Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Lajme tronditese vine nga nje studim i revistes prestigjioze anleze "The Lancet". Si pasoje e agresionit amerikan jo me pak se 100 000 njerez (kryesisht gra e femije) kane humbur jeten direkt apo indirekt!
100,000 Iraqis Killed By
Bush's 'War On Terror'

Death Toll 'Soared Post-War'
BBC News

Poor planning, air strikes by coalition forces and a "climate of violence" have led to more than 100,000 extra deaths in Iraq, scientists say.

A study published by the Lancet claims the risk of death by violence for civilians in Iraq is now 58 times higher than before the US-led invasion.

It condemns the coalition's planning on public health as "grievously in error".

The Lancet admits the research is based on a small sample - under 1,000 homes - but says the findings are "convincing".

Air strikes from coalition forces accounted for most of the violent deaths
Dr Les Roberts

Scientists from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the US city of Baltimore gathered data on births and deaths since January 2002 from 33 clusters of 30 households each across Iraq.

They found the relative risk of death was one-and-a-half times higher for Iraqi civilians after the 2003 invasion than in the preceding 15 months.

That figure jumps to two-and-a-half times higher if data from Falluja - the scene of repeated heavy fighting - is included.

Before the invasion, most people died as a result of heart attack, stroke and chronic illness, the report says, whereas after the invasion, "violence was the primary cause of death."

Violent deaths were mainly attributed to coalition forces - and most individuals reportedly killed were women and children.

Dr Les Roberts, who led the study, said: "Making conservative assumptions we think that about 100,000 excess deaths, or more, have happened since the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

"Violence accounted for most of the excess deaths and air strikes from coalition forces accounted for most of the violent deaths."

He said his team's work proved it was possible to compile data on public health "even during periods of extreme violence".

The sample included randomly selected households in Baghdad, Basra, Arbil, Najaf and Karbala, as well as Falluja.

Democratic imperialism has led to more deaths not fewer
Lancet editor Richard Horton

Lancet editor Richard Horton said: "With the admitted benefit of hindsight and from a purely public health perspective, it is clear that whatever planning did take place was grievously in error."

He went on: "Democratic imperialism has led to more deaths not fewer. This political and military failure continues to cause scores of casualties among non-combatants."

He urges the coalition forces to rethink their strategy to "prevent further unnecessary human casualties".

"For the sake of a country in crisis and for a people under daily threat of violence, the evidence we publish today must change heads as well as pierce hearts," he said.



Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Ho me, asnje vullnetar s'doli te bashkohet me Antares ne klithmat e tij te deshperuara.

Vetem, vetem, vetemmmmmmm :cry:


Pan ignoramus
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Ne fakt Indulgence, ishte shume interesante te degjoje lajmin e marshimit te ushtrise se pathyeshme drejt Fallujas nga BBC Radio, per menyren e shprehjes dhe "proper wording". Jane si perhere mjeshtra per te futur humor dhe ne lajme te kobshme.. si dhe per te bere karikatura.

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Kur ushtria amerikane te mbaroje pune ne Fallujah,do kete shume psikopate plehra me pak per te cilet nuk duhet shqetesuar me.Por do mbeten gjithmone te tjere,qe do vazhdojne te lehin te strukur ne ndonje SouthBronx sh.ithole e ku di une se ku tjeter! /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Nena Natyre nuk eshte perfekte :shrug: Ben edhe ajo gabime :shrug:


Pan ignoramus
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Eshte shume i dukshem gabimi i nenes natyre ne kete rast Mr.Wolf. /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Gabime te tilla quhen shpesh'here variacione rudimentare.

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Fillimisht postuar nga Gurax:
[qb] Eshte shume i dukshem gabimi i nenes natyre ne kete rast Mr.Wolf. /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Gabime te tilla quhen shpesh'here variacione rudimentare.

You don’t say,Mr.Botanical /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Eshte ajo qe mendoj une? /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Po qe keshtu,je shume dobet! /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

35 bandite amerikane jane kapur rober! Shpresojme te kene fundin e merituar te banditeve dhe vrasesve!


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Al-Jazeera TV, al-‘Arabiyah TV refuse to broadcast video of US prisoners in al-Fallujah out of fear of US reprisals.

Leaders of the Council of Mujahideen of al-Fallujah have announced that as a part of their information struggle against the US occupation troops, Resistance fighters had filmed occupation forces prisoners being held by the Resistance inside al-Fallujah. The prisoners who were filmed number 36, and they include some US women soldiers. All were captured in al-Fallujah’s industrial zone Monday morning.

Abu Asad, President of the Council of Mujahideen of al-Fallujah, announced to Mafkarat al-Islam’s correspondent that after filming the American prisoners, they gave the film to the al-Jazeera and al-‘Arabiyah satellite TV stations.

The two stations, however, refused to broadcast the tape for “security reasons.” In fact they were afraid of American reprisals against the their stations if they were to broadcast the videotapes, as happened to al-Jazeera after they showed film of US prisoners at the start of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. As a result of that, al-Jazeera’s internet website was knocked off the internet for several days, an incident of “hacking” that the station in fact blames on “action taken by major countries” (meaning the US Central Intelligence Agency) and not on the mischief of individuals.

Resistance surrounds and captures 36 US troops, including women.

Iraqi Resistance forces in al-Fallujah captured 36 US troops Monday in the area south of the industrial zone of the city. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the American soldiers were riding aboard three tanks and three Humvees on Monday morning when Resistance fighters completely surrounded them and cut them off from the rest of the American forces.

The correspondent writes that the Resistance fighters were surprised at how quickly the Americans surrendered, and attributed that to their state of panic and intense terror as a result of the heavy blows delivered by intense Resistance fire on the advancing Americans.

The correspondent reported that among the 36 prisoners is a group of women soldiers.

Stupid Americans try to buy Resistance surrender.

US aggressor troops scattered leaflets over al-Fallujah on Sunday-Monday night calling on the local Resistance to lay down their arms and accept a “general amnesty” and “enough money to live a good life” from the US invaders. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in the city reported that the Resistance quickly responded to the stupid American tactic, using mosque loudspeakers to proclaim to the American aggressors: “we will walk over your corpses before you give us your money!”


Pan ignoramus
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Z. Cakalli.. Wolf. Ajnshtajnit gjate nje publikimi te teorive te tij revolucionare per kohen, iu paraqit nje peticion i firmosur nga 100 titullare shkencore per mosvazhdimin e mashtrimeve ndaj popullates. Pergjigja e Ajnshtajnit ishte: Sikur ta kisha gabim do te mjaftonte nje titullar i vetem.

Para se te gjesh Ajnshtajnin tend, sa kryqe.. uhh.. firma ke mbledhur deri tashti? /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Ketu askush s'po mbron terrorizmin o Cakall. "Armoured tanks backed by specialised ground troups and helicopter gunships to keep the situation under control have started the march towards the beaten city of Falluja", (original wording in the news) nuk eshte ndonje akt i mirefillte lufte antiterrorizmi por pushtim me hije te zeze. Apo c'ja dhjet rracen, sheshoi te tere sipas mendjes tende?!

"I'm in awe, Lennier. The way you can take a straightforward, logical proposition and turn it inside-out so that in the end it says .. what you want it to say instead of what it actually means. Does this come naturally or did you .. attend some special martial arts class for the philosophically inclined?" -- Marcus, Babylon 5


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Fillimisht postuar nga Gurax:
[QB] Z. Cakalli.. Wolf. Ajnshtajnit gjate nje publikimi te teorive te tij revolucionare per kohen, iu paraqit nje peticion i firmosur nga 100 titullare shkencore per mosvazhdimin e mashtrimeve ndaj popullates. Pergjigja e Ajnshtajnit ishte: Sikur ta kisha gabim do te mjaftonte nje titullar i vetem.

Para se te gjesh Ajnshtajnin tend, sa kryqe.. uhh.. firma ke mbledhur deri tashti? /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Ketu askush s'po mbron terrorizmin o Cakall. "Armoured tanks backed by specialised ground troups and helicopter gunships to keep the situation under control have started the march towards the beaten city of Falluja", (original wording in the news) nuk eshte ndonje akt i mirefillte lufte antiterrorizmi por pushtim me hije te zeze. Apo c'ja dhjet rracen, sheshoi te tere sipas mendjes tende?!

Ok :thumbsup:


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Dihet boterisht qe perdorimi i Cluster Bombs pra i bombave qe pasi bien lene ne territor lene qindra bomba te vogla me shperthim te vonuar si dhe i Bombave 500- 1000 dhe 2000 paund jane te ndaluara nga konventat e OKB dhe ca me teper keto te parat ne cdo rast e jo me ne qytet!
Tani me thuaj kush jane terrorristet!
Kur nje banditi i pritet koka quhet terrorizem dhe Cakalli e skota e tij ulerijne deri ne qiell, cmund te themi kur ne nje qytet hidhen bomba me napalm, bomba 5000 lb, qellohen ambulancat, shkaterrohen spitalet etj!
Dumb-sfeldi cakalli 109 mburren se kane arme inteligjente, pra si e shpjegojne rrafshimin e spitalit? Sipas konventave eshte Krim apo jo!
Apo kur qerohet 1 janki = krim i tmerrshem, kur shkaterrohet nje qytet me 300 000 banore pune e madhe , mire jua bene?
Eshte ky mentalitet qe i terbon njerzit deri ne ate pike sa shkojne ne prerje kokash!


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Pastaj si nuk keni turp qe merni anen e krimineleve dhe agresoreve te armatosur deri ne dhembe kur vete Presidenti i Irakut Jawer e krahasoi sulmin mbi Falluja me ate fshatarin budalla qe i bie me pushke kalit ne koke se nje mize i kishte qendruar mbi vesh! Kali vritet dhe miza iken tha Jaweri!
Trima kolltuqesh! Edhe marinsat qe jane ne terren po kti pyeseesh do te thone qe duam te ikim prane familjeve tona ne USA! Ju parazite te neveritshem doni gjak! Sigurisht kur ky eshte gjaku i te tjereve!
Nga e gjithe klika e krimineleve dhe banditeve te Shtepise se Bardhe vetem Powell ka luftuar dhe ka qene fizikisht ne Vjetnam!
Sa turp!


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Ajo qe i ben ca "njerez" te presin koka e te therrin njerez,eshte urrejtja psiko-patologjike per Perendimin dhe Ameriken,kaq! Ju uroj atyre krimineleve qe kryejne akte te tilla te paklasifikueshme tju dali shpirti me siklet,ashtu si viktimave te tyre te gjora!


Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Cilat janë akte të klasifikueshme për ty Çakalli, kur dikush vdes ngadalë në tullat e shtëpisë së vet? Kur dikujt që i ka shpërthyer pranë një "cluster bomb" nuk ja var askush sepse të gjithë janë të zënë për të shpëtuar kë mundin dhe të mjerit i del shpirti pas orësh të tëra vuajtje? Apo këto janë vrasje nga larg dhe nuk janë makabre, vetëm prerja e kokës është.
Bëni llogaritë dhe shikoni që për çdo kokë të prerë ka mbi 1000 të pafajshëm irakienë që kanë vdekur në një mënyrë apo tjetër po aq mizore. Cilët janë terroristat? Në radhë të parë ata që provokuan këtë kasaphanë, amerikanët e më pas prerësit e kokave. Megjithatë nuk mund të ketë një terrorist që të jetë më terrorist se një terrorist tjetër. /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Eh Kondrapedal! Cpret nga qenje amorale qe 1 min para egzekutimit te nje personi me injeksion vdekjeprures kontrollojne shiringen mos jete e infektuar me hepatit!
Keta jane thjesht qen te terbuar qe ti e une vetem harxhojme kohen kot te flasim me ta!
Ku e gjekjne te drejten keta qelbesira te vedosin mbi rrafshimin e qyteteve te tera me nje te rene te lapsit!
Edhe vete Zoti para se te rrafshonte Sodomen e Gomorren u mendua nje here dhe tha se nese edhe nje person do te ishte i pafajshem ne keto qytete nuk do ti shkaterronte!
Keta kriminele ciklike kane shkuar edhe pertej Zotit!
Shiko se cfare thote ky banditi tjeter:
"Innocent civilians in that city have all the guidance they need as to how they can avoid getting into trouble," Rumsfeld told a Pentagon (news - web sites) news conference Monday. He referred to a round-the-clock curfew and other emergency measures announced by interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi.
E si mund te shpetosh gjalle duke ndenjur qofte edhe ne bodrum kur te vjen nje bombe 5000 lb mbi cati?
Banditet Janki nuk po bejne nje operacion policor me shkopa gome po po perdorin artilerine e rende ne zona te banuara!
Keto jane krimet e verteta, dhe pacin faqen e zeze ata qe i aprovojne dhe i perkrahin!


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Antares,edhe ti e di mire qe jane mercenaret Arabe te cilet po bejne te pamunduren qe Iraku te rrije i destabilizuar,megjithate koalicioni ne bashkepunim me ushtrine liridashese Irakene po i nxjerrin perdite e me shume jashte shpellave Zarqavet e m.u.t.i.t!!Minjve te haleve po u ngushtohet rrezja e drites,deshira per liri e popullit Iraken dalngadale dhe me sakrifica te medha po shkon drejt realizimit!!


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

E ashtu me rrofsh! Po puna eshte se aq irakene sa kane vrare "clirimtaret" per nje vit nuk i ka vrare dot Sadami per 2. Me kete ritem pas 25 vjetesh Iraku do jete "cliruar" plotesisht nga irakenet, bile qe clirimi te jete i plote dhe i shpejte ndoshta clirimtaret duhet te perdorin dhe ca bumje me Atom! (qe irakenet ta kuptojne mire se ceshte demokracia amerikane ..... si ajo puna e hallves).


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Antares,edhe ti e din qe kjo nuk eshte e vertete,Irakezet po vriten shume me shume nga ato akte katundareske terroristesh,te cilet nuk u ha palla nqs bashke me nje ushtare Amerikane vdeesin edhe nja 50-100 popull civil Irakian!!Sikur te ishe kaq pacifist plako do isha dakord me ty,por nga njera ane je nje nga ithtaret me te medhenj(nder shqiptare)te Hitlerit dhe nazizmit(te cilet dihet se sa i kushtoi botes,ne te vrare flas)ne anen tjeter je kunder nje lufte te PAEVITUESHME!!Edhe lufta e Hitlerit ishte e paevitueshme,thjeshte ishte kriza Evropiane ajo qe e shpejtoi nevojen e nje lufte ne Evrope!!


Primus registratum
Re: Mbi 100 000 te vdekur si pasoje e agresionit ne Irak!

Orosh bir! Mos u ngaterro me gjera qe duhen diskutuar ne forum tjeter se vetem e devijon temen pa qene nevoja. Per sa i perket asaj "te paevitueshmes" ti po na del me skifter se vete Bushi mor jahu. Ai dora vete bashke me Blerin kane thene qe kjo nuk ishte lufte e paevitueshme po ne po e bejeme per x....y.....z arsye..... Tekstualisht "a war of our choice". Po avash o Shqiptar patriot, trim, puntor e liridashes nga Burreli me fal Brukseli, e lehura e qenit nuk duhet te bllokoje zerin e te zotit (s'po merr vesh qeni te zotin me duket)!