Kur mbet' pa fjale...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

<font color="brown"> Drunk

TOO far away, oh love, I know,
To save me from this haunted road,
Whose lofty roses break and blow
On a night-sky bent with a load

Of lights: each solitary rose,
Each arc-lamp golden does expose
Ghost beyond ghost of a blossom, shows
Night blenched with a thousand snows.

Of hawthorn and of lilac trees,
White lilac; shows discoloured night
Dripping with all the golden lees
Laburnum gives back to light.

And shows the red of hawthorn set
On high to the purple heaven of night,
Like flags in blenched blood newly wet,
Blood shed in the noiseless fight.

Of life for love and love for life,
Of hunger for a little food,
Of kissing, lost for want of a wife
Long ago, long ago wooed.
. . . . . .
Too far away you are, my love,
To steady my brain in this phantom show
That passes the nightly road above
And returns again below.

The enormous cliff of horse-chestnut trees
Has poised on each of its ledges
An erect small girl looking down at me;
White-night-gowned little chits I see,
And they peep at me over the edges
Of the leaves as though they would leap, should I call
Them down to my arms;
“But, child, you’re too small for me, too small
Your little charms.”

White little sheaves of night-gowned maids,
Some other will thresh you out!
And I see leaning from the shades
A lilac like a lady there, who braids
Her white mantilla about
Her face, and forward leans to catch the sight
Of a man’s face,
Gracefully sighing through the white
Flowery mantilla of lace.

And another lilac in purple veiled
Discreetly, all recklessly calls
In a low, shocking perfume, to know who has hailed
Her forth from the night: my strength has failed
In her voice, my weak heart falls:
Oh, and see the laburnum shimmering
Her draperies down,
As if she would slip the gold, and glimmering
White, stand naked of gown.
. . . . . .
The pageant of flowery trees above
The street pale-passionate goes,
And back again down the pavement, Love
In a lesser pageant flows.

Two and two are the folk that walk,
They pass in a half embrace
Of linkèd bodies, and they talk
With dark face leaning to face.

Come then, my love, come as you will
Along this haunted road,
Be whom you will, my darling, I shall
Keep with you the troth I trowed.

D.H. Lawrence


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

The Mystery of Pain.

Pain has an element of blank;
It cannot recollect
When it began, or if there were
A day when it was not.

It has no future but itself,
Its infinite realms contain
Its past, enlightened to perceive
New periods of pain.

Emily Dickinson


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

<font color="brown">

Tashi me gas, tashi me lot,
Tashi dhe nj'herë,
Duro durimin si për-mot
E si përher.

Mendo mendimin zemërak,
Ndaj vjen të sjellë
Sa leu e zjeu e shfreu me gjak
Në zemër fellë;

Sa pati shkrirë aq ëmbëlsi
Dyke kënduar,
E vaj e zi e shkrumb e hi
Të pambaruar;

Dyke përflakur plot me gas,
Plot afsh të ndritur,
Një mall të math që më vjen pas,

Vjen ku përplaset përmi dhé,
Nër ulërimë,
e greminuar si rrufe,
Kjo jeta ime;

Ku mban shtrëgatën me sa mund,
Dhe kësaj radhe,
E hapur krejt, gjer mu në fund,
Ah plag'e madhe;

Fund e gjehenë e ang i zi,
Jetë pas jete,
Yll-dashuri! Hon-lemeri
Që mbaj me vete!

Edhe mendoj mendim me lot,
Me përvëlime,
Duroj durim të mbushur plot
Me zemrën t'ime.



Primus registratum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...


Als de vlugge voetstap van de halsmisdaad,
als het bitterzoete wachten,
als de pijn van alleenzijn;

zonder reden. Radeloos en reddeloos,
beterwetend, alleswetend, nietswetend.

Woorden blijven in de handen steken,
speeksel verjaart in de mond,
klein vergif en rood verraad.

Nu zal het avondmaal smaken als gal,
en de kleine bruine minderheden in ons bloed
zullen vechten om vrijheid,
en de daad wordt verdaagd, en het woord wordt verdacht.

Nu zal het bloed blijven steken
en de hartklop wordt onhoorbaar.

Nu eindigt dit leven, nu nadert het leven,
hier staan wij naakt,
hier staan wij waar.


Ik heb mijn vingers vaak
op de jouwe willen leggen,
handpalmpje tegen handpalm,
of willen praten over dingen
die er niet toe deden.

Maar elke ochtend wapende je
je lichaam als een vuist
rond het centrum van alles
met tussen twee knokels
net plaats voor een kus

Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

Ohne Worte
Füllest wieder Busch und Tal
Still mit Nebelglanz,
Lösest endlich auch einmal
Meine Seele ganz.

Breitest über mein Gefild
Lindernd deinen Blick,
Wie des Freundes Auge mild
Über mein Geschick.

Jeden Nachklang fühlt mein Herz
Froh und trüber Zeit
Wandle zwischen Freud und Schmerz
In der Einsamkeit.

Fließe, fließe, lieber Fluß!
Nimmer werd ich froh,
So verrauschte Scherz und Kuß,
Und die Treue so.

Ich besaß es doch einmal,
Was so köstlich ist!
Daß man doch zu seiner Qual
Nimmer es vergißt!

Rausche, Fluß, das Tal entlang,
Ohne Rast und Ruh,
Rausche, flüstre meinem Sang
Melodien zu.

Wenn du in der Winternacht
Wütend überschwillst,
Oder um die Frühlingspracht
Junger Knospen quillst.

Selig, wer sich vor der Welt
Ohne Haß verschließt,
Einen Freund am Busen hält
Und mit dem genießt

Was, von Menschen nicht gewußt
Oder nicht bedacht,
Durch das Labyrinth der Brust
Wandelt in der Nacht.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

kur mbet pa fjale eshte mire te heshtesh, nje shikim mund te thote me shume se 1000 fjale te vena bashke!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

Kam dite qe mbetem pa fjale.E shtangur ,sdi cte them...Sme kish ndodhur asnjehere,e kujt mua..qe gjithmone kam dicka per te thene.Por ja, ate dite ngela pa fjale...


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

Alone, and lost in thought, the desert glade

Measuring I roam with lingering steps and slow;

And still a watchful glance around me throw,

Anxious to shun the print of human tread:

No other means I find, no surer aid

From the world's prying eye to hide my woe:

So well my wild disordered gestures show,

And love-lorn looks, the fire within me bred,

That well I think each mountain, wood and plain,

And river knows, what I from man conceal,

What dreary hues my life's fool chances dim.

Yet whatever wild or savage paths I've taken,

Wherever I wander, love attends me still,

Soft whispring to my soul, and I to him. (Petrarch)


Valoris scriptorum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

Kur mbet' pa fjale, me mire hesht! Nuk ngjove qe heshtja eshte flori per te dhjeret /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

Silence Raving
by Clayton Eshleman

Patters, paters, Apollo globes, sound
breaking up with silence, coals
I can still hear, entanglement of sense pools,
the way a cave might leak perfume--

in the Cro-Magnons went, along its wet hide walls,
as if a flower in, way in, drew their leggy
panspermatic bodies, spidering over
bottomless hunches, groping toward Persephone's fate:
to be quicksanded by the fungus pulp of Hades' purple hair
exploding in their brains.

They poured their foreheads into the coals and corrals
zigzagged about in the night air--
the animals led in crossed
a massive vulva incised before the gate,
the power that came up from it was paradise, the power
the Cro-Magnons bequeathed to us:
to make an altar of our throats.

The first words were mixed with animal fat,
wounded men tried to say who did it.
The group was the rim of a to-be-invented wheel,
their speech was spokes, looping over,
around, the hub of the fire, its silk of us,
its burn of them, bop we dip, you dip,
we dip to you, you will dip to us, Dionysus
the plopping, pooling words, stirred
by the lyre gaps between the peaks of flame,
water to fire, us to them.

Foal-eyes, rubbery, they looped
back into those caves whose walls could be strung
between their teeth, the sticky soul material pulled to
The sides by their hands, ooh
what bone looms they sewed themselves into, ah
what tiny male spiders they were
on the enormous capable of devouring them
female rock elastic word!

true confidental

Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

Na ndodh shpesh te themi te dua me shume se sa mund ta shpreh .......ky eshte shembulli perfekt kur nuk arrijme te nxjerim nga goja ate qe ndjen shpirti....jo te gjithe e kemi dellin poetik ......edhe pse teorikisht fjalet mund te ekzistojne ....praktikisht gjuha shprehese per gjithsecilin eshte e kufizuar ....fundja ndjenjat smund te barazohen me fjalet.. ndjenjat jane gjendje emocionale ...fjalet shprehese per te ndikuar gjendjen e dikujt tjeter /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
mu me ndodh te them *do te haj* /pf/images/graemlins/tonguee.gif kur sgjej dot ndonji fjale /pf/images/graemlins/wub.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

Kur mbetem pa fjale, marr fryme thelle, si per te kompensuar radhet kur mbaja fryme per te thene ato fjale...hap syte per te pare ndonje fjale mbetur pezull ne ajer, dhe veshet per te kapur ndonje fjale qe ende nuk ka mberritur te une... Duar, sy, prekje e puthje...sa mire qe jeni memece, perndryshe ju do te kishit fjale pafund...caste ngrohtesie e puthje qe s’thone asnje fjale, sepse asnje fjale nuk ekziston per to, e prape ndjej qe per to mund te thuheshin mijera fjale...

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

me ka qelluar te mbetem pa fjale pikerisht atehere kur duhet te flisja me shume.vertete e katranosa fare amà nuk e vras shume mendjen.ne fund te fundit te gjithe bejne gafa(nese mund ta konsideroj keshtu rastin tim)

<font color="brown">Mentono i versi che una volta ho scritto,
quelli che dicono:"di più non ti potrei amare";
ma l'intelletto allora non poteva credere
che la fiamma avrebbe bruciato ancora di più.
Ma guardando al tempo,che in millioni
di vicende
scongiunge i voti e muta le leggi dei re,
scurisce la beltà sacra,spunta gli intenti
più netti
disperde le menti forti nel suo flusso
che cambia ogni cosa,
ah nel timore della tirannia del tempo
come non dirti:"di più non ti potrei amare"
quando l'incerto m'era certo e l'oggi
incoronavano,del futuro in buio?
L'amore è un bimbo,non dovevo parlare,
e lasciar fiorire quel che ancora cresce.

William Shakespeare


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

<font color="brown"> ...And all shall be well
All manner of things shall be well
When the tongues of flame are enfolded
In the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and rose are one...

(T.S. Elliot)

marina s.

Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

<font color="green">L'amore del nulla

Cuore incupito,un tempo solevi esser pugnace:
Speranza,che spronava infiammando il volere,
non ti cavalcava più.Sdraiati,non temere,
vecchio cavallo, di balzi ormai incapace.

Rassegnati,cuor mio:nel sonno inerte giacci.

Spirito vinto e affanato,tu vecchio rapitore,
amor più non ti punge, né più la discussione.
Addio,nenie di flauti,addio,canti di ottoni.
Piaceri,non tentate questo avvilito cuore!

L'amata Primavera ha perduto il suo odore.

Ecco,il Tempo m'inghiotte pur che un istante volga,
come alta neve un gelido corpo in cammino.Miro
dall'alto il globo compiere lentamente il suo giro,
ma non cerco un rifugio che conforto mi porga.

Se scende una valanga,mi trascini e mi travolga!

Charles Baudelaire

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

Siamo caduti in volo
Mio sole
siamo caduti in volo!
Siamo caduti in volo
Mio cielo
siamo caduti in volo!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

<font color="#666666"> Ho camminato per le strade
Col sole dei tuoi occhi
Ci vuole un attimo per dirsi addio...spara
Che bella quiete sulle cime
Mi freddi il cuore e l'anima
Ci vuole un attimo per dirsi addio...

Per questo troppo amore, per noi
E questo bel dolore
Ti prego no, ti prego lo sai!

Sogno, qualcosa di buono
Che mi illumini il mondo
Buono come te...
Che ho bisogno, di qualcosa di vero
Che illumini il cielo
Proprio come te!!!

Ho visto il sole nei tuoi occhi
Calare nella sera
Ci vuole un attimo per dirsi addio...spara

Che bella quiete sulle rive
Mi freddi il cuore e l'anima
Ci vuole un attimo per dirsi...addio!

Ma dove andranno i giorni e noi
Le fughe e poi i ritorni
Ti prego no, ti prego lo sai!

Sogno, qualcosa di buono...

Siamo caduti in volo
Mio sole
Siamo caduti in volo!

Siamo caduti in volo
Mio cielo
Siamo caduti in volo!

Baby don't cry, baby don't cry
Baby don't cry, baby don't cry, baby don't cry

Per questo amore immenso, x noi
E il gran dolore che sento
Ti prego no, ti prego lo sai!

Sogno, qualcosa di buono...


Primus registratum
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

My Silence
My silence bridges the gulf between my life's success
and my life's failure.
My silence does not magnify my defects.
Nor does it connive at them.
My silence transforms my defects into strength indomitable.

My silence is a climbing flame that warms my world of despair.
My silence is my inner light.
No problem of mine can defy solution.
My silence is a selfless distributor of joy to ever-widening horizons.

In my silence I become a man of sterling character,
a prolific writer, a voracious reader, a divine lover,
a profound inspirer and a triumphant liberator.

In my deep silence I never become a victim to ignorance,
the greatest calamity that can befall any human being.
In my growing silence I am convinced that even as a man on this earth I shall be able to reach heights, transcendental, divine.
My glowing silence alone can accelerate my
Godward march.

My spreading silence makes me see, feel and possess satisfaction,
unalloyed satisfaction.
No more have I to let loose a tirade of tenebrous dissatisfaction.

In activity and vitality I proudly and wrongly feel that
I shall have to take care of the whole world.
In the heart of silence I humbly and unmistakably realise
That it is the Divinity within the world that took care,
takes care and shall for ever take care of the entire world.

Silence is my unceasing petition.
Silence is my unreserved preparation.
Silence is my unlimited realisation.
Silence is the unfathomable fount of my life here on earth, there in Heaven.

What God's Silence is . . .
is the Eternal Truth.
What God's Silence serves is the Eternal Purpose.
What God's Silence becomes is the inevitable Fulfilment

[Songs of the Soul,by Sri Chinmoy]

...me kan ber -dhurat- nje dedikim nen faqen e par te nje ditari shum te vjeter "français" /pf/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gifkte.


Forumium maestatis
Re: Kur mbet' pa fjale...

<font color="brown"> "To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

-- Macbeth, Shakespeare </font>