Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Nje hipoteze shpaloset ketu poshte. Po ju c'mendoni?

The Coming Years In Iraqnam

By Joseph E Fasciani

A Brief Preface and Source Credit

Let us turn our gaze from the assassination of the Chief Puppet of Iraqnam's Governing Council to what we can most likely expect in the years ahead. It is difficult to do, as we are mesmerised by the vision of Hell on Earth that the British and US invaders have created after nearly fifteen years of ceaseless warfare against the people of Iraq and the Islamic world.

History gives us the most probable outcome the invaders will impose on this devastated nation, now poisoned for ten thousand years with Depleted Uranium, a monstrous Crime against Humanity as well as a War Crime.

But DU poisons the invaders as well: these betrayed tens of thousands are dead, dying, or have contaminated their families with genetic defects. Of course, none of this touches those who wanted and promoted this madness. They believe themselves successful, ready to attack Syria, Iran, anywhere an advantage can be gained. No price is too high for others to pay for their values.

As I wrote above, a study of History gives us the most probable outcome: in 1918 it was decided by the English and US ruling elites that Germany must not only be blamed for World War 1, it must also be punished in a way that would profit those same elites. I give only the briefest outline here: for the full story please read Chapter 21, "Germany's Hyper-Inflation Under a Private Central Bank" in Stephen Zarlenga's The Lost Science of Money, the Mythology of Money and the Story of Power, Second Edition, published 2004, The American Monetary Institute, Box 601, Valatie, NY 12184. Online, will help you get a copy of this highly readable book, if your bookstore doesn't yet have it. By the bye: Stephen here gives the origin of "bad luck" associated with Friday the Thirteenth two years before a parallel account was published in The DaVinci Code.


Germany's rapid industrialization and growing world power status was signalled when Deutsche Bank financed the Turkish-Baghdad Railway in 1900. German industry, already linked to Istanbul by the Orient Express, was poised to challenge Britain on land and sea. England saw this as an immediate threat to her naval power and her access to cheap Mid-East oil. (Does it ever stop?) In 1907 US diplomat Henry White was instructed to meet with Lord Balfour (yes, the same one!) and ascertain Britain's views on the balance of power in Europe. To get around secrecy pledges, White had his daughter listen in on the conversation and record this dialogue:

Lord Balfour: "We are probably fools not to find a reason for declaring war on Germany before she builds too many ships and takes away our trade."

White: "if you wish to compete with German trade, work harder."

Balfour: "That would mean lowering our standard of living. Perhaps it would be easier for us to have a war."

In this snippet, we learn how cheaply citizen soldiers' lives are valued and the high cost of 'our standard of living' via pre-emptive war. Sadly, nothing has changed in nearly a century. Personally, I believe there are some good people in governance, perhaps ten percent, who work for a better world for all. But their efforts are easily defeated by the 90% who are in it for personal enrichment and fame.

Professor Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor, in his Tragedy and Hope and The Anglo American Establishment, sets out the bases for world powers and identifies their human sources. One of these was Alfred E Zimmern, whose 13 page tract "The Economic Weapon" was an early indication of how power would be manipulated and established by industrial nations. Written during WW1, he clearly stated what we now see unravelling in Iraqnam: "What will happen when peace is signed? without raw materials there can be no industrial employment, and demobilization without employmentfor the disbanded soldier spells social disorder" (Now where have we heard and seen this?) "The Alliesby their command of essential supplies controlthe whole process of German recuperation."

Thus, it is essential that Iraq be destroyed and its populace kept down. And the current record high prices for oil products? "(T)he whole civilized world will be facedwith the prospect of a shortage, if not a famine, over a period calculatedat no less than three years."

So, as we used to say in 'Nam: 'There it is.' You can look forward to enriching the Seven Sisters for at least three more years. But there's more, much more, to come.


Next, the US dollar must be maintained as the world's trading currency, and the Euro must be kept in its place. Sodamn Insane had moved to Euro denominated oil, and this could not be tolerated by the world's largest consumer of oil and only hyper-power. The State's ownership and control of oil must also cease, along with all State industries.

No problem. The best way to perpetually enslave the citizens of Iraq (or any nation, for that matter) is to take away control of their central bank and issue of currency. Iraq will now suffer what the citizens of the US, Canada, and other benighted deficit debt-ridden countries share: private profits at public expense.

Prior to the war, Germany had a private form of central bank, but it was under tight State control: "There was a sharing of the revenue of the central bank between the private shareholders and the government. But share-holders had no power to determine policy." p. 579

Now contrast this to the spectacle of the US Senate and House enduring the smoke and mirrors show put on by Alan Greenspan, as he lurches from one inflationary lie to the next! It's an old, old script, but we keep putting up with it. Caught in a futile rat-race, most citizens will never have time to understand why they must run all day to stay in the same place. And yet there is little rebellion from the masses, as their plight worsens. If you ask why not, perhaps the best answer is King Theseus' remark when asked by an attendant how it was that as King his people became so obedient: "I made them love the chains that bind them."

First, the Allies insisted the Reichsbank be made into one that conformed to their "free market" orientation ideology. The task of bringing this about was given to a Chicago banker, one General Charles Gates Dawes, and it became known as "The Dawes Plan". (This all sounds very familiar, doesn't it? The more it changes, the more it stays the same regime.) On p. 580 Stephen Zarlenga points out in bold type that "This granting of total private control over the German currency became a key factor in the worst inflation of modern times."

Now for the finishing touch, le morceau de resistance: to bring the defeated nation to its knees forever (well, at least until you get your profits out) load it with reparations and debt, payable in US dollars! Voila, another masterpiece of private satanic--oops!--I mean central banking, the public curse of the ages and the enriching salvation of a few thousands. And let us note that their track record is absolutely perfect: every major Depression and violent social upheaval was preceded and caused by the collapse of a private central bank. Amazing, isn't it?

At last, dear reader, you understand the wisdom of the US placing renegade criminal banker Achmed Chalabi as Head Puppet of its Council of Puppets.

What's next? That's easy: privatize, privatize, privatize! Don't shade your eyes-Scrutinize! After WW2, the Allies decided to turn German currency reform over to a group of US academics, and this was done under the Morgenthau-Tannenbaum Plan. Gadzooks, what names! It's hard to believe no one else could be found to do the deed, but once again, "There it is!" Jewish bankers to "correct" Germany, but at least this wasn't anti-Semitic, was it? And let us never forget Henry Morgenthau's little book, published in 1945: 'Germany Is Our Problem'.

By now, you get the idea. Just as in Iraqnam, a new currency was introduced, the Deutsche Mark (DM), and salaries were set by the occupying military. "But," notes Zarlenga, "all money claims, savings accounts, debts, etc., were reduced to 1/10th their nominal amount. On the other hand, shares, properties, and other material assets remained undiminished! This represented an unfair redistribution of wealth to the rich."

Careful readers will remember something very like this took place shortly after the Allies "took control" of Iraq, seized all liquid assets, and secreted them. This was done ostensibly for the Iraqis "own good," until they could be used in a new and better Iraq. Billions of US dollars and other currencies vanished without any accounting, and are still missing. They then issued a new dinar, one without Sodamn Insane's likeness. It soon became apparent that wealthy Iraqis were now even better off in relation to poor Iraqis than before OilWar2! All the better to secure cheap labour when they are desperate, right?

Finally, Germany was partitioned into a false East-West dichotomy, the same as Indo-China became North and South Vietnam. We should expect Iraq will most likely be carved into three new states: divide and conquer even more easily. The Kurds may get the autonomous district promised to them for a century, the Sunnis and Shiias may be forcibly separated into new enclaves, to be more easily patrolled by a shrinking US "volunteer" military. These "new arrangements" are unlikely to last very long, however, and then there will be another eruption engineered by the "Special Team" that brought you WW1, WW2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and all the other endless conflicts world-wide.


Well, we already know that "Iraqnam is Our Problem", at least, that was the plan until Iraq morphed into Iraqnam and the populace stopped throwing flowers and threw grenades instead. Now, however, although the USA and the UK would like to shift the burden of costs unto the world, they still want a handful of domestic private firms to take billions from the oil, and any other infrastructure reorganizations they are able to effect. Judging from historical examples of the fate of occupying troops, however, including the British Redcoats during the American Colonies Rebellion, they will be unable to stay as legitimate government. At some point they will leave.

What then takes place is whatever the scrambled mess of that future era allows the residents to create. The region's people have excellent and long memories, due to their oral traditions exercising their mnemonic skills. Too bad the TV and video jaded populace of the UK and the USA can't equally recall history. For until they can, and until the day when their roles as oppressors and colonists are owned and grieved, and some measure of compensation made to their victims, there will always be "Another War, one more, always just one more" to rally 'round the flag. vertet vertet

Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Kete "vertet vertet" shqip e kishte shkruar ai??? :smash:


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Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Jo sigurisht, ishte nje gabim i teknik i imi. Po besoj se i vajte artikullit deri ne fund meqe kape dy fjale shqip (gje qe skishin lidhje me temen).
Meqe ra fjala, sot kaubojsat masakruan edhe 40 dasmore duke perfshire edhe 15 femije. Disa nga femijet ishin pa koka. Besoj se do degjojme ulerima proteste te pakten po aq te fuqishme sa edhe per cifutin Berg nga anetaret e forumit.
Apo kur vriten Irakianet ne token e tyre ska gje, kur vriten pushtues dhe spiune eshte krim monstruoz?

reservoir dog

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Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

zedhenesi i shtypit i pentagonit pergenjeshtron lajmin se te vraret ne perendim te irakut ishin 40 dasmore.ata ishin 40 minj halesh islamike terroriste qe moren ekzaktesisht ate qe meritonin.nese ka pasur vdekje civilesh te pafajshem,kjo eshte thjesht nje pasoje anesore e padeshirueshme e nje situate konfrontimi te tensionuar dhe disi kaotike midis forcave te koalicionit dhe bandave terroriste.pergjegjesia per vdekjen e civileve eshte kryesisht e bin ladenit.

nicholas berg ishte nje hebre amerikan, spiun,as pushtues.ishte nje qenie njerezore e therrur si qingj nga disa majmune qe shpresoj tjua nxjerrin shpirtin po ne ate menyre!

kjo teme eshte fryt i nje deliri fantazioz te semure!


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Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Sigurisht qe ashtu do thone kaubojsat. Ashtu thane edhe kur e njejata gje ndodhi ne Afganistan 2 vjet perpara.
Per nje shqiptar s'eshte e veshtire te kuptohet ngjarja se dhe ketu egziston zakoni (i keq) i hapjes se zjarrit ne ajer per festim. Por lopcaret amerikane nuk e dine kete dhe meqe s'ua mban te afrohen e te shohin (jane trima si padronet e tyre cifute qe qellojne me raketa mbi pallate apo ne turme), derguan nje AC-120 gunship qe beri kerdine ne terroriste 1-12 vjecare.

Associated Press Television News footage showed a truck containing bloodied bodies, many wrapped in blankets, piled one atop the other. Several were children, one of whom was decapitated. The body of a girl who appeared to be less than 5 years of age lay in a white sheet, her legs riddled with wounds and her dress soaked in blood.

The attack happened about 2:45 a.m. in a desert region near the border with Syria and Jordan, according to Lt. Col. Ziyad al-Jbouri, deputy police chief of Ramadi, the provincial capital about 250 miles to the east. He said 42 to 45 people died, including 15 children and 10 women. Dr. Salah al-Ani, who works at a hospital in Ramadi, put the death toll at 45.
Po tema e ketij forumi s'eshte kjo.


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Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Kjo eshte e ardhmja qe po i pergatitet Irakut?


Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Antares ,vete hap teme dhe nuk shkruan asnji gja per te ardhmen e Irakeneve,me te than te drejten na merzite me ato kopjime gazetash,une per vedi te ardhmen e Irakut e shoh shume te zymte per shum arsye,konflikti ndermjet shiiteve dhe suniiteve do te plase sapo te largohet koalicioni,disa vende arabe nuk jane te interesuar per begatine e popullit iraken per arsyen qe ata jane nje potencial i madh petrolik,dhe se treti nje Re e Zeze Islamike do ta mbuloje ate vend. :wave:


Primus registratum
Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Sigurisht qe e ardhmja e Irakut duket e zymte, doemos eshte nen pushtimin e nje bande barbaresh shume te armatosur. Per sa i perket konfliktit Sunito-Shiit ai sdo shpertheje te pakten sa pa u qeruar dhe kerma e fundit amerikane nga ai vend. Mos harroni se nen pushtimin anglez shiitet u bashkuan me sunitet pas 4 vjetesh okupacioni, ndersa tani ka shenja te qarta te nje bashkimi qe 1 vit pas pushtimit.
Vendet e tjera kane punen e tyre si kudo, po nese Iraku gjen nje prijes te pershtashem.......
Sa per ate rene e zeze per kete eshte per tu falenderuar amerika se Sadami ishte autoritar po ama fene e kishte te ndare nga shteti dhe sa per dijeni ishte ne krye te listes per eliminim nga Bin Ladeni qe e quante Sadamin qafir dhe te pafe.
Tani nese behen vertet zgjedhje te lira pushtetin e marrin shiitet qe jane 60% dhe ata nuk jane sekulariste (kij parasysh se shiite jane dhe Iranianet).
Por ne te ardhmen e afert parashikoj qe kukllat e sjella nga amerika do te perfundojne me koken ne hu ne Bagdad apo te varur me koken poshte si 4 derrat amerikane ne Falluja.


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Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Meqe ra fjala ne vendin e ngjarjes jane gjetur pasaporta siriane dhe radiodhenes i fuqishem.Padyshim qe midis terrorristeve mund te kete patur edhe civile po kot nuk thone me te thatin digjet edhe i njomi.Kaq persa i perket aspektit profesional.Sa per ate personal do thoja qe edhe kaq ata e kane pak. Zoti i ndihmofte amerikanet ta shuajne nga faqja e dheut kete rrace arabe terroriste qe i pret koken njerezve dhe pastaj bertet allahu akbar sepse kjo lloj rrace nuk e kupton dot fene ose udhezimet e te plotfuqishmit pa gjak e kurban njerezish...


reservoir dog

Primus registratum
Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

e ardhmja e irakut shpresohet te jete ne demokraci,ne progres,ne zhvillim.kjo mbasi te eliminohen gjithe elementet terroriste,armiq te lirise,qe nuk duan demokratizimin e irakut.

Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Antares,me ne fund e tregove se kush je,je thjeshte nje radikaliste qe nuk ka asgje ne dore :smash:


Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Në përgjigje të NCO.

Kujto pak (ose nëse ke qenë i vogël pyet të tjerët më të vjetër se ty) se ç'farë bëri rraca jonë e nderuar në 1997 në Vlorë ndaj rracës «tjetër tonë» që vinte nga pak më lart në veri. Në qoftë se aktet e Irakienëve ndaj një armiku që prej 10 vjetësh i ka lënë pa bukë të duken më të dhunshme sesa aktet e Shqiptarëve ndaj armikut të tyre të përjetshëm Shqiptarit, atëherë ti ke të drejtë kur thua që rraca arabe (Irakienët nuk janë të gjithë arabë, apo me të thatin digjet edhe i njomi)të zhduket.

Veni gishtin kokës e mos fol me tifozllik po me mend n'kaptinë (kokë)! :mad:


Primus registratum
Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Successful US troops attack of wedding party
05/20/2004 14:11

US armed forces slaughter Iraqi civilians in wedding party.
A successful military strike by a helicopter belonging to the US armed forces slaughtered a group of Iraqi civilians as they celebrated a wedding on Wednesday, 19th May. All the targets were destroyed.

AP News Agency claims that the number of victims was 40, while Al Arabiya speaks of 20 and other sources claim that 15 children and 10 women were carbonized by the precision attack by US armed forces on a wedding cortege.

However, the most plausible report is from Lieutenant Coronel Ziyad Al-Jibouri, spokesperson from Ramadi police force, who claimed that between 42 and 45 civilians were massacred in this attack at 02.45. The figure of 45 deaths was confirmed by doctor Salah al-Ani from the Ramadi hospital.

As usual the US authorities say they cannot confirm the incident. At least this time the victims were not forced to commit acts of sodomy and oral sex and were not beaten to death. They were simply incinerated.


Welcome to George Bush's Freedom and Democracy, winning hearts and minds.


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Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Ne pergjigje te Kondrapedalit!

Lale ne '97 kam qene i rritur majftueshem per te marre vesh se c po ndodhte dhe nuk kam nevoje qe te pyes njeri per kete ok? Rraca jone shqiptare iu pergjigj me te njejten monedhe krimineleve te Shik te asaj kohe si edhe bandave mercenare qe nuk hynin fare ne formacionet e trupave te rregullta policore ose ushtarake(por ishin cecene te trashe qe kujtuan se po kapin ndonje lek duke rraf e duke perdhunuar miletin) te Sokol Mulosmanit me shoke qe nuk lane gje pa bere mbi popullsine e pambrojtur vlonjate.Keto i di fare mire sepse kam pasur ca shoke (dhe me vjen turp qe kam patur shoke te tille) midis ketyre forcave kriminale ok? :mad: Nuk eshte e vertete qe i kane lene amerikanet pa buke keta...Programi oil for food lejonte qe cdo 6 muaj te shitej nafte me vlere prej 200 bilion dollaresh dhe keto para duhej te shkoni per spitale ushqime ilace etj etj.Por katili Sadam me keto para ka ndertuar 24 pallate rezidenciale ketu ne Irak dhe me e bukura eshte se as punetoret qe i kane ndertuar nuk jane paguar.Tani dac besojini keto qe po ju them dac jo...un po ju tregoj ato qe me thone njerezit vendas ketu ne baghdad jo gazetat europiane ok?

Sa per ty Antares..

Nuk ishte helikopter ai qe beri bombardimin po ishte nje AC-130 gunship mire? Dhe ta kam thene edhe me lart qe ne vendngjarje jane gjendur pasaporta siriane dhe radiodhenes i fuqishem.Plus qe ajo shtepi njihej si baze terroriste..Ndoshta keta terroriste kane qene ne dasem... ku i dihet:pP? Pastaj eshte absurde te mendohet nje lufte pa viktima apo jo? Prandaj para se ti hysh ketyre diskutimeve informohu mire njeher dhe leri budalliqet e Al Jazeeres dhe Al Arabya ok? :book:

Me respekte NCO

Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Antares,NATO-ja bombardoi edhe ne Kosove nje traktor te mbushur plot me shqiptare qe po iknin ne Shqiperi,edhe kete e quan ti te "qellimshme"?? :angel:


Primus registratum
Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

hehehe perseri na u qenka kthyer DOGU mire se erdhe dog , au clodhe pak ,shoh perseri me avaz te vjeter,nejse ashtu eshte kur ne prag e keni humbjen normalisht qe ashtu do te reagoni ,ju e keni humbur luften ne irak,dhe si shkak i asaj keni filluar te maltretoni te burgosur ,te vritni femije neper dasma dhe per ti lare ata mutlleqet tuaja i shpallni TERORISTA kjo eshte shenje humbjeje ,nejse per hajr ju qoft humbja dhe rruge e mbare per ne shpi me 30 qershore /pf/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Primus registratum
Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

nejse per hajr ju qoft humbja dhe rruge e mbare per ne shpi me 30 qershore
Uroj per diten Amerika do ike nga Iraku. Do i coj 10 dollare me check Bushit. Xhepi im cpo heq.
Nuk kam asgje personale me Irakenet. Kerry for President!


Primus registratum
Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

I degjuat te fundit? Tani del qe jankite paskan rene pre e nje radio-loje Iraniane. Veshtire te besohet:
Breaking Bombshell: It's Iran's Fault!!

Things are moving rather quickly, folks. given bu$hit's tendency to do things behind congress' back-- and now that congress is on Memorial Day recess:

WASHINGTON -- "The Defense Intelligence Agency has concluded that a U.S.-funded arm of Ahmed Chalabi's Iraqi National Congress has been used for years by Iranian intelligence to pass disinformation to the United States and to collect highly sensitive American secrets, according to intelligence sources.

"Iranian intelligence has been manipulating the United States through Chalabi by furnishing through his Information Collection Program information to provoke the United States into getting rid of Saddam Hussein," said an intelligence source Friday who was briefed on the Defense Intelligence Agency's conclusions, which were based on a review of thousands of internal documents.

The Information Collection Program also "kept the Iranians informed about what we were doing" by passing classified U.S. documents and other sensitive information, he said. The program has received millions of dollars from the U.S. government over several years.

An administration official confirmed that "highly classified information had been provided [to the Iranians] through that channel."

The Defense Department this week halted payment of $340,000 a month to Chalabi's program. Chalabi had long been the favorite of the Pentagon's civilian leadership. Intelligence sources say Chalabi himself has passed on sensitive U.S. intelligence to the Iranians.

Patrick Lang, former director of the intelligence agency's Middle East branch, said he had been told by colleagues in the intelligence community that Chalabi's U.S.-funded program to provide information about weapons of mass destruction and insurgents was effectively an Iranian intelligence operation. "They [the Iranians] knew exactly what we were up to," he said.

He described it as "one of the most sophisticated and successful intelligence operations in history."

"I'm a spook. I appreciate good work. This was good work," he said


a) Beterri!!!
Keto qe thua s'kane ndonje lidhje apo kuptim. Mund te te them se kaubojsat kurre skane qene dalluar per precizion. Ata ne fillim qellonin e pastaj pyesnin apo shikonin se ke kishin vrare.
Ti duhet ta kesh degjuar ate shprehjen "frendly fire" me te cilen shpjegohet se pse aleatet e tyre angleze ne luften e pare te Gjirit si dhe ne kete re dyten (aktualen) paten me shume te vrare nga kaubojsat se sa nga irakianet.
Bile skandali me i madh (i zbuluar keto javet e fundit) eshte se gjate provave qe benin ne 1944 per zbarkimin ne Normandi ata mitraluan trupat e tyre dhe vrane gati 1000 (nje mije) amerikane.
Prandaj vrasja e nje kamioni me Shqiptare nuk cudit njeri. Sigurisht qe nuk ishte e qellimshme.
b) NCO (Not curently on-line)!!!!
Se cfare eshte AC-130 nuk do te ma nesosh ti, aq me teper qe une skam thene se eshte helikopter.
Po keto budallalleqe skane ndonje rendesi per forumin.
More bir! Nga menyrase si flet per 97 me duket se do jesh nje kelysh "kaleci" (ti s'e kupton kete shprehje se ke lindur vone) apo ndonje kuqalash i thekur. Por duhet te jesh edhe pak si i perkedhelur (nga menyra dhe shpeshtesia e perdorimit te "-ok?-" qe ne boten anglo-saksone ka rrjedhime te caktuara.
Por bota nuk eshte bardhe e zi si e kujton ti (e gjithe propaganda amerikane keto 250 vjetet e fundit eshte e tille), prandaj mos kujto se genjen njeri duke perseritur si papagall genjeshtrat amerikane. Ky eshte nje skenar identik me ate te komunisteve shqiptare qe pasi futen arme ne kishe (Shkoder) arrestuan prifterinjte duke ju pemendur si figure krimi fshehjen e armeve.
Jankite mund te genjejne budallenj te tjere po jo ata qe kane dale nga shkolla e komunizmit.
Prandaj thellohu djale i mbare, dhe heren tjeter me mend ne koke.


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Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Me korrigjo nese gaboj...


Anetar/e # 8147

Shkruajtur më 22 Maj, 2004 02:34
Successful US troops attack of wedding party
05/20/2004 14:11

US armed forces slaughter Iraqi civilians in wedding party.
A successful military strike by a helicopter belonging to the US armed forces slaughtered a group of Iraqi civilians as they celebrated a wedding on Wednesday, 19th May. All the targets were destroyed.

Kjo ishte sa per te te korrigjuar ty.

2) Shiko antares se me duket se ketu e ke shkelur njecik...un gjithmone kam menduar se ky ishte nje vend per diskutime dhe jo ofezazh personale po nejse s ka rendesi ne fund te fundit ti tregove se kush je.S ma ndjen fare se c mendon per mua sepse dielli do lindi prap neser car do te thuash ti.Sic kam thene me lart ne '97 kam qene i rritur tamam per te marre vesh se c behej po s dua te flas per kete... rendesi paska qe ti e ditke me mire se une perdorimin e OK ne boten anglo-saksone duket qe paske pak eksperience ne kete drejtim!!!
Sa per ate punen e botes bardhezi do thoja qe je TI ai/ajo qe e shef ne kete menyre perderisa ecen me filozofine komuniste "kush s'eshte me mua eshte kunder meje" dhe nuk ka dyshim qe e njef sepse sic thua dhe vete je shkolluar ne shkollat e komunizmit.
Nqs ke ndermend te vazhdosh me ofeza personale atehere mos u lodh kot... s ma ndjen hic!!!
Ai qe ska c te ben te shan!!


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Re: Cmendoni per te ardhmen e Irakut (paralelizma me ate qe ndodhi vertet ne Gjermani)

Se harrova te them edhe kete...Ti mund te me quash edhe papagall(rrojme ne nje bote te lire) por ama nuk jam une ai qe te pakten ne 4 postimet e fundit ka postuar vetem citime te gazetave.