Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me vete, c'me ngjalli nje kujtim.


Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Ho me altin ta paskan fik llullen?


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Administrator po te pakten gjeni moderatore qe marrin vesh nga temat se i fshijne kote.Kjo i do si poezi qe mos i fshije /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Ate do tja shkruaj prap do tja bej si pizi tani /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/yay.gif


Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Ketu mund te postosh tituj kengesh ose tekste kengesh qe po degjon,ose qe te sjellin ndonje kujtim nder mend(mundesisht me mire koment kujtimi se tekst po hajt mo).
Kurse poezite e mirfillta(ato qe nuk kane melodi shoku) mund ti postosh te poezite e preferuara te letersia /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

kam tere diten me kete kenge ne mendje

Wait for me
I've been lost
Adrift at sea
In your dreams
Dream my way
Someday I'll find my heart
And come back to stay

Do you miss me
My darling
As I miss you
Take my hand
And pull me near
And never let me go again my dear

There was a time
I was safe in your arms
And the stars fell away like diamonds
Then we were young
And our love was younger still
Was it just an illusion

Wait for me
Close your eyes
And you will see
I'm coming home
Every sky in my heart will be blue
On the day I come back to you

I'm coming home
Every sky in my heart will be blue
On the day I come back to you


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Oboboooooo, me Aznavour-in paradite ti mi?
Ai eshte mrekulli /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wub.gif, por pak prekes ne pjesen e pare te dites.

Well, po e bej nje perjashtim, po te jap nje te puthur /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/kiss.gif /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/pippiripi.gif .

Mua ka dite qe me ndjek motivi i kenges "Almeno tu nell' universo" (Mia Martini)

"Sai, la gente è strana prima si odia e poi si ama
cambia idea improvvisamente, prima la verità poi mentirà lui
senza serietà, come fosse niente
sai la gente è matta forse è troppo insoddisfatta
segue il mondo ciecamente
quando la moda cambia, lei pure cambia
continuamente e scioccamente... "


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

...mjauuuuuu..... /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wub.gif merci....


Je ne rêve plus
Je ne fume plus
Je n'ai même plus d'histoire
Je suis seule sans toi
Je suis laide sans toi
Comme une orpheline dans un dortoir
Je n'ai plus envie
De vivre ma vie
Ma vie cesse quand tu pars
Je n'ai plus de vie
Et même mon lit
Se transforme en quai de gare
Quand tu t'en vas...
Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Comme quand ma mère sortait le soir
Et qu'elle me laissant seule avec mon désespoir
Je suis malade
Parfaitement malade
T'arrive on ne sait jamais quand
Tu repars on ne sait jamais où
Et ça va faire bientôt deux ans
Que tu t'en fous...
Comme à un rocher
Comme à un péché
Je suis accroché à toi
Je suis fatiguée, je suis épuisée
De faire semblant d'être heureuse
Quand ils sont là
Je bois toutes les nuits
même tous les whiskys
Pour moi ont le même goût
Et tous les bateaux
Portent ton drapeau
Je ne sais plus où aller tu es partout...
Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Je verse mon sang dans ton corps
Et je suis comme un oiseau mort
Quand toi tu dors
Je suis malade
Parfaitement malade
Tu m'as privée de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidée de tous mes mots
Pourtant moi j'avais du talent
Avant ta peau...
Cet amour me tue
Si ça continue
Je crèverai seule avec moi
Près de ma radio
Comme un gosse idiot
en écoutant ma propre voix qui chantera...
Je suis malade
Complètement malade
Comme quand ma mère sortait le soir
Et qu'elle me laissait seule avec mon désespoir
Je suis malade
c'est ça je suis malade
Tu m'as privée de tous mes chants
Tu m'as vidée de tous mes mots
Et j'ai le coeur complètement malade
Cerné de barricades
T'entends... Je suis malade...


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

I've never seen this kind of love
kind that won't wash away and then leave you in the dark
I would die for you
I would die for you
I would die for you

I've never kissed a sweeter mouth
I've never been swept away its what dreams are made about
Don't you know I could not survive without you in my life?
I would die for you
I would die for you
I would die for you

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

I've never seen this kind of love
the kind that won't slip away
yes I'm soaring through your heart
Don't you know I could not survive without you in my life?
I would die for you
I would die for you
I would die for you

Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

I would die for you
I would die for you
I would die...for you
I would die for you


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Uh c'ma kujtove dhe mua SB...une po kendoj vazhdimin...

Sai, la gente è sola, come può lei si consola
per non far sì che la mia mente
si perda in congetture, in paure
inutilmente e poi per niente.

tu, tu che sei diverso, almeno tu nell'universo !
Un punto, sai, che non ruota mai intorno a me
un sole che splende per me soltanto
come un diamante in mezzo al cuore.

tu, tu che sei diverso, almeno tu nell'universo !
Non cambierai, dimmi che per sempre sarai sincero
e che mi amerai davvero di più, di più, di più.


Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

You can tell by the way
She walks that she's my girl
You can tell by the way she talks she rules the world
You can see in her eyes that no one is her Chi
She's my girl my Supergirl
And then she'd say it's OK I got lost on the way
But I'm a Supergirl and Supergirls don't cry
And she'd say it's allright I got home late last night
But I'm a Supergirl and Supergirls just fly
And then she'd say that nothing can go wrong
When you're in love what can go wrong
And then she'd laugh the night time into the day
Pushing her fears further along
And then she'd say it's OK I got lost on the way
But I'm a Supergirl and Supergirls don't cry
And she'd say it's allright I got home late last night
But I'm a Supergirl and Supergirls just fly
Then she'd shout down the line tell me she's got no more time
Cause she's a Supergirl and Supergirls don't cry
Then she'd scream in my face tell me to leave leave this place
Cause she's a Supergirl and Supergirls just fly
She's a Supergirl a Supergirl
She's sowing seeds she's burning trees
She's sowing seeds she's burning trees
She's a Supergirl a Supergirl
A Supergirl my Supergirl

Endrra ime eshte te ma kendonte dikush me zemer,po une nuk jam supergirl /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Wake up in the morning with a head like what you doing
This used to be the life but I don't need another one.
Good luck cuttin' nothin', carrying on, you wear them gowns.
So how come I feel so lonely when you're up getting down?
So I play along when I hear that favourite song
I'm gonna be the one who gets it right.
You better know when you're swingin' round the room
Look's like magic's soley yours tonight

But I don't feel like dancin'
When the old Joanna plays
My heart could take a chance
But my two feet can't find a way

You think that I could muster up a little soft, shoe gentle sway
But I don't feel like dancin'
No sir, no dancin' today.
Don't feel like dancin', dancin'

Even if I find nothin' better to do
Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
Why'd you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
Rather be home with no-one when I can't get down with you.

Cities come and cities go just like the old empires
When all you do is change your clothes and call that versatile.
You got so many colours make a blind man so confused.
Then why can't I keep up when you're the only thing I lose?

So I'll just pretend that I know which way to bend
And I'm gonna tell the whole world that you're mine.
Just please understand, when I see you clap your hands
If you stick around I'm sure that you'll be fine.

But I don't feel like dancin'
When the old Joanna plays
My heart could take a chance
But my two feet can't find a way
You think that I could muster up a little soft shoe gentle sway
But I don't feel like dancin'
No sir, no dancin' today.

Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
Even if I find nothin' better to do
Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
Why'd you break it down when I'm not in the mood?
Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
Rather be home with no-one when I can't get down with you.

You can't make me dance around
But your two-step makes my chest pound.
Just lay me down as you throw it away into the shimmer light.

But I don't feel like dancin'
When the old Joanna plays
My heart could take a chance
But my two feet can't find a way
You think that I could muster up a little soft, shoe gentle sway
But I don't feel like dancin'
No sir, no dancin' today.

Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
Even if I find nothin' better to do
Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
Why'd you pick a tune when I'm not in the mood?
Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
Rather be home with no-one when I can't get down with you.

Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
Even if I find nothin' better to do
Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
Why'd you break it down when I'm not in the mood?
Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
Rather be home with no-one when I can't get down with you.


Grupi i të çmëndurve!
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

relax take it ii ii ziii

relax take iii iii ziii


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!


Grupi i të çmëndurve!
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

I looove rock'n roooll
nananana na na na babyyyy

I love rock'n roll

na na na na na na naaaa naaaaa /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/yay.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

Cause I just can't look its killing me
And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
'Cause I'm Mr Brightside

I never...
I never...
I never...
I never...

ajo qe me vdes eshte sfondi ninulle dhe .... pak tocco alla "mouline rouge" ... kaq /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

a po... dhe natyrisht.... cik ritem fren - tik - tik-tik - tik.


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

I didn't know what day it was
when you walked into the room
I said hello unnoticed
You said goodbye too soon

Breezing through the clientele
spinning yarns that were so lyrical
I really must confess right here
the attraction was purely physical

I took all those habits of yours
that in the beginning were hard to accept
Your fashion sense, Beardsly prints
I put down to experience

The big bosomed lady with the Dutch accent
who tried to change my point of view
Her ad lib lines were well rehearsed
but my heart cried out for you

You're in my heart, you're in my soul
You'll be my breath should I grow old
You are my lover, you're my best friend
You're in my soul

My love for you is immeasurable
My respect for you immense
You're ageless, timeless, lace and fineness
You're beauty and elegance

You're a rhapsody, a comedy
You're a symphony and a play
You're every love song ever written
But honey what do you see in me

You're an essay in glamour
Please pardon the grammar
but you're every schoolboy's dream
You're Celtic, United, but baby I've decided
You're the best team I've ever seen

And there have been many affairs
Many times I've thought to leave
But I bite my lip and turn around
'cause you're the warmest thing I've ever found


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

ju lutem ma hiqni nga mendja... /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/angry1.gif

somewhere only we now!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

I'm the type of girl to look you dead in the eye-eye
I'm real as it come if you don't know why I'm fly
Seen you tryna switch it up but girl you ain't that dope
I'm a Wonder Woman, let me go get my robe
I'm a supermodel and mami, si mami
Amnesty International got Bangkok to Montauk on lock
love my ass and my abs in the video called "Promiscuous"
My style is ri-dic-dic-diculous, 'diculous, 'diculous

If you see us in the club, we'll be actin' real nice
If you see us on the floor, you'll be watchin' all night
We ain't here to hurt nobody
(So give it to me, give it to me, give it to me)
Wanna see you work your body
(So give it to me, give it to me, give it to me)

/ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/Eliterate.gif /ubb/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/yay.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Motivi qe me kalon ne mendje dhe e murmuris me

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,
blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here.