Re: C'mendoni per femrat qe hedhin hapin e pare?
Femrat jane disi manipuluese nga natyra ......per nje moment mund te te shprehin nje ndjenje dhe diku me vone mohojne qe e kane thene , lol
Dhe te perpiqesh per te arritur vlen me shume sesa te mos perpiqesh fare ......madje shume gjera thuhen sepse kane nevoje te thuhen me ze te larte dhe jo sepse kerkojne validim nga personi tjeter ,eshte faza e eksperimentimit dhe pastaj validimi i teorise , lol
one day you may wake up and say , "Holy shit I love that guy, fuck me this sucks." It's so strong , I never felt like that before. If you talk with the guy and tell him all the things you felt its not cos u need his validation, you just needed to validate your feelings and explain yourself If they came out of no where or it was really a good reason there ......and most of the cases ,lol, there is no good reason ...