Kur mbet' pa fjale...


Primus registratum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

ndonjehere mendoj se duhet ndonje ulerime e lezecme sa per te mbushur boshllekun /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif



Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

sikur njerezit te kishin lexuar tekstin e temes dhe mos i pergjigjeshin vetem titullit te saj, ndoshta fjalet do te luanin nje rol, dhe ulerima nuk do te ishte e nevojshme, pervec se ne formen e saj me sublime, poezine:

O' si nuk kam nji grusht te forte
t'i bije mu ne zemre malit qe s'bezane,
ta dij edhe ai se c'do me thane i dobet -
n'agoni te perdridhet si vigan i vrame,

Une - lugat! SI hij'e trazueme,
trashegimtar i vuetjes dhe i durimit,
endem mbi bark te mallit me ujen e zgjueme
dhe me klithma te paknaquna t'instinktit.

Mali hesht. Edhe pse per dite
mbi lekure te tij, ne loje varrimtare,
kerkoj me gjete nji kafshate ma te mire...
Por me rrene shaka shpresa genjeshare.

Mali hesht - dhe ne heshtje qeshe.
E une vuej - dhe ne vuejtje vdes!

Po une, kur? heu! kur kam per t'u qeshe?
Apo ndoshta duhet ma pare te vdes?

O, si nuk kam nji grusht te fuqishem!
Malit qe hesht mu ne zemre me ja njeshe
Ta shof si dridhet nga grusht'i paligjshem...
E une te kenaqem, te kenaqem tu u qesh.



Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...


Pak dritë! Pak dritë! Pak dritë, o shok, o vlla.
Të lutem, pak dritë në kët natë kur shpirti vuen,
kur të dhemb e s'di ç'të dhemb, e syni gjum nuk ka,
urren nuk din ç'urren, don e s'din se ç'don.

Pak dritë! 0 burrë! 0 hero' ngado që të jesh. ....
Burrë që shkatrron edhe që ndërton sërish!
Pak dritë vetëm, të lutem, mshirë të kesh,
se do çmendem në kët natë pa gjumë dhe pa pishë.

Oh! ta kisha pishën të madhe edhe të ndezun!
Me flakën e pishës në qiellin e ksaj nate
ta shkruejshe kushtrimin... Ehu Burrë i tretun
Do ta shifsha vallen tande në majë të një shpate.

Porpishë nuk karn e vetëmjanë burrat, shokët...
Dergjem n'errsin pa gjumë dhe pa dritë...
Askush s'më ndigjon, çirren kot më kot...
Hesht more, hesht! por qindro, o shpirt.

Gjeli këndon dhe thotë se asht afër drita
- Gjel, rren a s'rren? cila asht fjala ejote?
Kur ti këndon thonë se asht afer drita...
Por un s'besoj sonte në Çalët e ksaj bote.

Hiqmuni qafe, mendimet
Ojastëk ty të rroki, të përqafoj si shpëtimin,
më fal atë që due: gjumin dhe andm'min
e dy buzve që pëshpërisin ngushllimin.

prap Migjeni!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

<font color="brown"> A Divine Image

by William Blake.

Cruelty has a human heart,
And Jealousy a human face;
Terror the human form divine,
And secrecy the human dress.

The human dress is forged iron,
The human form a fiery forge,
The human face a furnace seal'd,
The human heart its hungry gorge


Grupi i të moçmëve!
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

my immortal
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me


Primus registratum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
sikur njerezit te kishin lexuar tekstin e temes dhe mos i pergjigjeshin vetem titullit te saj, ndoshta fjalet do te luanin nje rol, dhe ulerima nuk do te ishte e nevojshme, pervec se ne formen e saj me sublime, poezine:

O' si nuk kam nji grusht te forte
t'i bije mu ne zemre malit qe s'bezane,
ta dij edhe ai se c'do me thane i dobet -
n'agoni te perdridhet si vigan i vrame,

Une - lugat! SI hij'e trazueme,
trashegimtar i vuetjes dhe i durimit,
endem mbi bark te mallit me ujen e zgjueme
dhe me klithma te paknaquna t'instinktit.

Mali hesht. Edhe pse per dite
mbi lekure te tij, ne loje varrimtare,
kerkoj me gjete nji kafshate ma te mire...
Por me rrene shaka shpresa genjeshare.

Mali hesht - dhe ne heshtje qeshe.
E une vuej - dhe ne vuejtje vdes!

Po une, kur? heu! kur kam per t'u qeshe?
Apo ndoshta duhet ma pare te vdes?

O, si nuk kam nji grusht te fuqishem!
Malit qe hesht mu ne zemre me ja njeshe
Ta shof si dridhet nga grusht'i paligjshem...
E une te kenaqem, te kenaqem tu u qesh.


[/ QUOTE ]

..sikur njerezit te ishin njelloj, sot mbase do te mbanim te gjithe paruke me ngjyra te ngrira, ose kurrize peshkaqenesh! sa monotone...

kur mbet pa fjale ndonjehere eshte shenje qe duhet heshtur.
kur ke shume poezi me vete, mbase ke ngaterruar teme.

ceshtje perzgjedhjesh /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

<font color="brown"><u>Ho Perso Le Parole - Ligabue</u></font>

<font color="blue">Ho perso le parole
eppure ce le avevo qua un attimo fa,
dovevo dire cose
cose che sai,
che ti dovevo
che ti dovrei.
<font color="red">Ho perso le parole
può darsi che abbia perso solo le mie bugie,
si son nascoste bene
forse però,
non eran mie. </font>

credici un po'
metti insieme un cuore e prova a sentire e dopo
credici un po' di più di più davvero.

Ho perso le parole
e vorrei che ti bastasse solo quello che ho,
io mi farò capire
anche da te,
se ascolti ben se ascolti un po'.
Sei bella che fai male
sei bella che si balla solo come vuoi tu
non servono parole
so che lo sai
le mie parole non servon più.

credici un po' sei su radiofreccia guardati in faccia e dopo
credici un po' di più di più davvero.

Ho perso le parole
oppure sono loro che perdono me,
io so che dovrei dire
cose che sa,
che ti dovevo, che ti dovrei.
Ma ho perso le parole
che bello se bastasse solo quello che ho,
mi posso far capire
anche da te,
se ascolti bene
se ascolti un po'.

credici un po'
metti insieme un cuore e prova a sentire e dopo
credici un po' di più di più davvero.
credici un po' sei su radiofreccia guardati in faccia e dopo
credici un po' di più di più davvero.</font>


Pan ignoramus
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

"Utopia is when people no longer need a mythology along with their morality, when people do what is right merely because it is right, and not because they are afraid of an angry God (or even of a disappointed God)."
- anonim -

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

Nuda sei semplice come una delle tue mani,
liscia, terrestre, minima, rotonda, trasparente,
hai linee di luna, strade di mela,
nuda sei sottile come il grano nudo.

Nuda sei azzurra come la notte a Cuba,
hai rampicanti e stelle nei tuoi capelli,
nuda sei enorme e gialla
come l'estate in una chiesa d'oro.

Nuda sei piccola come una delle tue unghie,
curva, sottile, rosea finché nasce il giorno
e t'addentri nel sotterraneo del mondo.

come in una lunga galleria di vestiti e di lavori:
la tua chiarezza si spegne, si veste, si sfoglia
e di nuovo torna a essere una mano nuda.


Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

Ho guardato dentro una bugia
e ho capito che è una malattia
che alla fine non si può guarire mai
e ho cercato di convincermi
... che tu non ce l'hai...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
sikur njerezit te kishin lexuar tekstin e temes dhe mos i pergjigjeshin vetem titullit te saj, ndoshta fjalet do te luanin nje rol, dhe ulerima nuk do te ishte e nevojshme, pervec se ne formen e saj me sublime, poezine:.......

[/ QUOTE ]

Kur mbetesh pa fjale, je pa to! Dmth perdorimi i tyre eshte i pavlefshem, ndaj dhe mbetesh pa to. Kete te le te kuptosh titulli. Atehere pse akoma shkruhen fjale ketu? Mbase ne vend te "Kur mbetesh pa fjale" duhej te ishte "Kur je i/e tronditur/habitur" apo dicka tjeter poetike me e qarte? Titulli dhe zhvillimi i temes jane ne kontradikte llogjike. Mbase dicka sado poetike nuk po me lejon ta kap thelbin e kesaj teme qe llogjikisht me duket e pakuptimte. Gjithsesi, nuk dua t'jua prish ate frymezim tuajin. Vazhdoni!


Primus registratum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

kur mbet pa fjale gjithcka te duket e qete... te duket sikur je vetem ti ne ate bote dhe asnjeri nuk te shqeteson. RRi ulur ne verande duke menduar per te ardhuren tende dhe gjithcka mer nje kuptim me ane te planeve qe bejme per te miresuar jetesen tone. Me pelqen kur rri pa folur, ulur solitaria, duke menduar per pardrejtesite e botes, duke menduar per njerezit qe me duan dhe i dua, duke menduar ndonje shikim i hedhur rruges ndonje djali ose nje buzeqeshje e thjeshte... te mbushin shpirtin me kenaqesi... edhe pse gjera te vogla... une kenaqem me pak /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif)


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

<font color="brown">

Edna St. Vincent Millay
Second April


When I too long have looked upon your face,
Wherein for me a brightness unobscured
Save by the mists of brightness has its place,
And terrible beauty not to be endured,
I turn away reluctant from your light,
And stand irresolute, a mind undone,
A silly, dazzled thing deprived of sight
From having looked too long upon the sun.
Then is my daily life a narrow room
In which a little while, uncertainly,
Surrounded by impenetrable gloom,
Among familiar things grown strange to me
Making my way, I pause, and feel, and hark,
Till I become accustomed to the dark. </font>


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

/pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif

<font color="blue">Sonnet of William Shakespeare


Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest:

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this and this gives life to thee.
/pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

I feel you,
in every stone,
in every leaf of every tree,
that you ever might have grown.

I feel you,
in every thing,
in every river that might flow,
in every seed you might have sown.

I feel you.

I feel you,
in every vein,
in every beatin' of my heart,
each breath I take.

I feel you, anyway,
in every tear that I might shed,
in every word I've never said.

I feel you.

I feel you,
in every vein,
in every beatin' of my heart,
in every breath I'll ever take.

I feel you, anyway,
in every tear that I might shed,
in every word I've never said.

I feel you.

I feel you.

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

Heart! We will forget him!

Heart! We will forget him!
You and I -- tonight!
You may forget the warmth he gave --
I will forget the light!

When you have done, pray tell me
That I may straight begin!
Haste! lest while you're lagging
I remember him!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

<font color="blue">The Ladies RUDYARD KIPLING

I've taken my fun where I've found it;
I've rouged an' I've ranged in my time;
I've 'ad my pickin' o' seethearts,
An' four o' the lot was prime.
One was an 'arf-caste widow,
One was awoman at Prome,
One was the wife of a jemadar-sais
An' one is a girl at 'ome.

Now I aren't no 'and with the ladies,
For, takin' 'em all along,
You never can say till you've tried 'em,
An' then you are like to be wrong.
There's times when you'll think that you mightn't,
There's times when you'll know that you might;
But the things you will learn from the Yellow an' Brown,
They'll 'elp you a lot with the White!

I was a young un at 'Oogli,
Shy as a girl to begin;
Aggie de Castrer she made me,
An' Aggie was clever as sin;
Older than me, but my first un --
More like a mother she were --
Showed me the way to promotion an' pay,
An' I learned about women from 'er!

Then I was ordered to Burma,
Actin' in charge o' Bazar,
An' I got me a tiddy live 'eathen
Through buyin' supplies off 'er pa.
Funny an' yellow an' faithful --
Doll in a teacup she were --
But we lived on the square, like a true-married pair,
An' I learned about women from 'er!

Then we was shifted to Neemuch
(Or I might ha' been keepin' 'er now),
An' I took with a shiny she-devil,
The wife of a nigger at Mhow;
'Taught me the gipsy-folks' bolee;
Kind o' volcano she were,
For she knifed me one night 'cause I wished she was white,
And I learned about women from 'er!

Then I come 'ome in a trooper,
'Long of a kid o' sixteen --
'Girl from a convent at Meerut,
The straightest I ever 'ave seen.
Love at first sight was 'er trouble,
She didn't know what it were;
An' I wouldn't do such, 'cause I liked 'er too much,
But -- I learned about women from 'er!

I've taken my fun where I've found it,
An' now I must pay for my fun,
For the more you 'ave known o' the others
The less will you settle to one;
An' the end of it's sittin' and thinking',
An' dreamin' Hell-fires to see;
So be warned by my lot (which I know you will not),
An' learn about women from me!

What did the Colonel's Lady think?
Nobody never knew.
Somebody asked the Sergeant's Wife,
An' she told 'em true!
When you get to a man in the case,
They're like as a row of pins --
For the Colonel's Lady an' Judy O'Grady
Are sisters under their skins!