Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Ciraku del me i zoti se ustai!
Dyfytyresia Amerikane (dhe ajo Europiane) po duket sheshit ne raportet tregetare ne Kinen! Te shkretet, kujtojne se kane te bejne me nje shtet te Botes se Trete qe mund ta manipulojne sipas qejfit! Pergjigja Kineze mund ti kushtoje shume shtrenjte avoketerve te "Tregetise se Lire".

China rules out new curbs on textile exports
46 minutes ago

BEIJING (AFP) - China said it will not impose additional curbs on its textile exports, while urging the US to correct "erroneous" measures to impose more quotas on Chinese products.

"The integration of the textile trade is a right we have gained since China joined the WTO and China will not impose curbs on its textile products," Commerce Minister Bo Xilai told a US business delegation on Thursday, according to the ministry's website.

An official at the ministry told AFP that Bo was ruling out restraints on export volumes and China could announce other economic measures but refused to say what or when.

China has already raised taxes and lowered export rebates on textile products in a bid to slow growth.

Just hours after Bo met with the US delegation Wednesday, Washington slapped quotas on another four categories of Chinese textile goods in addition to the three it had already announced.

China on Thursday urged the United States to correct the "erroneous" curbs on Chinese textile goods or possibly face Chinese action via the
World Trade Organization.

In the first official Chinese reaction to US restrictions on imports of new categories of Chinese textile products, the Ministry of Commerce expressed "firm opposition and strong displeasure."

"The Chinese government reserves the rights to take further actions within the framework of the World Trade Organization," Ministry of Commerce spokesman Chong Quan said in a statement posted on the ministry's website.

"China urges the US government to correct its erroneous measure and deal with the current textile issues in a fair and cautious manner, in order to avoid seriously hurting Sino-American economic and trade relations," he said.

The China Textile Industry Association meanwhile condemned America's "disgusting behaviour".

"It will seriously aggravate the textile trade dispute with China and further violates the principles of free trade. We express anger and strongly protest," the group said on its website.

The developments will likely fuel trade tensions focused on China's currency regime, which the United States claims has created an artificial boom in Chinese exports at the cost of thousands of US jobs.

China's foreign ministry called for the United States to engage in "equal consultations".

"No side should take unilateral action," spokesman Kong Quan said. "We hope the United States can properly solve the relevant issues through equal consultations and in a constructive spirit."

China's decision could also spark retaliatory action from the EU, which has threatened to put restrictions on imports of flax yarn and T-shirts from China if Beijing does not show a "constructive attitude".

At a business forum Wednesday, Bo blasted developed countries for arguing for global standards on free trade when they enjoyed absolute advantages but then placing restrictions when their own interests were threatened.

Under World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules, such "double standards are not allowed," he said.

He said some developed nations have failed to abide by WTO stipulations that requested them to gradually ease the quota system for the import of textile and garment products in the 10 years starting from 1995.

"This was why China's exports have soared in the first quarter of the year," he said, referring to the end of the global quota system on January 1.

Analysts said China had a strong case.

"Bo Xilai uses strong words but I think he has a very sensible and valid point," said Qu Hongbin, an analyst with HSBC in Hong Kong.

"You cannot on the one hand talk about entering the China market, ask China to join the WTO and open up its markets, and on the other hand, when you see that China is starting to become a supplier, or a producer, then try to limit that. "This is just ridiculous."


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Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Mendoj se problemi eshte me kopleks e nuk duhet pare vetem ne prizmin e manipulimit perendimor.
Kina po ben dumping social me tekstilet dhe ne kete menyre po shkaterron ne nje periudhe shume te shkurter gjithe industrine tekstile perendimore.
Mos harrojme se qeverite perendimore kane per detyre te mbrojne dhe specifikat e tregjeve te brendeshme. Pra tregeti e lire sdo te thote tregeti pas asnje rregull!
Reformat dhe rregullat duhet te zbatohen ne hapsira kohore te caktuara ne menyre qe ekonomia kineze te zhvillohet me ritme te kenaqeshme po pa u kthyer ne kanibal te vertete per ekonomine perendimore.


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Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Po "te shkretet" "perendimore" paten 10 vjet kohe ti vinin punet e tyre te shtepise ne rregull nderkohe qe kerkonin me insistim hapjen e tregjeve te Kines per produktet e tyre!
MLK! Tregetia ose behet ose nuk behet! Nese ti kerkon me insistim te hapesh tregjet e komshiut (meqe e kujton vehten me te zote se ai), te njejten gje duhet te jesh pergatitur te besh edhe me tregjet e tua!
Edhe nje naiv e kupton se "Tregetia e Lire" eshte thjesht neokolonializem i maskuar me dokrra moderniste! Ata mund te luajne keshtu me gjynahqaret e Afrikes apo Amerikes Latine (tu shqyejne tregjet, ti detyrojne te privatizojne cdo gje, te shkaterrojne monedhen dhe cdo suport social, te blejne me 5 leke cdo gje me vlere), por kur ndeshin ne kundershtare dinake e te forte si Kina ulerijne me te madhe!
Ta provojne njecike ilacin e tyre ne kurriz te vet!
Nese ata do te vene kuota, bukur, te njejten gje do te beje dhe Kina kunder produkteve te tyre!
Ne fund te fundit ata kane me shume nevoje per Kinen se anasjelltas!
Eshte shume domethenes fakti qe pjesa me e madhe e Amerikes Latine kerkon me mire te beje tregeti me Kinen se sa te perzjehet me hajdutet Janki!
Atyre ju duhej Kina si shesh per te hedhur prodhimet e tyre, nuk u doli llogaria!
Lexoje me kujdes te gjithe artikullin dhe ki parasysh se eshte artikull nga burime Janki! E verteta eshte edhe me komike dhe me e hidhur!

Komike jane dokrrat Amerikane kur ata hiqen se i pret barku per mbarevajtjen e Ekonomise Kineze!
MLK! vertet kujton se Jankite nuk po i ze gjumi nga shqetsimi se po "demtohet" ekonomia e Kines?


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Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Amerikat "shqetesohet" per ekonomine kineze dhe marveshjet e saj me Evropen ne sencin qe Kina eshte nga tregjet me te medha boterore e do te jete me i madhi vitet e ardheshme. Keshtu qe kjo eshte normale dhe ska te beje me faktin qe i vjen keq Amerikes hinaisht pasi kapitalizmi nuk njeh humanizem.
Persa i perket tregetise se lire mos behemi naiv pasi Kina nga ana e saj e aplikon shume mire proteksionizmin e tregut te brendshem duke ndaluar me ligj krijimin e kompanive 100% me kapital te huaj dhe lejuar vetem joint venture me kapital 51% kinez e 49% te huaj. Pra nga nje ane kopjon teknollogjite perendimore, nga ana tjeter kontrollon mazhorancen e votave ne te gjitha joint venture dhe ne te njeten kohe per produktet qe skane nevoje per kualifikime teper te larta mbrohet me dumping social.
Jetojme ne perendim e jo ne Kine keshtu qe nga njehere duhet lene idealizmi me njane dhe duhen pare interesat tona te perbashketa se sma do mendja qe kines i vjen gjynah per Evropen apo Ameriken.


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Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!


nese UE dhe USA vendosin te bejne bllok prodhimeve kineze te jesh i sigurt qe e realizojne pa me te voglen veshtiresi.
sot shume firma prodhuese jane drejtuar ne KINE per arsye sepse aty mbizoteronte krahu i lire i punes,por duhet te dish qe QEVERIA KINEZE ishte ajo qe pati inisjiativen.
gati 2 miliarde njerez do ushqeheshin e duhej te mbijetonin.KINA perjetoi nje periudhe te veshtire,kujtojme protestat e famshme.nga ajo kohe qeveria kineze kerkoi depertimin e firmave te huaje dhe hapjen e kufijve tregetar.kjo per te ulur pakenaqesine popull,imagjino 2 miliarde te te versulen :eek:
sot ka nje mbiprodhim dhe magazinat kineze po plasin,tejet te fryra por prodhimet jane te nje cilesie te dobet cka nuk permbushin nevojat perendimore :shrug:
eshte e thjeshte te kuptohet,ja shih vendet europiane qe me mbivleresimin e EUROS gjejne veshtiresi ne eksporte.tregu kryesor i tyre jane USA!!! :shrug:
nese mallrat kinez nuk depertojne ne keto 2 tregje kreysore ska si te krijohet raprezalja kineze!
fuqia blerese anon nga UE dhe USA,dashje pa dashje.vende te tjera perbejne nje % te vogel ne teresine e ketij globalizimi!


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Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

E shoh qe te vjen shume keq qe Kinezet nuk u treguan aq naive sa Ruset, Euro-Lindoret (dhe ne kuptohet) dhe shume vende (polli da pelare) qe nuk kopjuan formulat e FMN e te BB per terapi-shoku!
Ke te drejte kur thua qe cdo shtet sheh interesat e veta dhe kapitalizmi nuk ka humanizem! Jam 110% dakord me ty ketu!
Puna eshte sic thote ai zyrtari Kinez "Tregetia nuk eshte nje bashkesi rregullash ku ne zbatjme ato qe na vine per shtat dhe injorojme ato qe nuk na pelqejne (interesojne))!"
Kina me sa di une eshte nje vend sovran dhe ka te drejte qe te vendose vete per perqindjen e pjesemarrjes ne ndermarrjet e perbashketa, sa valute do hyje e do dale nga fitimi i gjeneruar etj etj!
Mos harro se nderkohe qe Jankite cirren ne menyre histerike kunder "proteksionizmit" kinez, vete jane vendi qe aplikojne proteksionizmin me te pafytyre qe prej 150 vjetesh!
Ata do te ishin te lumtur te vepronin me Kinen ashtu si duan (dhe po bejne) me ekonomine e Irakut, por per kete ka vetem nje pengese te vockel, te vockel, te vockel fare!
Ne fillim duhet te pushtojne Kinen!
Metodat e kanoniereve aq te deshiruara 100 vjet perpara ndaj Kines nuk funksionojne me!
Ne fund te fundit ishin vete korporatat (te nxitura nga etja per fitime) qe cuan miljona vende pune ne Kine e Indi, qe bene gati deindustrializimin virtual te Amerikes, qe sot eksportojne me sforco te madhe vetem produkte bujqesoro-blegtorale (Japonise i thone - Do vend ne Keshillin e Sigurimit? - Bli lopet tona te cmendura)!
Eshte e hidhur po komunistet kishin te drejte kur thoshin qe "Kapitalizmi Amerikan eshte gati nese sheh ndonje fitim te castit, te na shese ne dhe litarin me te cilin kemi ndermend ta varim!"

Kapitalizmi i cfrenuar dhe Globalizmi kane sjelle vetem rrenim jo vetem tek 80% e botes se pazhvilluar po edhe vete vendeve te zhvilluara!


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Great! Mbaje pak vrullin djalo se po te ishte aq e lehte do te ishte bere!
Europa e Amerika e dine mire se del bishti me i rende se sqepari prandaj vetem kujitin e kercenojne!
Te siguroj une qe ai qe e ndjen vehten te forte dhe te sigurte nuk kujit po vepron!
Jane futur thelle ne Kine e tani nuk dalin dot pa lene nje pjese te brekusheve!


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Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

He he he he he!

21st-century Strategeri
By John G Scherb

IRVINE - Much has been made in various scholarly publications of the impending strategic threat China poses to the United States. Indeed, in 1995-96, there was the so-called "Taiwan Strait Crisis" involving the US Navy, which some consider to be a prelude to upcoming hostilities. See, for example, the very erudite paper by Douglas Porch titled "The Taiwan Strait Crisis of 1996 - Strategic Implications for the United States Navy". [1]

There is also the semi-secret, multilateralist National Intelligence Council paper "2020", which I would quote in some detail, except I gave my copy, including a nice maroon three-ring binder, to a North Korean spy here in Irvine, California, so that Kim Jong-il and his posse could get a glimpse into current Central Intelligence Agency thinking. [2]

It's important to maintain a dialogue, don't you think?

In the "2020" document, there is a grand strategic vision of the entire world from now (2005) for the next 15 years. It was produced with the help of the Rand Corporation and Royal Dutch Shell, so you know it is not a Strangeloveian light-hearted attempt at future-gazing. I suspect, although I've never been invited, that the participants in the Davos and Bilderberg conferences kick around the same type of high concepts.

My point here is that perhaps we all have gotten it quite wrong.

Sure the mainland communist People's Republic of China has grown like crazy over the last 26 years and is now a genuine world power. And sure, its People's Liberation Army has been fully integrated into a roaring economic machine that has been growing at a rate of about 9% every year. And they want to devour the helpless (save the nukes and whales) Democratic People's Party of Taiwan in an orgy of atomic blood-letting and hissing menace (see Terry and the Pirates for the basic plot line).

But, hey, they still wear those silly Soviet-style frying pan hats, so how advanced can they really be? And those May Day parade vehicles with the big white-walled tires, aren't they a bit 1950ish? Campy and retro sure, but not really current. To be really hip, they would have to have 20-inch spinner mag wheels with blue lights, no?

Perhaps what is really happening is an elaborate ruse by the neo-conservatives who have controlled US foreign policy through most of the two George W Bush administrations. You see, here in the United States (particularly California, which is far more advanced under the "governator" Arnold Schwarzenegger than the other 49 states combined - except maybe North Carolina), we don't believe in traditional nation-state models anymore.

Under acceptable globalist group-think (which is really quite uber-cool), America has evolved into a "service" economy (see the Department of Defense budget of half a trillion dollars for fiscal year 2005). This means it is very old fashioned to produce things anymore. No, the ultimate goal appears to be the creation of a mass Wal-Mart/Starbucks economy where everything physical is actually produced ... in China then sold to consumers who produce ... well, theoretical constructs. Or are baristas at Starbucks.

Under globalist theology, Americans should joyfully participate in the world economic-comparative-advantage sweepstakes and allow blue-collar wages to go Bangladeshi while we produce ever more exotic financial instruments and legal legerdemains.

The ultimate goal seems to be an extremely cerebral, highly rated culture of air and fairy dust where radical vegans and steroid-enhanced athletes entertain us - along with Brittany Spears, Michael Jackson, and Liza Minnelli. But hey, aren't they all really talented? And quite lovely in an exaggerated way. And oh so sexual. This is an important consideration in times when white people seem unable to reproduce in an acceptably biblical fashion. See the abysmal European birth rates for a prime example of this.

The comedian Will Ferrell once described Bush's vision of world affairs as "Strategeri". [3] If this is accurate, then perhaps the cunning neo-cons, in close consultation with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, have devised a really cool idea. They have, well, "conned" China into believing that their national goal should be to overtake the United States of America as the world's leading economic and military "superpower".

Actually, after the American Century, we are all getting kinda bored with being No 1 and playing GloboCop all the time. We secretly have a plan to rapture ourselves into star matter. Except for all those pesky left-behinds in the blue states. But shhhh, don't tell the Chinese - it's classified Alpha-Omega-Epsilon. And you know what that means.

What the neo-cons actually hope for is to radically enlarge the all-volunteer army ("Be all you can be") and act as mercenaries for the Chinese and Indians who will then vie on pay-per-view for the title of Mr World. Note that the Swedes and Swiss used this model quite successfully for many years in ancient (before 1980) Europe. Let Asia produce all the low-cost, high-quality goods their little yellow (and brown) hearts desire.

How can we possibly go wrong?


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Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Po i vika era mish te pjekur kesaj luftes tende Antarezo /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ,(apo era tekstile te djegura?) /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Why unpegging the yuan won't help

China saw what happened to Japan when they unpegged the yen in the late 80's--14 years of depression.

Unpegging the yuan would cause the yuan to rise and export costs to rise for China.

This inflation will the be exported to the US in the form of higher prices at GreatWAL MART since China is Walmart’s biggest supplier.

(4396 bytes)
China saw what happened to Japan when they unpegged the yen in the late 80's--14 years of depression.

Unpegging the yuan would cause the yuan to rise and export costs to rise for China.

This inflation will the be exported to the US in the form of higher prices at GreatWAL MART since China is Walmart’s biggest supplier.

Since Chinese exports end up at GreatWall-Mart, it is American consumers who live pay check to pay check, subsist on low wages not adjusted for inflation and credit card debt, and shop at GreatWall Mart who will see the price increases passed on by the Chinese.

This is the vicious cycle that Americans will have to endure in order to live beyond their means.

Greenscam will have to increase liquidity (debt, more asset bubbles) in order for these heavily indebted Americans to be able to afford the now more expensive junk at Walmart.

Notice that while Snow is begging China to unpeg the yuan, Walmart is urging against it. This is bizarre to say the least.

Anything China does will have a major impact on the US economy.

The only beneficiary when the yen was devalued was the US in that the dollar was devalued and this effectively decreased the US deficit because fewer dollars were needed to repay its debt.

China will continue its peg until all of the US manufacturing capability is in China and Asia and the US is totally deindustrialized, a harmless old relic and no threat to China.

China realizes that its surplus dollars invested in US treasuries are worthless, but they are getting tangible things for that, mainly gleaming new factories.

US treasuries are completely worthless because as the dollar declines the interest rate is negative. For example, if US treasuries are paying 2% interest, but the dollar falls 40% the effective interest rate is -38%.

This is why oil prices are rising to offset the decline of the US petro dollar. Factories in the US are completely dismantled and sent to China.

The US used this strategy in the 80's-90's with the Japanese when the US could not sustain its then massive deficits caused by Reagan's irresponsible Cold War deficit spending and tax cuts (the same mistake that Bush has made) and the Japanese yen was considered undervalued.

The US was hoping to wipe out its debt by repaying its debt with fewer worthless and depreciating dollars to the Japanese, the same failed strategy the US is using with China.

All the empirical evidence has shown that this strategy failed as the dollar continued depreciating and yet still US deficits INCREASED and the Japanese still has a HUGE surplus even larger than in the 1990's.

It doesn't seem to matter if the dollar is over-valued the deficits increased, the dollar is under-valued the deficits increased.

You can see why the US strategy of unpegging currencies failed in Japan and will have no affect on China or trade.

As the dollar depreciated which made US goods cheaper for foreigners, the US was supposed to ramp up exports, to the point where US exports would exceed imports and thus moving the US back into a surplus position.

But with nothing left to export, the falling dollar has actually crippled the US and the US is left to import all of its needs from China.

Japan maintained its manufacturing ability and that's why their 14-year depression has been mild (relatively speaking with no mass layoffs and with a high savings rate to cushion their economic problems) with the US acting as the market of last resort for Japanese exports.

What country is going to act as a market of last resort for the US when the US doesn't produce a damn thing, consumes more than it produces, has no savings and has high-labor costs?

In any case, the problem with China isn't an undervalued yuan, but its $1 a day labor comparative advantage.

As a group, the surplus nations with US dollars have much more clout than they think.

Rather than face the inevitable collapse of the dollar (and the source of US hegemony and its faded empire) by reforming the international currency market by letting the dollar fail and will mark the end of the US as a superpower, the US in engaging in these useless wars, trade sanctions and currency nonsense, none of which will solve the US economic problem.

And as Iraq has shown, this will only worsen the problem it is attempting to solve.


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Asnje nuk eshte budalla te hyje ne konflikte per te prishur mardheniet me klientet me te mire keshtu qe kjo behet vetem per riekulibrim tregjesh e çdo gje do zgjidhet me negociata. Qe te negocionesh ne fillim sejcili do beje llogarite e do maten raportet e forces pasi ku ka negocime ka matje raporti focash e ne baze te fuqise arrihen dhe rezultatet finale. Gjithesesi te gjithe e dime qe sisteme perfekte nuk ka keshtu qe po te isha i detyruar te zgjidhja ndermjet atij kinez dhe atij perendimor pa hezitim do te zgjidhja perendimin e nuk besoj se kjo perben ndonje surprize per dike ketu.
antares kur folla per punen e kompanive te perbashketa ishte me qellim te tregoja se Kina eshte teper proteksioniste ndofta me teper se Evropa apo Amerika kur flitet per tregun e saj te brendshem pasi ne Evrope kompanite kineze po bejne kerdine duke blere kapitalet e kompanive evropiane e per kete evropianet spo i pengojne, kur vjen puna per ne Kine ndodh ajo qe permenda me siper /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif Keshtu qe nuk kisha per qellim te ve ne dyshim sovranitetin e Kines po vetem sjelljen e elementeve te krahasimit.


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

E keni parasysh ate "raprezaljen" Kineze ju :tipsy: ?
Tani duhet te merremi edhe me kinezofile,allah allah. :smash:


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

MLK! Per sa kohe nje shtet i ruan atributet e tij (dhe jane disa kuptohet), ai merr masa per mbarevajtjen e ekonomise dhe finances se tij! Kjo sigurisht duket si shprehje e konsumuar, po nuk eshte ashtu: Shiko Shqiperine si eshte kthyer ne nje Republike Bananesh per Greqine nga njera ane, dhe lexo postimin tim te meparshem per situaten aktuale te paraziteve planetare qe pasi eksportuan edhe aftesite e fundit prodhuese jane kthyer ne borxhlinjte me te medhenj te planetit qe vec forces ushtarake (shume e diskutueshme edhe kjo kunder fuqive te tjera atomike) nuk i ka mbetur asgje tjeter.
Fajtore per kete jane vete ata qe nxorren (ironia eshte se i besuan helmit te tyre) dokrra te tipit "Ekonomi terciare", (dikush e perifrazon kete me "Une do perparoj duke lare brekushet e komshiut!"), levizje e lire e njerzve dhe kapitaleve etj etj.
Pas 1945 ata vertet mbulonin (jo hamburgera e koka-kola) 50% te prodhimit boteror!
Sot prodhojne me shumice avoketer dhe ekonomiste qe mesojne Pashkon se si te shkaterroje ekonomine e vendit te tij (nje rast ky)!
Cdo shtet normal perdor me te drejte proteksionizmin, une nuk jam kunder proteksionizmit, puna eshte qe nuk duroj dot asimetrine qe te kerkohet nje gje nga njera pale dhe nje gje tjeter nga pala tjeter!
Etja e cfrenuar e korporatave per fitime qe nuk merr parasysh as interesa kombetare e coi USA ne kete pike ku ndodhet!
Fakti qe ata jane te paafte te konkurojne me Kinen e Japonine nuk perben faj per dy shtetet e mesiperme!


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Nje gje e lezetshme qe lexova diku per Japonine ishte se dhjete vitet e fundit fale eksportit te fabrikave prodhuese ne Kine,numri i japonezeve qe mesojne kinezce eshte rritur prej gati 150% keto dhjete vitet e fundit.


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

American ********

Once again, American Propagandists carefully cover up the real issues:

1). What right does America have to dictate monetary or economic policy around the world in the first place? Notice how Americans NATURALLY assume they have a moral and political right to dictate to China that they should unpeg the yuan.

You can be sure if the tables were turned, and some OTHER country were attempting to dictate US monetary policy, American Nationalists of all stripes would be ranting and raving This shows the double-standards and hypocrisy of the imperialist American mindset.

More importantly, US threats to China about the dollar peg are an example of what American Economic Hitman (i.e. Terrorists) have always attempted to do: DICTATE economic policy in the Third World in general through predatory America-controlled institutions like the IMF, World Bank, or the WTO. Apparently, some people here have forgotten John Perkins' expose of this type of USA economic terrorism.

2). Who gives a damn "what is good" for the USA? The American Way of Life itself is MORALLLY AND POLITICALLY ILLEGITMATE, and DESERVES TO BE ENDED. The American Empire is based upon both the exploitation of cheap labor in the Third World (like Wal-Mart in China) and Dollar Imperialism.

What most American demagogues forget to mention is that much of China's so-called 'trade deficit' with the USA is nothing more than EXPORT PROCESSING. This means that American (and other First World) corporations move their production sites to China and other low wage nations in order to manufacture products there, then ship these products back to the USA to be sold to US Parasites ... er consumers.

These products may literally be "Made in China" but they often are primarily MADE FOR AMERICAN OWNED AND CONTROLLED corporations, (as opposed to indiginous Chinese corporations) who reap the super-profits from this trade.

Yet, this type of Export Processing "trade" is somehow COUNTED as part of the US trade deficit with China. This would be like a German corporation setting up a factory in the USA, manufacturing products to be shipped back to Germany for German consumers, and counting this trade as part of Germany's trade deficit with the USA!

Sounds like Arther Anderson accounting methods to me.

In other words, the REAL ISSUE is OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL of the corporation, not the geographic location of its production site.

That's a fundamental issue American propagandists of all stripes try to sweep under the rug, behind their self-serving whining about "bring back jobs to the USA."

The true issue is American exploitation of Third World labor. Everything else is American ******** .

Another issue that is obsured in this entire phony "debate" is that of Dollar Imperialism.

Dollar Imperialism involves the rest of the world essentially paying imperial tribute to the USA through the purchase of worthless US
T-Bill--primarily because of the Dollar is the WORLD RESERVE CURRENCY.

All this money that other countries effectively pay to the USA in the form of these worthless Dollar purchases would be better spent on productive investment in THEIR OWN INTERNAL MARKETS AND NATIONS.

Yet, the only thing Americans are concerned about is THEIR OWN PREDATORY SELF-INTEREST, as they piss their pants about the possibility that other nations will start to divest from the Dollar and support the EURO as a alternative reserve currency!

In particular, American ideologues are wringing their hands that if China is forced to unpeg from the dollar, it will no longer be able to purchase these worthless US T-bills. This will in turn prompt other nations like Japan, etc... who also have large dollar holdings to begin the exit from the Dollar and into the EURO, and possibly bringing an end to American Dollar Imperialism in general.

This is what the USA really fears.

From the warped American perspective, Dollar Imperialism is natural, normal and pefectly legitimate, and should be maintained as long as possible--the rest of the world be damned.

For the Third World, however, American Dollar Imperialism is nothing more than a form of American financial blood-sucking that deserves to be destroyed by any means necessary.

Albert Zylyftari

Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Desha te dija si i kemi maredheniet me kinen ne shqiptaret sot.
Se ne lidhemi gjithmone me ate qe ka dale nga loja.Lidhja me kinen me duket i vetmi shpetim per shqiperine.


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

Fillimisht postuar nga YLLIS:
[qb] Desha te dija si i kemi maredheniet me kinen ne shqiptaret sot.
Se ne lidhemi gjithmone me ate qe ka dale nga loja.Lidhja me kinen me duket i vetmi shpetim per shqiperine. [/qb]
Kinezet nuk kane surrat te lidhen me Shqiperine,se pastaj duhet te marrin me vehte shume hekurishte qe na i shiten si prodhime te dores se pare!
Interesin ma te madh e kemi ne,duke dite qe Hidrocentralet jane pertoke!

vijne nganjehere ca kinezerira andej nga vendi i shqipove,duhet pasur kujdes se mos i shkelim padashje ne kembe,apo nuk e kane edhe nje te bertitur ata:ngiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnmmmmiiiiaaaaaoooooooo /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Albert Zylyftari

Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

ne shqiptartet bar do ham dhe s'do ja shtrijme doren te hujve.(enver hoxha)
Kur franca dhe amerika e shtete te tjera po lidhen me kinen pse jo ne shqiptaret?
Ne jemi gjithmone si kofini pas te vjelit.


Primus registratum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

secili duhet ta kete te qarte se Amerika eshte shpi e madhe.


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Lufte tregetare ne horizont? Kina gati per raprezalje!

inatet jane te shumta dhe disa u permenden me siper. po e shtoj dhe une nje. eshte ajo qe quhet know-how ne ekonomi. Kina ka i gjo te dhime me i llaf. pranon firma te huaja, por ama me nji kusht: qe idete prodhuese te ngelen edhe ne Kine. me nji llaf: Na e msoni si behet se ne e bejme vete ket gjo pastaj. cilesia pastaj eshte gje tjeter, por nderkohe imponon kushtet e veta, duke qene se ekonomikisht e mban thiken nga ana e dorezes.