Favourite Metallica songs!!


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Re: Favourite Metallica songs!!

o Vivviii /pf/images/graemlins/grin.gif o si s'ndrrove kurr', uu ca kam qesh', ku t'ka shku mendja mor rob i marr /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif /pf/images/graemlins/lol.gif



Primus registratum
Re: Favourite Metallica songs!!

the unforgiven

New blood joins this earth
and quickly he's subdued
through constant pain disgrace
the young boy learns their rules
with time the child draws in
this whipping boy done wrong
deprived of all his thoughts
the young man struggles on and on he's known
a vow unto his own
that never from this day
his will they'll take away

what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never be
never see
won't see what might have been
what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never free
never me
so I dub thee unforgiven

they dedicate their lives
to running all of his
he tries to please them all
this bitter man he is
throughout his life the same
he's battled constantly
this fight he cannot win
a tired man they see no longer cares
the old man then prepares
to die regretfully
that old man here is me

what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never be
never see
won't see what might have been
what I've felt
what I've known
never shined through in what I've shown
never free
never me
so I dub thee unforgiven

you labeled me
I'll label you
so I dub thee unforgiven


Primus registratum
Re: Favourite Metallica songs!!

enter sandman

Say your prayers little one
Dont forget, my son
To include everyone
Tuck you in, warm within
keep you free from sin
till the sandman he comes
sleep with one eye open
gripping your pillow tight

Exit, light
Enter, Night
Take my hand
we're off to never-never land

Somethings wrong, shut the light
heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white
dreams of war, dreams of liars
dreams of dragon's fire
and of things that will bite
sleep with one eye open
gripping your pillow tight



Now I lay me down to sleep (x2)
I pray the lord my soul to keep (x2)
If i die before i wake (x2)
I pray the lord my soul to take (x2)

hush little baby, don't say a word
never mind that noise you heard
it's just the beasts under your bed
in your closet, in your head

CHORUS (replacing 'take....land with 'grain of sand)
CHORUS (done the normal way)


master of puppets

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Re: Favourite Metallica songs!!

ja nja dy lajme te reja...
albumi i ri pritet te dale vitin tjeter,bob rock nuk eshte me me mjeshtrat por eshte z2006-06-16 | | | | aggiungi a del.icio.us

Metallica, tutto sul nuovo disco
Uscirà nel 2007, prodotto da Rick Rubin

James Hetfield
Guarda la gallery!
I Metallica, in occasione del festival estone "Tallinn Song Festival Grounds", hanno partecipato a una conferenza stampa in cui annunciano i futuri sviluppi della loro carriera, in particolare relativamente al prossimo disco da studio. Il capitolo successivo rispetto a "St. Anger", uscito nel 2003, dovrebbe vedere la luce nella seconda metà del 2007.

"Il nuovo album sta venendo fuori poco alla volta, proprio come dovrebbe essere.", ha detto James Hetfield. "Ci stiamo prendendo il nostro tempo senza precipitare troppo le cose. Vogliamo fare le cose per bene...".

Hetfiled ha anche spiegato che hanno parecchio materiale da cui prendere spunti per i nuovi brani. "Durante il tour [di supporto a "St. Anger"] avevamo una riff-tape ognuno, in cui registrare le proprie idee. Per cui abbiamo circa 15 cd pieni di materiale, dal momento che registravamo anche tutte le jam sessions che facevamo prima dei concerti. Dobbiamo solo scegliere e prendere le cose migliori."

Il nuovo produttore sarà una vecchia conoscenza: "Rick Rubin è il produttore che abbiamo scelto, una persona che ha fatto delle cose affascinanti e specialmente con bands... che pensavano di aver raggiunto il limite: lui le ha prese e gli ha mostrato nuovamente chi erano, come e perchè, riportandole alle radici ma in una maniera differente. Siamo parecchio eccitati dall`avere Rubin come input."

Hetfield si spinge anche a parlare di come utilizzare la sede live per scrivere del nuovo materiale cambia il processo compositivo: "Scrivere in studio oppure nel mezzo del tour... beh, sono bestie completamente differenti. Quando sei dal vivo devi essere pronto, avere la tua voce nuovamente in forma, sei in una condizione che ti ricorda come e perchè sei lì a fare quello che fai. Vedi tutti i fans che ti aspettano sera dopo sera e quando scrivi sei appagato da tutti gli apprezzamenti che ti fanno, e grato per il dono che hai di piacere a tanta gente. Gran parte del nuovo album partirà da idee che sono venute fuori in questo modo, vedremo se si sentirà la differenza..."

Anche il chitarrista Kirk Hammett e il batterista Lars Ulrich avevano recentemente rilasciato dichiarazioni sul nuovo disco nel corso di un`intervista alla BBC. "Abbiamo circa 15 canzoni con cui ci stiamo approcciando, da cui dovremo sceglierne una dozzina. E` comunque molto, molto, molto presto adesso per poter dire qualcosa di definitivo!"

"Ci stiamo divertendo molto", ha aggiunto Lars, "stiamo lavorando bene in studio, a volte scrivendo tre o quattro pezzi nuovi a settimana... E` tutto molto diverso da quello che avete visto in "Some Kind Of Monster" [il film che racconta la vita dei Metallica ai tempi di "St. Anger"]: nessuno psichiatra attorno alla band, nessun operatore televisivo... siamo per i fatti nostri e ci stiamo divertendo davvero molto." ( di Francesco Eandi)

evendesuar nga Rick Rubin...

master of puppets

Primus registratum
Re: Favourite Metallica songs!!

me doli keq postimi i meparshem,por ja cilet jane albumet e prodhuara nga Rick Rubin...

Radio - LL Cool J (1985)
Licensed to Ill - Beastie Boys (1986)
Raising Hell - Run DMC (1986)
Reign in Blood - Slayer (1986)
Electric - The Cult (1987)
Danzig - Danzig (1988)
Tougher Than Leather - Run DMC (1988)
South of Heaven - Slayer (1988)
Masters of Reality - Masters of Reality (1988)
Andrew Dice Clay - Andrew Dice Clay (1989)
Trouble - Trouble (1990)
Danzig II: Lucifuge - Danzig (1990)
Seasons in the Abyss - Slayer (1990)
Nobody Said It Was Easy - The Four Horsemen (1991)
Manic Frustration - Trouble (1991)
Decade of Aggression - Slayer (1991)
Blood Sugar Sex Magik - Red Hot Chili Peppers (1991)
Danzig III: How the Gods Kill - Danzig (1992)
Thrall: Demonsweatlive - Danzig (1993)
21st Century Jesus - Messiah (1993)
Danzig 4 - Danzig (1994)
American Recordings - Johnny Cash (1994)
Divine Intervention - Slayer (1994)
Wildflowers - Tom Petty (1994)
One Hot Minute - Red Hot Chili Peppers (1995)
Ballbreaker - AC/DC (1995)
God Lives Underwater - God Lives Underwater (1995)
Empty - God Lives Underwater (1995)
Unchained - Johnny Cash (1996)
Undisputed Attitude - Slayer (1996)
Sutras - Donovan (1996)
VH1 Storytellers - Johnny Cash & Willie Nelson (1998)
Diabolus in Musica - Slayer (1998)
System of a Down - System of a Down (1998)
Chef Aid - South Park (1998)
Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers (1999)
Loud Rocks - V/A (tracks: 1. System of a Down & Wu-Tang Clan - Shame, 6. Tom Morello & Chad Smith & Wu-Tang Clan - Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nothing Ta Fuck Wit) (1999)
American III: Solitary Man - Johnny Cash (2000)
Paloalto - Paloalto (2000)
Renegades - Rage Against The Machine (2000)
Amethyst Rock Star - Saul Williams (2001)
The War of Art-American Head Charge (2001)
Breath of the Heart -Krishna Das (2001)
Toxicity - System of a Down (2001)
God Hates Us All - Slayer (1998) {assieme a Matt Hyde}
American IV: The Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash (2002)
By The Way - Red Hot Chili Peppers (2002)
Audioslave - Audioslave (2002)
Steal This Album! - System of a Down (2002)
Results May Vary - Limp Bizkit (2003) (in collaborazione con Terry Date e Jordan Schur)
Unearthed - Johnny Cash (2003)
Door of Faith - Krishna Das (2003)
De-Loused in the Comatorium - The Mars Volta (2003) (with Omar Rodriguez-Lopez)
The Black Album - Jay-Z (2003) ("99 Problems")
Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium - Rage Against the Machine (2003)
Heroes and Villains - Paloalto (2003)
Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses) - Slipknot (2004)
Armed Love - The (International) Noise Conspiracy (2004)
Crunk Juice - Lil' Jon and the East Side Boyz (2004) ("Stop Fuckin' Wit Me")
Make Believe - Weezer (2005)
Out of Exile - Audioslave (2005)
Mezmerize - System of a Down (2005)
Hypnotize - System of a Down (2005)
12 Songs - Neil Diamond (2005)
Stadium Arcadium - Red Hot Chili Peppers (2006)
Taking the Long Way -- Dixie Chicks (2006)
American V: A Hundred Highways - Johnny Cash (2006)
Christ Illusion - Slayer (2006)

master of puppets

Primus registratum
Re: Favourite Metallica songs!!

sic e shikoni kalon nga hip hop ne system/red hot/slayer...
kam pershtypjen se nuk do te jete shume prezent ne albumin e ri te metallica por do i lere dore te lire pa i bere shume presion...

master of puppets

Primus registratum
Re: Favourite Metallica songs!!

Ultimamente è stato ufficializzato che Rubin sarà il produttore del prossimo album dei Metallica, dato che il gruppo ha accolto una petizione online, da parte di tantissimi fans del periodo Thrash del gruppo, contro Bob Rock, da loro accusato di aver contribuito alla commercializzazione della band di San Francisco.

nga wikipedia

master of puppets

Primus registratum
Re: Favourite Metallica songs!!

lajme te fresketa per tour-in e kesaj vere:

3/2/2007 [ back ]

One more for you . . . perhaps some of you have had enough of the Scandinavian chatter . . . really . . . get on with it already! Okay, okay . . . so next up is the site of the first stop on the "Sick of the Studio '07" tour . . .Lisbon, Portugal on June 28th at Super Bock Super Rock, as we attempt to spread more summer 'Tallica love throughout Europe. This show also kicks off a very cool festival that lasts for four days . . . you can get a ticket for one day or a pass for all four (see all the details below). It's only the fifth time we'll be checking out Lisbon, so we're pretty psyched to be heading back.
There are still a couple more shows in pencil on the itinerary for our little European outing . . . we promise to post them here just as soon as they get confirmed. One at a time.

Date Location Venue Show/Ticket Info
June 28 Lisbon, POR Super Bock Super Rock Festival Click for more info
July 1 Werchter, BEL Rock Werchter Festival Click for more info
July 3 Athens, GRE Rockwave Festival Click for more info
July 5 Vienna, AUT Rotundenplatz Click for more info
July 10 Oslo, NOR Valle Hovin Stadion Click for more info
July 12 Stockholm, SWE Stadion Click for more info
July 13 Aarhus, DEN Vestereng Click for more info
July 15 Helsinki, FIN Olympic Stadium Click for more info
July 18 Moscow, RUS Lushniki Stadium Click for more info


master of puppets

Primus registratum
Re: Favourite Metallica songs!!

te tjera

Lars Ulrich told a New York radio program that the band will lay down 14 songs for its ninth studio album, which the group will begin recording next Monday (March 12th) in San Francisco. Ulrich said on the Friday Night Rocks show, "We started out about six months ago with about 25 songs and now we've narrowed those down to 14, and we're gonna start recording 14 songs next Monday. So we're all pretty stoked."

Unlike the troubled, turbulent sessions for the band's last album, 2003's St. Anger, Ulrich told us that pre-production for the new effort has had a whole different vibe: "It's frighteningly tame (laughs). The four of us show up and we hang out and we have a great time, and there are no psychiatrists in sweaters, there are no film crews, it's very much like it used to be. It's pretty mellow around here. All that St. Anger stuff seems like a movie (laughs)."

Of course, the drummer is jokingly referring to Metallica: Some Kind of Monster, the documentary that chronicled the making of St. Anger.

Ulrich acknowledged on Friday night that American fans were disappointed that the band will tour in Europe and not the U.S. for the second summer in a row. But he added, "All our American fans out there must rest assured that there will be no end to the love coming everybody's way in the next couple of years with the new record and so on."

The drummer also said he was "sure in his heart" that Metallica would play the entire Master of Puppets album live in the U.S., as it did last year in Europe.

The group plans to work in the studio until early June, take a break for its European tour, then finish recording in August. As for whether Metallica will release the new album in 2007, Ulrich said, "I'd like to try and get it out this year, I hope we can get it out this year. If it doesn't come out this year, then it will be out at the very beginning of next year."


Primus registratum
Re: metallica:the new fuc###g song!!!

master saw them last summer in germany..rock and ring-park festival..
among 50.000 fans....trujillo was amazing..what a mexican shitty face /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

master of puppets

Primus registratum
Re: metallica:the new fuc###g song!!!

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Citim:</font><hr />
master saw them last summer in germany..rock and ring-park festival..
among 50.000 fans....trujillo was amazing..what a mexican shitty face /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

played gjithe albumin master of puppets?


Primus registratum
Re: metallica:the new fuc###g song!!!

nahhh vetem disa..
played Master of puppets
pastaj One...sick and destroyed
dhe me shume nga Black Album dhe Saint anger..por rreth 3 ore koncert