Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret


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Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

Eshte nje lloj koleksioni kuriozitetesh mbi gjera shqiptare. I kam nxjerre edhe ne nje forum ballkanik dhe dua qe tek albforumi.com te ruhet nje kopje e tyre pasi paraqesin interes.
Te me falni qe jane pothuaj krejtesiht ne anglisht, dhe ndoshta nje dite do u rikthehem qe ti bej edhe ne shqip. Megjithate do ju ndihmoje edhe per anglishten /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Per hajer pra,



A brochure on the new passenger ship

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Albania (II) -CUNARD

This Albania, Cunard's second steamer of that name, was laid down in 1914 at Scott's Shipbuilding and Engineering, Greenock, but wasn't launched until April 1920 due to World War I. Although she was intended to serve Canada like all of Cunard's "A" liners, her maiden voyage on 18 January took her from Liverpool to New York.
Albania was transferred to Cunard's Canadian service in April 1922, sailing to Montréal in the summer and Boston/New York in the winter. During the summer of 1925, she was placed on the London-New York route and was then laid up.
Albania was sold to Navigazione Libera Triestina in 1930, renamed California, and placed on a Trieste-Seattle route. She also served as a hospital ship during the Italo-Abyssinian war.
With the reorganization of the Italian merchant marine in 1935, California was transferred to Lloyd Triestino ownership. She was sunk during a British attack on Syracuse on 11 August 1941 and was eventually refloated and broken up.

Sources: Bonsor's North Atlantic Seaway; Haws' Merchant Fleets

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- albwatch - grupim shqiptar i levizjes MJAFT


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Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

The Albanian Bosson!

It is said that the Albanian model was made in 1926 and they were produced until 1969. Different sketches were used to come up with this version.


9 cm wide x 13.5 cm tall


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Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

It was called "Piroscafo Albanien".
Maybe part of the German fleet/navy
(maybe of the Italian one or of any other country)



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Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

This should be an interesting book:
</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
FIRST EDITION. London: R Bentley 1851 V.Good, V.Scarce

This is one of those famously scarce First Editions of the popular and influential artist Edward Lear. To demonstrate the demand and collectability of this 1st edition, there are known to be only a handful of copies available for sale on the international marketplace at the time of listing. Copies in this kind of general condition are being sold for between £1200 and £1600 ($2160 to $2880)

Firstly on the illustrations pages, there’s a bit of mild condensation or possibly damp marking to roughly the same small area on most pages. This is probably due to the type of paper used for the illustrations that was obviously far more absorbent to such moisture than the text pages (which are generally bright, clean and in very good condition throughout).
There are 20 tinted lithographed plates in the book. To give you an idea of how good the condition of the book is, I’ve shown the two plates with the largest and most noticeable damp marks. Of the remaining plates, about half have much less marking and quite a lot are barely noticeable. The good plate examples in the photos have very subtle, minimal water marks. So to summarise, none of the marks particularly spoil what is a work of true beauty.

It has the original blind stamped blue cloth with spine gilt. Royal 8vo. (26 x 17 cm). Title + List of illustrations + pp.428.
Engraved map and 20 tinted lithographed plates.
Other places Lear visited were Calabria and Greece. He was clearly a man who loved to travel and paint and surely had a great time doing so.

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All from the book:


Original lithograph, Albania


Different views. The last one is from Tirana


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Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

Kemi degjuar jo vetem nga te huajt por edhe vete shqipot qe pyesin: E c'kane bere shqiptaret?

Armeve po u shtojme edhe veshjet


The Albanian hat (kapelja shqiptare)

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
hat with a high crown and raised front, trimmed with a feather. This style was made popular by portraits of Henry IV.

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Well, there it is, but no picture of how this typical Alb hat looked like.

We have to descover it through Henry the 4th.


</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
The Many Versions of the Henry IV Portrait
There are apparently as many as 6 slightly different versions of this original picture! One theory is that multiple copies were made at the time of the original as commemoratives. The more mainstream theory is that there were one or two originals, which for some reason became popular, and multiple copies were made, presumably in the 17th or 18th centuries.

In 1995, I compared the version I had (above) with Derran's and we saw for the first time the subtle but definite differences in two of the contemporary renderings. (or the original and it's copy)

Version #1 is the St. James Palace portrait of Henry IV

approx. 23'' by 17.6" inches

Inscribed H E N R I C V S i i i i

The Royal Catalogue entry has the following:

"Probably part of the set of royal portraits secured by Queen Caroline from Lord Cornwallis. Both portraits of Henry IV in the royal collection were recorded at Kensington in 1818 but only one seems to be recorded in the eighteenth century."

Version #2 is the Windsor Castle portrait of Henry IV

approx. 23'' by 17.6" inches

Inscribed H E N R I C V S i i i i

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Portraits of Henry IV with his hats




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Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Sir John Barrow (1764-1848) made his first voyage to Greenland in a whaler in 1781. In 1792 he became private secretary to Lord Macartney, ambassador to China. When Macartney became governor of Cape Colony in 1797 he followed him there also. He explored widely in both regions and left valuable accounts of his travels.
He was a founder member of the Geographical Society in 1830. Barrow, John. A voyage to Cochinchina, in the years 1792 and 1793 ... to which as annexed An account of a journey, made in the years 1801 and 1802, to the residence of the chief of the Booshuana nation (London : Printed for T.Cadell and W.Davies, 1806).

Barrow's work has fine illustrations, and the early 19th century saw a flowering of coloured plate books. These not only covered topographical illustrations, but a wide range of other topics. For example costume books made it possible for the British public to gain some impression of the life and manners of different cultures, although inevitably from a European point of view. Dalvimart, Octavian.
Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the Turks : illustrated in sixty coloured engravings, with descriptions (London : Printed for James Goodwin, [1814?]). This work was published in larger size in 1802 with title: The costume of Turkey. "The drawings, from which these plates have been engraved, were made ... about four years ago, by Monsieur Dalvimart" (p. iv). The text has been attributed to William Alexander (1767-1816), Assistant Keeper of Antiquities, British Museum



THE immense extent of the Turkish empire, from the coast of the Gulph of Venice on the west, to the end of the Black Sea on the east, from Russia and Poland on the north, to the Mediterranean on the south, contains a great variety of national characters. The present plate represents an Albanian, who inhabits one of the most western parts of the Turkish dominions, with his yellow boots, his golden girdle, and his pipe, which, as he stands, reaches to the ground.

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Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

Qeleshja/Plisi i bardhë

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
A qeleshe is a traditional skull cap, which is worn by Albanian men, usually from northern highlands of Albania or Kosovo. The cap is made from one single piece of woolen felt, usually white, that is molded to the shape of the head. The name qeleshe comes from the Albanian word for wool which is lesh. It has a conical shape that resembles an egg shell cut in half. Sometimes this is worn along with a bandana tied around the head.

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Me qeleshe ne dore



Thuhet se eshte ilire


/pf/images/graemlins/angel.gif /pf/images/graemlins/angel.gif /pf/images/graemlins/angel.gif

Kadri Halimi
Lashtësia e kapuçit të bardhë - plisit*

Kapuçi i bardhë që shqiptarët e quajnë plis, qeleshe ose qylah, i bërë nga lesh deleje i shkelur, konsiderohet si kësulë tradicionale e shqiptarëve. Për plisin ekzistojnë tek ne do gojdhana në lidhje me lashtësinë dhe prejardhjen e tij. Në lidhje me këtë gjë po sjellim ca shënime të shkurtëra interesante.

Duke bërë kërkime rreth studimit të zejes të qeleshepunuesve (ose plistarëve) ndër zejtarët e Kosovës si dhe tek populli, kemi hasur në ca gojdhana interesante që meritonin të shenohen, kurioze, por jo edhe të pa baza.

Një nga tregimet më intseresante është ai që bën fjalë dhe konfirmon se plisi i bardhë, kapuçi tradicional i shqiptarëve është trashëguar nga Ilirët. Duke mos u bazuar në dokumentat historiko-arkeologjike, por vetë në kushtet e atëhershme ekonomike të fiseve ilire, na del e logjikshme që këto tregime të kenë baza reale. Sepse, fise të ndryshme ilire merreshin me njërën nga degët kryesore të ekonomisë me blegëtorinë. Kjo e vërtetë e konfirmuar edhe nga të dhënat historike na bën që t'u besojmë edhe gojdhanave popullore lidhur me plisin. Duke pasur lesh delesh në sasira të mjaftueshme, Ilirët prej këtij punonin veshjet e tyre, ku hyn edhe pjesa që mbulon kokën - kapuçi. Pothuaj të gjitha pjesët e veshjes në të kaluaren njerëzit i bënin vetë në shtëpi. Më vonë shfaqen zejtarë profesionalë. Kështu qëndron puna edhe me punimin ose prodhimin e plisave.

Në popull si dhe ndër zejtarët tanë qeleshepunues të Kosovës dhe jashtë saj ekziston një gojdhanë shumë e vjetër. Ajo thotë se këtë zeje e solli në Gjakovë një plak, që në kohërat e moçme ishte shpërngulur nga Malësia në këtë qytet. Kjo tregon qartas se në kohërat më të lashta, kapuçat punoheshin nga vetë anëtarët e familjes porsi edhe pjesët e tjera të veshjes popullore të përditshme (tirqtë, ndërresat, mintanat, xhokat, japunxhat, gjurdiat, gëxofët etj.).

Për lashtësinë e këaj zeje, respektivisht të vetë plisit, dëshmon edhe emri i një lloji të tij që shqiptarët e quajnë vorri i Skënderbegut. E dihet mirë se Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu vdiq më 17 janar 1468. Që nga vdekja e këtij vigani, shqiptarët filluan të mbajnë një kapuç të një forme të posaçme, me fundin ose majen e trusur, të thelluar në formë varri. Ky tip kapuçi mund të ishte i zi ose edhe i bardhë. I përngjet pjesës cilindrike të kapelës moderne (u muar vesh pa rreth) por, siç u tha më sipër, me fund ose maje të gropuar si varr në drejtim nga prapa kah balli. Këtë lloj plisi e mbajnë njerëz pak si më pleqë dhe më seriozë në qytete e fshatra. Sot përdoren fort rrallë, kurse në shekujt e kaluar ka qenë shumë më shpesh i përdorur.

Tipi i plisit i quajtur me maje ka trajtë kupe me maje të theksuar. Një tip tjetër me maje jo të theksuar e quajnë i rrumbullakët. Në të kaluaren këta plisa ishin edhe më të gjatë, me maje më të theksuar, sepse punoheshin vetëm prej një tasllaku (polle trekëndhshe), dhe kur i ngjiteshin skajet, kapuçi merrte trajtë barizani të gjërë. Këtë lloj kapuçi mbanin pjesëtarët e fisit ilir të Dalmatëve. Kjo shihet në një pllakë guri nga Graduni, i cili ruhet në Muzeumin arkeologjik në Split. Kjo rrasë guri ka një relief në të cilin shihen figurat e dy ushtarëve ilirë të zënë robë lufte nga ushtarët romakë. Njëri nga këta dy ilirë mban në kokë një kapuç që për nga trajta është krejt i njëjtë me plisin tonë të sotëm me maje të theksuar (të shihet Mihovil Abraniè: O predstavam Ilira na antiknim spomenicima. Èasopis za zgotovino in narodopisje, Maribor, let. XXXII, snop. 1-4, 1937:12,15).

Në popull dhe tek zejtarët qeleshepunues kemi dëgjuar dhe shënuar një tregim se në Dibër dhe rrethinë, në të kaluaren nuk mbaheshin plisat e rrafshtë si sot. Banorët e kësaj treve mbanin plisa të tipit të Kosovës. Mirëpo, rreth vitit 1832 Pashallllëku i Kosovës me në krye Jashar Pashë Xhinollin ra në konflikt me Dibrën duke dashur ta zgjërojë pashallëkun e tij. Me këtë rast u bë një betejë e rreptë. Jashar pashë Xhinolli, bir i Maliq pashë Xhinollit, me prejardhje nga Luma, i theu dhe i mundi dibranët, ose siç thotë populli i shkeli. Që prej kësaj, gjoja, dibranët mbakan plisa të shkelun, d.m.th. të rrafshtë, kurse kosovarët si fitimtarë vazhduan ende të mbanin plisa me maje.

Në lidhje me lashtësinë e plisit , ndër shqiptarët ekziston edhe një gojdhanë tjetër që përcjellet brez pas brezi. Kjo gojdhanë tregon se në Betejën e Kosovës më 1389 moren pjesë edhe shqiptarët nga Kosova bashkë me mirditasit. Këta, me këtë rast, mbanin plisa të bardhë po të asaj trajte që mbajnë edhe sot.

Nuk janë në gjendje të dijë e të konfirmoj se a ka dhe ç'baza ka kallximi popullor se do klerikë katolikë, varësisht nga rangu kierarkik, gjatë meshës në kishë mbajnë kësula të bardha në formë plisi të shqiptarëve. Madje të tillë i mban edhe vetë pontifiku katolik në Romë, papa.

Ndoshta kjo traditë popullore mbështetet në këto fakte historike.

Dihet mirë se pas okupimit të tokave ilire në Ballkan, romakët moren prej tyre shumë gjëra nga kultura materiale, duke përfshirë edhe pjesë të ndryshme të veshjeve popullore. Duket se një lloj këmishe ose pelerine, që romakët e quanin tunika (tunica) e moren nga fisi dalmat i ilirëve, sepse atë e quanin dalmatika (dalmatica). A është e mundur të kenë përvetësuar edhe kësulën e bardhe ilire? Më vonë kjo veshje, duke pësuar ndryshime, dalëngadalë doli nga përdorimi i përditshëm. Ajo u ruajt dhe qendroi duke u përdorur vetëm në kishë katolike dhe ruhet edhe sot dhe ende quhet dalmatika. Hyn në përdorim, veshet nga priftërit vetëm gjatë meshës.

Në krijimin e gojdhanës për kësulën e bardhë të papës që i përngjet plisit tonë të rrumbullakët (jo atij me maje të theksuar), mund të ketë ndihmuar edhe një fakt tjetër i njohur historik. Ky fakt është se në fillim të shekullit XVIII u zgjodh papë Klimenti XI, që kishte prejardhje shqiptare, i fisit Kelmend. Me iniciativën e tij, më 1703 u mbajt një konzilium i peshkopëve të Shqipërisë, ku u muar vendimi që literatura kishtare të përhapej në gjuhën shqipe.

Po t'i shtojmë të gjitha këtyre që thamë më sipër se papët me të vërtetë mbajnë kësulë të bardhë të rrumbullakët, shumë të ngjashme me plisin shqiptar, atëherë na është plotësisht e qartë se nga rrjedhin këto tregime popullore.

*Marrë prej gazetës Rilindja, më 31.10.1970, Prishtinë.
Zgjodhi Prof. Dr Mentor Disha, Prishtinë.

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Primus registratum
Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

The Albanian horse (kali shqiptar)


</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />

The Albanian is a small horse belonging to the Balkan group. There are two types of native Albanian horse, which are referred to as Mountain and Myzeqea (plains). In recent years interbreeding between the two types has made the distinction less clear. Traditionally the Myzeqea is larger standing at 13.2 hands and the Mountain type on average about 12.2 to 12.3 hands.
The ancient inhabitants of this area were Illyrians, Indo-Europeans who overran the northwest part of the Balkan peninsula around the fifth century B.C. The Serbians settled here during the seventh century A.D. and were overpowered by the Turks in 1386. During the Ottoman Empire, a great deal of Arab blood was infused into the local horses, which were likely various combinations of Tarpan, Turkmenian, and Mongolian stock. The Albanian knighthood of Skanderbeg was a rear force for this national hero, terrifying the Osman invaders (Ottoman Empire) and bringing honor and glory to the country.

The Albanian is known for its freedom of movement, agility in difficult terrain, disease resistance, and endurance. In the past these horses were used more for transport and riding than for agricultural purposes. In the early 1990's, measures were taken to promote and increase the number of Albanian horses and to improve them for agricultural work. The improved breeds are concentrated in large breeding centers such as the Zootechnic Station at Shkodra and at specialized farms where stallions are produced for improving local horses. Since 1980 there has been a great increase in the number of horses in Albania.

The Myzeqea is very good for long distance use and is exceptionally strong for its size and many have an easily ridden ambling gait. The Albanian are hardy efficient horses. They are often used as carriage horses as well as for riding and light draft.

The goals of Albanian breeders today are concentrated increase in number and improvement. Purebred Arab, Nonius, and Haflinger horses are crossed with the native Albanian and several improved types are emerging. The native horse of Albania has few disadvantages of quality, the main need being increased size for better agricultural work. The Haflinger breed was imported from Austria to help improve the working abilities of horses in the hilly regions of the country.

Hendricks, Bonnie L., International Encyclopedia of Horse

Breeds, Univ of Oklahoma Press, 1995.
International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds

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1936 (Shkoder probably)

In a 1992 Alb stamp



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Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret



</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Encyclopedia Britannica

Vocabulary - Among the most interesting borrowings from its neighbors, Albanian shows few evidences of contact with ancient Greek; one such is Gheg mokën (Tosk mokërë) “millstone.”
Obviously close contacts with the Romans gave many Latin loans: eg., mik ”friend”; këndoj “sing, read.” (for this association of senses c.f Turkish okumak)
Furthermore, Albanian attests parallel developments in Balkan Latin to those reflected in Rumanian: Latin paludem “swamp” became padulem and than Rumanian padure, Albanian pyll “forest”. Conversely, Rumanian shares some apparently native terms with Albanian: Rumanian brad, Albanian bredh “fir”. Thus these two languages reflect special historical contacts of early date. Early contacts with the Slavs gave gozhdë “nail.”

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Motra Tone in a 1971 Romanian stamp



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Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

19th century, a chief Alb fighter (komandant)


Plaku i Shoshit (nga skicat e Edith Durham)

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How about ...


The aLbAnIaN hAiRcUt (kokteil/perzierja shqiptare)
(njihet edhe si kokteili maqedonas)

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Macedonian Haircut Recipe

1 Part Järmeister
1 Part Black Sambuca
1 Part Ouzo

Mixing Instruction
Mix in the desired size of glass. Enjoy. Sweet.Name: Derived from Greek Haircut (Ouzo+Sambuca, 2 espresso beans flaming) but with an added germanic influence.
Also known as Albanian Haircut.

[/ QUOTE ]

The drink pic is gone, but some old labels should be OK for this posting (etiketa te vjetra)



Primus registratum
Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

How about pics on the Albanian capote ( an immense cloak) which Lord Byron mentions in his travels? (guna shqiptare do jete)

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What else?

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
Short Glossary of Clothing Terms 1858-1867

ALBANIAN ROBE: garment having flounces with colored stripes from shoulder to waist with shape of a stomacher.

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Me teper skica ne lidhje me kapelen shqiptare (2-3)



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The famous Croatian King of Dolls who has in his Zagreb museum even a doll from our communist dictator Hoxha ...



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Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

The Albanian SKS (pushka shqiptare SKS)


</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />

The Albanian SKS is now the rarest of all "imported" varieties of SKS found in the world, outside of the North Korean, East German, and Vietnamese models that were war "bring backs", with very few in existence. It is made of milled steel and fires the standard AK 7.62x39 mm cartridge like all SKS, but is different from other country's SKS in several ways. In this article I will attempt to provide some history and observation of this weapon.

I have been collecting Albanian SKS carbines for some time now and currently have around 50 in my personal collection. I have samples from every year of production and have photographed and catalogued them, along with my other SKS.

The Albanian SKS was believed to be an early Simonov design that was never manufactured by other European countries. It was known locally by the name "July 10th Rifle", after Albania's Independence Day. The Albanian SKS was manufactured at the UM Gramsh Factory from 1967-1971 and again from 1976-1979. There is some debate about what happened during the years 1972-1975 but I have never seen or heard of Albanian SKS's from this time period.

So, there were an estimated 16,950 produced. For unknown reasons the Albanians destroyed or gave away nearly two thirds of them and it is believed that only 5700 are left in the world today. There have been reports that US Government led efforts "encouraged" the Albanian government to collect and destroy over 130,000 Albanian small arms (their SKS included) during the mid to late 1990's. This may be why we see limited numbers of them in the world market today.

The stocks on Albanian SKS are usually of two color types. Rifles manufactured in 1967 and 1968, with some of the 1969 ones, were of a much darker color than all prior years.

Rifles manufactured from 1970-1979 on almost always had a beech stock with various shades of orange varnish.

The stocks vary in condition from some that are "mint" condition, to some that are in really bad shape. It seems to have been relatively common practice for Albanian soldiers to carve their initials into the stocks of their guns.

Other observations I have made of the Albanian SKS:

1) Trigger pulls run the range from very nice to horrible. This mirrors the standard range of SKS trigger smoothness found in other countries. Testing of trigger pulls revealed everything from 4.5 lbs to 11 lbs, with everything in between.

2) The bayonets on Albanian SKS are all black, spike type bayonets similar to the ones on Chinese SKS except for the color.

3) Accuracy of the Albanian SKS seems to be "better than average" when compared with Russian, Romanian, Chinese, and Yugoslavian SKS. As a matter of fact, I have several that are more accurate than even a Russian Tula that I have that is marked as sniper grade on it's front sight. All of my Albanians are capable of putting 5 shot groups within 4" at 50 yards and 9" at 100 yards.

In summary, the Albanian SKS is well worth collecting. It is an interesting variation of the standard SKS and is a well put together, accurate rifle. Given the low number of these rifles in the world today I believe the law of supply and demand will soon cause their prices to rise quite dramatically.

Glyn Reinders
Lebanon, NH

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Primus registratum
Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

Ajo TERRAKOTA me bariun nuk eshte HERMES

eshte nje i ri duke shkuar per SAKRIFICE (therror)


Primus registratum
Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

nje saktesim me dashamiresi: Ai vapori "Cunard Albania" nuk ka lidhje me Shqiperine por eshte quajtur keshtu per nder te Skocise- ne shek. 18-te Skocezet nacionaliste (romantike) e quanin atdheun e tyre nder poema Albania, por jo per t'a perafruar me Shqiperine por per arsye te maleve-Alpe-Albe-Alba-Albania.
Kete m'a ka thene nje Bloke nga Skocia-flori djale.


Primus registratum
Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

Faleminderit per falenderimin Caretaker. Te mirepritura jane sidomos saktesimet qe ju LIR dhe Padyshim bete.
Albania njihet edhe si emer i lashte i Skocise dhe qe thuhet se rrjedh nga emri galic Alba dhe qe me vone u latinizua ne fjalen Albania.
Te pakten tani e dime se kur shohim kartolina apo foto mbi dy (2) vapore qe mbajten emrat Albania I dhe Albania II, e dime se nuk ju vu emri per nder te Shqiperise tone. Por sidoqofte eshte nje lloj kurioziteti qe ka vleren e vet historike.

Vazhdojme me objekte, sende, e gjera te tjera qe kane lidhje me ne e vendin tone.
p.s. Mos na dale edhe kjo rruga per Albaniane skoceze /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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Nje rruge me emrin Shqiperia ne Bruksel te Belgjikes
Ne dy gjuhet zyrtare te Belgjikes: frengjisht e hollandisht.


Nje harte e zones ku ndodhet rruga

Nje pamje nga Rruga e Shqiperie - Rue d'Albanie


Primus registratum
Re: Gjera mbi Shqiperine e shqiptaret

Nje tabele (emri i rruges ndoshta) ne qytetin Filadelfia (shteti Pensilvania) ne SHBA.

