Copeza mendimesh...

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Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Dashuria eshte nje gje ideale, martesa eshte gje reale;konfuzioni i reales me idealen asnjehere nuk mbetet e pandeshkuar.


Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Its impressive how shitty life is…
When u are 5 u want to grow up and become a superhero, a policeman, a firefighter… a pilot, a soldier, anything.
When up to 14 u just want to be 18 so u can be free and enjoy your youth, but when 18 comes u have to fucking leave for another country where u will be all alone and start a “new everything”.
But even then its not enough… after creating 300 international & American friends you have to leave and transfer to another university because “THEY” say it is better for u. so here u are in a new place where none gives a fuck about who u are, and what u are. U have to find a job to support yourself in this new and expensive school. And here u go… at your 21st damned birthday that u so much awaited u have to study and take a 3 hour exam, have a meeting with someone that threatens to report u for deportation if u don’t quit that illegal job u have… and moreover have a fight with one of the dearest and most important person to YOU.

Well have a motherfucking happy 21st birthday dude… go get wasted and fuck yourself!!!

Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Fillimisht postuar nga insane:
[qb] Its impressive how shitty life is…
When u are 5 u want to grow up and become a superhero, a policeman, a firefighter… a pilot, a soldier, anything.
When up to 14 u just want to be 18 so u can be free and enjoy your youth, but when 18 comes u have to fucking leave for another country where u will be all alone and start a “new everything”.
But even then its not enough… after creating 300 international & American friends you have to leave and transfer to another university because “THEY” say it is better for u. so here u are in a new place where none gives a fuck about who u are, and what u are. U have to find a job to support yourself in this new and expensive school. And here u go… at your 21st damned birthday that u so much awaited u have to study and take a 3 hour exam, have a meeting with someone that threatens to report u for deportation if u don’t quit that illegal job u have… and moreover have a fight with one of the dearest and most important person to YOU.

Well have a motherfucking happy 21st birthday dude… go get wasted and fuck yourself!!! [/qb]
Mos valle kete duhet te pres edhe une????? /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif


Re: Copeza mendimesh....

maybe not..maybe its just fucking insane


Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Fillimisht postuar nga PUTRAKU:
[qb] PERSHENDES EREN QE KALOI DHE DHE ME PRISHI FLOKET /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif [/qb]
tullaclleku eshte ne mode, dhe per me mire as ERA nuk ti prish dot "floket"

I love new york

Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

dhe dimri erdhi shpresen qe te vjedhi ato rreze te ngrohta shpirti qe une kisha cliruar per ty.
ai shkoi i zhgenjyer...............


Re: Copeza mendimesh....

po kish harru cigaret tek xhepi i xhupit tjeter qe kishe cuar ne lavanderi.veshtroi eren dhe vendosi te linte duhanin duke rregulluar floket me dore /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


Re: Copeza mendimesh....

ihihi cben akoma zgjuar? (shih kur tna moderojne)

qe ti permbahemi temes:

its been 5 months that i long for something..what can i do to get what i need?

Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Fillimisht postuar nga insane:
[qb] maybe not..maybe its just fucking insane [/qb]
No no dont think so! is life thats sucks!


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Jam e ndrydhur, sdua te bej ato cfare me thojne te bej, sdua te bej cme thote zemra te bej, sdua te bej cme thote emdnja te bej.. dua te perhumbem mbase dhe te pushoj se ekzistuari, dua te zhdukem mos jem me pjese e ketij realiteti....
Dua ato cfare s'dua mos valle kapitulli im po vjen ne rreshtat e fundit... /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif

Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Fillimisht postuar nga Vogelushja:
[qb] Jam e ndrydhur, sdua te bej ato cfare me thojne te bej, sdua te bej cme thote zemra te bej, sdua te bej cme thote emdnja te bej.. dua te perhumbem mbase dhe te pushoj se ekzistuari, dua te zhdukem mos jem me pjese e ketij realiteti....
Dua ato cfare s'dua mos valle kapitulli im po vjen ne rreshtat e fundit... /pf/images/graemlins/frown.gif [/qb]
Pse te jesh ne rreshtat e fundit???jo mi bej ate cka ti do dhe ashtu sic ti e do! ti je pjesa qe i mungon kesaj bote, prandj JUST BE U ! Mendo qe te tjeret jane kontorno e pjates tende, jane zbukurime ndersa ti je shpirti, je trupi je JUST TI !

dont worry be happy!

Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Nuk mendoja se gjithcka do mbaronte keshtu...Boh ndihem e frikesuar tani. Kam frike se me te vertete gjithcka ka marre fund, dhe se ne nuk do flasim kurre me.
Me vine ne mend shume momente... jane shume te kendshme! Ndoshta kam frike se do harroj keto momente, prandaj ndihem keshtu...dmth e frikesuar.
Sa e lehte eshte ti japesh fund nje marredhenjeje!Pse valle???per nje fjale harrojme gjithcka!
E ka fajin krenaria...dhe padashje biem pre e saj! Tani me vjen en mendje nje kenge,"fal". nuk e di kush e kendon... por ne keto meomente me duket kenga e duhur per mua.
ME vjen keq qe jam kaq shume krenare... dhe bej sikur nuk dua ti kuptoj shume gjera....


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

I feel very hip tonight :rolleyes: yeah my baby has gonne to prom she is going to be the prom queen /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Copeza mendimesh....

Because,I sing like no one is listening..........
dance like no one is watching........

What the PHUCK ...
PHUCK off !
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