

Primus registratum
Re: Monolog...

Te kam pare prape ne enderr mbreme...kam filluar te mendoj qe ndodh vertete kur kam shume mall...


Primus registratum
Re: Monolog...

Degjoj gumezhimen e gjinkallave perjashta dhe mendoj, "Eshte vetem Prill, dhe ky eshte Massachusetts, jo New Mexico, si ka mundesi qe ka gjinkalla?" pastaj kujtohem, ne New mexico nuk kam degjuar gjinkalla. ne Santa Fe ka shume pluhur prej shkretetires, dhe femra te shemtuara.

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Monolog...

Ndoshta ate qe me kalon ne mend mund edhe ta pres dhe te me shkrepe keq ne koke dhe pastaj do veproj. Nuk i dihet ne do ia arrij qellimit apo jo;dua te shpresoj se po!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Monolog...

<font color="brown"> Oh God, you're a real bi.tch /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif . I'm laughing heartedly as I never thought such name could be applicable to a man, as if you were one /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif . Oh, lord I have to stop now.

I am so sorry for you, so sorry for what you are made of. I know, in the beginning I was overwhelmed by anger of your superficiality and lack of reason. You perfidious being were so mean and creeping, like crawlers hiding underneath stones. I told myslef, how can it be possible that you do not see what's obvious and magnify yourself in such a dummy way with that dellusion of grandeur that is making you soooo smaaaalllll.

Well, now I feel sorry about you, so sorry that it gives me sharp fits. My heart so much softened that I am about to give you my hand and say "why suffer thou"? Common, get up and come with me, I'll show you the world has some flowers after all, it has some birds who fly with both wings and merrily sing. Look there, people are smiling, smile back it's gracious. Feel it, the air smells good after everything and the rain washes out the dust. Come with me so that I show you you're part of it all. Stop hating one-winged bird, stop hating it's bad for your health. Your venom shall go to feed the plants, why waste it? Your anger shall feed the roots why burst it out.

Never thought I could feel sorry for your kind, generally I am so clear-cut and intransigent, but you make me cry of pity. Well, don't have time to deal with you now, I have so many wonderful things of my life to handle, and you have to deal with yours. Good luck, oh how much of it shall you need...


Primus registratum
Re: Monolog...

boy, there's a great deal more than pity in those lines. pity does not make one write three paragraphs on anonimous on a staruday afternoon, cuz pity just don't have that kinda power.

Anger does, love too, for certain, Love conquers all. but u sound mostly disapponted. Which i think we are partly guilty of ourselves some of the time. between their projection of their better self and our desire do find decent companionship, we often draw this illusion about people that sooner or later comes to an abrupt end.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Monolog...

<font color="brown"> I indeed feared it was going to be interpreted like that, although not thought of it as misleading.

It is not focused on a love relation Blendi, sorry, but it is not. /pf/images/graemlins/shrug.gif I generally never come to feel pity about those whom I love or have stayed with. Yes, I can feel resentment, embers of a retained love or indifference. But, this is not the case.

I wrote what I wrote because I saw someone being perfidious with regard to somebody else and the entire behaviour he adopts is so mean, the only weapon he has to resist. The point is I never tolerate such behaviour and go to my corner of world to breathe my air not caring. But what I heard was disgusting (not toward me)and I saw that he was sooooo smaaaaaaaalllll (in all senses) that one immediately comes to say "poor little thing, why are you so much shrinked by hatred".

That's it Blendi. Sorry to have misled you in someway, but, on the other hand, thanx for caring.


Primus registratum
Re: Monolog...


... une te prita......

... ti s'erdhe........

... une ika ..........



Forumium maestatis
Re: Monolog...

Te pelqen si po te largoj?!! Ndihesh me mire tani,kur me sheh se si tallem me te gjithe? Ndihesh me mire kur me sheh duke injoruar cdo gje perreth meje? Nuk e kupton qe skam me shkelqimin qe kam patur ne sy.Ai shkelqim qe vinte vetem duke te te patur ty prane.Jam kaq e rrethuar me njerez,por ste kam ty,dhe kaq me mjafton te ndihem vetem.Ty te shoh te terhequr tashme.Jam e bindur se ke hequr komplet dore nga te luftuarit.Ndoshta vuan ,ndoshta jo : se di kete gje,une u mundova te ta beja shume te lehte.Per nje gje do jem plotesisht e bindur.S'do marr dot fryme lirisht asnjehere pa hequr pengun qe kam brenda vetes.Ironia e fatit nje dite do na sjelli shume prane,cuditerisht ne do jemi aq larg sa sdo shihemi dot ne sy,dhe une cdo jem ne ate rrethin tend te vogel qe e mban me aq skepticizem brenda vetes.Sdo jem ne ate rreth sepse po bindem qe skam qene ndonjehere IN IT.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Monolog...

ke c'ke e ke me mua, jo me ate! Ate harroje! Ta harroj? Aloooo? Si the? Mos me ka humbur ndonje pjese? Po mire, qe kur ne kemi c'kemi?! Si ore e paskem me ty, kur paska ndodhur kjo qe s'e mora vesh une, dhe ti tani u kujtove qe paska qene dicka qe sot mund t'i prishe pune dikujt tjeter?! S'i mund te jesh kaq i ceket dhe i mbushur me paragjykime mbi sjelljen time, kur ti duhet ta kishe kuptuar se une vetem te hakmerrem nuk di. Pastaj per cfare njehere? C'paska ndodhur midis nesh, qe mund t'i kushtoje kaq shume nje personi te trete?!
Me fal, por kjo vetem me verteton se sa pak njerezit u kushtojne vemendje te tjereve. S'ka rendesi cfare bej e them, e rendesishme eshte ajo qe mendon ti se bej e them une, apo jo? Pu pu pu! S'po flas me, s'po veproj me! Ne fund te fundit ti e di me mire se une se c'po mendoj dhe c'do te bej, keshtu qe pse te lodhem?! S'po te kthej as pergjigje! Nuk ia vlen, se mos do ta lexosh apo se mos do ta kuptosh. Si gjithnje do ta kuptosh sic do te te vije me shume per shtat dhe ne djall vafte individualiteti im si qenie, vecantia dhe brendia e asaj qe te kam thene e po te them. Shko thyej qafen dhe ti ne boten tende te vockel, o njeri mendjengushte e trushkulur!
M'u shpif dhe njehere! S'di deri ku do te mbaj, kam frike vetem nga dita kur do te shperthej. Mjere kush do te me dale perpara! Po me shpifet, vertet shume!


Primus registratum

... Gjithesesi, die me zboi nje liber - me "deboi", ne kuptimin, me flaku jashte prej faqeve te tij. Ndoshta, isha berre se tepermi monoton duke mbeshtetur krusur gjarperoren kolonen nervore perreth perimetrit te brendshem te germes "G". Me kete shkronje kapitale te shtypit merrte jete kapitulli i 12-te, dhe une nuk kisha me nerva te beja me tutje. Sepse, me "G" nisin shume emra te pervecem, por vetem nje pergjithesues emer: GLORIA.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Monolog

<font color="brown"> ...I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave? /pf/images/graemlins/shrug.gif


marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Monolog

Flas me veten sepse s'mund te flas me askend. E çfare do tu thoja te tjereve kur edhe me vete flas perçarte? Pastaj,per çfare do te sherbente qartesia kur askush nuk mund te me ndihmoje?
Perpjekja e radhes prap vetem!


Primus registratum
Re: Monolog

njerezit jane te poshter, po te poshter fare.
cila eshte menyra te mbijetosh pa u bere i poshter e pa u poshteruar?

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Monolog

<font color="black"> My pretty Rose tree

A flower was offer'd to me,
such a flower as May nevere bore;
but i said "i've a pretty rose tree",
and i passed the sweet flower o'er.
then i went to my rose tree,
to tend her by day and by night;
but my rose turn'd way with jealousy,
and her thorns were my only delight. </font>

<font color="red"> The Lilly

The modest rose puts forth a thorn,
the humble sheep a threat'ning horn,
while the lilly white shall in love delight,
nor e thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright. </font>



Forumium maestatis
Re: Monolog

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
njerezit jane te poshter, po te poshter fare.
cila eshte menyra te mbijetosh pa u bere i poshter e pa u poshteruar?

[/ QUOTE ]

mos vuaj per poshtersine e tyre. Ne fund te fundit eshte problemi i tyre.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Monolog

veji vizen...

duke qendruar prane, do çmendesh, do vdesesh pak nga pak, do hash inatin me te dhe me veten, do filloj urrejtja,
atehere e vetmja mundesi mbijetese eshte largimi...vjen nje moment qe gjithshka mbaron, ose rruget ndahen, ata qe jane te zgjuar duhet ta kuptojne kur vjen ky moment, dhe kur duhet thene "stop", dhe kur duhet te shkeputen.


Still here
Re: Monolog

Pikerisht /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
veji vizen...

duke qendruar prane, do çmendesh, do vdesesh pak nga pak, do hash inatin me te dhe me veten, do filloj urrejtja,
atehere e vetmja mundesi mbijetese eshte largimi...vjen nje moment qe gjithshka mbaron, ose rruget ndahen, ata qe jane te zgjuar duhet ta kuptojne kur vjen ky moment, dhe kur duhet thene "stop", dhe kur duhet te shkeputen.

[/ QUOTE ]