Re: Arti Revolucionar Social-Komunist
Pergezimet e mia per kete hapjen e kesaj teme. Eshte me te vertete shume interesante te flasesh mbi kete teme,per faktin qe shumica e anetareve e kane jetuar rrymen.
Eh, ma ha mendja te gjitheve ju kujtohet shenja me e njohur nga ne te gjithe dhe qe veshtire ta harrojme ndonje dite.
"Motivi gjigantesk ne faqen frontale, perballe sheshit skenderbej, tek museu kombetar".
Me vjen keq qe shumica e mesazheve hyjne ne kuadrin e chit chatit, ketu moderatoret duhen te tregohen vigjilente dhe "te pameshirshem" ndaj abuzueseve.
Fotagrafite ishin TEPER INTERESANTE, te pakten ato qe mund te shohim.
Ja nje perkthim nga frengjishtja i definitionit te zogut, marre nga enciklopedia franceze e termit "réalisme socialiste"
The Socialist Realism, an ideology enforced by the Soviet state as the official standard for art, literature etc., was defined in 1934 at the First All-Union Congress of Soviet writers. It was based on the principle that the arts should glorify political and social ideals of communism. Every artist had to join the "Union of Soviet Artists", which was controlled by the state. The paintings had to be idealisations of political leaders and communistic ideas.