toys he can't even walk into the house.
Don't let me see you trying to fit your fat f*cking @ss down my chimney next year. I'll f*ck you big time.I'll through rocks and $hit at those dumb reindeer so they'll run away and you'll have to walk your fat f*cking overweight @ss all the way back to the North Poleto them little faggot elves and that rotten crotch life of yours. F*ck you Santa. next year, i'll be waiting to show you how bad i rally am you fat C0ck-sucker.
Little UNI :mad: /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif [/qb]
Ngushllimet e mija!Une gjeta nje pale corape te perdorura :cry: .


Forumium maestatis
Re: Nje leter Santa's

Ne emer te te gjithe kalamojave shqiptare, protestoj!!!!

Ne kemi gjuhen tone te bukur dhe te embel shqipe.

Titulli i temes duhet te ndryshohet ne: "Nje leter Babagjyshit te Vitit te Ri".

Ja kshu!

Furor Aquila

Primus registratum
Re: Nje leter Santa's

Po ne qe s'jmei viktima te komercializmit ne Amerike, si i behet? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Nje leter Santa's

I dashur babagjysh: Kam qene shume i mire kete vit dhe si dhurate do doja qe ta kaloja Vitin e Ri sa me bukur. flm!

ps: ku dreqin e ke ate laptopin qe te kam kerkuar tre vjet me pare?? :mad: /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Nje leter Santa's

Ej more Mr.Love me erdhi nje telegram nga babadimri per TY /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gifpo lexoj tekstualisht):Vitin e Ri kaloje si te duash , sa per laptop po pres te dal Pentium VII,me posten e pare e ke tek shtepia!!!!!!!!


Primus registratum
Re: Nje leter Santa's

Fillimisht postuar nga gjilpera:
[qb] Ej more Mr.Love me erdhi nje telegram nga babadimri per TY /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gifpo lexoj tekstualisht):Vitin e Ri kaloje si te duash , sa per laptop po pres te dal Pentium VII,me posten e pare e ke tek shtepia!!!!!!!! [/qb]
I thuaj Santa's gezuar vitin e ri 2050 atehere. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium praecox
Re: Nje leter Santa's

hahahah oh zot a e dini "edhe se sju intereson asnjerit nga ju"
Por i kam shkruar plakut te vitit te ri deri sa jam bere 18 vjec...
Ishte si ligj ne familjen time...
Shkruanim leter santes dhe e pyesja si ishin e shoqja ,elfet,te gjithe qe punonin gjithe vitin per lodrat tona...e mbas qe mbushja nje leter me pyetje e dashamiresi...
"kete e beja nga mama sepse me thoshte qe ska rendesi ca sjell...ka rendesi il pensiero...e duhet te jemi te edukuar e mirnjohes e duhet pyetur si jan si ja kalojn blah blah...pra mbshja nje faqe me shkrime per familjen e plakut te vitit te ri ateher beja listen per lodrat...

Nje vit pata kerku burre...hahah
plaku i vitit te ri ishte plak,e jo per gje por po dilnin fjal qe kam shku me burr te martum,
elfet shume te vegjel...e ne thes se kishte zen burrin tim...e me kishte sjell spiderman...burr plastik...qe e bente punen kur kisha nevojen e dikuj ne krevat...e djal zotni eee sju degjonte zeri...