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Re: e dashura juaj ngel shtatezan!
Miracle, bona, etj... pranoj kritakat , e kuptoj qe jetojm ne shekullin 21 ,Por gjithashu e kuptoj qe mashkullit i pelqen shume, kur ti per te paren here vish fustanin e bardhe qe simbolizon nje pasterti ose me mire te them "pafajshmeri"
Une dhashe ate opinionin tim e di qe ketu ka shume qe se pelqejn , dikush ketu tha "po flet nga ndonje Manastir ti" <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> dmth po te kesh nje trup te paster duhet te jeshe vetem murgesh.
Love is beautiful, but have to be very careful, Feel it,until you make sure where u stand , Life is in front of you then TASTE IT and ENJOY IT for the rest of your life.
Well...I`m living it my way........
You!Live it your way and don`t worry what the others say...........
Miracle, bona, etj... pranoj kritakat , e kuptoj qe jetojm ne shekullin 21 ,Por gjithashu e kuptoj qe mashkullit i pelqen shume, kur ti per te paren here vish fustanin e bardhe qe simbolizon nje pasterti ose me mire te them "pafajshmeri"
Une dhashe ate opinionin tim e di qe ketu ka shume qe se pelqejn , dikush ketu tha "po flet nga ndonje Manastir ti" <img src="/pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> dmth po te kesh nje trup te paster duhet te jeshe vetem murgesh.
Love is beautiful, but have to be very careful, Feel it,until you make sure where u stand , Life is in front of you then TASTE IT and ENJOY IT for the rest of your life.
Well...I`m living it my way........
You!Live it your way and don`t worry what the others say...........