Manifesto kundra Islamizmit
MANIFEST: pasi kemi perballuar dhe mundur fashizmin nazismin dhe stalinizmin bota tani po ndeshet me nje tjeter kercenim global totalitar: ISLAMISM.
Nje lufte globale ku ndeshen demokratet dhe teokratet islamiste e cila nuk do fitohet me arme po ne fushen ideologjike.
Autoret e kesaj manifestoje te botur ne gazeten daneze Indland Jyllands-Posten, 28/02/06, shkrimtare, gazetare, intelektuale bejne thirrje per rezistence ndaj islamizmit totalitar, per nevojen per te perballuar kete kercenim, ashtu sic dhe ngjarjet qe pasuan botimin e kartoonave treguan.
Islamizmi eshte nje ideologji reaksioanare qe vret barazine dhe lirine dhe asgje nuk justifikon obskuritanizmin dhe totalitarizmin si zgjedhje. Bile as deshperimi.
Autoret e kesaj manifestoje qartesojne se shpirti kritikal dhe kritikimi i Islamit si besim fetar nuk duhet ngateruar me stigmatizim te besuesve te tij dhe se liria per te kritikuar ose shpirti kritikal, sic e quajne ata, duhet te ushtrohet ne te gjitha kontinentet kundra te gjitha abuzimeve dhe dogmave.
Ata apelojne tek te gjithe demokratet dhe liridashesit te te gjitha vendeve qe shekulli yne te behet shekulli i dijes dhe jo i obskurantizmit.
Autore te kesaj manifestoje jane qe eshte firmosur dhe shperndare nga qytetare ne mbare boten jane:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, deputet i parlamentit hollandez dhe skenarist i filmit Submission dhe qe jeton 24 ore ne mbrojtje policore.
Chahla Chafiq, shkrimtare Iraniane, aziluese ne France. Ka shkrujatur "Le nouvel homme islamiste , la prison politique en Iran " (2002).
Caroline Fourest, shkrimtare e librarve me reference ne fanatizem dhe laicizem: Tirs Croisés : la laïcité à l'épreuve des intégrismes juif, chrétien et musulman (with Fiammetta Venner), Frère Tariq : discours, stratégie et méthode de Tariq Ramadan, et la Tentation obscurantiste (Grasset, 2005).
Bernard-Henri Lévy, filozof francez, lindur ne Algjeri, qe merret me te gjitha izmat e shekullit XX, (Fascism, antisemitism, totalitarism, terrorism), autor i La Barbarie à visage humain, L'Idéologie française, La Pureté dangereuse, American Vertigo.
Irshad Manji, Fellow at Yale University and the internationally best-selling author of "The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith" (en francais: "Musulmane Mais Libre"). Ajo shprehet hapur per fjale te lire bazuar ne Kuran.
Mehdi Mozaffari, professor iranian origin and exiled in Denmark, author of articles and books on islam and islamism such as : Authority in Islam: From Muhammad to Khomeini, Fatwa: Violence and Discourtesy and Glaobalization and Civilizations.
Maryam Namazie, Writer, TV International English producer; Director of the Worker-communist Party of Iran's International Relations; and 2005 winner of the National Secular Society's Secularist of the Year award.
Taslima Nasreen, Bangladesh, Doctor. Mbron grate dhe minoritet dhe eshte denuar si apostate.
Salman Rushdie, author of nine novels, including Midnight's Children, The Satanic Verses and, most recently, Shalimar the Clown. He has received many literary awards, including the Booker Prize, the Whitbread Prize for Best Novel, Germany's Author of the Year Award, the European Union's Aristeion Prize, the Budapest Grand Prize for Literature, the Premio Mantova, and the Austrian State Prize for European Literature. He is a Commandeur of the Ordre des Arts et Lettres, an Honorary Professor in the Humanities at M.I.T., and the president of PEN American Center.
Philippe Val, Director of publication of Charlie Hebdo.
Ibn Warraq , author, Apostate qe ka lene Islamin. Why I am Not a Muslim ; Leaving Islam : Apostates Speak Out ; and The Origins of the Koran , is at present Research Fellow at a New York Institute conducting philological and historical research into the Origins of Islam and its Holy Book.
Antoine Sfeir , Libanez i krishter. director of Les cahiers de l'Orient and has published several reference books on islamism such as Les réseaux d'Allah (2001) et Liberté, égalité, Islam : la République face au communautarisme (2005).
P.S Islamizem dhe Islam nuk jane njesoj.
MANIFEST: pasi kemi perballuar dhe mundur fashizmin nazismin dhe stalinizmin bota tani po ndeshet me nje tjeter kercenim global totalitar: ISLAMISM.
Nje lufte globale ku ndeshen demokratet dhe teokratet islamiste e cila nuk do fitohet me arme po ne fushen ideologjike.
Autoret e kesaj manifestoje te botur ne gazeten daneze Indland Jyllands-Posten, 28/02/06, shkrimtare, gazetare, intelektuale bejne thirrje per rezistence ndaj islamizmit totalitar, per nevojen per te perballuar kete kercenim, ashtu sic dhe ngjarjet qe pasuan botimin e kartoonave treguan.
Islamizmi eshte nje ideologji reaksioanare qe vret barazine dhe lirine dhe asgje nuk justifikon obskuritanizmin dhe totalitarizmin si zgjedhje. Bile as deshperimi.
Autoret e kesaj manifestoje qartesojne se shpirti kritikal dhe kritikimi i Islamit si besim fetar nuk duhet ngateruar me stigmatizim te besuesve te tij dhe se liria per te kritikuar ose shpirti kritikal, sic e quajne ata, duhet te ushtrohet ne te gjitha kontinentet kundra te gjitha abuzimeve dhe dogmave.
Ata apelojne tek te gjithe demokratet dhe liridashesit te te gjitha vendeve qe shekulli yne te behet shekulli i dijes dhe jo i obskurantizmit.
Autore te kesaj manifestoje jane qe eshte firmosur dhe shperndare nga qytetare ne mbare boten jane:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, deputet i parlamentit hollandez dhe skenarist i filmit Submission dhe qe jeton 24 ore ne mbrojtje policore.
Chahla Chafiq, shkrimtare Iraniane, aziluese ne France. Ka shkrujatur "Le nouvel homme islamiste , la prison politique en Iran " (2002).
Caroline Fourest, shkrimtare e librarve me reference ne fanatizem dhe laicizem: Tirs Croisés : la laïcité à l'épreuve des intégrismes juif, chrétien et musulman (with Fiammetta Venner), Frère Tariq : discours, stratégie et méthode de Tariq Ramadan, et la Tentation obscurantiste (Grasset, 2005).
Bernard-Henri Lévy, filozof francez, lindur ne Algjeri, qe merret me te gjitha izmat e shekullit XX, (Fascism, antisemitism, totalitarism, terrorism), autor i La Barbarie à visage humain, L'Idéologie française, La Pureté dangereuse, American Vertigo.
Irshad Manji, Fellow at Yale University and the internationally best-selling author of "The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith" (en francais: "Musulmane Mais Libre"). Ajo shprehet hapur per fjale te lire bazuar ne Kuran.
Mehdi Mozaffari, professor iranian origin and exiled in Denmark, author of articles and books on islam and islamism such as : Authority in Islam: From Muhammad to Khomeini, Fatwa: Violence and Discourtesy and Glaobalization and Civilizations.
Maryam Namazie, Writer, TV International English producer; Director of the Worker-communist Party of Iran's International Relations; and 2005 winner of the National Secular Society's Secularist of the Year award.
Taslima Nasreen, Bangladesh, Doctor. Mbron grate dhe minoritet dhe eshte denuar si apostate.
Salman Rushdie, author of nine novels, including Midnight's Children, The Satanic Verses and, most recently, Shalimar the Clown. He has received many literary awards, including the Booker Prize, the Whitbread Prize for Best Novel, Germany's Author of the Year Award, the European Union's Aristeion Prize, the Budapest Grand Prize for Literature, the Premio Mantova, and the Austrian State Prize for European Literature. He is a Commandeur of the Ordre des Arts et Lettres, an Honorary Professor in the Humanities at M.I.T., and the president of PEN American Center.
Philippe Val, Director of publication of Charlie Hebdo.
Ibn Warraq , author, Apostate qe ka lene Islamin. Why I am Not a Muslim ; Leaving Islam : Apostates Speak Out ; and The Origins of the Koran , is at present Research Fellow at a New York Institute conducting philological and historical research into the Origins of Islam and its Holy Book.
Antoine Sfeir , Libanez i krishter. director of Les cahiers de l'Orient and has published several reference books on islamism such as Les réseaux d'Allah (2001) et Liberté, égalité, Islam : la République face au communautarisme (2005).
P.S Islamizem dhe Islam nuk jane njesoj.