Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Ciraku del me i zoti se ustai!
Dyfytyresia Amerikane (dhe ajo Europiane) po duket sheshit ne raportet tregetare ne Kinen! Te shkretet, kujtojne se kane te bejne me nje shtet te Botes se Trete qe mund ta manipulojne sipas qejfit! Pergjigja Kineze mund ti kushtoje shume shtrenjte avoketerve te "Tregetise se Lire".

China rules out new curbs on textile exports
46 minutes ago

BEIJING (AFP) - China said it will not impose additional curbs on its textile exports, while urging the US to correct "erroneous" measures to impose more quotas on Chinese products.

"The integration of the textile trade is a right we have gained since China joined the WTO and China will not impose curbs on its textile products," Commerce Minister Bo Xilai told a US business delegation on Thursday, according to the ministry's website.

An official at the ministry told AFP that Bo was ruling out restraints on export volumes and China could announce other economic measures but refused to say what or when.

China has already raised taxes and lowered export rebates on textile products in a bid to slow growth.

Just hours after Bo met with the US delegation Wednesday, Washington slapped quotas on another four categories of Chinese textile goods in addition to the three it had already announced.

China on Thursday urged the United States to correct the "erroneous" curbs on Chinese textile goods or possibly face Chinese action via the
World Trade Organization.

In the first official Chinese reaction to US restrictions on imports of new categories of Chinese textile products, the Ministry of Commerce expressed "firm opposition and strong displeasure."

"The Chinese government reserves the rights to take further actions within the framework of the World Trade Organization," Ministry of Commerce spokesman Chong Quan said in a statement posted on the ministry's website.

"China urges the US government to correct its erroneous measure and deal with the current textile issues in a fair and cautious manner, in order to avoid seriously hurting Sino-American economic and trade relations," he said.

The China Textile Industry Association meanwhile condemned America's "disgusting behaviour".

"It will seriously aggravate the textile trade dispute with China and further violates the principles of free trade. We express anger and strongly protest," the group said on its website.

The developments will likely fuel trade tensions focused on China's currency regime, which the United States claims has created an artificial boom in Chinese exports at the cost of thousands of US jobs.

China's foreign ministry called for the United States to engage in "equal consultations".

"No side should take unilateral action," spokesman Kong Quan said. "We hope the United States can properly solve the relevant issues through equal consultations and in a constructive spirit."

China's decision could also spark retaliatory action from the EU, which has threatened to put restrictions on imports of flax yarn and T-shirts from China if Beijing does not show a "constructive attitude".

At a business forum Wednesday, Bo blasted developed countries for arguing for global standards on free trade when they enjoyed absolute advantages but then placing restrictions when their own interests were threatened.

Under World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules, such "double standards are not allowed," he said.

He said some developed nations have failed to abide by WTO stipulations that requested them to gradually ease the quota system for the import of textile and garment products in the 10 years starting from 1995.

"This was why China's exports have soared in the first quarter of the year," he said, referring to the end of the global quota system on January 1.

Analysts said China had a strong case.

"Bo Xilai uses strong words but I think he has a very sensible and valid point," said Qu Hongbin, an analyst with HSBC in Hong Kong.

"You cannot on the one hand talk about entering the China market, ask China to join the WTO and open up its markets, and on the other hand, when you see that China is starting to become a supplier, or a producer, then try to limit that. "This is just ridiculous."


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Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Jo vetem kjo qe thote hajduti hurmave. Kina varet teknologjikisht nga Perendimi. Dje varej nga Bashkimi Sovjetik.Te gjithe aziatiket nuk jane enterprenours por kopjues te kategorise se shtate. Mos i merrni per te zgjuar aziatiket. Eshte fakt se rraca e bardhe eshte bere dembele ne kulm.. Me i zgjuar eshte turku ne shkolle ne Gjermani edhe nxenesi gjerman po ngel ne klase. Kjo ska ku te veje.

Po e zeme se te huajt i kerkojne borxhin para kohe Amerikes. Flitet per borxhin e qeverise amerikane edhe nqs qeveria amerikane do impononte +5% rritje ne taksa te gjithe taksapaguesve borxhi i qeverise do lahej per 6 muaj.Nuk besoni? Kryeni veprimet vete. Numeroni sa taksapagues jane etc. Iku kjo per te treguar sa tru ne koke kane forumistat-ekonomiste.

Ku qendron problemi me Kinen? Kina mbas 6 muajsh do raportohet ne OKB per manipulim valute. Vlera e valutes kineze qellimisht mbahet e ulur nga vete kinezet. Pse? Sepse malli kinez eshte me cilesi te ulet.

Nese grihet cilesia grihet kostoja e prodhimit te mallit edhe nese grihet vlera e valutes kineze ne raport me export/import edhe GDP atehere malli kinez do ishte po aq i shtrenjte sa te prodhohej ne vend + kostoja e transportit.


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Ah sa kollaj i bejne cifutet llogarite e te tjereve....
Kush e ka autorizuar ameriken te behet arbiter i monedhave te te tjereve? Nese kemi te bejme me ndonje monedhe te manipuluar ky eshte vete dollari . Sido qe te perdridhen Jankite nuk kane se si ti shpetojne konkurrences kineze se ketu nuk kemi te bejme me nje pune thjesht 5 perqindeshi po me pagesen e nje puntori 5$ dita ne kine e 100$ dita ne amerike!
Japonia e beri ate budallallek (para 15-20 vjetesh kur po ashtu si sot Jankite ne paaftesi per te konkurruar me Japonine e detyruan te rivleresoje jenin) dhe rezultati? deficiti me Japonine vetem eshte ngritur dhe depresioni ne Japoni vazhdon prej 15 vjetesh!
Tani nese duan te bejne te njejten gje me Kinen le te pergatiten ta pushtojne si Japonine!!!!!
Duke pare se si po e ndritin ne Irak e afganistan kunder 10 leckamaneve te paarmatosur veshtire se do u'a mbante te kruheshin me Kinen!
Kinezet thone me ironi: do vazhdojme ta mbajme kete vlere monedhe perderisa edhe bulloni i fundit te kete ardhur nga Amerika ne Kine!!!!!!
Nderkohe qe edhe GM (General Motors) do ta dredhe kemben se shpejti (30 miljard deficit), Kinezet po behen gati ti marrin patkonjte!

Ciao ciu ciu Amrikiu caha (Amerika te na haje nje m.....) - Proverb i lashte Kinez

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Ciao ciu ciu Amrikiu caha (Amerika te na haje nje m.....) - Proverb i lashte Kinez
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

O Paç Hijen Tate, po ti ç'do n'Gjermani o qyq? Apo të duket vetja i sigurt atje se thu që je shqiptar.

Ej, ma boj içik ate llogarin e 5% sikur të jem në klasë të parë se nuk ja thek shumë mirë nga numrat unë. E ke parasysh, dava arabi integralist që di me bërtit vetëm Allahu Akhbar :shrug: .


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Tani qe te themi proverb i lashte sikur nuk ka shume lezet de, se Guraxi do na kujtoje qe i lashte per Kinen do te thote 5000 vjecar ndersa historia e ketyre qyqareve "wanabe" imperiale - nuk shtyhet mme shume se 270 vjet!
Ironia eshte qe ajo qe kane sot si monedhe -pacavurja jeshile, kur u krijua kishte kuptimin e mases ne argjend qe duhet te kishte njesia baze monetare amerikane!
Vate argjendi, vate ari e mbeti........

Ciang ciu cajiiiiii xiging cuju (Kur jeton ne nje shtepi prej qelqi, mos hidh gure!) - Proverb i lashte Kinez (prape)


Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Un kujtova se ajo dote me thon "A do çaj?" /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .

Hajt shnet. Shifena mas nja 300 vjetësh (me stilin e lashtësisë ameriqone).


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Po e zeme se te huajt i kerkojne borxhin para kohe Amerikes. Flitet per borxhin e qeverise amerikane edhe nqs qeveria amerikane do impononte +5% rritje ne taksa te gjithe taksapaguesve borxhi i qeverise do lahej per 6 muaj.Nuk besoni? Kryeni veprimet vete. Numeroni sa taksapagues jane etc. Iku kjo per te treguar sa tru ne koke kane forumistat-ekonomiste.

Shadow of Self,
Nuk e di se ku i merr ti shifrat po keto qe sjell per borxhin Amerikan nuk jane te sakta. Ti thua se nese ngrihen taksat me 5% qeveria lan borxhin?!
E kam sjelle te tema Ekonomia nje shifer ku thuhet se borxhi amerikan eshte sa 210% e GDP amerikane e me i larti ne te gjithe historine amerikane. Keshtu qe ky shembull qe jep nuk vlen matematikisht.


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

China stands firm as U.S. steps up yuan pressure

BEIJING (Reuters) — China's Central Bank chief and a trio of top government economists lined up on Friday to urge a cautious approach to economic reforms, defying increasingly urgent U.S. demands for a swift revaluation of the currency.

U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow told Congress on Thursday he was confident that China would change the yuan's decade-old peg of near 8.3 per dollar within the next six months.

"We've got their attention and they're gonna move," Snow told law-makers, many of whom agree with U.S. manufacturers that the peg unfairly undervalues the yuan by perhaps 30 percent.

But Zhang Yansheng of the powerful National Development and Reform Commission said a lot of work was still needed in areas such as currency, taxation and foreign trade policy in order to minimize the impact of yuan reform on China's economy.

China's core problem was not whether the exchange rate of the yuan, or renminbi, was too low, Zhang told the International Business Daily, a paper published by the Ministry of Commerce.

"It will be better to keep the renminbi's exchange rate stable for another two years," Zhang, who heads the commission's External Economy Research Institute, was quoted as saying.

China has long said that it intends to let the yuan trade more freely but that it will reform its currency regime at a time of its own choosing and not in response to foreign pressure.

The overriding priority of China's ruling Communists is to preserve political and social stability.

They worry that abandoning a currency peg that has helped deliver growth of around 9 percent a year, lifting tens of millions out of poverty at a time of sweeping economic change, may jeopardize that goal.

Making the link between stability and the proper order of economic reforms, central bank chief Zhou Xiaochuan said on Friday that Beijing would proceed cautiously because change could lead to uncertainty. "The sequence of reform is very crucial. It costs us a lot," Zhou, governor of the People's Bank of China, told a conference in Seoul. "If we slow down the reform, it also costs us a lot." --Foreign pressure

Zhou's voice counts in the decision-making process.

Think tanks and various ministries are also increasingly vocal in the debate.

But China watchers say the decision whether to change the peg is so important it will be taken at the very highest reaches of the party.

Wang Jian, vice secretary general of the China Macro Economy Academy, said he was opposed to tampering with the yuan as China would need to rely increasingly on exports, because investment, which had been the main engine of growth, had peaked.

Another problem with revaluation is that foreigners would never be happy.

A 5 percent rise would spark speculation that a 15 percent appreciation was on the cards, while a 15 percent rise would only make markets think a 40 percent move was coming.

"Foreigners think China cannot withstand pressure for a revaluation of the yuan and that if there's enough pressure, the yuan will be forced higher and higher," Wang told the China Securities Journal.

Another objection to unshackling the yuan is that it could bring the dollar crashing down, with dire consequences for China and the global economy, Wang was quoted as saying.

"The dollar is extremely unstable because of the twin deficits. If the renminbi is revalued, other Asian currencies will go up too and the dollar could collapse in the near future," he said.

Another prominent academic, Song Hong of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the International Business Daily that the yuan should appreciate in the long term.

But he said it would be better if the currency was allowed to rise gradually and in small steps over a lengthy period.

Song, who is dean of the academy's Department of International Trade Research, also said China was not making full use of its $659 billion stockpile of foreign exchange reserves.

The reserves, which are now invested primarily in U.S. bonds, should be channeled into the development of private Chinese firms, Song said. He did not say how this should be done.

"It's quite embarrassing that China doesn't know how to use its huge reserves," the paper quoted him as saying.


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Do mblidhemi e t'i lajme borxhet Amerikes,se po vuajne te shkretet.
"nuku ben keshtu,te kopjojme vetem gazeta nashti".
Nga na iku "opinioni personal"??


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Opinioni personal shkoi ne .............e.
Si po perparon me anglishten, i mesove 3 fjalet qe kishe racion per sot?
Po te vazhdosh te sillesh si femije i keq, injorant do mbetesh tere jete (ajo qe te ka mbetur) dhe te tjeret do vazhdojne te te te tallin!
:lol: :lol: :goofy: :goofy: :lol: :lol:


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

une çuditem me ju shqiptaret. e perkrahni Kinen dhe me shume e doni ate se Ameriken edhepse Amerika na çliroi. Dihet qendrimi i Kines ndaj Kosoves. Po t'i donte Kina muslimanet do t'ju kuptoja juve "antares" por nuk ju kuptoj se çka te lidhe me Kinen kur ajo bashke me Rusine jane Nana dhe Babai i Serbise. Ncnccncnn. O shqiptare o budallenj. O arabe o budallenj.


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Or mejk! Ky eshte nje forum i marrdhenieve nderkombetare dhe na pelqen apo jo ne shqiptareve ngjarjet nderkombetare dhe fuqite e medha nuk e vertisin politiken rresh Shqiperise dhe shqipareve. Pse kujton ti e shoket e tu se loja e madhe boterore rrotullohet rresh disa miljon shqiptareve? Kur do clirohemi ne nga semundja e iluzionit se jemi qendra e botes?
Ata te adhuruarit e tu nuk dine te gjejne ne harte Kinen (nuk po them Nepalin pastaj) e jo me Shqiperine!

Zgjohu shoku Dule se mbine fasule!


Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Ku di Dulja ça o fasulja /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .