Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Unë nuk gëzohem kurrë kur një person vdes, por sigurisht nuk jam duke qarë për shkak të vdekjes së Susan Sontagut, një person i tmerrshëm, e cila tërë jetën ka mbështetur terrorizmin dhe ka kërkuar shkatërrimin e vendit të vetë...

Pas vdekjes së asaj kriminele, ndihem se jetoj në një botë më të mirë...

Urim Nerguti

Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm ?! Duhej të jetoja deri këtu për të dëgjuar këtë. Lexo një artikull të saj në gazetën më të madhe franceze "Le monde", në kohën e Luftës së Kosovës, dhe do të shohësh kush është Sontag.


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Se kapa une kete.Si qenka nje njeri qe eshte levduar e te ciles i kane dhene nje mori cmimesh per paqe nje njeri i tmerrshem.Po te duash te shkaterrohet vendi jot atehere ka dicka te keqe me te(te kujtoj se sot per sot e tere BOTA deshiron shkaterrimin e vendit te saj se eshte AI VEND vendi terrorist ne kete rast).Gjithsesi kjo teme eshte pak,po pak fare ama si pa lidhje.


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Se harrova.Te rrofte bota me e mire ku jeton o demetrio se sa shkove dhe nje njeri te mire me pak

Demetrio Scutari

Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Është evidente që nuk dini kush ishte Susan Sontag (e cila ndër të tjera e mbështeti kriminalin Milosheviq gjatë luftës në Kosovë), dhe dëshira për shkatërrimin e një vendi të tërë është gjithmonë një gjë për çmendinën... Nëse e kishin fituar ata si ajo, në Shqipëri do të kishte ende Enver Hoxha... a do t'ju pëlqente kjo? Mua absolutisht jo. Ju lutem të mos bëni shaka, nuk ka asgjë argëtuese në një person të neveritshëm si ishte Susan Sontag...


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Ok Demetrio,meqe thua tiashtu eshte.Susan Sontag ka qene nje njeri i keq.Per te provuar sa sa i keq eshte bera nje research te vogel per artikujt e saj te NYtimes(nqs nuk e din aty publikonte shumicen e artikujve te saj)dhe u ndesha me kete artikull "pro" genocidit ne Kosove.Hidhi nje sy nje here dhe shiko ne te ndihmon ne ngurtesimin e asaj ideje qe ke...

Why Are We In Kosovo?
It's complicated, but not that complicated. There is such a thing as a just war.

From The New York Times Magazine, Sunday, May 2, 1999

Stop the genocide. Return all refugees to their homes. Worthy goals. But how is any of this conceivably going to happen unless the Milosevic regime is overthrown? (And the truth is, it's not going to happen.)

The other day a friend from home, New York, called me in Bari -- where I am living for a couple of months -- to ask whether I am all right and inquired in passing whether I can hear sounds of the bombing. I reassured her that not only could I not hear the bombs dropping on Belgrade and Novi Sad and Pristina from downtown Bari, but even the planes taking off from the nearby NATO base of Gioia del Colle are quite inaudible. Though it is easy to mock my geographyless American friend's vision of European countries being only slightly larger than postage stamps, her Tiny Europe seems a nice complement to the widely held vision of Helpless Europe being dragged into a bellicose folly by Big Bad America.

Perhaps I exaggerate. I am writing this from Italy -- weakest link in the NATO chain. Italy (unlike France and Germany) continues to maintain an embassy in Belgrade. Milosevic has received the Italian Communists' party leader, Armando Cossutta. The estimable mayor of Venice has sent an envoy to Belgrade with letters addressed to Milosevic and to the ethnic Albanian leader with whom he has met, Ibrahim Rugova, proposing Venice as a site for peace negotiations. (The letters were accepted, thank you very much, by the Orthodox primate following the Easter Sunday service.) But then it is understandable that Italy has panicked: Italians see not just scenes of excruciating misery on their TV news but images of masses on the move. In Italy, Albanians are first of all future immigrants.

But opposition to the war is hardly confined to Italy, and to one strand of the political spectrum. On the contrary: mobilized against this war are remnants of the left and the likes of Le Pen and Bossi and Heider on the right. The right is against immigrants. The left is against America. (Against the idea of America, that is. The hegemony of American popular culture in Europe could hardly be more total.)

On both the so-called left and the so-called right, identity-talk is on the rise. The anti-Americanism that is fueling the protest against the war has been growing in recent years in many of the nations of the New Europe, and is perhaps best understood as a displacement of the anxiety about this New Europe, which everyone has been told is a Good Thing and few dare question. Nations are communities that are always being imagined, reconceived, reasserted, against the pressure of a defining Other. The specter of a nation without borders, an infinitely porous nation, is bound to create anxiety. Europe needs its overbearing America.

Weak Europe? Impotent Europe? The words are everywhere. The truth is that the made-for-business Europe being brought into existence with the enthusiastic assent of the "responsible" business and professional elites is a Europe precisely designed to be incapable of responding to the threat posed by a dictator like Milosevic. This is not a question of "weakness," though that is how it is being experienced. It is a question of ideology.

It is not that Europe is weak. Far from it. It is that Europe, the Europe under construction since the Final Victory of Capitalism in 1989, is up to something else. Something which indeed renders obsolete most of the questions of justice -- indeed, all the moral questions. (What prevails, in their place, are questions of health, which may be conjoined with ecological concerns; but that is another matter.)

A Europe designed for spectacle, consumerism and hand wringing ... but haunted by the fear of national identities being swamped either by faceless multinational commercialism or by tides of alien immigrants from poor countries.

In one part of the continent, former Communists play the nationalist card and foment lethal nationalisms -- Milosevic being the most egregious example. In the other part, nationalism, and with it war, are presumed to be superseded, outmoded.

How helpless "our" Europe feels in the face of all this irrational slaughter and suffering taking place in the other Europe.

And meanwhile the war goes on. A war that started in 1991. Not in 1999. And not, as the Serbs would have it, six centuries ago, either. Theirs is a country whose nationalist myth has as its founding event a defeat -- the Battle of Kosovo, lost to the Turks in 1389. We are fighting the Turks, Serb officers commanding the mortar emplacements on the heights of Sarajevo would assure visiting journalists.

Would we not think it odd if France still rallied around the memory of the Battle of Agincourt -- 1415 -- in its eternal enmity with Great Britain? But who could imagine such a thing? For France is Europe. And "they" are not.

Yes, this is Europe. The Europe that did not respond to the Serb shelling of Dubrovnik. Or the three-year siege of Sarajevo. The Europe that let Bosnia die.

A new definition of Europe: the place where tragedies don't take place. Wars, genocides -- that happened here once, but no longer. It's something that happens in Africa. (Or places in Europe that are not "really" Europe. That is, the Balkans.) Again, perhaps I exaggerate. But having spent a good part of three years, from 1993 to 1996, in Sarajevo, it does not seem to me like an exaggeration at all.

Living on the edge of NATO Europe, only a few hundred kilometers from the refugee camps in Durres and Kukes and Blace, from the greatest mass of suffering in Europe since the Second World War, it is true that I can't hear the NATO planes leaving the base here in Puglia. But I can walk to Bari's waterfront and watch Albanian and Kosovar families pouring off the daily ferries from Durres -- legal immigrants, presumably -- or drive south a hundred kilometers at night and see the Italian coast guard searching for the rubber dinghies crammed with refugees that leave Vlore nightly for the perilous Adriatic crossing. But if I leave my apartment in Bari only to visit friends and have a pizza and see a movie and hang out in a bar, I am no closer to the war than the television news or the newspapers that arrive every morning at my doorstep. I could as well be back in New York.

Of course, it is easy to turn your eyes from what is happening if it is not happening to you. Or if you have not put yourself where it is happening. I remember in Sarajevo in the summer of 1993 a Bosnian friend telling me ruefully that in 1991, when she saw on her TV set the footage of Vukovar utterly leveled by the Serbs, she thought to herself, How terrible, but that's in Croatia, that can never happen here in Bosnia ... and switched the channel. The following year, when the war started in Bosnia, she learned differently. Then she became part of a story on television that other people saw and said, How terrible ... and switched the channel.

How helpless "our" pacified, comfortable Europe feels in the face of all this irrational slaughter and suffering taking place in the other Europe. But the images cannot be conjured away -- of refugees, people who have been pushed out of their homes, their torched villages, by the hundreds of thousands and who look like us.

Generations of Europeans fearful of any idealism, incapable of indignation except in the old anti-imperialist cold-war grooves. (Yet, of course, the key point about this war is that it is the direct result of the end of the cold war and the breakup of old empires and imperial rivalries.) Stop the War and Stop the Genocide, read the banners being waved in the demonstrations in Rome and here in Bari. For Peace. Against War. Who is not? But how can you stop those bent on genocide without making war?

We have been here before. The horrors, the horrors. Our attempt to forge a "humanitarian" response. Our inability (yes, after Auschwitz!) to comprehend how such horrors can take place. And as the horrors multiply, it becomes even more incomprehensible why we should respond to any one of them (since we have not responded to the others). Why this horror and not another? Why Bosnia or Kosovo and not Kurdistan or Rwanda or Tibet?

Are we not saying that European lives, European suffering are more valuable, more worth acting on to protect, than the lives of people in the Middle East, Africa and Asia?

One answer to this commonly voiced objection to NATO's war is to say boldly, Yes, to care about the fate of the people in Kosovo is Eurocentric, and what's wrong with that? But is not the accusation of Eurocentrism itself just one more vestige of European presumption, the presumption of Europe's universalist mission: that every part of the globe has a claim on Europe's attention?

If several African states had cared enough about the genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda (nearly a million people!) to intervene militarily, say, under the leadership of Nelson Mandela, would we have criticized this initiative as being Afrocentric? Would we have asked what right these states have to intervene in Rwanda when they have done nothing on behalf of the Kurds or the Tibetans?

Another argument against intervening in Kosovo is that the war is -- wonderful word -- illegal," because NATO is violating the borders of a sovereign state. Kosovo is, after all, part of the new Greater Serbia called Yugoslavia. Tough luck for the Kosovars that Milosevic revoked their autonomous status in 1989. Inconvenient that 90 percent of Kosovars are Albanians -- ethnic Albanians" as they are called, to distinguish them from the citizens of Albania. Empires reconfigure. But are national borders, which have been altered so many times in the last hundred years, really to be the ultimate criterion? You can murder your wife in your own house, but not outdoors on the street.

Imagine that Nazi Germany had had no expansionist ambitions but had simply made it a policy in the late 1930's and early 1940's to slaughter all the German Jews. Do we think a government has the right to do whatever it wants on its own territory? Maybe the governments of Europe would have said that 60 years ago. But would we approve now of their decision?

Push the supposition into the present. What if the French Government began slaughtering large numbers of Corsicans and driving the rest out of Corsica ... or the Italian Government began emptying out Sicily or Sardinia, creating a million refugees ... or Spain decided to apply a final solution to its rebellious Basque population. Wouldn't we agree that a consortium of powers on the continent had the right to use military force to make the French (or Italian, or Spanish) Government reverse its actions, which would probably mean overthrowing that Government?

But of course this couldn't happen, could it? Not in Europe. My friends in Sarajevo used to say during the siege: How can "the West" be letting this happen to us? This is Europe, too. We're Europeans. Surely "they" won't allow it to go on.

But they -- Europe -- did.

For something truly terrible happened in Bosnia. From the Serb death camps in the north of Bosnia in 1992, the first death camps on European soil since the 1940's, to the mass executions of many thousands of civilians at Srebrenica and elsewhere in the summer of 1995 -- Europe tolerated that.

So, obviously, Bosnia wasn't Europe.

Those of us who spent time in Sarajevo used to say that, as the 20th century began at Sarajevo, so will the 21st century begin at Sarajevo. If the options before NATO all seem either improbable or unpalatable, it is because NATO's actions come eight years too late. Milosevic should have been stopped when he was shelling Dubrovnik in 1991.

Back in 1993 and 1994, American policy makers were saying that even if there were no United States intervention in Bosnia, rest assured, this would be the last thing that Milosevic would be allowed to get away with. A line in the sand had been drawn: he would never be allowed to make war on Kosovo. But who believed the Americans then? Not the Bosnians. Not Milosevic. Not the Europeans. Not even the Americans themselves. After Dayton, after the destruction of independent Bosnia, it was time to go back to sleep, as if the series of events set in motion in 1989 with the accession to power of Milosevic and the revocation of autonomous status for the province of Kosovo, would not play out to its obvious logical end.

If Europe is having a hard time thinking that it matters what happens in the southeastern corner of Europe, imagine how hard it is for Americans to think it is in their interest. It is not in America's interest to push this war on Europe. It is very much not in Europe's interest to reward Milosevic for the destruction of Yugoslavia and the creation of so much human suffering.

Why not just let the brush fire burn out? is the argument of some. And the expulsion of a million or more refugees into the neighboring countries of Albania and Macedonia? This will certainly bring on the destruction of the fragile new state of Macedonia and the redrawing of the map of the Balkans -- certain to be disputed by, at the very least, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece. Do we imagine this will happen peacefully?

Not surprisingly, the Serbs are presenting themselves as the victims. (Clinton equals Hitler, etc.) But it is grotesque to equate the casualties inflicted by the NATO bombing with the mayhem inflicted on hundreds of thousands of people in the last eight years by the Serb programs of ethnic cleansing.

Not all violence is equally reprehensible; not all wars are equally unjust.

No forceful response to the violence of a state against peoples who are nominally its own citizens? (Which is what most "wars" are today. Not wars between states.) The principal instances of mass violence in the world today are those committed by governments within their own legally recognized borders. Can we really say there is no response to this? Is it acceptable that such slaughters be dismissed as civil wars, also known as "age-old ethnic hatreds." (After all, anti-Semitism was an old tradition in Europe; indeed, a good deal older than ancient Balkan hatreds. Would this have justified letting Hitler kill all the Jews on German territory?) Is it true that war never solved anything? (Ask a black American if he or she thinks our Civil War didn't solve anything.)

War is not simply a mistake, a failure to communicate. There is radical evil in the world, which is why there are just wars. And this is a just war. Even if it has been bungled.

Stop the genocide. Return all refugees to their homes. Worthy goals. But how is any of this conceivably going to happen unless the Milosevic regime is overthrown? (And the truth is, it's not going to happen.)

Impossible to see how this war will play out. All the options seem improbable, as well as undesirable. Unthinkable to keep bombing indefinitely, if Milosevic is indeed willing to accept the destruction of the Serbian economy; unthinkable for NATO to stop bombing, if Milosevic remains intransigent.

The Milosevic Government has finally brought on Serbia a small portion of the suffering it has inflicted on neighboring peoples.

War is a culture, bellicosity is addictive, defeat for a community that imagines itself to be history's eternal victim can be as intoxicating as victory. How long will it take for the Serbs to realize that the Milosevic years have been an unmitigated disaster for Serbia, the net result of Milosevic's policies being the economic and cultural ruin of the entire region, including Serbia, for several generations? Alas, one thing we can be sure of, that will not happen soon.

Shpresoj qe te pelqeu se eshte me te vertete nje artikull "kunder" ideve humanitare apo jo...


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Se harrova,shpresoj te dish anglisht se eshte nje cike e veshtire te perkthesh tere ate artikull.(Vura re qe flet nga italia apo jo?)

Urim Nerguti

Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Lucifer ! Të njëjtin artikull e kam të fotokopjuar në frëngjisht (botuar tek "Le Monde"), dhe vetëm për t'i mbushur mendjen këtij Demetrio Shkodrës se Sontag nuk ishte çka ai beson, do të hy t'a përkthej në shqip, e kështu të mbarojmë njëherë e mirë me këtë histori.


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Sipas nje dokumentari qe pashe une ne nje stacion televiziv Gjerman,ajo ishte anetare e Groene B90Partai,parti e cila njihet per idete politike anti-imeprialiste/kapitaliste.Jo pak here Goenet duke dashur te sulmojne kapitalizmin,kane ndihmuar diktaturat dhe terrorizmin!!


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

O Orosh ti banon ne Evrope nen nje socializem qe ia ka ziline bota,ndersa Sontagu vinte nga nje vend qe te duhet te ngresh gure tere diten(ne menyre figurative)per nje cope buke.Te jesh kunder kapitalizmit eshte nje gje,interpretimi i kauzave sic dihet eshte i shumanshem(kujto qe Gjermania Lindore ishte "Republika Demokratike Gjermane" por kjo se bente ate te tille).
Demokraci nuk do te thote kapitalizem(Aristoteli pershkruante menyren me te mire te qeverisjes ne Athine midis te gjithe qytetareve te cilet do te kishin TOKA TE BARABARTA te ndara per secilin njesoj dmth).Nuk mund te thuash qe njeri ka qene pro Milloshevicit kur atij njeriu iu ka dhen cmim nderi ne Sarajeve pas luftes boshniako-serbe.Gjithsesi per pune te kosoves besoj qe eshte e qarte qe ka qene kunder serbeve nga artikulli qe solla ndersa per sa i perket bindjeve politike besoj qe edhe puro leniniste po te kete qene,s'duhet gjykuar pasi secili ndjek bindjet e tij.


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Lucifer! Nga e di ti Sontagun qe te jete? Ajo ishte thjesht nje cifute e ndyre amerikane e lindur dhe e rritur ne Amerike ne nje familje tipike te degjeneruar amerikane (prinder te ndare) ,jetoi pjesen me te madhe te jetes me nje lesbike tjeter qe nuk po ja kujtoj emrin dhe me se shumti njihet per helmin qe ka vjelle ndaj races se bardhe ne pergjithesi.
Ajo ka thene se raca e bardhe eshte kanceri i kesaj bote!
Fakti qe paska share Sllobon nuk e ben me te mire te pakten per 7 000 000 000 njerez - (minus) 3 000 000 shqiptare!
Nese flasim si njerez, atehere diskutojme, nese flasim si Shqiptare, le te kemi parasysh dhe interesat e 7 000 000 000 - 3 000 000 = 6 997 000 te tjereve!


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Ata 7 miliarde te botes nuk jane te bardhe dhe pa me thuaj ti nqs nuk ka te drejte te shaje boten e bardhe.Mbreteresha e anglise doli me pafytyresin me te madhe dhe tha qe popujt anglishtfoles kane ruajtur paqen boterore kur dihet mire se cfare ju ka bere njeriu i bardhe te tera rracave te tjera boterore.Ngjyra jone ka felliqur token me maskarat dhe luftrat qe ka bere ne tere boten.Sot per sot te them te drejten as qe dua tia di se cfare do te behet me rracen e bardhe,por kam hallin e shqipetareve,se jemi qyqare te pashprese.Te degjoj ty qe me mbron njerezimin kunder nje njeriu qe paska share njeriun e bardhe dhe qenka komuniste.Mire more vlla dhe une komunist jam(dhe kam leke sa te dhjes)Tani nqs mua me vjen gjynah per te varfrit dhe dua barzi boterore qenkam terrorist apo diktator.Socilizmi eshte revolucioni i heshtur sic e quante MArksi qe nuk propagandon dhunen po barazine njerezore.Gjithsesi crendesi ka se cfare bindjesh politike kishte ky person,mjafton qe shqiptari te shikoje interesat e veta dhe jo te njerezimit se po te shikoheshin interesat e njerezimit do te ktheheshim dhe nje here te i shume perfoluri komunizem.Per mua nje njeri i keq eshte nje qe cohet ne mengjes dhe fillon te shaje te tjeret jo nje qe flet realitetin.Njeiu i bardhe eshte i fajshem per cdo gje te keqe qe i ka ndodhur kesaj bote.Dhe edhe po te mos jete shkaktar i drejtperdrejte ka gisht ne te.Duke mos dashur te dal jashte teme po e le me mire duke thene qe Sontagun me mire ta levdosh se po te degjosh idete e gjithkujt edhe skenderbeu ishte nje guerril qe i binte ne qafe ushtrise turke kot(prej se ciles ishte dhe dezertues i hapur).Spo them qe Sontag eshte ne nivel te Skenderbeut por nuk po me vjen nder mend ndonje krahasim tjeter per momentin.Dhe nje gje te fundit antares,ruaje gojen kur flet se i degjeneruar mund te jete zotrote se dhe une prinderit te ndare i kam dhe familja ime nuk eshte e degjeneruar.


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

sontag ka vizituar KOrene e Veriut, Kuben dhe Viet-Namin e Veriut gjate kohes me te keqe te Sh.B.A.
Ajo ka qene tipike e se MAJTES amerikane qe ka kombinuar ese te mrekullueshme me opinione skandaloze qe kane ofenduar miliona njerez, dhe ne te njejten kohe qe ka gezuar frytet e lirise, nuk ka pare asnje lloj ironie ne escapades verbale dhe konfortit (dhe honoraret) qe te siguron New Yorker apo NYT.
fraza ime e preferuar e saj eshte"cdo lloj marrdhenie seksuale midis nje burri dhe nje gruaje eshte perdhunim!!!!"
"rich" apo jo?


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Epo kur shqiptari paska shume te drejte te shohe vetem interesat e tija atehere pse serbi (4-5 here me i fuqishem se shqiptari) nuk paska po kete te drejte?
Per sa i perket degjenerimit nuk tha njeri qe cdo njeri i rritur ne familje te ndare eshte i degjeneruar, po statistika te pelqen apo jo ty Lucifer tregon qe shumica perfundojne me cene te renda etiko-morale (ti je nje perfaqesues tipik i kesaj kategorie).
Tradhetia ndaj races eshte me e rende se tradhetia ndaj kombit! E para con ne genocid paqesor te shume kombeve e dyta demton vetem nje komb - tendin!
Mos e merr me shume zjarr ketre cifute te felliqur se edhe ti per te ke qene thjesht nje "goim" i shpenzueshem ne rastin me te pare!


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

O anetares,te kujtoj qe ofendimet je ti ai qe po i hedh qe ne fillim,dhe per sa i perket rracave shiko se une me pare mbroj vendin tim sesa ngjyren e bardhe(Nuk kam pare te mire prej ngjyres time pasi te gjithe pushtuesit te gjithe shkateriimtaret e kombit tone kane qene te bardhe).Shiko pertej hundes tende o Antares se paske ca mendime qe do te dukeshin ekstremiste ne Meke.PAstaj sa per pune te serbit mua me duket se nuk mbojti interesat njerezore duke i dhene pavarsine kosoves thejsht me nje referendum po i masakroi nja 2-3 dhjetmishe sa per te qene brenda,kjo do te thoshte qe mbrojti interesat e veta dhe vazhdon dhe sot e kesaj dite me po ate mbrojtje interesash,apo do te marresh per shembull grekun qe gjithmone e me shume merr nga jugu,apo do shembull ameriken vendin e demokracive nga ishte dhe e perfolura Sontag qe po pushton gjysmen e lindjes se mesme qe te kete kontroll te naftes.
Ti duhet te vish nga nje familje e mire Antares por te them te drejten paska pasur nje cen dhe kjo familja jote,qe ste paska dhene edukaten.Sa per pune te Sontag,nuk eshte qe e kam idhull dhe vetem artikuj ketu aty qe i kam lexuar por,nje njeri qe del nga kori ben gjithmone pershtypje.Te isha ne vendin tend anteares do te ndaloja te perserisja nje here keto postimet qe ke derguar dhe te mendoja mire ne ate qe besoj,dhe respektoj,sepse je ketu duke u share me nje njeri qe nuk e ke pare kurre ne fytyre dhe i cili as qe do tia dije per idealet e tua apo per pasionin me te cilin ti i mbron.Mos u bej ofendues e byrazer mbi nje cifute qe as e njoh une dhe as e njeh ti dhe me duket qe asnjerit nga te dy si ka dhene buke.Dhe nje gje te fundit,familja ime eshte ne rregull te keqen vellai(seshte e divorcuar)po ki kujdes me se si hedh fjalet se per te te share ty nuk qenka fare e veshtire,me tere keto te meta qe paraqet.


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

E para, mua as me ngroh e as me ftoh familja jote apo ti personalisht.
E dyta, ne njihemi nepermjet asaj qe shkruajme dhe kjo vlen edhe per Sontag.
E treta, ato 2-3 dhjetemijeshe jane pjese e propagandes se realiteti flet ndryshe (Me teper shqiptare u vrane nga bombat e Natos se sa nga gjuetaret serbe)
E katerta, nuk tregohesh shume i/e pjekur kur thua se "te ben pershtypje cdo ze qe vecohet nga kori" tregon qe vuan nga ndonje doze snobizmi dhe ke kredon "Cdo gje qe fluturon hahet!"
E pesta, tregohu me i/e gjere me qyteterimin europian se nuk e ke mire keshtu!


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

1.Mos ofendo kur nuk me njeh as mua as familjen time
2.Tregohu me i matur ne ate qe shpreh se nuk je intelektuli i shpallur ti te cilit duhet ti besojme cdo fjel te thene me besnikeri.
3.Ne nje bote ku mbizoteron interesi personal ne te gjitha anet ti me thua shiko ktheu ti qe te ta mbeshtjellin.
4.Gjenialiteti eshte i pari qe hidhet poshte nga njerez si puna jote sepse mendojne qe ideologji te indoktrinuara ne jeten kulturore politike ekonomik etj etj(ska rendesi fusha)nuk duhen rinovuar dhe korrigjuar.
5.Mundohu te tregosh pak pjekuri ne tolerimin e mendimit te te tjereve sepse nqs nuk e ben,je thjesht nje kalama kryenec qe o behet e tija ose ska.
6.Kam bindjen e plote dhe kete se luan topi qe ti nuk i ke pergjigjegjet e te gjithave dhe mendoj qe dhe ne kete teme ti je duke u bazuar ne bindje dhe interesa personale sesa ne ne veprimtarine dhe jeten e nje njeriu qe sipas meje(pamvarsisht nga feja)ka bere shume.
7.shpresoj te te kape pak nacionalizem sepse ke kombe sot ne te gjithe boten qe po luftojne ne mbrojteje te indentitet te tyre.

Dhe e fundit,nqs une jam snob(gje qe plotesisht do ta kem ne konsiderate,por mos mendo qe po e pranoj nje titull te tille)nuk ka fare te bej me ate per te cilen ne po debatojme ketu.Une shume mire mund te dal nga tema dhe te te therres,fanatik,ekstremist,konservator i qelbur etj,etj por besoj qe sdo te kishte te bente fare me ate per te cilen ne po diskutojme apo jo?


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

1) Mua nuk me behet shume vone nese ti i beson apo jo ato qe them une sespsee nuk vuaj nga ndonje kompleks i te qenurit "me i zgjuari i katunit" ketu ne Forum!
2) Asgjekundi une nuk kam pretenduar (dhe do vija ne loje kedo qe do te pretendonte) se i ka te gjitha zgjidhjet/pergjigjet e kesaj bote!
3) Shumica e gjerave te medha nuk arrihen me tolerance po me vendosmeri dhe jo me kompromisa qe vetem i shmangin te keqiat (perkohesisht).
4) Mos me kujto Nentoger Dubin me shprehjen e famshme "ti me njeh mua nga ana e mire, po.....", une vertet nuk te njoh po edhe ndonje kuriozitet te madh nuk kam per ty, se se fundi nuk do bejme krushqi!
Sejcila pale (ti dhe une) kemi njelloj te drejte te mbajme e mbrojme idete tona!
Keshtu krushk!


Forumium maestatis
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

Antares, te kam paralajmeruar dhe me pare per BAN. Nese vazhdon te ofendosh anetaret do behesh BAN. Zgjidhini ceshtjet tuaja me MP dhe jo ketu duke prishur temen.


Primus registratum
Re: Ka vdekur Susan Sontag, një person i tmerrshëm

O Antares,kot te te pyes ti cfare po zgjidh me vendosmerine qe po tregon ne kete forum.Me te vertete mendon qe TI do te jesh ne gjendje te shprehesh nje mendim per te qene kur edhe ato mendime qe shpreh i vesh ne nje arrogance dhe vetbesim te tepruar.Menoje nje here mire se kush eshte snobi dhe mos u sill me sikur me te vertete i ke te gjitha zgjidhjet.Sa per pune te njohjes nuk do te isha me dakort me ty,se me te vertete nuk kam as ndonje kureshtje as ndonje kenaqesi te te njoh ty.Spo mundohem te te tregoj ndonje ane ty se nuk kam mbetur keq te zihem me ty ne nje forum shqiptar(edhe pse po behet shume interesante dhe ka kohe qe nuk kam debatuar me nje shqiptar).Eshte e cuditshme po mbrojtja qe i ben mendimeve te tua me duket pak si e tepruar pasi me jep pershtypje qe di dicka.
Mbaj parasysh se mednimet jane relative,dhe nqs do te ecnim te gjithe ne te njejtat shina mendime do te ishim thjesht inekzistues dhe te padallueshem.
Anetares,tani te te bej dhe nje pyetej te fundit po pak si me spec,mos je gje musliman ti te keqen vellai?