Foto te Gjakoves


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Re: Foto te Gjakoves

gexha e drinit t'bardhe, te ura e fshejt



Forumium maestatis
Re: Foto te Gjakoves

Cfare behet me femijet qe kane ngelur pa prinder? Ka shoqeri qe kujdesen per to, apo rrine me te afermit e tjere?

Sa prekese! /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


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Re: Foto te Gjakoves


Satellite photo taken during the first days of the war, showing the Serb police and paramilitaries burning down the historic center of Gjakovica/Djakovica. The Hadum Mosque (built 1594), unmistakable in the middle of the photo, with a big plume of smoke rising from the buildings of the old bazaar (just above it in the image) and smaller plumes from the manuscript library next to it and from buildings across the patch of clear ground just below it.


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Re: Foto te Gjakoves


Tabaks bridge 18th century

Another old bridge over the Erenik (Ribnik) river in Djakovica is the Tabaks Bridge. It was built in the middle of the 18th century by the Tabaks Guild (the Tanners Guild) of Djakovica. Its beauty and elegance makes this bridge one of the most important evidence of engineering achievements in Serbia during the Turkish rule.


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Re: Foto te Gjakoves


Hadum mosque 1592

Hadum ( which means a servant, eunuch) Mosque was built at the end of the 16th century by Hadum Sulejman-aga Bizeban, a servant in the imperial harem at the time of Sultan Murat III, born in the village of Guska near Djakovica. It was built in 1592/1593 (or 1003 according to the Hegira Islamic system of measuring time). The mosque belongs to the one-story group with a porch covered by three cupolas. The central area is covered by the dome of 13.50 m in diameter supported by eight internal pilasters and trompes. The entry porch is supported by the monolith stone columns without bases. The porch was subsequently expanded by the three-guttered wooden roof. The slender minaret, 31 m high, is leaning against the wall of the mosque. The facades of the mosque are built with stone blocks, while the upper part of the minaret is built with smaller cubes of sandstone. Its interior walls are decorated with stylized landscapes and cypresses. Conservation works were carried out in 1968.


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Re: Foto te Gjakoves

manga, kur flet per bombardime e ke fjalen per bomba Serbe ose bomba te Natos?

populli gjakoves u mundu ta shpetoj si qytetin, si qytetaret e vet si dhe te strehuarit nga katundet e tjera qe ishin gati dyfishi i popullsise se qytetit por dikush nuk mund te knaqej pa e pa rrafsh gjakoven.
dhe ja arriten qellimit.
pak zhurm me ba duhej diku mbas cabratit..ger ver me pushk te pordhes dhe Serbia gati ishte te bente masaker.
dhe ndodhi masakra.


Primus registratum
Re: Foto te Gjakoves

guri, bombardimet (e natos) kane fillue me 24 mars, kurse charshia e vjeter asht djege mu at' nate - hala pa kercite asnji plumb n'chabrat. asht djege prej serbve lokale, policise, paramilitareve, edhe bandes familjare t'njifare shqiptari, emni i t'cilit s'po m'kujtohet tash (asht prej osek hiles). perndryshe, gjakovaret s'i kane lane mangu asgja punes s'luftes - gjakova asht i vetmi qytet qi ka dhane brigade, e t'rijte e gjakoves jane shkepe ne t'tri (a kater) grupacionet ushtarake t'uck-se - disa me fark, disa me drenice, disa me ramushin, e besa edhe shume veta kane luftue krye n'veti...

godfather, kisha dashte me t'quejt fundamentalist islamik me gjak sllavi, por s'po t'quej...megjithate, po t'lutem qi nese i merr fotografite prej yu - heritage, t'pakten kallxo t'verteten e mos e ban copy paste pa e blue. ura e tabakve (e edhe ajo e terezive) s'i kallxon t'arritunat inxhinjerike n'serbi, por n'vilajetin e kosoves...kali...


Primus registratum
Re: Foto te Gjakoves

fotografi e mochme e xhamise s'hadumit


ps. a asht tuj i ruejt kush kto syreta a jo?

Neptune's Daughter

Primus registratum
Re: Foto te Gjakoves

Une kam qene ne Gjakove vetem pak kohe pasi lufta kish mbaruar, sepse kam njerez te mite atje, dhe kam pare me syte e mi se sa e trishtueshme ishte me ato shtepi te djegura, po besoj se tani Gjakova e ka marre veten dhe eshte bere qytet i bukur perseri