Re: Lufta e Irakut duhej të bëhej - Së paku për shkak të humanizmit
A nation of thieves and liars
America's government claim's it is a Christian one. There was a time in my childhood this was a sacred idea, but today's Christianity is nothing more than big business. Not long ago Christian's were offended by having anything placed upon the precious Bible. This act was considered disrespectful to God, but today many American's couldn't care less if the Bible is placed on the bottom of a bird cage.
The US President claims Jesus sits at the head of his table. He and his followers claim God wants them to take over the world. They claim God has control of the Republican party and appointed the present government, hand picking them one by one, filling the halls of Congress with his own Representatives.
These so-called disciples of Christ have filled all the key positions in the Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Drug Administration, the CIA, the FBI, and the countless commissions and advisory committees. These queer Christian's depict the UN a Satanic plot to take control of the world. Jesus now has control of the school systems so no child will be left behind, insuring not one branch of government will function without this new Christian security.
Texas may soon be called the New Jerusalem. The God-sent Bush Administration has established one of the most ambitious sexual health agendas in the Western world. It is consistent with the new religious order of the Promise Keeper's, a male oriented organization, established 1990.
Obviously Jesus wants us all to drive SUV's and live a lifestyle of luxury that will rapidly deplete what's left of the global eco system.
When God talked to George W, he apparently told him to kill million's of people in Jesus name, and to brutally torture and kill innocent human being's in prison camps like Abu Graib or Guantanamo; to kill them without remorse. God wants Bush to install Christian doctrine in Iraq so those unfortunate's might experience the wonderful freedom and democracy Christians Zionists self righteously covet in America. God told the US soldier's to run over Iraqi children with their tanks. This invisible Jesus taught these chosen few to discriminate between human's, calling entire nation's of EVIL.
Catholic history tells us God stood at the helm while Columbus guided the Spanish Conquistadors through city after city, soul after soul, inflicting suffering, starvation, pain, and death, for HIS great religious crusade in the America's. These Christian Trojans were actually treated like Gods by the American natives.
America's Christian ancestors were forced to live through pioneering abuse and torment they received during the slaughtering of this once savage nation while establishing a renegade religion to free the new world of sin.
It was God who offered the corporate Christians oil rich countries for the stealing of Mother Nature's resources. It was God who placed puppet master's in charge of entire nation's of unsuspecting humans who were already enslaved by God's sanctions. It was God who made the leader's lie and cheat for the betterment of all mankind.
Yes, my friend's, these Zionist Christian's actually hold God accountable for all the injustices, corruption's, lies and deceits. How convenient for them to have created man's inhumanity to man, but THEY ARE WRONG. Thier perception of God is wrong. The God I would choose to place faith in, could never be compared to the inhuman, desensitized, brain-dead imbecile's God, who commits such acts of horror and mayhem that eventually will lead to the annihilation of Planet Earth. They must be stopped.
These murderers have never experienced God conscientiousness, or Allah, or Jehovah, or Buddha, or Muhammad, or any other enlightened human being that has represented the holy spirit in the past, or they would not be leading a nation to hell taking as many soul's with them as possible. In fact, these are the very one's Jesus rebukes in all the bible stories.
These fat little piggies are expert liars and thieves, robbers of humanity who continually scour the planet for new prey. They are world government's; high tech corporations; manufacturer's of weapons of mass destruction; banker's who hold soul's in their purses of blood; institutions that programs thought's with manufactured deceit, infringing on our rights as human beings to raise our own children; they are the lawyers who steal citizen's money through fraudulent deals between their own kind. They are the pharmaceutical industries that riddle our bodies with new and improved designer poisons. They are the demons that offer us poisons to drink, then punish us as criminals for addictions they've created. They are the reaper's of innocent soul's.
These vacant being's use unfortunate events, such as 911, to imprison our minds with fear, restraining us from knowledge of spiritual ascension. They are recruiter's of death and destruction who arrange wars that instigate countries to fight their own people. They are those who keep humanity separated by dogma and religion. They kill as it suits THEIR needs protected by THEIR laws. The masses are controlled by THEIR media networks. THEIR program's of hate and anger are supported by over medicating and under educating the populace while continually promoting illegal wars against other nations.
They are the ruler's who sit in high places, living in palaces paved with our families blood; the blood of our ancestor's and the blood of our children. While we are kept busy being killed and killing each other they profit from our deaths. The greatest of their evil scheme's is the adherence of genocidal depopulation of the Earth for advancement of the elite. Even the elite will be deceived.
Slowly, and behind our backs, while we are busy earning our lives as their slaves, they continue transforming this planet into the hell they've instilled in our psyche's as Satan's work. Is Satan living in America today? There must be a reason the Bible's are covered in black. These inhuman creature's of greed and tormenter's of soul's have fouled the air we must breathe, destroyed the land in which we must live, and good water? ... the sustenance of all life, is rapidly disappearing. The religion's were not created to satisfy the soul with life after death, but to control the multitude as slaves for their own greedy needs and pleasures, right here on earth.
These low lying vermin of greed mean nothing good for us, and, they are NOTHING without us. No, they are less than nothing, as we can barely see them through their flimsy veil. All fear's have been manifested by them for controlling us. The biggest lie of all has been the pretension of friendship and care giving they bestow upon us to secure our trust. All that must change soon, as constant change is the universal law of karmic evolution.
We must regain our senses, restructure our minds from robotic control. We must help each other climb from these depths of mystery and secrecy that hideously lays within the hearts of our genocidal murderers. We must learn to live without them in every aspect of life. We do not need their God's or their churches to find love. We do not need their banks or their money to be rich in spirit. We do not need their advice on raising our children, or laws that protect only them. We do not need their form of entertainment or enlightenment which further destroy's our souls. We do not need their fancy lifestyle or their gas guzzling goliath SUV's. We do not need their expertise in any proposition they might offer, for their way is paved to hell without return. We do not need them, so we must let THEM go.
_All WE need is love of life, trust in humanity, and the freedom to think for ourselves._