Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Orosh!Pershendetje per ty megjithate!
Qellimi im ka qene dhe mbetet, te te them se ne temat politike ASNJEHERE mos fusesh elemente fetare sepse keto e prishin temen!Me kupton?! /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif E ti kete shpesh e ke bere, ne daç pranoje ne daç mos e prano, por realiteti eshte ky! /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Anti-musliman- Anti-shqiptare ti?! Pse a thu nuk je?!Per ty vetem feja yte eshte mbi te tjerat, e te tjerat jane hic gje, lere me Islami qe per ty eshte nje dner fete me te keqia! e ke thene, une nuke thashe, e nese aludon ne temat tjera qe ke qene i quajtur keshtu, atehere po te perseris se, per ty vetem shqiptaret qe jetojne ne Shqiperi jane shqiptare e te tjeret jo...Nuk dua te thellohem me tej ketu!

Mos te dal nga tema, deshta te postoj nje shkrim nga nje reviste ne lidhje me temen:

Rasti i Kondovës nuk mund ta destabilizojë gjendjen e sigurisë në Republikën e Maqedonisë. Kështu është shprehur dje drejtori i NATO-s për operacione në Ballkan, Robert Seri, në takimin që pati me kryeministrin maqedonas Vllado Buçkovski. Seri, sipas komunikatës pas takimit, mbështeti qeverinë për zgjidhjen e suksesshme të rastit të Kondovës, duke shprehur bindje se qeveria “ka kapacitet për ta zgjidhur rastin e Kondovës”. (Shihni cfare po na thote Evropa shtrige, pa shihni, po na flet per "kapacitete"!!!)



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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Sipas mediave maqedone, 3 rraketat tipit jugosllav, qe u kapen ne durres, kane lidhje edhe shqiptare qe kane zaptuar fshatin kondove ne shkup.More ckane pesuar te gjithe me ne , fushate kunder shqiptareve kudo, fillo nga greket deri tek maqedonasit apo italianet( keta te fundit me te cuditshem, deklaruan se ne hirarkine e kamorres jane vene shqiptare kriminele).Cdo na degjojne me veshet!!


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

MAQEDONI, Konfirmohet arritja e nje marreveshjeje per dhenien fund te krizes
Lajmi i ores 8:35 PM

SHKUP (17 Dhjetor) -- Politikanet shqiptare ne Maqedoni, konfirmuan sot arritjen e nje marreveshjeje per t'i dhene fund krizes prane kryeqytetit te vendit. Njoftimet per nje marreveshje perkuan me zgjedhjen ne parlament te Vlado Buckovskit ne postin e kryeministrit te Maqedonise. Ish-ministri i Mbrojtjes, Buckovski deklaroi para parlamentit, se qeveria e tij "nuk kishte per qellim te lejonte askend te destabilizonte gjendjen e sigurise ne vend". Politikani i opozites, Arber Xhaferri u deklaroi gazetareve se kriza e armatosur kishte marre fund. "Ne jemi ketu per te thene se kemi arritur te shuajme zjarrin e nisur ne Kondove", u shpreh ai. bm/bm (Balkanweb)


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????


ja cfare behet ne Kondove.duket qe nuk merrkeni vesh fare nga politika mor njerez


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Fillimisht postuar nga OROSHI:
[qb] Prespari,mir qe po shkrun shqip vlla se na bombardove me Anglish ne fillim!!Shpresoj qe problemi ne Kondove te jete TOTALISHt per qellime patriotike dhe jo vegel ne duart e fundamentalisteve te tipit Zenel Berisha,i cili per te menjanu opinionin nderkombetar nga problemet e bashkesis Islame Shqiptare,po munohet te hape nje front te ri lufte ne kohe aspak favore per shqiptaret e Maqedonise /pf/images/graemlins/laugh.gif .Shpresoj gjithashtu qe:deklaratat e perfaqsuesit Evropian te terrorizmit te mos jene te verteta.Shpresoj qe Shqiptaret e Maqedonise te mos bien pre e interesave thellesisht te demshme(per shqiptaret e Gadishullit Ilirik) Saudite-Al Qaidiane.
do zoti e jua kthjellon mendjen Shqiptareve te Maqedonise e u kthen kujtesen e te qenit pasardhes te Ilirides se famshme te Lekes se Madh e te Justinianit te mencur e te Nan Terezes se shumvujtun!! [/qb]

Njehere ju pershendes,se pari ketij far injoranti OROSHIT te i tregoj se te gjithe ate qe ke shkruar eshte rrene e kulluar e cifuteve me rastin e BASHKESISE ISLAME NE MAQEDONI nga regjisori KLOD MONIK se gjoja ZENUN BERISHA e jo ZENEL na qenka permbajtes i fundamentalisteve,mund te jete e vertete nese vete evropjanet e perkrahin fundamentalizmin dhe pastaj per ti lare piqlleqet e veta ia hudhin fajin tjeter kujt.
Ti shoku mos e lidh rastin e KONDOVES me ate te BASHKESISE ISLAME sepse aspak nuk kane lidhje njera me tjetren,pastaj ti zoteri nuk e din punen e bashkesise islame ne maqedoni keshtu qe te preferoj te rishe qete dhe nese nuk din dicka mund te pyetish e njo te japish mend ketu.
Pastaj evropjanet na dine se cfar jemi ne ,na dine cfar mentaliteti kemi ne,na dine se cfar MUTASH jemi ne,per ne nuk ka nevoje tu tregohemi se sa jemi EVROPJANE .

ME MIRE NJEORIGJINAL I KEQ ,SE SA NJE FOTOKOPJE E MIRE, prandaj ne nuk mund te behemi tjere pervec asaj qe jemi,kurse ata gjoja te terorizmit ata jane vete tetille dhe mendojne se krejt njerezit tjere jane te tille,kjo eshte nje ves i keq i njeriut.


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Pastaj evropjanet na dine se cfar jemi ne ,na dine cfar mentaliteti kemi ne,na dine se cfar MUTASH jemi ne,per ne nuk ka nevoje tu tregohemi se sa jemi EVROPJANE .

Ne fakt tek keto rreshtat e masiperm ke edhe te drejte,duke i barazu keto rreshta me personin tand!!Se cfar muti je ti po e shof mir,por po e shof qe nuk je prej atij muti shqiptar /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif .

ME MIRE NJEORIGJINAL I KEQ ,SE SA NJE FOTOKOPJE E MIRE, prandaj ne nuk mund te behemi tjere pervec asaj qe jemi,kurse ata gjoja te terorizmit ata jane vete tetille dhe mendojne se krejt njerezit tjere jane te tille,kjo eshte nje ves i keq i njeriut.

Shqiptaret e paster dhe te paperzier me raca aziatike-anadollake,nuk kane nevoje te imitojne apo te jene fotokopje te Evropes,sepse kultura Evropiane ka kaluar nepermjet Gadishullit Ilirik,por ti nuk ke si me i dite keto gjana sepse ndjehesh komplet i huaj ne token shqiptare.


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Fillimisht postuar nga OROSHI:

Ne fakt tek keto rreshtat e masiperm ke edhe te drejte,duke i barazu keto rreshta me personin tand!!Se cfar muti je ti po e shof mir,por po e shof qe nuk je prej atij muti shqiptar /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif .

<<Orosho mos u largo nga e verteta,a uk e shef se cfar jane duke bere shqiptaret neper evrope??,per cdo dite me qindra kg. heroie,kokaine etj ,etj.mos u mundo te na shesish mend sepse jemi ashtu dhe pik.deshe ti pranoe apo jo realiteti eshte ky,shqiptari nuk mund te integrohet ne europe ,me hajdutllek ,me rrena ,me vrasje,me kulture te tipit tend dhe njerez pa edukate poashtu te tipit tend,pastaj ti pse e more persiper kur thash se jena MUTA nese ti nuk je i tille pse reagon atehere ?? ,apo e ndjeve veten si i tille,dtth MUT.>>

Shqiptaret e paster dhe te paperzier me raca aziatike-anadollake,nuk kane nevoje te imitojne apo te jene fotokopje te Evropes,sepse kultura Evropiane ka kaluar nepermjet Gadishullit Ilirik,por ti nuk ke si me i dite keto gjana sepse ndjehesh komplet i huaj ne token shqiptare. [/QB]
<<te kisha qene une profesori yte ta kisha NGOPE nje 1 te madh sa koka jote,mos deshe me thene te kunderten Orosh?, kur evropa ishte ne terr Aziatiket e sollen driten dhe kulturen ne evrope me duket se ti i ke ngateruar gjerat ,haj medet cfar njerezish na e mbrojne historine KOMBETARE ,Orosh nje keshille,lute moderatorin qe ta fshije postimin tend se po e lexon ndonje nxenes qe ka 8 vjecaren e kryer do filloje te tallet me ty.

p.s. diskuto si njeri e jo te ofendosh njerezit sepse ai qe uk din edhe ofendon /pf/images/graemlins/wink.gif


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Nejse,ti mund te mendosh/veprosh/jetosh si te duash,une nuk kam turp qe jam banor i Evropes perkundrazi jam krenar per fisin tim Ilir si banoret ma te vjeter te Evropes!!!!

Urim Nerguti

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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Orosh, nuk po n'a lanë rehat këto "mjekrroshat", sa ikën njani vjen tjetri. Po ky Njeriu nuk e kish gja njerin. Lene Orosh, mos i prish qeto festa. Hajt, gezuar !


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Kuksi,epo kur te thot ai tjetri qe drita ka ardh prej Azijet,qa ke me i than ma,ja lash mbar se tash po then kryt e vet ne ate driten Aziatike shum shpejt,na te festojm njito festa qe na i kan lan trashegim te paret tane tash 2000 vjet.
Pershumvjet festat e dhjetorit Kuksi :wave:


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Sa per te qeshur :lol: te vjen kur degjon tipa si ky "njeriu" ! Por ka mundesi te jete edhe ashtu sic thote ai, se perndryshe si shpjegohet qe Azia sot jeton ne erresire? Une do thosha: ... sepse te gjithe driten na e dhane neve !


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Ju lumte o njerez. Po e shoh ne c'nivel te kultures paskeni ardhur, me e sha njani tjetrin!!!!A thua nga na erdh kjo kulture e sjellje mor Zot!


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Fillimisht postuar nga Shqiptarja:
[qb] Ju lumte o njerez. Po e shoh ne c'nivel te kultures paskeni ardhur, me e sha njani tjetrin!!!!A thua nga na erdh kjo kulture e sjellje mor Zot! [/qb]
Te pershendes shqiptare,e ke te drejte kur thua ashtu,mire po adresa u takon atyre te "EVROPES" se ata jane me kulture me te larte me moral edhe me te larte etj...etj... ajo eshte kultura krishtere,kurse une kam kulture ISLAME nga AZIA dhe nuk kam nevoje te bie ne nivelin e kultures ,edukates,sjelljeve dhe moralit evropjan-krishtere



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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????


-per shkak se askujt ktu nuk i intereson se cfare behet ne Kondove, jane me shume te interesuar te shfaqin "tangerllikun" e tyre fetar.

Une nuk e kam ne dore, por po te isha moderatore do e kisha mbyllur kohe me pare. /pf/images/graemlins/smile.gif


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Epo keshtu eshte moj Tranofile! I thua dicka dikujt dhe ai/ajo e merr si sulm fetaro-vetjak! S'ke ci ben dhi..t biseda, pastaj puna e Kondoves shyqyr mbaroi per bukuri.


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Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

sa interesant eshte fakti se une di me shume per kinezt e hong kongut se ju per shqiptaret e maqedonise.
Tema duhet te mbyllet vertete, ketu nuk ka as njohuri minimale mbi rrethanat qe te zhvillohet nje diskutim i mirefillte!

bekim ismani

Re: Cfar Behet Ne Kondove ????

Nikola Gruevski, who heads the conservative opposition Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (VMRO-DPMNE), accused the government on 4 December of not doing enough to resolve the situation in the village of Kondovo at the outskirts of Skopje, which is reportedly controlled by an armed group of ethnic Albanians, "Vreme" reported (see "RFE/RL 30 November 2004). "I heard that the Interior Ministry has been instructed several times to do something about [the situation in Kondovo], but it has not started any operation yet," Gruevski said, adding that the government is waiting for ethnic Albanian political leaders to negotiate with the armed groups. "I regard it as a terrible lack of professionalism that state institutions are excluded [from dealing with the matter]," Gruevski argued. Prime Minister-designate Vlado Buckovski said on 5 December that opposition Democratic Party of the Albanians Deputy Chairman Menduh Thaci has told him that he is ready to negotiate with the armed group together with Ali Ahmeti, who heads the governing ethnic Albanian Democratic Union for Integration, the private A1 TV reported. UB


Kondovo, Macedonia: Albanian Armed Groups Demand Amnesty

Pro Macedonian Media...

By Goran Momirovski

Respect for the Law of Amnesty and re-socialization of the former NLA members were the demands voiced by the armed groups in Kondovo who today had a three-hour meeting with DUI leader Ali Ahmeti and DPA Vice President Menduh Thaci.*

The meeting started at exactly 4 pm in the Kondovo primary school, after Ahmeti and Thaci passed through [the guard] of armed individuals with assault rifles and RPG rocket launchers who control the village entrance. Armed men dressed in black and new green uniforms - some of them wearing bullet-proof vests - also occupied the main village street, and the side roads leading to the village.

Most of the members of the armed groups are young people, aged between 20 and 30. At the main village crossroad they gave directions for the A1 TV crew on how to reach the village school. However, upon arrival they ordered us to stop filming and to leave the village. Besides the "soldiers"--as the villagers call the men in uniform--about a hundred civilians gathered on the main street, awaiting the negotiations' result.

A1 TV's sources from Kondovo affirm that the talks have been constructive, but that many questions were left unanswered. After the meeting, Ahmeti repeated his claim that the [notoriety of the] Kondovo case is a result of media speculations.

"The meeting was attended by Kondovo inhabitants and some young men who laid down their demands, above all [regarding] the problems with their treatment by state authorities. So, it was stressed that the media didn't approach [the issue] in a serious manner, and the village representatives expressed an opinion that nothing should 'accidentally' happen to the villagers," said Ali Ahmeti of DUI.

According to Thaci, we should now wait to see to what the government can do to solve the Kondovo problem, but he did not speak of withdrawal of the armed groups from the village.

"Today we talked about concrete problems, and I said that our stance as political parties was that political problems should be dealt with by existing political parties in Macedonia," said Menduh Thaci of DPA.

A1 TV sources claim that the Kondovo villagers initiated the meeting, with the help of the representatives of international organizations in Macedonia. A few minutes before the arrival of Ahmeti and Thaci, a team from the EUMM entered the village, while OSCE teams remained there during the whole day.


Ali Ahmeti, who heads the governing ethnic Albanian Democratic Union for Integration (BDI), and opposition Democratic Party of the Albanians (PDSH) Deputy Chairman Menduh Thaci held three-hour talks in the village of Kondovo outside Skopje on 6 December with a group of armed ethnic Albanians, the private A1 TV and other Macedonian media reported (see "RFE/RL Newsline," 30 November and 6 December 2004, and "RFE/RL Balkan Report," 5 December 2004). During the talks, the armed men reportedly demanded that the government fully implement an existing amnesty for former members of the ethnic Albanian National Liberation Army (UCK), which launched an insurgency against Macedonian authorities in early 2001. Ahmeti was the UCK's political leader at the time. After the meeting, Ahmeti repeated his stance that unspecified media reports have exaggerated the size of the armed group. Ahmeti said the predominantly young men talked about the problems they have with Macedonian authorities, while Thaci said he told the armed group that it is up to the political parties to resolve political problems. UB

Situation in Macedonian village of Kondovo still reportedly tense
December 06, 2004

Text of report by Macedonian A1 TV on 6 December

[Announcer] Our reporter Goran Momiroski has been in Kondovo [where a group of armed ethnic Albanians has appeared]. Goran, following the statements by [Democratic Union for Integration leader] Ahmeti and [Democratic Party of Albanians deputy chairman] Thaci, do you think the visit had any results? Was this, in a way, an attempt to disarm the groups in Kondovo?

[Momiroski] Even though we asked Ahmeti and Thaci this question, we did not receive a concrete response about whether the armed individuals would withdraw from Kondovo following this meeting. A1 has learned from its sources in the village that although the talks in the local school were constructive, no final resolution was reached to the problem in Kondovo.

The meeting lasted a few hours. It ended about 10 minutes ago, after which Ahmeti and Thaci made statements outside Kondovo. They said that they had met the residents of the village to hear their demands, which primarily relate to the amnesty for the former National Liberation Army members. I also want to say that Ahmeti repeated his position that the Kondovo case is a product of the Macedonian media. But what the A1 crew and the other media saw at 1600 [1500 gmt] when we entered the village was completely different. We saw a number of well-armed individuals, who were equipped with infantry weapons and were positioned at all the main and side roads in the village.

After a few minutes in the yard of the local school, where Thaci, Ahmeti and Fatmir Dehari met the representatives of the armed groups, the journalists were ordered to stop recording and leave the village. I also want to say that besides the number of well-equipped individuals dressed in black and green uniforms, the media also noticed a large number of unarmed civilians who were waiting for the outcome of the negotiations.

Also, a few minutes before Ahmeti and Thaci entered the village - that was about 10 minutes before 1600 - an EU monitoring mission jeep entered the village. We have also learned that OSCE teams were also present in the village today.

[Announcer] Goran, you left Kondovo a few minutes ago. What is your impression? Were the armed groups still present in the village?

[Momiroski] It is difficult to talk about the impressions after the meeting, especially because we were not able to see the armed individuals from where we were forced to stand. Plus, there is a certain dose of optimism following Ahmeti and Thaci's statements that the situation in Kondovo would enter into a certain legal procedure, that is, that they will try to establish what these individuals in Kondovo want. Both politicians said that they would assess all the founded demands and that the state would act on them. But I must say that the scene that we saw in Kondovo today, that is, the large number of armed individuals, does not inspire a lot of optimism. All that remains is the hope that this situation in Kondovo, which has lasted a few months now, will be resolved soon.

(Source: BBC Monitoring / A1 TV, Skopje)
