Galeria e Impresionizmit


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Re: Galeria e Impresionizmit

Ca te tjera meqe e kemi filluar me Manet, ta mbarojme me te...

The Seine at Argenteuil


Lola de Valence


The Railway

Boll tani se u lodha...kush do na vendosi ca te tjera nga Camille Pissarro se me pelqen shume.

P.S. Ximo, Courbet i perket realizmit me duket. E mbaj mend se zgjodha nje nga pikturat e tij per ta interpretuar ne vizatimin tim (vizatim me shkopa se vetem forma nuk ishin, lol).



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Re: Galeria e Impresionizmit

Un kam ra n'dashni me impresionistat qysh n'fillimet e mia me artin. Nji nder gjanat qe m'ka ba me i dasht rebelet francez te shekullit t'19 (Cezanne, Pissarro, Renoir, Degas, Monet, Manet, e kunaten Berthe Morisot etj), kane kene edhe ngjyrat. Un jam e dashtuna e perjetshme e ngjyrave.
Qysh se i jam ekspozu pikturave- mrekullinave te tyne une jam e prire me u msheh mbas tyne, duke u lane ne krahet e muzes e duke i pa njerezit nen driten e tyne, fantazoj se cili do ti kishte portretizu ma mire ne epoka te ndryshme.
Nji periudhe, ne profilin tem, e kam pas te shkrume qe flas nga: cafe guerbois, e me t'vertet, shpirtnisht kam kene aty per disa kohe.
Nese ndokush asht i interesum, un kam essay (ne anglisht) per Edouard Manet, impresionizem edhe per post impresionizem. I kam punu me dashni, ashtu sic i kam studju me dashni. :wub:

ps:nji nder pikturat qe me ka ba ma kurioze per me kuptu se cfar historijet fshihet pas saj asht: Bar at the Folies-Bergere
kjo asht nji pjese e shkeputun prej nji essay qe kam ba vjet:

"It seems that Manet likes riddles as well. This becomes a fact when we get introduced to his masterly canvas Bar at the Folies-Bergere (1882).
But as not for the first time, his painting does not get understood. As soon as it was showed at the Salon, it was ridiculed for the "mistake" of failing to show the customer, who is reflected on the mirror, in front of the bar.
The first thing that warms me looking at this painting is that "caress" that the artist uses in his painting. The innocent look of the girl surrounded with the noisy humanity is a little detail conducting us to some beauty that not very often we notice.
Around her is so much going on, people drinking and enjoying an acrobatic display, meanwhile she is so still and melancholic that she has more in common with the loving painted objects on the bar then with the rest of the humanity.
This painting leads me to a conclusion that there are so many little things that we do not take notice most of the time, because we live in a such busy world, and it is also a proof of some innocent naturalism, that is still around us."

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Galeria e Impresionizmit

I dua une Blu, zura rradhen e para :thumbsup: Mi nis me pm te lutem.

Zog'u e kujt eshte ajo piktura aty siper?


Primus registratum
Re: Galeria e Impresionizmit

Dreke (piknik) ne bar

Sa te lirshem kane pasur qene njerezit atehere , se canin koken per asgje
shume e bukur


Primus registratum
Re: Galeria e Impresionizmit

Fillimisht postuar nga Anna O.:
[qb] Disa piktore impresioniste femra /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Catherine Wiley, piktore amerikane, Summer day at NewPort, 1913


Helen M. Turner, piktore amerikane (1858-1958), Lilies, Lanterns and Sunshine, 1923


Mary Cassat, amerikane, (1844-1926), The Family

Piktori e ben punen domosdo qe jane te bukura

ana karenina

Primus registratum
Re: Galeria e Impresionizmit

Camille Pissarro. per Odean /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Catite e kuqe /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif :



Primus registratum
Re: Galeria e Impresionizmit

mos u preokupo fare /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif , se na kenaqe me ato pikturat e pisarro...sidomos catite e kuqe, ishte :wub: fare