More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.


Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

E kush te tha se i ka nisur ? /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

ajo çka kishte shkruar
nje mail i shkruar me aq pasion tregon che qui la gatta ci piova /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Edhe te me kthehej, sdo i kthehesha...

Kerkoj dashurite e humbura, me pa deshire per ti marre fund te fundit jane te humbura!


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Me vjen keq per personin e mailit, nuk di se ç'ka humbur


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Kush tha qe gjerat e humbura nuk rigjenden... kurre mos thuaj kurre.... /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Fillimisht postuar nga EDI-:
[qb] Edhe te me kthehej, sdo i kthehesha...

Kerkoj dashurite e humbura, me pa deshire per ti marre fund te fundit jane te humbura! [/qb]
ndonjehere disa gjera jane ment to be someway Edi, that we may not understand per momentin, por mbase me vone je 100 mije here mirnjohese per mijra lutje te pa pergjigjura.......
give it up kid, its over!!! /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif dhe its ment to be qe gjera te shumta do te vijne ne jeten tende, shum me te bukura, dhe zemra jote e voshel do te çeli serisht ndienja po aq te bukura sa ti.


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Sa çupëline me duket vetja kur ne raste si dje ne darke mu zemra mal nga ajo dicka e vogel qe me the. Sot ne mengjes u zgjova duke u menduar, qe si ka mundesi qe njeriu mund te kaperceje stade kenaqsie kaq thjesht, nga ai zero ne qiellin e shtate vetem nga nje fjale, nje shprehje.
Ti mos thuaj se "I dont need to say it, qe te kam xhan", por te premtoj **** qe nuk i peshperita ato fjale sepse i had to. As per te shfajsuar vehten nga cfare te thashe nje dite me pare, e qe ti u merzite me mua.

Shpesh me ndodh qe dua realizimin e dickaje aq shume sa deshira me verbon arsyen. Pertoj te kerkoj pergjigje pse-rash te kota. Mundohem te shfajsoj vehten me " even if it doesn work i just like to think as if it will" Shpesh here them se filloj te pelqej dike pasi nuk kam se cfare te bej tjeter. Por asnje here se kam perballur konkluzionin kaq afer sa sot ne mengjes. I want to be in love, i think i need it, desire it. I need to love right now, right here!!!
sot, te dua more then yesterday, hoping, praying that it is less then tomorrow
Mbase gjitshka esht nje budallallek total. Ndodh shpesh te ngatarrohem ne qorrsokaqe te tilla qe mbase jane thjesht iluzione absurde deshirash te nje vajze qe shkon te flere shum vone naten, dhe oret e vona bejn gjithmone te tyren.
Nuk e di **** nese wanting to love you is right or wrong, good or bad...thjesht di qe kur te vij darka do dua te luash me floket e mi ndersa un trecerek e pergjumesh po flas per ndonje budallallek te rastit.


Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Hey you?

These days passed by so fast
and still I haven't seen you
you are going to leave today
I know I am going to miss you
more than yesterday and
of course less than tomorrow

But I still got a question
deep inside of me
and I want to know for sure
if you really love me

Hey you, do you love me
or it's just my illusion
Is it you that fills me in,
Or just my persecution?

I need to see one more smile,
Don’t wanna see you fade away,
I have to give you one more kiss,
The one that begs you to stay

I will whisper you the words
that you want to hear from me
I'll create for you everyday
a single and special poetry
with more words than yesterday
and of course less than tomorrow

But I still got a question
that is always hunting me
giving me these doubts
that you don't love me

Refrain 2
Hey you, do you love me
or it's just my illusion
are you so afraid
to make me this confession

I need to touch your cheeks
and caress your beauty hair
I have to give you one more kiss
the one that begs you to stay

Hey you, do you love me
or it's just my illusion
hey you, do you love me?
hey you, do you love?
hey you, do you?
hey you?

P.S. S'kam punuar hic mbi melodine :shrug:


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Duhet te kete dashur te shkruaje More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow tek titulli?


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Sot koha cuditerisht po me shtohet papritur...
Te fitosh kohe nuk ka kete kuptim,por gjithca tjeter po shtyhet per nje dite tjeter,mbase me pas...
Sot ne cante kam tre qeska me ereza e te mendoj se po ti nisja ty me poste do kishe kohen ti shijoje me ngadale ulur,mbase ulur te treja,do ia dije aromat edhe shijet,ti di gjithcka,por une di qe ke kohe qe nuk i provon,mbase do te risillnin momentin e paqte qe me falen mua,po mundohem ti postoj,jam qesharake mbase askush nuk dhuron caj vec meje,por di qe momenti i cajit eshte moment i paqte ndaj une dua te dhuroj kete ty...
Sot pashe bojen dhe letren,mendova gjithe sorollatjet qe kishim per t'i gjetur,sot kam me shume se dje,neser mbase do kem me shume,por jetoj me friken e mostpatjes,dua te mraroj shpejt vetem te jetoj edhe nje vit te pakten prane teje,e di se ne vete do te te mbart gjithmone,mjafton nje pasqyre te ma kujtoje,por te dua jashte pasqyrimeve...
me prit,dua te te puth fort.


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

une ve bast qe nese provon kete qe kam ble une te pelqen;nese jo te kam nje kafe borxh. /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Fillimisht postuar nga Blendi:
[qb] Duhet te kete dashur te shkruaje More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow tek titulli? [/qb]
something of that sort Blendi, then/ all get the point!


Valoris scriptorum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Fillimisht postuar nga EDI.:
*than, *than, ju kerkoj ndjese rrapatushe.

Me vjen keq te te bej te ditur se titulli ben shume kupetim po te lexosh tere korrespondencen midis ketyre dy personave. Nje quote qe perdoret nga te dy palet, keshtu qe mu duk me shume vend ti vinja kete titull temes!

Sa per gabimet ne te shkrojtur i lutem moderatoreve qe e-te ne fjalet "then" te behen a, dmth "than".

Happy now?
Ja ku e ke thene se ia moret shpirtin ...!!!!


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Fillimisht postuar nga EDI-:
[qb] Edhe te me kthehej, sdo i kthehesha...

Kerkoj dashurite e humbura, me pa deshire per ti marre fund te fundit jane te humbura! [/qb]
TI? ti do dru, pam e pam
....edhe une bashk me ty!!!!!! /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Fillimisht postuar nga EDI-:
Fillimisht postuar nga Blendi:
[qb] Duhet te kete dashur te shkruaje More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow tek titulli? [/qb]
something of that sort Blendi, then/ all get the point! [/qb]
Hey, une e bej ate gabim gjithe kohes. Did not mean to be anal and correct you. Hugs!


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Nothing wrong about correcting me, it was simply a point that had been made before. :wave:


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

you see penguins?

I'm going to Miami sunday, hope to see some pink flamengos cuz i'm just sick of the Northeastern cold weather.


Primus registratum
Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

Yes, I still do randomly. Especially when I hear people mentioning the northeastern cold weather...

I just came back from south beach, I don't know if u will get to see any pink flamingos there, but I can guarantee u that there will be a lot of other interesting things...


Re: More than yesterday, Less than tomorrow.

No more I Love yous....

Sa ters me ka pat sjelle kjo kenga :angel: