Moktad AL-Sadr

Moktad AL-Sadr

Cmendmi keni per qendresen guerrilase te AL Sadr ne Irak?

dalmat veneti

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Re: Moktad AL-Sadr

Nga e di ti ate raportin e Gillspie? E di qe eshte ne internet, mos e ke pare gje aty ?

Per vendet qe kan ndyrhyre amerika, shiko Japonine, Koren e Jugut, dhe po deshe Gjermanine dhe Europen Perindimore. Nuk eshte e vertete qe kudo ku futet Amerika merr puna mut apo ca the ti. Edhe sikur Amerika te kete pushtuar Irakun per naften, ata jane aq idiota se nuk e kuptojne fatin e tyre, nuk kuptojne qe amerika mund ti rendertoje nga e para dhe ti bej vend te pasur.


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Re: Moktad AL-Sadr

Ja nje pjese e vogel e rolit te ambasadores:
How the public relations industry sold the Gulf War to the US
-- The mother of all clients
Part One
By John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton*

On August 2, 1990, Iraqi troops led by dictator Saddam Hussein invaded the oil-producing nation of Kuwait. Like Noriega in Panama, Hussein had been a US ally for nearly a decade. From 1980
to 1988, he had killed about 150,000 Iranians, in addition to at least 13,000 of his own citizens. Despite complaints from international human rights groups, however, the Reagan and Bush administrations had treated Hussein as a valuable ally in the US confrontation with Iran. As late as July 25 -- a week before the invasion of Kuwait -- US Ambassador April Glaspie commiserated with
Hussein over a "cheap and unjust" profile by ABC's Diane Sawyer, and wished for an "appearance in the media, even for five minutes,"by Hussein that would help explain Iraq to the American people."1
Glaspie's ill-chosen comments may have helped convince the dictator that Washington would look the other way if he "annexed" a neighboring kingdom. The invasion of Kuwait, however, crossed a line that the Bush Administration could not tolerate. This time Hussein's crime was far more serious that simply gassing to death another brood of Kurdish refugees. This time oil was at stake.
Viewed in strictly moral terms, Kuwait hardly looked like the sort of country that deserved defending, even from a monster like Hussein. The tiny but super-rich state had been an independent
nation for just a quarter century when in 1986 the ruling al-Sabah family tightened its dictatorial grip over the "black gold" fiefdom by disbanding the token National Assembly and firmly establishing all power in the be-jeweled hands of the ruling Emir. The, as now, Kuwait's ruling oligarchy brutally suppressed the country's small
democracy movement, intimidated and censored journalists, and hired desperate foreigners to supply most of the nation's physical labor
under conditions of indentured servitude and near-slavery. The wealthy young men of Kuwait's ruling class were know as spoiled party boys in university cities and national capitals from Cairo to Washington.


Primus registratum
Re: Moktad AL-Sadr

Ore ju, tema eshte per ate maskarain Al sadr qe do ta shnderroj Irakun ne nje Iran te dyte dhe pas kesaj te pergatise sulme per te vrare e therur njerze te pa fajshem nga e gjithe bota, mjafte qe te jete krishtere apo cifut.
Por nje gje ta dine te gjithe se kurre nuk ka per tja arritur asaj dite ai dhe ndyresirat e tjere islamik qe therin njerzit e pa fajshem sikur te jene shelege.
Sot eshte turpe te thuhet edhe nje fjale e mire per keto mostra te pa shpirte qe po ti lesh gjall
jane gati ta cojne boten ne kasapahne.